Incitement to Violence: Maxine Waters Calls House Republicans "Domestic Terrorists"


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
How in the fuck is this not endangering the lives of elected representatives?

But this is A-OK, right Lefties? Cuz she's a strong black woman speaking her truth!

How about her gender and color don't matter - but her accusations of terrorism against her fellow citizens is not only false, but an actual true genuine threat to Democracy.

It's just unbelievable the barbaric affronts to the Republic that Dems are willing to overlook when the person committing them has the right letter next to their name.

She said this live on MSDNC:

We have these right-wing conservatives who are, you know, we have domestic terrorists in the House of Representatives. These people are extremists

Hey Maxine, why don't you get out of your six million dollar mansion (honestly secured on a Congressional salary of course!), and get outside and help your district that is absolutely falling apart.

In other words, do your fucking job and stop encouraging the very hatred, vitriol and division you claim to oppose.
How in the fuck is this not endangering the lives of elected representatives?

But this is A-OK, right Lefties? Cuz she's a strong black woman speaking her truth!

How about her gender and color don't matter - but her accusations of terrorism against her fellow citizens is not only false, but an actual true genuine threat to Democracy.

It's just unbelievable the barbaric affronts to the Republic that Dems are willing to overlook when the person committing them has the right letter next to their name.

She said this live on MSDNC:

We have these right-wing conservatives who are, you know, we have domestic terrorists in the House of Representatives. These people are extremists

Hey Maxine, why don't you get out of your six million dollar mansion (honestly secured on a Congressional salary of course!), and get outside and help your district that is absolutely falling apart.

In other words, do your fucking job and stop encouraging the very hatred, vitriol and division you claim to oppose.
She's already credited with inciting 1 political assassination attempt and the shooting of R-Steve Scalise.
How in the fuck is this not endangering the lives of elected representatives?

But this is A-OK, right Lefties? Cuz she's a strong black woman speaking her truth!

How about her gender and color don't matter - but her accusations of terrorism against her fellow citizens is not only false, but an actual true genuine threat to Democracy.

It's just unbelievable the barbaric affronts to the Republic that Dems are willing to overlook when the person committing them has the right letter next to their name.

She said this live on MSDNC:

We have these right-wing conservatives who are, you know, we have domestic terrorists in the House of Representatives. These people are extremists

Hey Maxine, why don't you get out of your six million dollar mansion (honestly secured on a Congressional salary of course!), and get outside and help your district that is absolutely falling apart.

In other words, do your fucking job and stop encouraging the very hatred, vitriol and division you claim to oppose.
Divide & conquer is what keeps the incumbent$ in office! You think $weet Maxine does not know that?
Are you saying that you can call a republican a terrorist and it makes them want to go out and commit acts of terror?

Oh, nice question.

How about - before I bother chasing the ball you just threw down the hallway - you answer what you think of a Congresswoman calling other elected representatives "domestic terrorists" when they have literally committed not one act of terror.

Do you ever just fucking stop and realize what is happening?

The Dems, the Media, the Deep State; they're all tearing the fabric of this country apart.

How about you just have one shred of integrity for once and admit this is straight up wrong and downright reckless?

Grow a pair.
The right is scraping the bottom of the barrel with this claim. Must be a slow night.

Are you claiming she did not say this, even though the video is available from MSNBC?

You people are fucking shameless.

Not the slightest bit of care for the truth or objective reality - it triggers you.

So instead you will say something isn't true, when it clearly can be seen by even the most simple of village idiots.

It's like the Emperor's New Clothes in reverse.

Are you claiming she did not say this, even though the video is available from MSNBC?

You people are fucking shameless.

Not the slightest bit of care for the truth or objective reality - it triggers you.

So instead you will say something isn't true, when it clearly can be seen by even the most simple of village idiots.

It's like the Emperor's New Clothes in reverse.

Oh calm down and put your big boy pants on. She says “some Republicans” are domestic terrorists, and you are having a complete meltdown. :cuckoo:
Oh calm down and put your big boy pants on. She says “some Republicans” are domestic terrorists, and you are having a complete meltdown. :cuckoo:


Wrong again:

We have these right-wing conservatives who are, you know, we have domestic terrorists in the House of Representatives.

In. The. House. Of. Representatives.

Again, why bother posting and looking like such a fool when it's so easy to disprove your BS?

You just come off looking pathetic.

Hope that's what you're going for, otherwise you're failing spectacularly.
Oh calm down and put your big boy pants on. She says “some Republicans” are domestic terrorists, and you are having a complete meltdown. :cuckoo:
Documented: 'She' has incited more violence and incited a political assassination attempt with vile violent rhetoric, far more than those she accuses.

She is one of the primary Democrats who like to accuse others of doing what she does / they do.

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