Indian Bar Association Serves Legal Notice on WHO Chief Scientist for Spreading Misinformation on Ivermectin Efficacy for COVID (It Works)


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
it's about time. Now if another bar association would follow, floodgates would open.

The Indian Bar Association has taken legal action against the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan for allegedly spreading disinformation on the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19.

The association (IBA) served a legal notice (pdf) on Swaminathan on May 25, claiming that she was “spreading disinformation and misguiding the people of India, in order to fulfill her agenda” and sought to prevent her from “causing further damage.”

They further stated that Swaminathan, in her statements against the use of ivermectin, ignored research and clinical trials from two organizations—the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance and the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development (BIRD)—who have presented solid data showing ivermectin prevents and treats COVID-19.

“Dr. Soumya Swaminathan has ignored these studies/reports and has deliberately suppressed the data regarding effectiveness of the drug Ivermectin, with an intent to dissuade the people of India from using Ivermectin,” the IBA said in a statement (pdf).

the communist left will find a way to discredit the findings .

No. The communist left have no relevance. The fact is and always was it was not registered for that use. Why can't you boofheads accept that. Fauci is paid by your taxes to tell the truth which is what he did. He is still correct.

No one is stopping you from taking it but don't blame Fauci when it starts to kill people.
You idiots grab these stupid passages and attempt to use it against democrats and it fails every time. Are you all bloody mad?
the communist left will find a way to discredit the findings .

No. The communist left have no relevance. The fact is and always was it was not registered for that use. Why can't you boofheads accept that. Fauci is paid by your taxes to tell the truth which is what he did. He is still correct.

No one is stopping you from taking it but don't blame Fauci when it starts to kill people.
You idiots grab these stupid passages and attempt to use it against democrats and it fails every time. Are you all bloody mad?
the democrats have defended the country that created covid and shut down domestic travel to and from Wuhan but allowed international travel to spread it around the world ! and leftists covered for their chicom friends ! are you all bloody mad ?

They talk about the lawsuit here. And how Big pharma is manipulating what gets used, and how they are responsible for 100's of thousands of deaths.

It's long. But they are talking about it. BTW. Look at India versus us. They make us look like amateurs on Covid.

Contempt of Court and aggravated offences against humanity by spreading disinformation about the drug ‘Ivermectin’, despite having full knowledge of the Judgment passed by the Hon’ble High Court of Bombay at Goa dated May 28, 2021.

The present notice [June 13] is being served upon you [Dr. Soumya Swaminathan Chief Scientist World Health Organisation ] for your deliberate and continuous acts
of criminal offences against humanity.

8. After specific objection taken on oath by the State Government’s Health Secretary, it was binding on Noticee 1 & 2 to file your counter affidavit if you really have so called “SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE”. But neither you nor anyone else were able to produce any evidence to counter the serious allegations of flawed research by the state against WHO in their reply affidavit filed in the matter of said PIL

The Indian Bar Association cited various evidence of the effectiveness of Ivermectin.

Video shows how it went down with States in India refusing to stop using the cheap drug. After the WHO pushed the Indian gov't to not recommend it. But heath can be done by states and they ignored the Indian Gov't and continued with HOME HEALTH KITS. With Ivermectin, zinc, vitamin and docycyclin. These kits were Free and to be used immediately when people were diagnosed with Covid.

Gov't site showing cases and deaths which are far below that of the west.

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