In The Great Depression, Americans Worked For Government Checks. Now People Get Checks For Doing Nothing


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
In The Great Depression, Americans Worked For Government Checks. Now People Get Checks For Doing Nothing
Despite a population that is now more prosperous and more educated by several orders of magnitude, we clearly have become more lazy.
20 May 2021 ~~ By Bob Anderson
To celebrate another $1,400 in stimulus checks, a quickly withdrawn video from Wisconsin Democrats showed people dancing to a catchy rap song with captions of “$$$ IN THE POCKET” and “THANK YOU POTU$.” As Joy Pullmann noted, its release on the same day abysmal job numbers came out was a testament to Democrats’ blindness to economic reality. It also attested to our culture’s devolving expectation of something for nothing.
America has definitely changed. Juxtapose that video with images from the sand-dusted, poverty-stricken Great Depression of the 1930s, and it begs the question: What would these hungry, hardscrabble folks say, the ones who got a check only by signing up to build parks, roads, bridges, dams and many other public works projects in exchange?
The “Stimmy Shimmy” dancers and others celebrating the easy money flowing from D.C. aren’t stupid. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki may have missed it, but most people know “stimmy” checks and federal unemployment compensation dwarf current wage levels in some areas of the country. While the rationale isn’t illogical (“Shall I go to work today or earn more in my recliner?”), the attitude that arises from it will ultimately harm their personal growth.
Our politicians should be the adults in the room, but instead they choose to give out free candy, creating a generation of dependent children. Old values of hard work and self-sufficiency are succumbing to the thrill of free “$$$ IN THE POCKET” from “POTU$.” Tough times once produced the Greatest Generation, but we may now be witnessing the rise of the Gimme Generation—and that cannot bode well for our nation.
A generation ago, they made money the old-fashioned way: they earned it.

Structures built by WPA and CCC stand and provide service today. No elaborate studies, engineered plans, technically advanced materials or equipment just know how.
What has to be done to reverse the destruction of the failed Great Society and War on Poverty programs?
I see lobbying for money for more early childhood development programs. Why haven’t the ones that have already spent so much money worked?
"Out of the 10 million jobless men in the United States in 1935, 3 million were helped by WPA jobs alone. While FDR believed in the elementary principles of justice and fairness, he also expressed disdain for doling out welfare to otherwise able workers". (
Chyna Joey Xi BaiDin's handlers have gone into overdrive pushing benefits to single moms.
The 39% figure of kids raised by both parents will continue to go down.
It's different times though. It's like comparing apples and oranges.

There's nothing wrong with the principle of welfare. Helping the less off, regardless of who they are, in every society is something to be proud of.

However constant reform is needed as economies, society and landscape change to ensure that it's a safety net and not a lifestyle choice.

No-one should be better off not working than working - and that's the problem. Folk become dependent on it and others (rightly) say "well if I take away xyz that I receive and take on a job that pays x-amount of dollars per hour, then after my work expenses I'm working for nothing or next to nothing - it's not worth it"

and that's completely correct of them to say so and feel that way. I know, because it's been me before.

There's lazy bastards in every society who just don't want to work and contribute that's wrong and those folk need weeded out.

I honestly can't understand the mindset of someone who wants to just survive instead of live life.

Sit in a small flat, eating toasted cheese each night, wearing clothes from the sale rack in Walmart or having a nice place to live, holidays, going out for a meal, a few beers, nice clothes, not worrying about an expensive utility bill that's going to drop any week now etc. It's a no-brainer what the choice between the two should be.

I think too many folk get the wrong idea about work too. It's not like the old days where your alarm goes off at 5am for a 6am start in a fast-paced factory, working 12-hours, totally done in and under pressure. There's positions out there for everyone and every skillset.

I work 12-hour nightshifts in an empty office at night, bored, not much to do but deal with an emergency and prepare handovers for the dayshift and the amount of my mates who think that's their ideal of hell for a job but it works for me. It pays my bills and gives me a good standard of life and that's the minimum anyone should aim for.
It's different times though. It's like comparing apples and oranges.

There's nothing wrong with the principle of welfare. Helping the less off, regardless of who they are, in every society is something to be proud of.

However constant reform is needed as economies, society and landscape change to ensure that it's a safety net and not a lifestyle choice.

No-one should be better off not working than working - and that's the problem. Folk become dependent on it and others (rightly) say "well if I take away xyz that I receive and take on a job that pays x-amount of dollars per hour, then after my work expenses I'm working for nothing or next to nothing - it's not worth it"

and that's completely correct of them to say so and feel that way. I know, because it's been me before.

There's lazy bastards in every society who just don't want to work and contribute that's wrong and those folk need weeded out.

I honestly can't understand the mindset of someone who wants to just survive instead of live life.

Sit in a small flat, eating toasted cheese each night, wearing clothes from the sale rack in Walmart or having a nice place to live, holidays, going out for a meal, a few beers, nice clothes, not worrying about an expensive utility bill that's going to drop any week now etc. It's a no-brainer what the choice between the two should be.

I think too many folk get the wrong idea about work too. It's not like the old days where your alarm goes off at 5am for a 6am start in a fast-paced factory, working 12-hours, totally done in and under pressure. There's positions out there for everyone and every skillset.

I work 12-hour nightshifts in an empty office at night, bored, not much to do but deal with an emergency and prepare handovers for the dayshift and the amount of my mates who think that's their ideal of hell for a job but it works for me. It pays my bills and gives me a good standard of life and that's the minimum anyone should aim for.

More failed excuses for a dystopian false Socialist utopia.
It's different times though. It's like comparing apples and oranges.

There's nothing wrong with the principle of welfare. Helping the less off, regardless of who they are, in every society is something to be proud of.

However constant reform is needed as economies, society and landscape change to ensure that it's a safety net and not a lifestyle choice.

No-one should be better off not working than working - and that's the problem. Folk become dependent on it and others (rightly) say "well if I take away xyz that I receive and take on a job that pays x-amount of dollars per hour, then after my work expenses I'm working for nothing or next to nothing - it's not worth it"

and that's completely correct of them to say so and feel that way. I know, because it's been me before.

There's lazy bastards in every society who just don't want to work and contribute that's wrong and those folk need weeded out.

I honestly can't understand the mindset of someone who wants to just survive instead of live life.

Sit in a small flat, eating toasted cheese each night, wearing clothes from the sale rack in Walmart or having a nice place to live, holidays, going out for a meal, a few beers, nice clothes, not worrying about an expensive utility bill that's going to drop any week now etc. It's a no-brainer what the choice between the two should be.

I think too many folk get the wrong idea about work too. It's not like the old days where your alarm goes off at 5am for a 6am start in a fast-paced factory, working 12-hours, totally done in and under pressure. There's positions out there for everyone and every skillset.

I work 12-hour nightshifts in an empty office at night, bored, not much to do but deal with an emergency and prepare handovers for the dayshift and the amount of my mates who think that's their ideal of hell for a job but it works for me. It pays my bills and gives me a good standard of life and that's the minimum anyone should aim for.

More failed excuses for a dystopian false Socialist utopia.
I don't know if you even bothered your arse to read everything I said.

I said everyone should be wanting to work, weed out the folk who don't want to work, surviving instead of living life shouldn't be a mindset, folk get the wrong idea about work and also it should be a safety net not a lifestyle choice.

I'm the least socialist person you'll ever speak to online (let alone make excuses for it) so wind your neck in and stop talking absolute shit.

The point is, what's the alternative? anyone that is unemployed, falls on hard times or is trying but having no luck - do they just get turned onto the streets to raid bins, sleep under bridges and eventually perish to the elements? think things through for a minute and engage your brain.

Welfare reform not complete abolishment is what's needed.
In The Great Depression, Americans Worked For Government Checks. Now People Get Checks For Doing Nothing
Despite a population that is now more prosperous and more educated by several orders of magnitude, we clearly have become more lazy.
20 May 2021 ~~ By Bob Anderson
To celebrate another $1,400 in stimulus checks, a quickly withdrawn video from Wisconsin Democrats showed people dancing to a catchy rap song with captions of “$$$ IN THE POCKET” and “THANK YOU POTU$.” As Joy Pullmann noted, its release on the same day abysmal job numbers came out was a testament to Democrats’ blindness to economic reality. It also attested to our culture’s devolving expectation of something for nothing.
America has definitely changed. Juxtapose that video with images from the sand-dusted, poverty-stricken Great Depression of the 1930s, and it begs the question: What would these hungry, hardscrabble folks say, the ones who got a check only by signing up to build parks, roads, bridges, dams and many other public works projects in exchange?
The “Stimmy Shimmy” dancers and others celebrating the easy money flowing from D.C. aren’t stupid. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki may have missed it, but most people know “stimmy” checks and federal unemployment compensation dwarf current wage levels in some areas of the country. While the rationale isn’t illogical (“Shall I go to work today or earn more in my recliner?”), the attitude that arises from it will ultimately harm their personal growth.
Our politicians should be the adults in the room, but instead they choose to give out free candy, creating a generation of dependent children. Old values of hard work and self-sufficiency are succumbing to the thrill of free “$$$ IN THE POCKET” from “POTU$.” Tough times once produced the Greatest Generation, but we may now be witnessing the rise of the Gimme Generation—and that cannot bode well for our nation.
A generation ago, they made money the old-fashioned way: they earned it.

Structures built by WPA and CCC stand and provide service today. No elaborate studies, engineered plans, technically advanced materials or equipment just know how.
What has to be done to reverse the destruction of the failed Great Society and War on Poverty programs?
I see lobbying for money for more early childhood development programs. Why haven’t the ones that have already spent so much money worked?
"Out of the 10 million jobless men in the United States in 1935, 3 million were helped by WPA jobs alone. While FDR believed in the elementary principles of justice and fairness, he also expressed disdain for doling out welfare to otherwise able workers". (
Chyna Joey Xi BaiDin's handlers have gone into overdrive pushing benefits to single moms.
The 39% figure of kids raised by both parents will continue to go down.

My Dad's and Granddad's friends used to tell us what they did during the Great Depression. A lot of young people built parks, camp sites municipal buildings, roads; in many cases their checks went directly to their parents, with maybe a dollar a week to them for a little recreational spending money. LBJ in Texas lobbied for a a Youth program here that had teenagers building roadside parks along the highways, with picnic tables and grills, and historical markers, rural electrification programs, and dams for creating lakes. There were no natural lakes in Texas, they're all artificial ones built as reservoirs for counties and cities. Many of those people kept their family farms and family houses because of those programs. They also kept a lot of businesses' doors open, providing supplies and tools for all the projects, like Hoover Dam.
In The Great Depression, Americans Worked For Government Checks. Now People Get Checks For Doing Nothing
Despite a population that is now more prosperous and more educated by several orders of magnitude, we clearly have become more lazy.
20 May 2021 ~~ By Bob Anderson
To celebrate another $1,400 in stimulus checks, a quickly withdrawn video from Wisconsin Democrats showed people dancing to a catchy rap song with captions of “$$$ IN THE POCKET” and “THANK YOU POTU$.” As Joy Pullmann noted, its release on the same day abysmal job numbers came out was a testament to Democrats’ blindness to economic reality. It also attested to our culture’s devolving expectation of something for nothing.
America has definitely changed. Juxtapose that video with images from the sand-dusted, poverty-stricken Great Depression of the 1930s, and it begs the question: What would these hungry, hardscrabble folks say, the ones who got a check only by signing up to build parks, roads, bridges, dams and many other public works projects in exchange?
The “Stimmy Shimmy” dancers and others celebrating the easy money flowing from D.C. aren’t stupid. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki may have missed it, but most people know “stimmy” checks and federal unemployment compensation dwarf current wage levels in some areas of the country. While the rationale isn’t illogical (“Shall I go to work today or earn more in my recliner?”), the attitude that arises from it will ultimately harm their personal growth.
Our politicians should be the adults in the room, but instead they choose to give out free candy, creating a generation of dependent children. Old values of hard work and self-sufficiency are succumbing to the thrill of free “$$$ IN THE POCKET” from “POTU$.” Tough times once produced the Greatest Generation, but we may now be witnessing the rise of the Gimme Generation—and that cannot bode well for our nation.
A generation ago, they made money the old-fashioned way: they earned it.

Structures built by WPA and CCC stand and provide service today. No elaborate studies, engineered plans, technically advanced materials or equipment just know how.
What has to be done to reverse the destruction of the failed Great Society and War on Poverty programs?
I see lobbying for money for more early childhood development programs. Why haven’t the ones that have already spent so much money worked?
"Out of the 10 million jobless men in the United States in 1935, 3 million were helped by WPA jobs alone. While FDR believed in the elementary principles of justice and fairness, he also expressed disdain for doling out welfare to otherwise able workers". (
Chyna Joey Xi BaiDin's handlers have gone into overdrive pushing benefits to single moms.
The 39% figure of kids raised by both parents will continue to go down.
We have a better understanding of economics now. Only Capital must circulate under Capitalism. And, right wingers are just as much to blame by not upgrading infrastructure whenever it comes up.
It's different times though. It's like comparing apples and oranges.

There's nothing wrong with the principle of welfare. Helping the less off, regardless of who they are, in every society is something to be proud of.

However constant reform is needed as economies, society and landscape change to ensure that it's a safety net and not a lifestyle choice.

No-one should be better off not working than working - and that's the problem. Folk become dependent on it and others (rightly) say "well if I take away xyz that I receive and take on a job that pays x-amount of dollars per hour, then after my work expenses I'm working for nothing or next to nothing - it's not worth it"

and that's completely correct of them to say so and feel that way. I know, because it's been me before.

There's lazy bastards in every society who just don't want to work and contribute that's wrong and those folk need weeded out.

I honestly can't understand the mindset of someone who wants to just survive instead of live life.

Sit in a small flat, eating toasted cheese each night, wearing clothes from the sale rack in Walmart or having a nice place to live, holidays, going out for a meal, a few beers, nice clothes, not worrying about an expensive utility bill that's going to drop any week now etc. It's a no-brainer what the choice between the two should be.

I think too many folk get the wrong idea about work too. It's not like the old days where your alarm goes off at 5am for a 6am start in a fast-paced factory, working 12-hours, totally done in and under pressure. There's positions out there for everyone and every skillset.

I work 12-hour nightshifts in an empty office at night, bored, not much to do but deal with an emergency and prepare handovers for the dayshift and the amount of my mates who think that's their ideal of hell for a job but it works for me. It pays my bills and gives me a good standard of life and that's the minimum anyone should aim for.

More failed excuses for a dystopian false Socialist utopia.
I don't know if you even bothered your arse to read everything I said.

I said everyone should be wanting to work, weed out the folk who don't want to work, surviving instead of living life shouldn't be a mindset, folk get the wrong idea about work and also it should be a safety net not a lifestyle choice.

I'm the least socialist person you'll ever speak to online (let alone make excuses for it) so wind your neck in and stop talking absolute shit.

The point is, what's the alternative? anyone that is unemployed, falls on hard times or is trying but having no luck - do they just get turned onto the streets to raid bins, sleep under bridges and eventually perish to the elements? think things through for a minute and engage your brain.

Welfare reform not complete abolishment is what's needed.

A lot of spoiled brats in the U.S. like to think they're 'speshul' and anybody having a run a bad luck should be gassed to death or something if they get laid off. During the Depression, most of the wealthy hid out behind the walls of their estates behind private armies and sniveled for the government to gun down all those unemployed proles. WEll, Hoover tried that, and that is what got Roosevelt elected, which made the sociopaths whine even louder, which is why I never take the far right's idiotic class warfare rubbish seriously; it;s why they can't even beat total left wing loons by more than single digit percentages when they should be racking up massive landslides. But they're too dedicated to out-moroning the other morons so now they got even worse loons in office now. They're as much the problem as the left wing vermin.
It's different times though. It's like comparing apples and oranges.

There's nothing wrong with the principle of welfare. Helping the less off, regardless of who they are, in every society is something to be proud of.

However constant reform is needed as economies, society and landscape change to ensure that it's a safety net and not a lifestyle choice.

No-one should be better off not working than working - and that's the problem. Folk become dependent on it and others (rightly) say "well if I take away xyz that I receive and take on a job that pays x-amount of dollars per hour, then after my work expenses I'm working for nothing or next to nothing - it's not worth it"

and that's completely correct of them to say so and feel that way. I know, because it's been me before.

There's lazy bastards in every society who just don't want to work and contribute that's wrong and those folk need weeded out.

I honestly can't understand the mindset of someone who wants to just survive instead of live life.

Sit in a small flat, eating toasted cheese each night, wearing clothes from the sale rack in Walmart or having a nice place to live, holidays, going out for a meal, a few beers, nice clothes, not worrying about an expensive utility bill that's going to drop any week now etc. It's a no-brainer what the choice between the two should be.

I think too many folk get the wrong idea about work too. It's not like the old days where your alarm goes off at 5am for a 6am start in a fast-paced factory, working 12-hours, totally done in and under pressure. There's positions out there for everyone and every skillset.

I work 12-hour nightshifts in an empty office at night, bored, not much to do but deal with an emergency and prepare handovers for the dayshift and the amount of my mates who think that's their ideal of hell for a job but it works for me. It pays my bills and gives me a good standard of life and that's the minimum anyone should aim for.
no, it's not different--that's not anywhere near the point
We have a better understanding of economics now. Only Capital must circulate under Capitalism. And, right wingers are just as much to blame by not upgrading infrastructure whenever it comes up.
We have a better understanding of economics now. Only Capital must circulate under Capitalism. And, left wingers are just as much to blame by not upgrading infrastructure whenever it comes up.
We have a better understanding of economics now. Only Capital must circulate under Capitalism. And, right wingers are just as much to blame by not upgrading infrastructure whenever it comes up.
We have a better understanding of economics now. Only Capital must circulate under Capitalism. And, left wingers are just as much to blame by not upgrading infrastructure whenever it comes up.
Not when republicans have nothing but repeal and lie about having healthcare reform.
It's different times though. It's like comparing apples and oranges.

There's nothing wrong with the principle of welfare. Helping the less off, regardless of who they are, in every society is something to be proud of.

However constant reform is needed as economies, society and landscape change to ensure that it's a safety net and not a lifestyle choice.

No-one should be better off not working than working - and that's the problem. Folk become dependent on it and others (rightly) say "well if I take away xyz that I receive and take on a job that pays x-amount of dollars per hour, then after my work expenses I'm working for nothing or next to nothing - it's not worth it"

and that's completely correct of them to say so and feel that way. I know, because it's been me before.

There's lazy bastards in every society who just don't want to work and contribute that's wrong and those folk need weeded out.

I honestly can't understand the mindset of someone who wants to just survive instead of live life.

Sit in a small flat, eating toasted cheese each night, wearing clothes from the sale rack in Walmart or having a nice place to live, holidays, going out for a meal, a few beers, nice clothes, not worrying about an expensive utility bill that's going to drop any week now etc. It's a no-brainer what the choice between the two should be.

I think too many folk get the wrong idea about work too. It's not like the old days where your alarm goes off at 5am for a 6am start in a fast-paced factory, working 12-hours, totally done in and under pressure. There's positions out there for everyone and every skillset.

I work 12-hour nightshifts in an empty office at night, bored, not much to do but deal with an emergency and prepare handovers for the dayshift and the amount of my mates who think that's their ideal of hell for a job but it works for me. It pays my bills and gives me a good standard of life and that's the minimum anyone should aim for.
no, it's not different--that's not anywhere near the point
Of course it's different ya lunatic - your whole premise is based on the great depression and the way folk were/things are.

It's not a great depression. Not even close. To try and claim it is is being a little drama queen.
It's different times though. It's like comparing apples and oranges.

There's nothing wrong with the principle of welfare. Helping the less off, regardless of who they are, in every society is something to be proud of.

However constant reform is needed as economies, society and landscape change to ensure that it's a safety net and not a lifestyle choice.

No-one should be better off not working than working - and that's the problem. Folk become dependent on it and others (rightly) say "well if I take away xyz that I receive and take on a job that pays x-amount of dollars per hour, then after my work expenses I'm working for nothing or next to nothing - it's not worth it"

and that's completely correct of them to say so and feel that way. I know, because it's been me before.

There's lazy bastards in every society who just don't want to work and contribute that's wrong and those folk need weeded out.

I honestly can't understand the mindset of someone who wants to just survive instead of live life.

Sit in a small flat, eating toasted cheese each night, wearing clothes from the sale rack in Walmart or having a nice place to live, holidays, going out for a meal, a few beers, nice clothes, not worrying about an expensive utility bill that's going to drop any week now etc. It's a no-brainer what the choice between the two should be.

I think too many folk get the wrong idea about work too. It's not like the old days where your alarm goes off at 5am for a 6am start in a fast-paced factory, working 12-hours, totally done in and under pressure. There's positions out there for everyone and every skillset.

I work 12-hour nightshifts in an empty office at night, bored, not much to do but deal with an emergency and prepare handovers for the dayshift and the amount of my mates who think that's their ideal of hell for a job but it works for me. It pays my bills and gives me a good standard of life and that's the minimum anyone should aim for.
no, it's not different--that's not anywhere near the point
Of course it's different ya lunatic - your whole premise is based on the great depression and the way folk were/things are.

It's not a great depression. Not even close. To try and claim it is is being a little drama queen.

America had a Second Depession 2008 to 2015. The Obama/Biden admin was incapable of handling it. Now that Chyna Joey Xi Bai Din has been fraudulently elected, he's duplicating the mistakes Obama made and introducing his own demented ideas. In less than 4 months Joey Xi has really screwed the pooch on the economy, foreign policy and employment....
It's different times though. It's like comparing apples and oranges.

There's nothing wrong with the principle of welfare. Helping the less off, regardless of who they are, in every society is something to be proud of.

However constant reform is needed as economies, society and landscape change to ensure that it's a safety net and not a lifestyle choice.

No-one should be better off not working than working - and that's the problem. Folk become dependent on it and others (rightly) say "well if I take away xyz that I receive and take on a job that pays x-amount of dollars per hour, then after my work expenses I'm working for nothing or next to nothing - it's not worth it"

and that's completely correct of them to say so and feel that way. I know, because it's been me before.

There's lazy bastards in every society who just don't want to work and contribute that's wrong and those folk need weeded out.

I honestly can't understand the mindset of someone who wants to just survive instead of live life.

Sit in a small flat, eating toasted cheese each night, wearing clothes from the sale rack in Walmart or having a nice place to live, holidays, going out for a meal, a few beers, nice clothes, not worrying about an expensive utility bill that's going to drop any week now etc. It's a no-brainer what the choice between the two should be.

I think too many folk get the wrong idea about work too. It's not like the old days where your alarm goes off at 5am for a 6am start in a fast-paced factory, working 12-hours, totally done in and under pressure. There's positions out there for everyone and every skillset.

I work 12-hour nightshifts in an empty office at night, bored, not much to do but deal with an emergency and prepare handovers for the dayshift and the amount of my mates who think that's their ideal of hell for a job but it works for me. It pays my bills and gives me a good standard of life and that's the minimum anyone should aim for.
no, it's not different--that's not anywhere near the point
Of course it's different ya lunatic - your whole premise is based on the great depression and the way folk were/things are.

It's not a great depression. Not even close. To try and claim it is is being a little drama queen.

America had a Second Depession 2008 to 2015. The Obama/Biden admin was incapable of handling it.
Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful.
Business owners feel they are entitled to have workers fill their vacancies. Hope they are learning that's not true.
Applauding politicians for building a school, a hospital, or something else with public funds is like applauding an ATM for giving you your own money.

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