Ineffective Teachers

It is difficult to assess the effectiveness of a teacher. Sometimes that "effectiveness" is measured in success 20 years later. Sometimes it is measured in the willingness of one student simply to come back to school the next day. There are so many variables which account for the (lack of) "effectiveness" that getting a fruitful transferrable rubric is impossible. Just sayin'.
Many kids fall behind because of ineffective teachers. The union protects these educators and it is hurting the students.

The system is currently unsustainable and will not, and cannot, be sustained.

Good teachers want to teach, but we cannot. We are instead trying to raise a generation of children the Millennials raised with iPads, and we can't do it, naturally. Their kids are strung out on instant technology; it's like meth to their brains. All the way up to teens and beyond.

And frankly that's just the tip of the iceberg.
I have a successful career in the business world and never considered teaching.

Well I have never considered that I could have a successful career in the business world, but I am a highly effective teacher. Get in there and show us how it's done. 150+ kids a day, every school day, for over 30 years. GO!
A lot of effective teaching techniques like smacking kids in the knuckles with a ruler, or applying a board of education to the backside have been abandoned in recent decades. Take away proven, effective teaching techniques will result in ineffectiveness.

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Never, ever hit children, especially other people's children.

We don't need to. How about just some simple consequences, both at home AND at school? If a kid is being a jerk, how about we send them to the office and they get a consequence instead of an SEL lecture about how the mean teacher just doesn't understand the sweet child's "Trauma"?

(Yes, the above is what we're dealing with all day, every day, thanks to Woke BS. Most kids do not act out bc of "trauma", they act out because they're kids.)
Come on, man, why teach children math when you can turn them into a Tranny?

Thought of this cesspool sewer today, when a dad attempted to leave over the counter allergy meds for his daughter. Secretary said nope, we can't administer unless we have a dr. note. He said, it's OTC. She said, nope, need a note, sorry.

And yet people think schools all over the USA ROUTINELY are "transing" kids and giving them trans drugs. Sure we are, sure.
Thought of this cesspool sewer today, when a dad attempted to leave over the counter allergy meds for his daughter. Secretary said nope, we can't administer unless we have a dr. note. He said, it's OTC. She said, nope, need a note, sorry.

And yet people think schools all over the USA ROUTINELY are "transing" kids and giving them trans drugs. Sure we are, sure.
You do realize it’s YOUR side that says stuff like that?
I've seen people of various persuasions jumping through the prescribed hoops as well.

Don't go by SourSue.
I just find it amusing that she embraces every kooky right-wing conspiracy that crosses her path… except the one that intersects with her profession.
Yes, the above is what we're dealing with all day, every day, thanks to Woke BS. Most kids do not act out bc of "trauma", they act out because they're kids.)
I’ll agree with this.

When I worked with adolescent and younger patients who were always in and out of inpatient psych hospitals, it was disturbing how many of them had learned to glom onto the buzz words and knew exactly what to say

Telling them they have to follow the rules is apparently “triggering” to them and reminds them of past “trauma” where they were disciplined for not following rules in the past

When we provide kids with these ridiculous loopholes for bad behavior, they’re gonna use them

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