Indoctrination?: High School To Collect Students' Hair For Mandatory Drug Testing...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Oh boy, what will Big Brother think up next? :cuckoo:

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (CBS St. Louis) — A Kansas City high school will begin collecting hair from students to conduct mandatory drug tests.

KHSB-TV reports that Rockhurst High School will start the random drug testing during the 2013-14 school year.

“Our point is, if we do encounter a student who has made some bad decisions with drugs or alcohol, we will be able to intervene, get the parents involved, get him help if necessary, and then help him get back on a path of better decision making, healthier choices for his life,” Rockhurst Principal Greg Harkness told the station.

The school will collect 60 strands of hair from the student and test for several types of drugs, including marijuana and cocaine. If a student comes back with a positive drug test, that student will have 90 days to get drug-free. The station reports the file will be destroyed for a student who tests positive after graduation and colleges and universities will never know about the failed test.

Matthew Brocato, the school’s junior class president, told The Kansas City Star that the mandatory drug testing is not to punish students who fail.

“When you hear ‘drug testing,’ you think cops,” Brocato told the Star. “At first you’re taken aback. Is it for the better?”

Officials decided to start drug testing during the next school year after a recent survey conducted to their students.

“What was most alarming for us is that when you asked our students if everyone else is doing it, they said, ‘Yes.’ But, in fact, they weren’t,” Harkness told KHSB. “It’s that perception I think among teenagers today that fuels the peer pressure – that there’s this idea that ‘Everyone is doing it, so I guess I have to do it myself.’”

Parents are also backing the school’s decision.

“We’ve had lots of conversations – that’s the thing I like most about it – it has opened up conversations around the dinner table with both my boys, and that’s been great for our family,” mother Tammy Privitera told the station.

Read More:
High School To Collect Students? Hair For Mandatory Drug Testing « CBS St. Louis
INDOCTRINATION?: High School To Collect Students' Hair For Mandatory Drug Testing | Peace . Gold . Liberty
This is a private school. Parents think its a good idea, its their money *shrug* its their business.

Way to express a Non-Opinon/Opinion. You know, most Germans stuck their heads in the sand too. And we all know what that led to.
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My opinion is that if I pay to send my child to a Jesuit school and I want them to drug test then its my business.

Yes, a good little Nazi. Unfortunately, you're the majority in our country.
[ame=]SCHOOL SUCKS: The American Way - YouTube[/ame]
It is a private school paul. They can do what they want. It has nothing to do with the public schooling of America. They are protected by the fourth amendment
Aren't private enterprises free to carry on their business as they and their customers see fit, even if it is absurd?
My opinion is that if I pay to send my child to a Jesuit school and I want them to drug test then its my business.

Yes, a good little Nazi. Unfortunately, you're the majority in our country.

Its a private school.

This has nothing to do with the3 government. This is the choice of the parents about the welfare of their MINOR children.

I really don't see anything to get outraged about.

Now if the government were dictating this in public schools, it would be a whole different situation.
'School Sucks: The American Way', helps explain what's happening to our country.

I urge everyone to check it out. It's only 8 minutes. It could change many peoples' views on things.
Oh it's a Private School, so that makes it right. I get it. Boy, this country is a real mess. Just too many loyal Goose Steppers. It's very sad.
People who defend this awful stuff, should be ashamed of themselves. What have they become?
My opinion is that if I pay to send my child to a Jesuit school and I want them to drug test then its my business.

Yes, a good little Nazi. Unfortunately, you're the majority in our country.

only nazis are nazis.

your constant use of the word belittles the actual meaning and proves that you have no ability to rationally assess circumstances.

no "government" is forcing the drug testing. it is a private school. and it may well be that these parents are sending their kids there BECAUSE they can check things like that. Me? I wouldn't do it.

A real libertarian would say "well, if that's what parents choose to do, it's their kid"

imagine that.
My opinion is that if I pay to send my child to a Jesuit school and I want them to drug test then its my business.

Yes, a good little Nazi. Unfortunately, you're the majority in our country.

only nazis are nazis.

your constant use of the word belittles the actual meaning and proves that you have no ability to rationally assess circumstances.

no "government" is forcing the drug testing. it is a private school. and it may well be that these parents are sending their kids there BECAUSE they can check things like that. Me? I wouldn't do it.

A real libertarian would say "well, if that's what parents choose to do, it's their kid"

imagine that.

They have the right, but it isn't right. Just one more brick added to this Police State wall.
Many want all recipients of govt aid money to be drug tested. Well the students are recipients of govt aid money.
Yes, a good little Nazi. Unfortunately, you're the majority in our country.

only nazis are nazis.

your constant use of the word belittles the actual meaning and proves that you have no ability to rationally assess circumstances.

no "government" is forcing the drug testing. it is a private school. and it may well be that these parents are sending their kids there BECAUSE they can check things like that. Me? I wouldn't do it.

A real libertarian would say "well, if that's what parents choose to do, it's their kid"

imagine that.

They have the right, but it isn't right. Just one more brick added to this Police State wall.

It isn't a police "state" because it's not the state. It is a private agreement between the parents and the school that concerns child care.

More parents should be this involved to demand their school does the same thing.

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