In the game of racism, the left cheats to push their agenda.


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Stories like this are becoming more common. I'm sure all the victims offended their attackers with their 'whiteness' and were asking for it.

Cinncinati man beaten by a gang of blacks. Initially, police put in their report that it was racially motivated, calling it an anti-white crime. As usually happens, that is quickly changed since hate crime by blacks doesn't fit the agenda. This is just the latest in a string of beatings of white people by angry blacks. A white woman holding a baby was recently attacked by two young black girls for being where she didn't belong. Now we all have to worry about territories and whether it's safe to take your child to the playground or walk in certain parks. The media doesn't offer up coverage of these incidents and the administration looks the other way instead of condemning the violence.

When you have liberal professors claiming that whiteness is equal to terrorism, it's no wonder that black on white crime has increased. When you label whites as terrorists simply because of their color, it justifies mob violence against whites in the minds of the useful idiots. Instead of attempting to allieviate tensions, the administration stays silent on the violence committed by minorities and he continues to whine about how unfair it is to be black in America. Michelle echoed the complaints during her speech at a recent graduation. I would think both should tout the freedoms, liberties and equal rights here as the reason they were able to make it all the way to the White House. It's really something when the country's most important man complains about how the country isn't willing to give minorities a fair shake. And he refuses to accept that the criticism is no different than any other president has endured. I'd say the left has been far more cruel and nasty towards the right. And the right will continue to criticize with anyone on the left over their ideology. That has always been what it's been about, but Obama is the first to make up an excuse.

This liberal professor not only claimed that whiteness equals terror, but blamed whites for her menstrual cramps. Yes, you read that right.

Since the left apparently couldn't find solid evidence that America is predominantly a racist country, they have opted to invent cases where none exist. From the Ferguson mess to the constant chatter about white privilege, the left has insured that whites will be labelled and have no chance of escape from their false accusations. It's not enough to treat people fairly, you are guilty of being white. One thing they haven't made clear - yet- is how whites will pay for the crime of being born with light skin. Maybe the creation of vigilantes across the country was the plan all along. It's now progessed into mob violence against whites and the left sits back and watches the results of their vitriol. And they stoke the fire every chance they get to make sure that things never calm down. As the rioting in cities eased, they quickly launched the newest smear campaign against all Southerners by declaring the Confederate flag as a symbol of racism. Never mind that the flag that flew during the civil war was the one with the stars in a circle. Doesn't matter. If the left says something is racist, they expect everyone to take them at their word. If the right says something is racist, the left says that just makes them racist. Common sense and logic never come into play with their talking points.
Game of racism?

Cinncinati man beaten by a gang of blacks. Initially, police put in their report that it was racially motivated, calling it an anti-white crime. As usually happens, that is quickly changed since hate crime by blacks doesn't fit the agenda.

So did you find out there was no report of that white guy being beat up by a big group of blacks? No?

The reason it "changed" was because the first report was one by a blog who asserted this was the case. Since then we've found out that the police themselves didnt support this.

Of course to you, this is not evidence of you being wrong and stoking racism based on rumors. To you this means the story changed because the police are protecting blacks or something.

Obama is making you believe half assed stories and rumors tho...not your fault
A white woman holding a baby was recently attacked by two young black girls for being where she didn't belong.

I'm betting this bit of rumor milling is also false since you didnt include a link. More rumors?

It was in a previous thread and discussed quite a bit here. If you have a short term memory, that is on you. The woman was on a school playground with her baby and was beaten and the first strike caused her to drop the baby. Look it up.
Game of racism?

Cinncinati man beaten by a gang of blacks. Initially, police put in their report that it was racially motivated, calling it an anti-white crime. As usually happens, that is quickly changed since hate crime by blacks doesn't fit the agenda.

So did you find out there was no report of that white guy being beat up by a big group of blacks? No?

The reason it "changed" was because the first report was one by a blog who asserted this was the case. Since then we've found out that the police themselves didnt support this.

Of course to you, this is not evidence of you being wrong and stoking racism based on rumors. To you this means the story changed because the police are protecting blacks or something.

Obama is making you believe half assed stories and rumors tho...not your fault

And no links to back up your assertion. I suppose next you will disclaim the government's own stats of the percent of black on white crime, the fact that whites are shot more by cops and that the knock out game was all made up.
A white woman holding a baby was recently attacked by two young black girls for being where she didn't belong.

I'm betting this bit of rumor milling is also false since you didnt include a link. More rumors?

It was in a previous thread and discussed quite a bit here. If you have a short term memory, that is on you. The woman was on a school playground with her baby and was beaten and the first strike caused her to drop the baby. Look it up.

So no link then....Just as I thought. Rumor milling because Obama is dividing the races and stuff. good
Game of racism?

Cinncinati man beaten by a gang of blacks. Initially, police put in their report that it was racially motivated, calling it an anti-white crime. As usually happens, that is quickly changed since hate crime by blacks doesn't fit the agenda.

So did you find out there was no report of that white guy being beat up by a big group of blacks? No?

The reason it "changed" was because the first report was one by a blog who asserted this was the case. Since then we've found out that the police themselves didnt support this.

Of course to you, this is not evidence of you being wrong and stoking racism based on rumors. To you this means the story changed because the police are protecting blacks or something.

Obama is making you believe half assed stories and rumors tho...not your fault

And no links to back up your assertion. I suppose next you will disclaim the government's own stats of the percent of black on white crime, the fact that whites are shot more by cops and that the knock out game was all made up.

So you dont have any links to two different stories I challenged you on but want everyone to believe the narrative you're attaching to them.

Sounds like when I asked if you found the police report that doesnt exist your answer is no.

And you assertion that the police are protecting a group of black thugs who jumped a guy is baffling. I'm sure you'll attribute that bit of pretzel logic to something about the invisible hand of the liberal or something.

You cant back up any of your white people campfire stories.

Way to remain consistent at least

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