Indoctrination on Campus

Good example of you not understanding the terms you are trying to use.

Was it the "how to think" cliche, logic, indoctrination, commas, what terms? I think I understand the biggie, however, when one gets to the misuse of commas in a discussion on logic and indoctrination it's pretty much over.
Good example of you not understanding the terms you are trying to use.

Was it the "how to think" cliche, logic, indoctrination, commas, what terms? I think I understand the biggie, however, when one gets to the misuse of commas in a discussion on logic and indoctrination it's pretty much over.

It was over for you before you started. Why don't you actually take a course in logic and then get back to me?
It is not in the least bit surprising that college faculty tend to be quite liberal in their thinking - as born out by a cornucopia of surveys confirming that ninety-some percent of them are registered Democrat, or voted for Barry, or whatever.

That is the sort of people who pursue a Professorship, with all of its privileges and perqs. For people who want to make a lot of money, people who are interested in business or entrepreneurship, or people who want to manage and make things, a college campus is the LAST place they want to pitch their tent.

It is a fact of life that young adults coming right out of high school are ripe for influence by concepts that (a) are irritating to their parents (to show their independence), (b) seem counter-intuitive, and (c) can fortify their self-concept as "smarter than common folk." So professors are happy to teach kids that "Everything you have been taught up until now has been A LIE," and the students just eat it up.

Professors say vacuous things like, "Nobody should go hungry in the United States!" and "All sex is RAPE!" and "I refuse to accept the philosophies of DEAD WHITE MEN!" And the students sit, spellbound at the profound wisdom of it all.

And it lasts approximately until they actually have to go out and earn a living, when they see their first paycheck, with all of the various deductions. Most of them wise up at that point - if they ever reach that point; many of them continue to live in an artificial world, sponging of their parents until middle-age.

The only real problem with liberal indoctrination, as I see it, is that students might have the opportunity to VOTE while they are still under the influence of this nonsense. It could even affect the outcome of an election.

If I were emperor, I would have Voter Registration cards issued by the IRS. Until you pay at least $5,000/yr in combined income and payroll taxes, you don't get to vote.

Problem solved.
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It is not in the least bit surprising that college faculty tend to be quite liberal in their thinking - as born out by a cornucopia of surveys confirming that ninety-some percent of them are registered Democrat, or voted for Barry, or whatever.

That is the sort of people who pursue a Professorship, with all of its privileges and perqs. For people who want to make a lot of money, people who are interested in business or entrepreneurship, or people who want to manage and make things, a college campus is the LAST place they want to pitch their tent.

It is a fact of life that young adults coming right out of high school are ripe for influence by concepts that (a) are irritating to their parents (to show their independence), (b) seem counter-intuitive, and (c) can fortify their self-concept as "smarter than common folk." So professors are happy to teach kids that "Everything you have been taught up until now has been A LIE," and the students just eat it up.

Professors say vacuous things like, "Nobody should go hungry in the United States!" and "All sex is RAPE!" and "I refuse to accept the philosophies of DEAD WHITE MEN!" And the students sit, spellbound at the profound wisdom of it all.

And it lasts approximately until they actually have to go out and earn a living, when they see their first paycheck, with all of the various deductions. Most of them wise up at that point - if they ever reach that point; many of them continue to live in an artificial world, sponging of their parents until middle-age.

The only real problem with liberal indoctrination, as I see it, is that students might have the opportunity to VOTE while they are still under the influence of this nonsense. It could even affect the outcome of an election.

If I were emperor, I would have Voter Registration cards issued by the IRS. Until you pay at least $5,000/yr in combined income and payroll taxes, you don't get to vote.

Problem solved.

If historians and in fact many professors are indeed liberal, the question is were they liberal before their own education or did they become liberal after? In short, does education, make one more liberal? Then the next and the biggie if so, why?
Is this the reason so many conservatives are now battling education with the liberal teacher and teacher union theme songs?
The "normal" progression of thought is more or less as follows: As you grow up, you are influenced by your parents. Assuming they live in the normal world (i.e., work to support themselves in private industry, one way or another), they tend to inculcate values that are generally "conservative."

But kids going away to college (both literally and figuratively) are looking to break away from their parents in order to show their independence, so they are ripe for liberal indoctrination. And many "liberal" concepts (e.g., socialism in its many forms) are attractive to the young and immature, because they have not experienced having to work to support yourself, while others around you are sponging off the government.

The "kids" who buy this wholeheartedly are keen to spread the gospel of liberalism, and where better to do it than on a college campus? So they stay in college, get advanced degrees, with an ultimate goal of a professorship and lifetime tenure.

And as I have said elsewhere in this forum, Conservatives are not battling "education." That is a preposterous lie. They are battling the combination of government policies and union dominance of primary and secondary public education, which results in inflated wages, lifetime job security for all-too-many incompetents, and resistance to any changes or innovations that could actually help generate better educational results.

There are great public school teachers out there, just as there are fantastic, hard-working government employees. The problem is that the System conspires to protect the interests of the "not too great" among them, with lifetime tenure, high wages, and absurdly early retirement, all at OUR expense.
So why tenure for teachers? Why civil service for other government employees? Was tenure put in to protect bad teachers, or to protect teachers from the spoils system? Were teaching jobs doled out on the basis of politics as were other school jobs?
After a school board election would school districts fire teachers simply because they were of the wrong political party, or didn't teach the way the new politicians liked? Are teachers with tenure fired today? Did lack of tenure force teachers to join a political party? Did religion have anything to do with tenure? Should teaching staffs be replaced with a new loyal staff after an election?
That is the sort of people who pursue a Professorship, with all of its privileges and perqs. For people who want to make a lot of money, people who are interested in business or entrepreneurship, or people who want to manage and make things, a college campus is the LAST place they want to pitch their tent.

Nothing new. The people smart enough to be professors are liberal, while the ethics-challenged "I WANT MONEY!" crowd tends to be conservative.

Perhaps we need affirmative action for incompetent conservatives on campuses.

In the real world, and contrary to the conservative legends, people tend to grow more liberal as they age, not more conservative. After all, it's easy to be conservative when mummy and daddy are paying the bills, but when you have to work, you learn the truth about the world.

If I were emperor, I would have Voter Registration cards issued by the IRS. Until you pay at least $5,000/yr in combined income and payroll taxes, you don't get to vote.

Many conservatives dislike actual democracy, since think it lets the wrong kinds of people vote. They'd prefer a sort of oligarchy of the moneyed, which for some reason they imagine would be benevolent.
Activism: The New Goal of ‘Liberal’ Education

October 8, 2013 By Jack Kerwick



And because it is the pursuit of truth—and not Truth itself—for which a “higher education” prepares students, a liberal arts education, then, has always been interpreted, at least in part, as an education in certain types of habits, excellences of character or virtues without which the pursuit could never get under way. In pursuing truth, students (and teachers alike) cultivate the virtues needed to pursue truth.

In short, liberal learning is designed to produce a certain type of person, a person who, to put it in the terms in which the educated of the eighteenth century described it, could effortlessly navigate his way around “the conversible world.” A liberal arts education, that is, is an education into a conversation between the many academic voices—disciplines—that have defined and, in ways yet unbeknownst to us, will continue to define Western civilization.


This past summer, immediately following George Zimmerman’s acquittal of the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, Butler—a professor of religious studies—blogged that God is “a white racist god with a problem.” She added that “he is carrying a gun and stalking young black men.”

Racism in America has its underpinnings in Christianity, Butler wrote, and “the good Christians of America” are “some” of the country’s “biggest racists” “who clearly are not for human flourishing, no matter what ethnicity a person is.” She likened Christians to the KKK and blamed Republicans like Governor Rick Perry of Texas, the NRA, “capitalism,” and the Koch brothers for bringing about Trayvon Martin’s death.


Sadly, Butler is not at all atypical of today’s academics. For this reason, perhaps like the Western world itself, academia—traditionally the place where students could engage in the unhindered pursuit of knowledge by learning how to become conversant in the modes of imagination that compose their civilization—will be destroyed from the inside.

Activism: The New Goal of ?Liberal? Education | FrontPage Magazine
Sadly, Butler is not at all atypical of today’s academics. For this reason, perhaps like the Western world itself, academia—traditionally the place where students could engage in the unhindered pursuit of knowledge by learning how to become conversant in the modes of imagination that compose their civilization—will be destroyed from the inside.

Activism: The New Goal of ?Liberal? Education | FrontPage Magazine

Butler is not at all atypical?

How many freaking "religious studies proffessors" do you think there are in the entire country? 5? 6?

How many blogged about “a white racist god with a problem?”


ONE (1)

Real ignorance is extrapolating one data point to support a conclusion about the ENITRE WESTERN WORLD.
How Historic Revisionism Justifies Islamic Terrorism

October 31, 2013 By Raymond Ibrahim


How important, really, is history to current affairs? Do events from the 7th century—or, more importantly, how we understand them—have any influence on U.S. foreign policy today?

By way of answer, consider some parallels between academia’s portrayal of the historic Islamic jihads and the U.S. government’s and media’s portrayal of contemporary Islamic jihads.


Nonetheless, today’s accepted narratives do not come from antiquated historians or primary historical texts; they come from the Saudi-funded ivy league— Berkeley, Columbia, Cornell, Georgetown, Harvard, Princeton, etc.—all of which peddle pro-Islamic propaganda (I personally had direct experience at Georgetown), including the “freedom loving jihadis” vs. “oppressive tyrants” thesis.

Percolating out of liberal academia to liberal mass media, the effects of this well-entrenched but false narrative have taken their toll, ultimately helping to create a disastrous U.S. foreign policy.


Meanwhile, back in the real world, the Islamic “freedom fighters” are slaughtering, raping, beheading, persecuting and plundering—just as they have been for nearly fourteen centuries.

That is the only unwavering constant in this sad story.

How Historic Revisionism Justifies Islamic Terrorism | FrontPage Magazine
School indoctrination alive and well - Social liberal agenda pushed in public schools

John Hull
December 17, 2009

Jesus is banned, but Allah is okay. Teachings about labor unions and the occult are in, kindergarteners are taught about tranny's and bi-sexuals, and a 150 year old unproven theory is taught as fact, while one several millennia’s old is mocked, and children are taught to sing praises about "Barack Hussein Obama, Mmm mmm mmm."


Those who cite "separation of church and state" overly interpret the First Amendment to fit the social liberal agenda. The First Amendment protects citizens from being forced into an "official" state religion, or being denied freedom to follow or express any religion, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." They say the country was not founded on Christian values, which is also untrue. The following are a few quotations of the Founding Fathers on this subject.

John Adams and John Hancock stated, "We recognize no sovereign but GOD, and no king but Jesus!" in 1775. Adams also said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." [1778]

Thomas Jefferson, oft quoted by atheists and falsely declared a non-believer, proclaimed, "“GOD who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are a gift from GOD?" [1781]


Children as young as 5 are being taught that homosexuality and bisexuality are moral and normal. The president's "Safe schools czar" is outraged because “Kids are being aggressively recruited to become heterosexual in this country.”and,

through his "gay rights" organization, funded an event in which school children were taught proper "fisting" techniques.


The UnifiedSchool District in Alameda, CA adopted a curriculum, against parents wishes, that would teach children as young as five years old, lessons about the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community, under the guise of anti-bullying instruction. Parents brought this issue to court, so as not to expose their children to these issues at such a young age and were denied by a social liberal judge.

In Wisconsin, a law has been passed to incorporate labor union history into state school curriculum yet any mention of religious history, save for the Founding Fathers fleeing state mandated religion, has been stricken from the record.


Lastly, reminiscent of the Hitler Youth program, school children at the BerniceYoungElementary School in Burlington, NJ, have been taught to sing praise upon Barack Hussein Obama.


It is apparent that morals and traditional family values have no place in modern education, but occultism and idol worship are a-okay.

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School indoctrination alive and well - Social liberal agenda pushed in public schools - Youngstown Trumbull County Conservative |
The Inscrutable Campus and the New Left Background

December 31, 2013 by Mark Bauerlein



Horowitz’ memoirs demonstrate where that frisson originated, and I think it applies to many cases of malfeasance on campus that have a political tenor. Many of the outrageous acts of hard Leftists on campus have no effect except to degrade academic standards. Nobody should, in fact, take seriously an English professor denouncing Republicans except the students in the room who expected something better. But it did provide the actor a thrilling moment of participation in the old days of SDS, the Free Speech Movement, the Chicago Seven . . . The extremes of the New Left, the descent into “days of rage,” the radical demands . . . they aren’t overtly common in academia, but they carry over as lingering resentment, feats of intimidation, coercive versions of political correctness. To understand them, it isn’t enough to examine local conditions. Observers need to go back to the Sixties. This collection of Horowitz’ is an illuminating resource.

The Inscrutable Campus and the New Left Background | FrontPage Magazine
Pearson’s College Textbook Claims Al Qaeda is a Liberation Movement

January 27, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield


“The Other World: Issues and Politics of the Developing World” is a college textbook that appears to be put out by Pearson Education.

Pearson itself is a billion dollar company that owns everything from Penguin Books to Prentice Hall. When it comes to educational materials, they are the 800 pound gorilla of the marketplace buying up software educational publishers and the educational division of Simon and Schuster.

Pearson controls how a lot of educational funding is spent and has its tentacles in teacher certification as well. And this is the kind of content that you can expect to find in its textbooks.

How would you define al-Qaeda? Most would use the word “terrorists.”

But here is my professor’s stab at it: “The Al Qaeda movement of Osama bin Laden is one example of an attempt to free a country (in this case, Saudi Arabia) from a corrupt and repressive regime propped up by a neocolonial power (in this case, the United States).”

That’s word-for-word from his own textbook, “The Other World: Issues and Politics of the Developing World, Ninth Edition.” Here is the full quote in context:

“Much of the political instability endemic to Other World political systems stems from the fact that governments operated openly for private gain (or kleptocracies) have little legitimacy among, or acceptance by, a significant proportion of the population, in neo colonial times as in the past. The Al Qaeda movement of Osama bin Laden is one example of an attempt to free a country (in this case, Saudi Arabia) from a corrupt and repressive regime propped up by a neocolonial power (in this case, the United States).” *

Allow me to tell you about a quintessential course I just took which proves out that generally agreed-upon understanding about the modern college experience: World Food Systems at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. It’s the class in which we used “The Other World” textbook, co-authored by the same scholar who taught the course: Emmit B. Evans, Jr.

There is little that can be expected from Emmit B. Evans, Jr. Academia is chock full of people like him. But Pearson Education’s willingness to publish hateful material of this sort supportive of the terrorists who murdered thousands of Americans is very troubling.


Pearson?s College Textbook Claims Al Qaeda is a Liberation Movement | FrontPage Magazine
'Kids React To Gay Marriage' In New Video From The Fine Brothers

The Huffington Post
By James Nichols Posted: 11/04/2013
Updated: 11/05/2013


Follow:LGBT, LGBT, Gay Marriage, LGBT, Gay Marriage, Gay Marriage Proposal, Kids Gay Marriage, Kids React, Kids React To Viral Videos, Marriage Equality, Queer, Queer Issues, Same-Sex Marriage Proposal, Gay Voices News.

An incredible new video is making its rounds on the Internet that asks a group of children, ages 5-13, their opinions about same-sex marriage.

The video starts with the kids watching two different viral videos of gay marriage proposals (which can be viewed here and here) and then a brief Q&A about their opinions surrounding marriage equality ensues.


'Kids React To Gay Marriage' In New Video From The Fine Brothers
The problem with education is that new ideas are introduced, new concepts, new findings and that infuriates some conservatives and their status quo stance. If students are not introduced to new ideas, why have education? But new ideas scare a number of people and so the usual scare words are used on education in the hopes that educators will not touch certain subjects. During the cold war I suspect a lot of colleges were afraid to touch Marxism and perhaps it was one subject needed.
Anyone have any suggestions for subject matter that should not be brought up in the appropriate college classroom? Should universities be restricted in subject matter, again, in the appropriate classroom?

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