Increase effective prices for broadcasting commercial time.


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
Increase effective prices for broadcasting commercial time.

Many of us are concerned about the huge and growing expenditures for seeking elected offices. I suppose purchasing electronic broadcasting time or space on internet screens is the most expensive single items for national and state-wide campaigns, because that's the most advantageous use of campaign dollars.
Political influence is being auctioned and the powers' gravitating to the wealthiest bidders.

A message may not mention the names of political candidates, parties, drafts of laws or regulations proposed or passed by our governments' legislators, but still be an effective political message. Government cannot and should not attempt determining messages' extents of political purposes.

I doubt if legal and effective federal regulation of political financing could be drafted, but if we succeeded to enact such effective USA laws, they'd surly also lead to our transformation from democracy to fascism.

Purchase of electronic broadcasting services should not be allowed for tax reduction purposes. If the political services cannot be effectively regulated, we should not enable those expenses to be commingled with commercial expenses and in effect be government subsidized.

[Tax deductions currently allowed for creation broadcasting content, (e.g. scripts, art, performances, etc.) would continue to be allowed. There's legal precedent for requiring that a category of expense, (such as purchase of broadcasting services), be legally identified and isolated from all other billing expenses.]

Increasing the effective prices paid for broadcasting commercial times to better retain our democracy and prevent fascism, is a good bargain.

Respectfully, Supposn
My guess is, the best candidate with the best chances of winning pay less or maybe even no cost, in exchange for future promises?

Fox/Trump come to mind?
Let's see. The problem you seem to be targeting is that wealthy interests have more of a voice in elections than the rest of us. And your solution is to monkey with the tax code in order to make political advertising more expensive. Hmmm.
My guess is, the best candidate with the best chances of winning pay less or maybe even no cost, in exchange for future promises?

Fox/Trump come to mind?
NoVote, your response is not relative to tax deductible expenditures for purchasing broadcasting time.

General Electric's, Exxon's, DuPont's, and many other such corporstions' “institutional” advertisements have and will continue being broadcasted. They're the basis of reducing their sponsors income taxes. They're reductions of government's tax revenues for the expression of corporate boards of directors' political opinions.
If such tax deductions wold be applicable to private individuals, they would further increase the wealthies' greater influence upon our government's policies.

Respectfully, Supposn
You should see how much the govt. pays to maintain broadcasting stations.
MoonGlow, this thread's discussion, (i.e. my concern) is not the extent of government tax revenue lost due to deducting purchases of broadcasting time as a commercial expense.

Many of us are concerned about the huge and growing expenditures for seeking elected offices. I suppose purchasing electronic broadcasting time or space on internet screens is the most expensive single items for national and state-wide campaigns, because that's the most advantageous use of campaign dollars.
Political influence is being auctioned and the powers' gravitating to the wealthiest bidders. This consequentially is reducing the democratic character of our democratic republic.

I doubt if legal and effective federal regulation of political financing could be drafted, but if we succeeded to enact such effective USA laws, they'd surly and more sooner lead to our transformation from democracy to fascism.

Effectively increasing the costs for purchasing broadcasting commercial times to better retain our democracy and prevent fascism, is a good bargain. The extent of increasing government tax revenue and reduciing our government's debts are just additional fringe benefits that would be due to this proposal.

Respectfully, Supposn
You should see how much the govt. pays to maintain broadcasting stations.
Moonglow, it would not be necessary for a “utility” company renting equipment or temporary durations of services for producing and transmitting electronic communication signals, to be government owned and operated. They would not be in the information and entertainment industry. They could rather be subsidiaries of or sell their services to information and/or entertainment enterprises.

Respectfully, Supposn
I got half way through the opening post and thought I accidentally clicked on a Mascale thread
U.S. Message Board readers may find David Callahan’s words more to the point? Our democratic-republic would be better served, if the purchase of electronic broadcasting time were not tax deductible. Respectfully, Supposn

[Excerpted from Time magazine’s April 24, 20017, page 18, review of David Callahan’s non-fiction book, “The Givers”: “… government’s incentives to mix giving with advocacy. This amounts, he, [David Callahan] says, to the wealthiest people having a louder voice than ordinary citizens”].
Increase effective prices for broadcasting commercial time.

Many of us are concerned about the huge and growing expenditures for seeking elected offices. I suppose purchasing electronic broadcasting time or space on internet screens is the most expensive single items for national and state-wide campaigns, because that's the most advantageous use of campaign dollars.
Political influence is being auctioned and the powers' gravitating to the wealthiest bidders.

A message may not mention the names of political candidates, parties, drafts of laws or regulations proposed or passed by our governments' legislators, but still be an effective political message. Government cannot and should not attempt determining messages' extents of political purposes.

I doubt if legal and effective federal regulation of political financing could be drafted, but if we succeeded to enact such effective USA laws, they'd surly also lead to our transformation from democracy to fascism.

Purchase of electronic broadcasting services should not be allowed for tax reduction purposes. If the political services cannot be effectively regulated, we should not enable those expenses to be commingled with commercial expenses and in effect be government subsidized.

[Tax deductions currently allowed for creation broadcasting content, (e.g. scripts, art, performances, etc.) would continue to be allowed. There's legal precedent for requiring that a category of expense, (such as purchase of broadcasting services), be legally identified and isolated from all other billing expenses.]

Increasing the effective prices paid for broadcasting commercial times to better retain our democracy and prevent fascism, is a good bargain. ...

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