Infrastructure Built On Added Deficit, Gimmicks, & Lies


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
As warned, the Infrastructur Bill's true cost, only a fraction of which goes to actual infrastructure, is hidden in gimmicks and political trickery while House Speaker Pelosi attempts to complete a 'Victory lap' at a recent climate conference by bragging about things that aren't even in the legislation.

Of course, many people are claiming how good the Socialist Deficit spending bill is for them now, forgetting that tge United States is not just 'broke' but would have to pay off more than $28 TRILLION DOLLARS in debt to ruse to the level of being 'broke', even before adding this latest vost to our 'tab'.

These gimmicks and tricks in this bill are the reason the CBO declared it will take longer than next week to score the Marxist/Socialist Democrats'next proposed expected $5.5 TRILLION Green New Deal energy cost-raising, energy independence and economy-destroying 'Recomciliation' Bill.

(If you like humor look up the word 'reconciliation', the chosen name for this highly devisive piece of legislation.)
As warned, the Infrastructur Bill's true cost, only a fraction of which goes to actual infrastructure, is hidden in gimmicks and political trickery while House Speaker Pelosi attempts to complete a 'Victory lap' at a recent climate conference by bragging about things that aren't even in the legislation.

Of course, many people are claiming how good the Socialist Deficit spending bill is for them now, forgetting that tge United States is not just 'broke' but would have to pay off more than $28 TRILLION DOLLARS in debt to ruse to the level of being 'broke', even before adding this latest vost to our 'tab'.

These gimmicks and tricks in this bill are the reason the CBO declared it will take longer than next week to score the Marxist/Socialist Democrats'next proposed expected $5.5 TRILLION Green New Deal energy cost-raising, energy independence and economy-destroying 'Recomciliation' Bill.

(If you like humor look up the word 'reconciliation', the chosen name for this highly devisive piece of legislation.)

I love humor...that is why I read your posts.

Trump wanted an infrastructure deal but failed miserably....Biden got it done.
As warned, the Infrastructur Bill's true cost, only a fraction of which goes to actual infrastructure, is hidden in gimmicks and political trickery while House Speaker Pelosi attempts to complete a 'Victory lap' at a recent climate conference by bragging about things that aren't even in the legislation.

Of course, many people are claiming how good the Socialist Deficit spending bill is for them now, forgetting that tge United States is not just 'broke' but would have to pay off more than $28 TRILLION DOLLARS in debt to ruse to the level of being 'broke', even before adding this latest vost to our 'tab'.

These gimmicks and tricks in this bill are the reason the CBO declared it will take longer than next week to score the Marxist/Socialist Democrats'next proposed expected $5.5 TRILLION Green New Deal energy cost-raising, energy independence and economy-destroying 'Recomciliation' Bill.

(If you like humor look up the word 'reconciliation', the chosen name for this highly devisive piece of legislation.)
So you are saying Biden is making America great through Socialist legislatin adding trillions in new debt resulting in rising inflation, exploding energy costs due to surrendering our energy independence, higher prices for items not affected by the self-inflicted supply chain problem, & a new class of social program-dependent illegals due to his open border policy that sacrificed our national security.

And you have no problem with Pelosi touting things not even in the recently passed bill....

As warned, the Infrastructur Bill's true cost, only a fraction of which goes to actual infrastructure, is hidden in gimmicks and political trickery while House Speaker Pelosi attempts to complete a 'Victory lap' at a recent climate conference by bragging about things that aren't even in the legislation.

Of course, many people are claiming how good the Socialist Deficit spending bill is for them now, forgetting that tge United States is not just 'broke' but would have to pay off more than $28 TRILLION DOLLARS in debt to ruse to the level of being 'broke', even before adding this latest vost to our 'tab'.

These gimmicks and tricks in this bill are the reason the CBO declared it will take longer than next week to score the Marxist/Socialist Democrats'next proposed expected $5.5 TRILLION Green New Deal energy cost-raising, energy independence and economy-destroying 'Recomciliation' Bill.

(If you like humor look up the word 'reconciliation', the chosen name for this highly devisive piece of legislation.)
No worse than the stimulus bills Trump signed where his rich buddies got free loans from the govt.

Governor to business leaders: Missouri's economy is 'rocking'​

Gov. Mike Parson told dozens of community and business leaders that passage of the $1.2 billion federal infrastructure bill is going to create "tremendous opportunities" for the Joe Gamm Nov. 10 2021 @ 11:05pm
Government PORK used to be a fraction of the bills, now it's almost the entire bill.
Because they can get away with it. Most of them corrupt POS in congress dont even read the damn things because they have more words than the entire harry potter series.
So you are saying Biden is making America great through Socialist legislatin adding trillions in new debt resulting in rising inflation, exploding energy costs due to surrendering our energy independence, higher prices for items not affected by the self-inflicted supply chain problem, & a new class of social program-dependent illegals due to his open border policy that sacrificed our national security.

And you have no problem with Pelosi touting things not even in the recently passed bill....

the debt will be addressed by enforcing tax law, along with the economic gain from the infrastructure. The supply chain issues have to do with demand increase for stuff, nothing to do with the president.

the debt will be addressed by enforcing tax law, along with the economic gain from the infrastructure. The supply chain issues have to do with demand increase for stuff, nothing to do with the president.

Biden said the riches people would pay for it....right before Democrats added a huge tax cut for those same rich people.

So much for it costing zero and the rich will pay for it.

As In with everything the Democrats do, it is all.lies, bullshit, and scams.
Biden said the riches people would pay for it....right before Democrats added a huge tax cut for those same rich people.

So much for it costing zero and the rich will pay for it.

As In with everything the Democrats do, it is all.lies, bullshit, and scams.
$1.5 trillion in new revenue is more than zero.

I love humor...that is why I read your posts.

Trump wanted an infrastructure deal but failed miserably....Biden got it done.
Progs never came to the table. All of the things we see on this bill he would not approve of.
$1.5 trillion in new revenue is more than zero.

How do you get $1.5 trillion in REVENUE when you are spending additional debt you don't have which will drive inflation higher, prices higher, energy costs higher, social program dependence and thus social program spending higher?
How do you get $1.5 trillion in REVENUE when you are spending additional debt you don't have which will drive inflation higher, prices higher, energy costs higher, social program dependence and thus social program spending higher?
read the article and you'll find out.

also, prices are set by supply vs demand in a market economy.
also, reminder about the concept of diminishing marginal utility.
read the article and you'll find out.

also, prices are set by supply vs demand in a market economy.
also, reminder about the concept of diminishing marginal utility.
When the President shuts down oil, coal, and natural gas production, fires thousands of workers, and has no alternative energy sources it drives the cost of energy through the roof ... its a self-inflicted wound, or rather government-inflicted wound on Americans that did / does not have to happen. It is an intentional act meant to hurt your citizens. It is fucked up failed policy.

Natural supply and demand has nothing to do with it. The demand has not changed - the supply is deliberately being cut, 'artificially' jacking up the prices.

Again,this is partially how one of the wealthiest oil-rich nations in South America, Venezuela, went to shit after Socialists took over.

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