Individual Mandate Delayed, Sebelius Lies to Congress


Throwing out some useless trinket of information doesn't help your case.

That would mean that the other 60% that collect food stamps in the SNAP program don't have jobs. I've had several renters that were on section 8. 3 generations in a family, no jobs. My buddy at work has the same situation across the street from him at home. And we have a president that encourages it.

It would seem to me that if you were happy to cash their checks, you were doing more to encourage it than Obama has done.

Again, for a guy who bitches so much about government spending, you seem to have your hand out for it pretty often.


When most of the division is deployed sometimes I have to stoop so low as to rent to the poor.

Sorry about that.

Now that they're back I only have one renter who receives Section 8, and she has taken better care of my property than any of the soldiers I've rented to, but she is an exception.

Sometimes we have to do whatever it takes to put food on the table......but you wouldn't understand that.

In other words.....go fuck yourself.
This is SO u can expect any major program like the ACA to roll out without accommodations and time extensions...take a good look at W's roll out of Medicare D ...U didn't hear Dems screaming when the inevitable gliches came up and W announced time extensions for sign ups...Jeez...Try to live in the real world GOPs.

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Dude. STFU.

I think you're smart enough to know the difference between welfare and veterans' benefits.

If not you need to take down that avi, because it's an insult to those of us who have served.

I'm smart enough to know that veteran's benefits (of which I take none) are just a form of "popular' welfare.

You see, that's the problem with a lot of you guys on the right - You want to preserve the "Welfare" you approve of - Social Security, Veteran's Benefits, Medicare - while denying the welfare benefits of "those people" - Food Stamps, Section 8, MedicAid.

but frankly, you slop down government benefits the rest of us have to pay for with all the gusto of a welfare queen in the projects.

More proof that the far left is not connected to reality.
Another myth, It was passed in the Senate in November, in the house in February. The only people who didnt't care what was in it was bought off, lockstep, mindlessly obstructionist Pubs..

It'll be just fine, despite the website all screwed up by private corporations, the idiocy and hate of Pubs and their dupes, and the thievery and non-cooperation of Pub crony insurers...
Individual Mandate Delayed, Sebelius Lies to Congress

March 12th, 2014

As Kathleen Sebelius lies to Congress today, stating there will be no delay to the individual mandate, the delay has AREADY been made official.

She stated HHS doesn’t have the statutory authority to delay the mandate or the enrollment period, which is correct, yet it has already criminally done just so. From the Wall Street Journal:

This latest political reconstruction has received zero media notice, and the Health and Human Services Department didn’t think the details were worth discussing in a conference call, press materials or fact sheet. Instead, the mandate suspension was buried in an unrelated rule that was meant to preserve some health plans that don’t comply with ObamaCare benefit and redistribution mandates. Our sources only noticed the change this week.

That seven-page technical bulletin includes a paragraph and footnote that casually mention that a rule in a separate December 2013 bulletin would be extended for two more years, until 2016. Lo and behold, it turns out this second rule, which was supposed to last for only a year, allows Americans whose coverage was cancelled to opt out of the mandate altogether.

In 2013, HHS decided that ObamaCare’s wave of policy terminations qualified as a “hardship” that entitled people to a special type of coverage designed for people under age 30 or a mandate exemption. HHS originally defined and reserved hardship exemptions for the truly down and out such as battered women, the evicted and bankrupts.

But amid the post-rollout political backlash, last week the agency created a new category: Now all you need to do is fill out a form attesting that your plan was cancelled and that you “believe that the plan options available in the [ObamaCare] Marketplace in your area are more expensive than your cancelled health insurance policy” or “you consider other available policies unaffordable.”

This lax standard—no formula or hard test beyond a person’s belief—at least ostensibly requires proof such as an insurer termination notice. But people can also qualify for hardships for the unspecified nonreason that “you experienced another hardship in obtaining health insurance,” which only requires “documentation if possible.” And yet another waiver is available to those who say they are merely unable to afford coverage, regardless of their prior insurance. In a word, these shifting legal benchmarks offer an exemption to everyone who conceivably wants one.

Barry said he’d veto a delay to the individual mandate, and blamed Republicans for shutting down the government, went to the Supreme Court to have the FINE redefined as a TAX in order to make it Constitutional,


Here is Kathy, lying to Congress, via The Hill:


Sebelius ruled out the changes during testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee, where Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas) noted the administration has made dozens of other changes or delays to the law.

Given the problems caused by ObamaCare's faulty website last year, Brady asked Sebelius directly if delays to the individual mandate or enrollment deadline would be next.

“No, sir,” Sebelius responded.

Read more: Sebelius says mandate won't be delayed | TheHill
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Kathleen Sebelius: Delay of health care law 'not an option' - YouTube

turns out that isnt the only thing she has been lying about

GOP Leaders Say They HAVE PROOF Sebelius Misled Congress & Knows Number of Paid Obamacare Enrollees

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp sent a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on Tuesday saying she had been “evasive and perhaps misleading” in her testimony before the committee earlier this month.

Administration officials have repeatedly said they’re not able to break down enrollees by who has made a payment because they only have access to information about those selecting plans on the website, as consumers are expected to pay the insurers directly after enrolling.

Sebelius reiterated that claim in her March 12 testimony to the House panel.

But Reps. Camp (R-Mich.) and Kevin Brady (R-Tex.) say they have uncovered “new evidence” that “strongly suggests that the administration knows who has enrolled and paid their first month’s premium.”

The congressmen pointed to an online regulations portal run by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) that says insurers are required to inform the agency of “the full enrollment and payment profile” for consumers on a monthly basis.

GOP again accuses Sebelius of misleading ObamaCare testimony | TheHill
This is SO u can expect any major program like the ACA to roll out without accommodations and time extensions...take a good look at W's roll out of Medicare D ...U didn't hear Dems screaming when the inevitable gliches came up and W announced time extensions for sign ups...Jeez...Try to live in the real world GOPs.

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Link to Bush delaying deadlines that were enshrined in the law?
This is SO u can expect any major program like the ACA to roll out without accommodations and time extensions...take a good look at W's roll out of Medicare D ...U didn't hear Dems screaming when the inevitable gliches came up and W announced time extensions for sign ups...Jeez...Try to live in the real world GOPs.

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Link to Bush delaying deadlines that were enshrined in the law?

Paging dr.d. Paging dr.d.
Once again, we find out that the Obama Administration was lying.

A few days ago Kathleen Sebelius told Congress that the sign up deadline would not be changed. Yesterday they changed the deadline. A brief history of Obamacare delays - David Nather and Susan Levine -

Nothing these people say or do can be trusted.

The worst part is no one is really outraged by it. Hell, most people dont even notice.

They just like the fact that Obama fucks with people.

It doesn't help much when all the White House is good at is lying and pissing people they hate off. The restart with the Russians is a prime example.

When most of the division is deployed sometimes I have to stoop so low as to rent to the poor.

Sorry about that.

Now that they're back I only have one renter who receives Section 8, and she has taken better care of my property than any of the soldiers I've rented to, but she is an exception.

Sometimes we have to do whatever it takes to put food on the table......but you wouldn't understand that.

In other words.....go fuck yourself.

Guy, I work two jobs and have a side business where I write resumes. Nothing I do requires taking a check from the government to provide services to people I despise.

You spend a lot of time whining about "those people' collecting government benefits and we are broke and whoa be to us...

And yet.

You collect a military retirement check.
You have a cushy government job that probably doesn't need to be done. (Seriously, we could slash the military by 70% and be just fine, just stop getting involved in other people's shit.)
And you collect rents from people who are getting their rent money from the government, one way or the other.

In short, you are kind of a hypocrite, hating government as much as you do, but living off of it.

When most of the division is deployed sometimes I have to stoop so low as to rent to the poor.

Sorry about that.

Now that they're back I only have one renter who receives Section 8, and she has taken better care of my property than any of the soldiers I've rented to, but she is an exception.

Sometimes we have to do whatever it takes to put food on the table......but you wouldn't understand that.

In other words.....go fuck yourself.

Guy, I work two jobs and have a side business where I write resumes. Nothing I do requires taking a check from the government to provide services to people I despise.

You spend a lot of time whining about "those people' collecting government benefits and we are broke and whoa be to us...

And yet.

You collect a military retirement check.
You have a cushy government job that probably doesn't need to be done. (Seriously, we could slash the military by 70% and be just fine, just stop getting involved in other people's shit.)
And you collect rents from people who are getting their rent money from the government, one way or the other.

In short, you are kind of a hypocrite, hating government as much as you do, but living off of it.

I earned that retirement pay. You should know that better than anyone. And I collect a paycheck from the government for services to the troops. My job is to provide heat and AC to military facilities. After this Winter I think it was proved that my job was essential. And I collect rent from one Section 8 recipient at way below market price. She only gets 80% of her rent paid by the government, and what I could charge is way more than what I ask from her. I actually lose money by renting to her, but my guess is you would want me to kick her ass out in the street, racist.


I earned that retirement pay. You should know that better than anyone. And I collect a paycheck from the government for services to the troops. My job is to provide heat and AC to military facilities. After this Winter I think it was proved that my job was essential. And I collect rent from one Section 8 recipient at way below market price. She only gets 80% of her rent paid by the government, and what I could charge is way more than what I ask from her. I actually lose money by renting to her, but my guess is you would want me to kick her ass out in the street, racist.


1) No, you GET retirement pay because of the generosity of your fellow Americans. I'm sorry you don't see that, but if Congress voted to cut that shit out, there isn't much you could do about it.

2) You collect a paycheck to heat a base we don't need for troops we really don't need to keep under arms.

3) Again, guy, "whoa as me, the Government Makes me rent to poor people".

Guy, you can't whine about how you hate government and then take their money.
Obama Care is a train wreck. Sebelius has no clue what she is doing. Think of it this way, if you were paying someone 175 grand a year to set up a web site and when the site was introduced on line it was a complete failure how long would it take you to fire that person. Obummer has lied, he continues to break the law by directly violating the Constitution of the United States, he has changed the Affordable Health Care Law no less than 32 times without Congressional approval. Obummer cannot be trusted he has proven beyond any doubt he is nothing more than an empty suit.

I earned that retirement pay. You should know that better than anyone. And I collect a paycheck from the government for services to the troops. My job is to provide heat and AC to military facilities. After this Winter I think it was proved that my job was essential. And I collect rent from one Section 8 recipient at way below market price. She only gets 80% of her rent paid by the government, and what I could charge is way more than what I ask from her. I actually lose money by renting to her, but my guess is you would want me to kick her ass out in the street, racist.


1) No, you GET retirement pay because of the generosity of your fellow Americans. I'm sorry you don't see that, but if Congress voted to cut that shit out, there isn't much you could do about it.

2) You collect a paycheck to heat a base we don't need for troops we really don't need to keep under arms.

3) Again, guy, "whoa as me, the Government Makes me rent to poor people".

Guy, you can't whine about how you hate government and then take their money.

I collect retirement pay because I signed a contract and fulfilled my obligations to that contract. Any CEO can tell you about retirement packages. Any veteran can tell you that the pay aint all that great and neither are the benefits.

You're clearly insane if you think that we don't need a standing army. Not to mention all of the services we provide to the troops and the local economy.

I didn't say the government makes me rent to poor people. I do it in this case because she's a good renter. She takes care of the property, which is rare. If she didn't, I wouldn't. She's black btw, bet you want me to kick her out so you can call me a racist.

I don't whine. Showing opposition to government abuses is a right granted in the constitution. You should read it for once.
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I collect retirement pay because I signed a contract and fulfilled my obligations to that contract. Any CEO can tell you about retirement packages. Any veteran can tell you that the pay aint all that great and neither are the benefits.

You collect retirement because a broke country feels an obligation to pay you. That you don't get this is truly amazing. Bankrupt companies do renege on pensions, all the time.

You're clearly insane if you think that we don't need a standing army. Not to mention all of the services we provide to the troops and the local economy.

Two points-

1) we don't need a 900 Billion dollar military that wastes huge amounts of money to protect ourselves from Mexico or Canada. Anything else is sticking our nose where it doesn't belong.

2) That money could be spent on education, infrastructure and health care and provide a lot more benefit than weapons that are never used. You know, like the 400 million dollar Stealth Fighter that can't fly in the rain and has never been used in combat.

I didn't say the government makes me rent to poor people. I do it in this case because she's a good renter. She takes care of the property, which is rare. If she didn't, I wouldn't.

But you were the one whining that Section 8 renters were animals who wrecked your property. Try to get your story straight.

I don't whine. Showing opposition to government abuses is a right granted in the constitution. You should read it for once.

Yawn, guy. "The mean old government is abusing me by paying me money. Oh, no, my money is perfectly okay, but that money they pay to poor people, that's an abuse."
The reason you're working two jobs is because you didn't stick around to collect retirement, so who's the idiot?

I love the fact that you're such a dumb-ass yet you feel you can point fingers at me.

What a maroon.....
The reason you're working two jobs is because you didn't stick around to collect retirement, so who's the idiot?

I love the fact that you're such a dumb-ass yet you feel you can point fingers at me.

What a maroon.....

NO, the reason I work two jobs was that my last company screwed me over when I had medical issues. I made more money after I left the military than when I was in it.

But I don't go whining to the government looking for money.

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