Incredible! Trump Shatters All Fundraising Records After Biden’s FBI Raids Mar-a-Lago

I'm guessing he always had your vote.
Not an unreasonable guess, but no - I was, as ever, praying for a miracle of some kind.

Tulsi running 3rd party for instance, and not being barred from my state's ballot by Democrat criminality.

I can dream, can't I?
Reinhart is a magistrate judge, appointed by a circuit judge. Neither Obama nor Trump appointed that moron!
The DOJ and FBI has ignited a firestorm in America for what they did. Now they are causing Americans to donate to Trump with no end in sight. They are pissed and rightly so.

Of course....criming is profitable when you've got all the marks lined up. :heehee:
What do blue state governors have to do with federal elections?
It's obvious you don't live in a State where Blue Governors and Blue Mayors flout the law on a daily basis.
Do you think Andrew Cuomo would have given a damn telling people that polling places would be closed in order to "save lives"?
Are you that naive?
It's obvious you don't live in a State where Blue Governors and Blue Mayors flout the law on a daily basis.
Do you think Andrew Cuomo would have given a damn telling people that polling places would be closed in order to "save lives"?
Are you that naive?
Listen up, dumbass! If they tried anything like that, it would be a short trip to a federal courthouse to prevent any and all such actions undertaken without proper authority. If they rule against you, you just appeal.

I lived in KY until recently. Our entire local, county, and state government had ONE Democrat in office and he was the governor. Our Republican Attorney General had no problem bitch slapping him when it was needed,

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