In the wake of Orlando, Hillary still using extremism in place of (Islamic) terrorism


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
That's the last word she utters in this video....

I don't know who this bitch thinks she's kidding. When I was hearing about Orlando, I wasn't thinking 'darn tootin' extremists.'

This chick is too out of touch with everyday Americans to assume the mantle of power.
She doesn't give a shit nor do her moronic Zombie squad.. Liberalism is their religion; their god..
That's the last word she utters in this video....

I don't know who this bitch thinks she's kidding. When I was hearing about Orlando, I wasn't thinking 'darn tootin' extremists.'

This chick is too out of touch with everyday Americans to assume the mantle of power.

Well remember Obama said there was nothing Islamic about Islamic State? So Hillary's just parroting him.
That's the last word she utters in this video....

I don't know who this bitch thinks she's kidding. When I was hearing about Orlando, I wasn't thinking 'darn tootin' extremists.'

This chick is too out of touch with everyday Americans to assume the mantle of power.

Well remember Obama said there was nothing Islamic about Islamic State? So Hillary's just parroting him.

I agree. They are towing the PC party line.
That's the last word she utters in this video....

I don't know who this bitch thinks she's kidding. When I was hearing about Orlando, I wasn't thinking 'darn tootin' extremists.'

This chick is too out of touch with everyday Americans to assume the mantle of power.

Well remember Obama said there was nothing Islamic about Islamic State? So Hillary's just parroting him.

I agree. They are towing the PC party line.

"I agree. They are towing the PC party line."

Obama's The Gangsta King of The PC Party Line :eek-52:

right, because clearly the best way to fight 30,000 or so extremists is to slander 1,600,000,000 who happen to be of the same faith.
Would you support a temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S.? 61% Yes, until we learn more about threats
33% No, it’s unconstitutional fear mongering
6% I’m not sure
Total responses: 294,305 votes
Trump urges immigration ban

Should President Obama use the phrase ‘radical Islamic terrorism'? 27% No, they’re terrorists, not religious leaders
68% Yes, it is an accurate name
5% I’m not sure
Total responses: 86,186 votes
Video: Clinton, Trump on using the term
Hey Joe, when a White police officer shoots a black thug, you liberals paint all policemen as bad guys, why is that? Double standards, for without double standards, liberals would have no standards at all..Dumbass.....
Hey Joe, when a White police officer shoots a black thug, you liberals paint all policemen as bad guys, why is that? Double standards, for without double standards, liberals would have no standards at all..Dumbass.....

Except liberals don't paint "all police officers" as bad guys. We do something questions why CERTAIN departments keep bad cops when we find out the cop in question already had a pretty questionable record.
right, because clearly the best way to fight 30,000 or so extremists is to slander 1,600,000,000 who happen to be of the same faith.

"right, because clearly the best way to fight 30,000 or so extremists is to slander 1,600,000,000 who happen to be of the same faith."

Well for one thing there's far more than 30,000 Islamic terrorists, NOT "extremists" ISLAMIC TERRORISTS, ISIL alone is estimated to have 200,000 plus.

However if we take your 'um "logic", the best way to stop random psychopaths shooting up schools and theatres is to say that 250,000,000 responsible American gun owners should be disarmed.
Well for one thing there's far more than 30,000 Islamic terrorists, NOT "extremists" ISLAMIC TERRORISTS, ISIL alone is estimated to have 200,000 plus.

estimated by who? Mostly, you have 30,000 ISIL fighters and about 200K hanger ons who don't want to be ruled by the Allawites or Shi'ites and are siding with them bcause they have resources.

However if we take your 'um "logic", the best way to stop random psychopaths shooting up schools and theatres is to say that 250,000,000 responsible American gun owners should be disarmed.

Well, first, there aren't 250 million gun owners. the US population is only 308 million aand only 22% of those have guns.

second, we have 33,000 gun deaths, 70,000 gun injuries , 400,000 gun crimes and $270,000,000,000 in economic losses - EVERY YEAR.

The mass shooting is just the nasty pustule your disease has broken out into
right, because clearly the best way to fight 30,000 or so extremists is to slander 1,600,000,000 who happen to be of the same faith.

Well when THAT FAITH teaches this shit....then is.

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