Indicators for Democrat victory in 2020 is no better than in 2016

I still haven’t decided if I can stomach giving my FL vote to Biden, but I’m leaning that way.

I can't do LO2E. I sincerely believe it's at the core of our political dysfunction. It's undermining our elections and ensuring our downfall. If I can't vote "for" a candidate, I'll stay home. The notion that we can vote "against" a candidate is delusional. We can tell ourselves that's what we're doing - but no one will ever know who you were supposedly voting against. All they will know is who you voted for, and it will be taken as an endorsement of them and their policies.

As it stands, Biden has given me no reason to vote "for" him, and plenty of reason not to. That could change - he could do things that aren't completely outside the scope of his party that might convince me to vote for him. He could, or example, push hard for ranked-choice voting reform. He could make drug policy reform, and legalization, a priority. He could push for repealing the individual mandate from ACA. He could push for banning privately ran prisons. etc.... But I doubt he will. Democrats are convinced that Trump is so bad they don't have to try. Sort of like last time. We'll see.
Why the hell didn't they go with Yang or Tulsi? Mainly Tulsi...

What the hell is it that made democrats not like Tulsi?

Among other things, Tulsi is a Putin fan.

Tulsi Gabbard may not be a Russian asset. But she sure talks like one
OH lord... Ok then. Nevermind. Sooner or later you all might want to promote someone worth voting for though.

Edit: I'm sorry... I can't leave it at that... You fuck'n retards... THERE WAS NO TRUMP COLLUSION WITH PUTIN. SHE HAS A FUCK'N BRAIN.

We already have a Russian asset in the White House. We certainly don't need another one.
Yes we know you like to spew that but we all know you would welcome communist China in a heart beat.
2020 is more like 2008 than 2016

We are facing an economic collapse with voters taking it out on the ruling party.
Living under a Prog dictatorship does not sound to good either.
Not sure exactly why Democrats think Republicans ,conservatives,libertarians, independents and moderate Democrats want to vote for and live under a Marxist government.
Not sure exactly why Republicans think reviving the 1950s Red Scare will somehow work in 2020
2020 is more like 2008 than 2016

We are facing an economic collapse with voters taking it out on the ruling party.
Living under a Prog dictatorship does not sound to good either.
Not sure exactly why Democrats think Republicans ,conservatives,libertarians, independents and moderate Democrats want to vote for and live under a Marxist government.
Not sure exactly why Republicans think reviving the 1950s Red Scare will somehow work in 2020
Okay you go with defunding/ dismantling the police and military. Abolishing prisons. Destroying the economy as we know it and all of the other kook BLM talking points your party kneels to as a platform and we will see how that works for you. Do it. I dare ya.
No we will go with a responsible response to the COVID virus which relies on Science over politics.
We will go with strengthening Obamacare during a pandemic rather than repealing it.
We will go with international cooperation rather than the US vs the World
2020 is more like 2008 than 2016

We are facing an economic collapse with voters taking it out on the ruling party.
Living under a Prog dictatorship does not sound to good either.
Not sure exactly why Democrats think Republicans ,conservatives,libertarians, independents and moderate Democrats want to vote for and live under a Marxist government.
Not sure exactly why Republicans think reviving the 1950s Red Scare will somehow work in 2020
2020 is more like 2008 than 2016

We are facing an economic collapse with voters taking it out on the ruling party.
Living under a Prog dictatorship does not sound to good either.
Not sure exactly why Democrats think Republicans ,conservatives,libertarians, independents and moderate Democrats want to vote for and live under a Marxist government.
Not sure exactly why Republicans think reviving the 1950s Red Scare will somehow work in 2020
Okay you go with defunding/ dismantling the police and military. Abolishing prisons. Destroying the economy as we know it and all of the other kook BLM talking points your party kneels to as a platform and we will see how that works for you. Do it. I dare ya.
No we will go with a responsible response to the COVID virus which relies on Science over politics.
We will go with strengthening Obamacare during a pandemic rather than repealing it.
We will go with international cooperation rather than the US vs the World
The same faux science that okay’s group gatherings (like funerals for instance). Based on political and social status?

BTW your governors are destroying the middle class as we speak have no one to pay for Obamacare.

And yes...We know you worship China have been carrying their water for months.
It does seem like the Dems are going mostly on wishful thinking. The polls have them up now, but the pandemic will fade, we'll probably get a vaccine in a couple of months, and Trumpsters will re-invest in excuses for voting for a lout.

We're not going to get a vaccine before November, and it's unlikely the virus will fade. But even if they do, the bigger problem Trump has is the economy. That's DEFINITELY not going to get better by November.

I think what frustrates me most about the Democrats is that they haven't "earned" any of it. They haven't learned a thing, or changed their platform in any way. Even after the humiliating rejection of 2016, where something close to half of the country stated, loudly and clearly, that they'd rather have a reality TV huckster running things, than put another Clinton in charge - they still serve up the same old warmed-over, liberal corporatism.

That works on the assumption that what they were rejecting was "liberal corporatism", and not that they were just a bunch of misogynists who didn't like the mean bossy lady.

More to the point, why should they "Change" their platform? A majority voted for it, three times in a row now.

What the Democrats need to do is get out the vote. Not be complacent. It also helps that this time, the two major Third Parties are running non-entities, so you can't have the self-righteous asshole say, "They're both just as bad, so I am going to pee away my vote on someone who doesn't count."

Three months from now BLM and the pandemic will have faded (not much, but) just enough, to present a real risk of another Trump term.

I refuse to believe the country is that far gone. The first time, Trump's presidency was an abstract. You didn't think it could possibly be as horrible as it clearly has been, with impeachment, corruption, riots, recession and plagues. You thought somewhere, the grownups would be in charge, somehow, but that hasn't happened.

Here's the thing. Most Republicans, if they were being honest, would admit Trump has been a huge mistake. This isn't about validating a platform, it's about refusing to admit a mistake.
2020 is more like 2008 than 2016

We are facing an economic collapse with voters taking it out on the ruling party.
Living under a Prog dictatorship does not sound to good either.
Not sure exactly why Democrats think Republicans ,conservatives,libertarians, independents and moderate Democrats want to vote for and live under a Marxist government.
Not sure exactly why Republicans think reviving the 1950s Red Scare will somehow work in 2020
2020 is more like 2008 than 2016

We are facing an economic collapse with voters taking it out on the ruling party.
Living under a Prog dictatorship does not sound to good either.
Not sure exactly why Democrats think Republicans ,conservatives,libertarians, independents and moderate Democrats want to vote for and live under a Marxist government.
Not sure exactly why Republicans think reviving the 1950s Red Scare will somehow work in 2020
Okay you go with defunding/ dismantling the police and military. Abolishing prisons. Destroying the economy as we know it and all of the other kook BLM talking points your party kneels to as a platform and we will see how that works for you. Do it. I dare ya.
No we will go with a responsible response to the COVID virus which relies on Science over politics.
We will go with strengthening Obamacare during a pandemic rather than repealing it.
We will go with international cooperation rather than the US vs the World
The same faux science that okay’s group gatherings (like funerals for instance). Based on political and social status?

BTW your governors are destroying the middle class as we speak have no one to pay for Obamacare.

And yes...We know you worship China have been carrying their water for months.
Why Republicans will lose BIGLY in 2020

COVID Denial
I can see the left's take on it being Trump's economy and Trump's virus. I disagree, but I understand the argument.

But how do you figure that they're Trump's riots?

Trump spent the last eight years engaging in the most awful race-baiting... Of endorsing police brutality and state misconduct. (Except when Law Enforcement was looking into him or his cronies, then it was a Deep State trying to do a coup!) A real leader would have condemned police violence and made it a priority to address legitimate concerns. Trump has made it a lot worse. When you tear-gas moms in peaceful protests, you are making the riots work.

So TRUMP RIOTS. Let's brand those suckers.
he owns the tanking. he saw this virus coming & instead of shutting the country down for a few weeks, so we can get over it - he 'wished it away' & when that didn't work - he lied about the devastation it was causing & would continue to.

now look at us. we are the 3rd world shit hole country that no other industrialized nation wants to have infesting their borders.

That wouldn't have worked... Newflash here guy... WE ARE ALL GOING TO GET IT. All that is happening is we are trying to kick the can down the road so we won't all get it at the same time. THE WHOLE WORLD IS GOING TO GET IT. Feel free to quote me on that. It's just as contagious as the fuck'n cold. Maybe more so. There is no hiding from it. Either it is going to kill you, or it isn't at this point.

Without an economy we will be the "3rd world shit whole country" you speak of. It's the only fuck'n thing that makes the US worth anything. The economy has to be started back up.

Well... Those fuckers on the islands and a few in the amazon likely won't get it. The ones that believe the white man is ghosts and helicopters are gods.
I can see the left's take on it being Trump's economy and Trump's virus. I disagree, but I understand the argument.

But how do you figure that they're Trump's riots?

Trump spent the last eight years engaging in the most awful race-baiting... Of endorsing police brutality and state misconduct. (Except when Law Enforcement was looking into him or his cronies, then it was a Deep State trying to do a coup!) A real leader would have condemned police violence and made it a priority to address legitimate concerns. Trump has made it a lot worse. When you tear-gas moms in peaceful protests, you are making the riots work.

So TRUMP RIOTS. Let's brand those suckers.

So are you trying to claim that the police brutality from all the way back in the Obama administration was due to Trump pushing the birther narrative?

Or are you trying to tell me that the demonstrators talking about police brutality is just a front, and they're really protesting because Donald Trump said offensive things? "Hands Up Don't Shoot!" was really just a front for, "Obama was born in Hawaii!"?

Also, considering that the riots in Portland were going on for over a month before those demonstrators in shirts reading "mom" all locked arms to protect the mortar-throwers from police response, how does the fact that those moms got tear gassed by the feds defending the courthouse make the riots Trump's fault?
I can see the left's take on it being Trump's economy and Trump's virus. I disagree, but I understand the argument.

But how do you figure that they're Trump's riots?

Trump spent the last eight years engaging in the most awful race-baiting... Of endorsing police brutality and state misconduct. (Except when Law Enforcement was looking into him or his cronies, then it was a Deep State trying to do a coup!) A real leader would have condemned police violence and made it a priority to address legitimate concerns. Trump has made it a lot worse. When you tear-gas moms in peaceful protests, you are making the riots work.

So TRUMP RIOTS. Let's brand those suckers.

So are you trying to claim that the police brutality from all the way back in the Obama administration was due to Trump pushing the birther narrative?

Or are you trying to tell me that the demonstrators talking about police brutality is just a front, and they're really protesting because Donald Trump said offensive things? "Hands Up Don't Shoot!" was really just a front for, "Obama was born in Hawaii!"?

Also, considering that the riots in Portland were going on for over a month before those demonstrators in shirts reading "mom" all locked arms to protect the mortar-throwers from police response, how does the fact that those moms got tear gassed by the feds defending the courthouse make the riots Trump's fault?
Come to think of it, let's say, for the sake of argument, that the riots WERE a response to things Trump said.

If person A says something that pisses off person B, and person B responds by burning down a low income housing complex, is it your position that person A is responsible for that complex burning down? If you say something that offends another person's sense of morality, do you assume that person's agency for the duration of their emotional reaction? Or is laying responsibility for your own tantrum at the feet of whoever made you angry a privilege that's exclusively for progressives?

So are you trying to claim that the police brutality from all the way back in the Obama administration was due to Trump pushing the birther narrative?

Nope, I'm saying Trump's refusal to treat it like a problem and his endorsement of State Misconduct (such as his calling for the execution of the Central Park Five) has made him a poor choice to give the calming words a president should give.

Obama, in my opinion didn't do enough to solve the problem, but dammit, he tried. He realized it was a problem. And he got a lot of grief for it, but he took the principled stand.

Also, considering that the riots in Portland were going on for over a month before those demonstrators in shirts reading "mom" all locked arms to protect the mortar-throwers from police response, how does the fact that those moms got tear gassed by the feds defending the courthouse make the riots Trump's fault?

Again, Trump hasn't calmed the situation. The thing is, reform legislation is DEAD IN THE WATER in Congress right now. He's doing nothing to even try to fix the problem. Instead, he thinks he can excite his racist base by beating some heads, but some of the heads he's beating are gray haired old ladies.
Come to think of it, let's say, for the sake of argument, that the riots WERE a response to things Trump said.

If person A says something that pisses off person B, and person B responds by burning down a low income housing complex, is it your position that person A is responsible for that complex burning down? If you say something that offends another person's sense of morality, do you assume that person's agency for the duration of their emotional reaction? Or is laying responsibility for your own tantrum at the feet of whoever made you angry a privilege that's exclusively for progressives?

Naw, man, you miss the point entirely. People asked NICELY for years to address this problem. When the NFL players took a knee, you and Trump wanted to LYNCH THEM. Trump abandoned the Consent Decrees that the DOJ entered with many cities to reform their police departments. They aren't rioting because of bad words. They are rioting because the Police murdered Breona Taylor, Floyd George, Auhmud Abery** and Rayshard Brooks.

These are TRUMP'S riots. He made them happen.

**- Yes, I know Abery's killers weren't active cops, but they were affiliated with law enforcement.

So are you trying to claim that the police brutality from all the way back in the Obama administration was due to Trump pushing the birther narrative?

Nope, I'm saying Trump's refusal to treat it like a problem and his endorsement of State Misconduct (such as his calling for the execution of the Central Park Five) has made him a poor choice to give the calming words a president should give.

Obama, in my opinion didn't do enough to solve the problem, but dammit, he tried. He realized it was a problem. And he got a lot of grief for it, but he took the principled stand.

Also, considering that the riots in Portland were going on for over a month before those demonstrators in shirts reading "mom" all locked arms to protect the mortar-throwers from police response, how does the fact that those moms got tear gassed by the feds defending the courthouse make the riots Trump's fault?

Again, Trump hasn't calmed the situation. The thing is, reform legislation is DEAD IN THE WATER in Congress right now. He's doing nothing to even try to fix the problem. Instead, he thinks he can excite his racist base by beating some heads, but some of the heads he's beating are gray haired old ladies.
Ah, gotcha. So you're not satisfied with what Trump has done to try to balance the scales of the history of race in America, and therefore any racial violence that he doesn't address in a manner that you find appropriate becomes his responsibility.

I like that. You bypass literal cause and effect completely, and the guy responsible for any evildoing is whoever you're pissed at for offenses that you determine to be related. That's so much more convenient than holding individuals responsible for their actions and then potentially having to admit that shitty people exist who share your politics. Really facilitates that good-guy bad-guy dichotomy driving your world view. Sure, it's simple AF, but who doesn't yearn for the intellectual ease of living in a world that any 6 year old could fully grasp?
Come to think of it, let's say, for the sake of argument, that the riots WERE a response to things Trump said.

If person A says something that pisses off person B, and person B responds by burning down a low income housing complex, is it your position that person A is responsible for that complex burning down? If you say something that offends another person's sense of morality, do you assume that person's agency for the duration of their emotional reaction? Or is laying responsibility for your own tantrum at the feet of whoever made you angry a privilege that's exclusively for progressives?

Naw, man, you miss the point entirely. People asked NICELY for years to address this problem. When the NFL players took a knee, you and Trump wanted to LYNCH THEM. Trump abandoned the Consent Decrees that the DOJ entered with many cities to reform their police departments. They aren't rioting because of bad words. They are rioting because the Police murdered Breona Taylor, Floyd George, Auhmud Abery** and Rayshard Brooks.

These are TRUMP'S riots. He made them happen.

**- Yes, I know Abery's killers weren't active cops, but they were affiliated with law enforcement.
Oh, I see.

Trump didn't fix police brutality, and that's why he caused the riots? He didn't create the first police force in the history of mankind without any bad officers. That's a reasonable expectation.

It's like everybody wants to forget how police officers moral adherence and mental state are all based on what the media perceives the president to believe, amirite? That's why there weren't incidents like this under Obama.
More to the point, why should they "Change" their platform? A majority voted for it, three times in a row now.

Because, as we've learned, a majority isn't necessarily enough. Also, if they hope to lead productively, they have to represent all the people at some level, and should strive for more than a slim majority. It would be better for the country, and they'd have a much better chance of winning if they reached for a bit more.

It also helps that this time, the two major Third Parties are running non-entities, so you can't have the self-righteous asshole say, "They're both just as bad, so I am going to pee away my vote on someone who doesn't count."

I'm not voting for either of them. LO2E is killing us, and the morons who perpetuate are fucking over their country.

Here's the thing. Most Republicans, if they were being honest, would admit Trump has been a huge mistake. This isn't about validating a platform, it's about refusing to admit a mistake.

Refusing to admit a mistake seems to be something both parties are familiar with.
donny got tons & tons of free TV time ... 'cause he was ratings gold. with hillary it was allllllllllllllll about her emails. no matter what.
ya ya ya... trust me-

we got over the fact that she lost. quite some time ago.

this time is different, because our eyes are open. WIDE open & we know what is happening & what tactics are being thrown out there showing how (R) are gonna try to lie, chea,t & steal this election.

it ain't gonna happen. we are ready this time. & by 'we' i mean, (D)s (I)s (R)s that left the party - even some x trump supporters. & bernie supporters for the most part are on board to get trump outa office.

bring it on.
Read the OP again. All of those efforts to derail trumps election to president didn't work. Now he's running against a slow witted confused candidate. Time will tell what happens.
You mean the CHINESE virus that YOUR heroes ignored.

People call it by many names, many names, lots of names
Some people call it the Donnie Disease. Some call it the Orange Plague. I prefer TRUMPvirus.

No, only progressive morons do. Regular people call it the CHINESE virus. Because, well you know, it originated there.

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