

Platinum Member
Jul 31, 2009
Believe it..
Or Not..
^it's a Article about current Inflation.. :)
Inflation is a hateful tax on the elderly, "poor", and lower middle class brought on by feckless politicians.
Well, My understanding is..
Just Like the LITTLE Problem with our OPEN 'Border' it will Just go away..
POOF Just Like Magic!
And the Old confused Ice Cream Eating Clown is NOT Making a Joke...
True Story..
Believe it..
Or Not..
^it's a Article about current Inflation.. :)
Sorry, who is on the "right" again in the Federal spending spree government?

Oh yea, Leftists who self identify as conservatives in the GOP, kinda like how a recent sex change from woman to man had a man giving birth to a baby.

Trump caused all the current inflation by printing 5 TIMES more money than all previous presidents in US History COMBINED!!!

Really? According to the fed reserve:
Yes, my link is to the federal reserve & they show massive 500% inflation of M1 money supply. Yours shows increase in printing of $100, $50 & $20 bills plus decrease in $1, $5 $10 bills & doesn't show how they halted destruction of used currency.
OMG crayon IQ.jpg
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Believe it..
Or Not..
^it's a Article about current Inflation.. :)
Well, maybe the leftists have started to realize that inflation is real. That's a start.
Believe it..
Or Not..
^it's a Article about current Inflation.. :)
Corporations don't seem to be minding the inflation

The biggest companies aren't experiencing inflation in the same way as their customers.

Don't you guys argue that these corporations shouldn't pay taxes?

While consumer sentiment has cratered, corporate profits have soared as businesses reap the rewards of their customers’ continued willingness to pay more.

The top 30 companies in the major industry categories of the consumer price index have raised prices while collectively boosting their profits by $151 billion, according to the liberal watchdog group Accountable.US, which compared the firms’ latest yearly and quarterly earnings reports with the previous year’s filings.
The companies also bought back an additional $28 billion of their own shares, a strategy to boost the stock price, which also happens to boost executive compensation.

“These companies would have consumers believe they marked up prices just to keep up with outside costs, but the tens of billions in extra profits and generous giveaways to investors last year show otherwise,” Accountable.US President Kyle Herrig said in a statement.
People hate seeing prices go up, and as a result, inflation has overshadowed low unemployment and high job growth as the biggest political economy story, tanking President Joe Biden’s approval rating and threatening Democrats’ control of Congress in this year’s midterm elections.
Corporations don't seem to be minding the inflation

The biggest companies aren't experiencing inflation in the same way as their customers.

Don't you guys argue that these corporations shouldn't pay taxes?

While consumer sentiment has cratered, corporate profits have soared as businesses reap the rewards of their customers’ continued willingness to pay more.

The top 30 companies in the major industry categories of the consumer price index have raised prices while collectively boosting their profits by $151 billion, according to the liberal watchdog group Accountable.US, which compared the firms’ latest yearly and quarterly earnings reports with the previous year’s filings.
The companies also bought back an additional $28 billion of their own shares, a strategy to boost the stock price, which also happens to boost executive compensation.

“These companies would have consumers believe they marked up prices just to keep up with outside costs, but the tens of billions in extra profits and generous giveaways to investors last year show otherwise,” Accountable.US President Kyle Herrig said in a statement.
People hate seeing prices go up, and as a result, inflation has overshadowed low unemployment and high job growth as the biggest political economy story, tanking President Joe Biden’s approval rating and threatening Democrats’ control of Congress in this year’s midterm elections.

Using Price Increases To Help Fund $28 Billion In Additional Shareholder Handouts—


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