Indian Muslims - An Oppressed Minority

It's unfortunate the Crusaders didn't finish the job.

You do realize that the crusaders specifically targetted the Jews also! The German Crusades were strikely subjected to only Germany. They slaughter 1,000s on 1,000s of Jews! Many historians call it the first Holocaust in Germany.

The when the crusaders took Jerusalem, they slaughtered the Jews along side the Muslims. In fact during the first crusades the Jews actively fought along side the Muslims!
If there is any conflict or war anywhere in the world.

Someway, somehow, Israel is behind the scenes and responsible.

All a person has to do is dig deep enough and Mossad will always be shown to be involved.

American don't realize this, but people all over the world suffer because of the evil workings of the Zionist fascists who rule Israel.

Wow. This is an unbelievably stupid post. You ought to get an award for this.:clap2: What your source? The Elders of Zion Protocol?
If there is any conflict or war anywhere in the world.

Someway, somehow, Israel is behind the scenes and responsible.

All a person has to do is dig deep enough and Mossad will always be shown to be involved.

American don't realize this, but people all over the world suffer because of the evil workings of the Zionist fascists who rule Israel.

That is such bullshit, but I will give it a try a few sticking to the 20th century: :evil:
(1) The Russia-Georgia War
(2) Kosovo-Serbia Genocide
(3) The Genocide of the Black Danfurians by the Arabs Sudanese
(4) Colombian leftist FARC against the democratic Colombian government
(5) The Mexican Government against the brutal drug cartels that has Mexico on the brink of civil war
(6) The Genocide in the Congo
(7) The Rwanda Genocide
(8) The Lebanon and Syria disputes.
(9) The Iraq-Iran 10 yr war
(10) Pakistan and India's Kashmir conflict - '47, '65, '71, '08-'09?
(11) Russia- Afghanistan war
(12) North/South Korean Civil war and current conflict
(13) Egypt and Libyians conflict if '77
(14) The Liberia genocide
(15) The Falkland Island war between Argentina and UK
(16) Kuwait and Iraq war -Desert Storm
(17) WWI
(18) WWII
(19) Vietnam War
(20) Khmer Rouge's Genocidal war against its own people
(21) China-Tibet's dispute
(22) India and China's war
(23) Eritrean-Ethopia War of indepedence
(24) Jordan-Syria Military conflict '66-'70
(25) Palestinians and Jordanian conflicts in 60s
(26) Yemen Civil War
(27) Lebanon Civil War (that was caused by Christian-Muslin tensions NOT Israel)
(28) Armenian Genocide
(29) Algeria-French War '66
(30) The South African Race Wars
(31) Turkey Cyrus War in I believe the 50s, 60s or 70s
(32) Chad and Libyan War of '70s and 80s
(33) Indonesia and Timor War of '75
(34) Mauritania-Senegal War
(35) Yugoslavia (Bosnia) War - Ethnic Cleansing war
(36) Somalia Civil War
(37) Al-Anfal - Iraq v Kurds genocide
(38) Kurds v the Turks
(39) Spain v the ETA separatist
(40) China v its Muslim Separatist
(41) Bangladesh v. Pakistan - War of independence - Pakistan was accused of genocide
(42) Tajikistan Civil War
(43) Hoshom (sp?) in Ukraine. The Russia deliberately causes a great famine in Ukraine, causing many many many Ukrainians to starve to death
(44) Chechan War (1st in '94-'96) and (2nd '99-Present)
(45) Fatah-Hamas Conflict
(46) Current War in Afghanistan - That was the work of Sunni Extremist
(47) Angola Civil War
(48) Burma Civil War
(49) El Salvador Civil War
(50) 2nd Iraq-American War - Yep this had nothing to do with Israel, no matter how much propaganda you try to pump into it!

Israel and the Jews have be the cause of very few conflicts. Ones there were in were to protect their families, lives, country and to prevent another Holocaust!

No one group can be held responsible for all the Ills of the world, but the Arabs and Muslims are by far a bigger player in the ills of the world and the wars of the world 1000 fold more than Israel and the Jew!

Funny how you can call Israel fascist, but they currently allow ALL its citizens to vote, serve in the government and the army! They have free press, freedom of expression, free markets and have their courts open to all. In fact I believe muslims have a dozen or so Parliament seats, to which many are openly hostile to Israel and would be kicked out the US Congress for treason. Israel even has an Arab supreme court justice. Israel has convicted many right-wing Israelis who attacked Palestinians and Israeli Arabs. Everyone in Israel receive due process and open and public trial. Arabs and even illegal immigrants are entitle to welfare and free healthcare (to which they have some of the best in the world). All citizens have a right to contract, own a business, make a living, own property, marry and right to the courts. Israel has freedom of religion, Jews are allowed to convert (although its discouraged).

There is not tyrannical about Israel, except for the fact that they won't let her enemies make cross border attacks on her, try to annihilate her, won't let the Palestinians fire daily missile attacks are her and send suicide bombers into her country, won't agree to take on millions of enemies of the state (in fact its amazing they currently hold onto so many as it is) via the bogus Palestinian Refugees and won't let its citizens be the victims of Islamic terrorist.

You need to get a clue!
ahhh history..when does it much water under the bridge...the riots the massacres....sabra and shatila not one of the prouder moments of israel...i am not a zionist...does that make me an anti semite...i dont think so....i still think the men of the uss liberty were telling the truth.....odd how we are all rah rah to support our troops until the uss liberty is mentioned

What military mistakes never happen? When America blew up the Canadian commando unit in Afghanistan, was American declaring was on Canada. Mistakes in war happen! Why in the hell would Israel deliberately destroy or attack the USS Liberty? What grand strategic advantage would it be? Absolutely NONE! Israel gained nothing from it and could have lost a hell of a lot from it. It was a blunder, a huge one! In fact after the blunder, Israel was deathly afraid that it was a USSR boat, which would lead to the USSR invading Israel!

Not sure yet if your an anti-Semite, but you are definitely a dumbass1 :cuckoo:
What military mistakes never happen? When America blew up the Canadian commando unit in Afghanistan, was American declaring was on Canada. Mistakes in war happen! Why in the hell would Israel deliberately destroy or attack the USS Liberty? What grand strategic advantage would it be? Absolutely NONE! Israel gained nothing from it and could have lost a hell of a lot from it. It was a blunder, a huge one! In fact after the blunder, Israel was deathly afraid that it was a USSR boat, which would lead to the USSR invading Israel!

Not sure yet if your an anti-Semite, but you are definitely a dumbass1 :cuckoo:

since you felt the need to debate me by giving me neg rep....i really dont think i am the dumbass here. how long was the attack on the liberty? my that was quite a long "blunder" now wasnt it?

and shall we ignore the confessions of the pilots?

Fifteen years after the attack, an Israeli pilot approached Liberty survivors and then held extensive interviews with former Congressman Paul N. (Pete) McCloskey about his role. According to this senior Israeli lead pilot, he recognized the Liberty as American immediately, so informed his headquarters, and was told to ignore the American flag and continue his attack. He refused to do so and returned to base, where he was arrested.

The Assault on the USS Liberty Still Covered Up After 26 Years

Later, a dual-citizen Israeli major told survivors that he was in an Israeli war room where he heard that pilot's radio report. The attacking pilots and everyone in the Israeli war room knew that they were attacking an American ship, the major said. He recanted the statement only after he received threatening phone calls from Israel.

The pilot's protests also were heard by radio monitors in the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon. Then-U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Dwight Porter has confirmed this. Porter told his story to syndicated columnists Rowland Evans and Robert Novak and offered to submit to further questioning by authorities. Unfortunately, no one in the U.S. government has any interest in hearing these first-person accounts of Israeli treachery.

Key members of the Lyndon Johnson administration have long agreed that this attack was no accident. Perhaps most outspoken is former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer. "I can never accept the claim that this was a mistaken attack," he insists

but alas you debate with neg rep and name calling...dont let facts stop ya
Anti-zionism = anti-semitism 95% of the time!

your quote says it all...judgements made before you know anything about anyone....

do you always whine like that? tell me right up front is this the "poor little jew you" bit?
When Nazi Germany took over my families country in Europe, they left. After the war when they wanted better opportunities and to be able to reap the rewards of their labor, they left. They went to a new land and when they got off that boat in NYC all they had to their name was desire and principals!

Am I justifying discrimination? No. But, when a person does not exercise their options, but still chooses to complain or even worse, commit a crime, they get no sympathy from me.

What about those people who cannot move?

Those who can't afford that ticket to someplace else, or who for other reasons are tied to that place?

Are they forever supposed to suck it up?

For every Jew that got out of Europe in time, there were thousands who wanted out but couldn't leave.

NOBODY, for example, was letting the Romani find shelter from the NAZI storm, were they?
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since you felt the need to debate me by giving me neg rep....i really dont think i am the dumbass here. how long was the attack on the liberty? my that was quite a long "blunder" now wasnt it?

and shall we ignore the confessions of the pilots?

Fifteen years after the attack, an Israeli pilot approached Liberty survivors and then held extensive interviews with former Congressman Paul N. (Pete) McCloskey about his role. According to this senior Israeli lead pilot, he recognized the Liberty as American immediately, so informed his headquarters, and was told to ignore the American flag and continue his attack. He refused to do so and returned to base, where he was arrested.

The Assault on the USS Liberty Still Covered Up After 26 Years

Later, a dual-citizen Israeli major told survivors that he was in an Israeli war room where he heard that pilot's radio report. The attacking pilots and everyone in the Israeli war room knew that they were attacking an American ship, the major said. He recanted the statement only after he received threatening phone calls from Israel.

The pilot's protests also were heard by radio monitors in the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon. Then-U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Dwight Porter has confirmed this. Porter told his story to syndicated columnists Rowland Evans and Robert Novak and offered to submit to further questioning by authorities. Unfortunately, no one in the U.S. government has any interest in hearing these first-person accounts of Israeli treachery.

Key members of the Lyndon Johnson administration have long agreed that this attack was no accident. Perhaps most outspoken is former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Moorer. "I can never accept the claim that this was a mistaken attack," he insists

but alas you debate with neg rep and name calling...dont let facts stop ya

LOLOLOLOLOL, try to bring a less bias source, because your just made up of a pack of lies!

Facts are Israel was in the mist of the 6 day war. The US said there were no ships in the area and the liberty was not in its scheduled location. When the Israeli pilot made his rounds he reported it as a Egyptian ship, WHO THEY WERE AT WAR WITH! They Israelis attacked. The huge fear at first was it was a Soviet ship.

It has to come back common sense why would Israel attack the US who was a major allie and supported her with arms? Why threaten that relationship with this? See you are like the 9/11 truthers, just shooting from the hip on a hunch and ignore common sense!

Here are some better sources for you!
Anti-zionism = anti-semitism 95% of the time!

your quote says it all...judgements made before you know anything about anyone....

do you always whine like that? tell me right up front is this the "poor little jew you" bit?

First, I never make a judgment before I get to know anything!
Second, I am just stating the obvious. In the 50s-60s some white people hated being called a bigot or racist, so they called themselves anti-desegregation or anti-busing. When they really were just using a PC mask to right their bigotry against Blacks.

Same thing with the anti-semites of today! PC has taken everyone by storm. It is taboo to show overt racism, antisemitism or bigotry, so people try to use a concept of anti-zionism to block mask their anti-semitism!
since ghook has not replied ...i will just take it....he has no facts ....just neg rep...way to go there...ghook...just ignore the facts and move on

You sent it at 2:21 PM. I use this to break up the work day and between study session (I go to evening Law school).
Israel is well known for false flag operations.
LOL, this had nothing to do with that!

If this had worked the US would have joined the conflict against Egypt.
Why because a 6 day ass-kicking wasn't good enough! :lol:
Word to the uninformed, THE US WAS ALREADY SUPPORTING ISRAEL WITH ARMS, Word to the extremely uninformed the war lasted 6 Days the Jews didn't need a direct military intervention by anyone! Never did and never have!
True, we were supporting Israel with arms.

But the Zionists have always wanted the US to do the fighting for them.

That has been the Zionist's goal all along.

We are currently in Iraq fighting for Israel and their quest for Middle East domination.
True, we were supporting Israel with arms.
Like always you are WRONG!
First, America didn't support Israel financially or miliatarily in '48. In fact America imposed arms embargo on the area, while the USSR was arming the Arabs invaders to the teeth. The US didn't help but hindered Israel in '52

Second, Israel has never asked or wanted a foreign body to fight her wars. She has never request troops and no US troops have ever set foot in Israel! So go blow it out our ass.

But the Zionists have always wanted the US to do the fighting for them.
America has not fought one war for Israel! Not one soldier has died for Israel. The current Iraq war has nothing to do with Israel and Israel didn't get her into it! It was faulty intelligence from all over the world including the UK! Why not blame that we are fighting this war for them?

We are currently in Iraq fighting for Israel and their quest for Middle East domination.
LOL, you make no sense! Israel wants one thing ISRAEL. Many people have a differing opinion on what that is. The left-wingers say its the '67 lines, many would are in the middle say it includes Jerusalem, but not the West Bank or Gaza. The right-wingers say it includes "Greater Israel" (Judea/West Bank and Samaria/Gaza). No fraction says it includes more! They are not the Iranians. The Iranians want to dominate the ME. Get your shit straight.
Second, Israel has never asked or wanted a foreign body to fight her wars. She has never request troops and no US troops have ever set foot in Israel! So go blow it out our ass.

Americans To Man Israeli Defences
By Chris McGreal in Jerusalem
The Guardian - UK

The United States has sent the first of what is expected to be a 1,000-strong force to Israel to bolster defences against missile attacks ahead of a possible war in Iraq.

The deployment of the troops and a number of Patriot missile batteries follows Ariel Sharon's threat to attack Iraq if his country is hit with chemical or biological weapons.

Officially, the American troops are in Israel on an exercise called Jennifer Cobra to integrate the Patriots with a new Israeli missile system, the Arrow. The manoeuvres begin next week and last a fortnight.

But once the exercise is over, the US soldiers will remain in Israel until the crisis over Iraq is resolved.

Americans To Man Israeli Defences
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Indian Muslims experiance terrible prejudice all over India.

Although they are 13.5% of the population. Indian Muslims are oppressed in every area of life.

They are treated as less than second class citizens.

They are denied government jobs and entrance into universities.

Many have had to change their names to Hindu names just to survive and get a job.

Indian Muslims suffer prejudice in every area of life because of the policies of the Hindu dominated government.

Shut up,you fucking Pakistani.You guys are already screwed up.Don't mess with India and don't comment about something you don't know.
Have you forgotten how those Islamic bastards entered India in 11th century AD??? Its our great fortune that we Hindus are still surviving and strong. You muslims also wiped away many prominent cultures in the world, e.g. Egypt,Persia etc. Now after committing 9/11 you think you can defeat the americans. Trust me, if you guys don't change you muslim shit-eaters will be wiped out.
You Sunni guys not only hate other people, but you hate your Shia brothers also. Remember Iran-Iraq conflicts ???

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