In the defense of white folks

^^^ poke a conservative, find a racist.


And these are the same idiots who claim Democrats voted against civil rights while ignoring the fact that it was racist conservative Democrats and Republicans in the Confederate states who voted against it; while Liberal Democrats and Republicans in the Union states voted for it.

This forum proves beyond and shadow of doubt which ideology is more racist.
Fauny is still peddling his fables.

Democrats tend by and large to view blacks as their own property. Electorally. Democrats have to isnwierd ass plantation mentality in that regard. Democrats imagine blacks as a monolithic group and when anyone shows any conservative inclinations like being willing to have a more open mind than the liberal Democrats care for, they promptly try to brand the offenders as “Toms.”

Yeah yeah. The South was the South. Slave states. Got it. Check. But those not so good old boys fought the civil war to keep slavery and they didn’t change their stripes just because they lost the war:

It is an historical FACT that

the 14th Amendment was passed with 94% Republican support and the 15th Amendment was passed with 100% Republican support.​

Fauny is still peddling his fables.

Democrats tend by and large to view blacks as their own property. Electorally. Democrats have to isnwierd ass plantation mentality in that regard. Democrats imagine blacks as a monolithic group and when anyone shows any conservative inclinations like being willing to have a more open mind than the liberal Democrats care for, they promptly try to brand the offenders as “Toms.”

Yeah yeah. The South was the South. Slave states. Got it. Check. But those not so good old boys fought the civil war to keep slavery and they didn’t change their stripes just because they lost the war:

It is an historical FACT that

the 14th Amendment was passed with 94% Republican support and the 15th Amendment was passed with 100% Republican support.​

Yes, and those "slave states" were, and are, primarily conservative. And yes, back when those Amendments passed, those "slave states" were primarily Democrat. They were also passed during Reconstruction. But that was then and this is now and those "slave states" are a Republican majority and still a conservative majority.
Yes, and those "slave states" were, and are, primarily conservative. And yes, back when those Amendments passed, those "slave states" were primarily Democrat. They were also passed during Reconstruction. But that was then and this is now and those "slave states" are a Republican majority and still a conservative majority.
As I said, you are still peddling your revisionist history. The actual facts remain clear. Republicans supported the abolition of slavery and supported voting rights for black people. Your Dumbocrap forebears were agin it.

Robert Byrd was lauded by modern day Democrats, but he had once been a fucking ranking member of some fucking KKK klan.

Even to this day, the Dims are the racists. The Dumbocrap Party oppose voter ID on the racist supposition that black people are too dumb to figure out how to get readily available and free voter ID.

The litany of racism by the Democrats goes on and on. But some folks, like you, will deny it endlessly however dishonest you have to be to deny reality.
As I said, you are still peddling your revisionist history. The actual facts remain clear. Republicans supported the abolition of slavery and supported voting rights for black people. Your Dumbocrap forebears were agin it.

Robert Byrd was lauded by modern day Democrats, but he had once been a fucking ranking member of some fucking KKK klan.

Even to this day, the Dims are the racists. The Dumbocrap Party oppose voter ID on the racist supposition that black people are too dumb to figure out how to get readily available and free voter ID.

The litany of racism by the Democrats goes on and on. But some folks, like you, will deny it endlessly however dishonest you have to be to deny reality.
It's history, not revisionism.

Again, it was a regional divide, not a political party divide.

Watch this...

If it was a political party divide, how do you explain why more Democrats in the Union states voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act than Republicans.....
And you got all that out of me calling him a name; something you leftists have done to every Republican President. Like I said, don't use big words until you understand them first. It makes you look ignorant and foolish.
No idiot, I got the reality that your racist ass could not accept that a black man was president. Nobody has challenged any republican presidents standing as an American citizen.

You're a dumb ass and you're out of your league here. Stay on your level. Talk to yours truly and Correll, they are as dumb as you are.
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As I said, you are still peddling your revisionist history. The actual facts remain clear. Republicans supported the abolition of slavery and supported voting rights for black people. Your Dumbocrap forebears were agin it.

Robert do while a KKK klan.

Even to this day, the Dims are the racists. The Dumbocrap Party oppose voter ID on the racist supposition that black people are too dumb to figure out how to get readily available and free voter ID.

The litany of racism by the Democrats goes on and on. But some folks, like you, will deny it endlessly however dishonest you have to be to deny reality.
You are the one revising history. Republicans passed the Corwin Amendment which had it been ratified, would have made slavery protected by the constitution. More democrats voted for the voting rights act. Robert Byrd denounced the klan, while Thurmond, Helms and other klan members switched to the republican party over civil rights. Barry Goldwater was nominated for president by republicans and he opposed civil rights. Blacks oppose voter suppression, and we oppose it for far more reasons than an ID.

The modern day republican party is the racist party. This is why you keep repeating what democrats used to do while at the same time talking about how you can't be blamed for the past when we start talking about racial issues.
It's history, not revisionism.

Again, it was a regional divide, not a political party divide.

Watch this...

If it was a political party divide, how do you explain why more Democrats in the Union states voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act than Republicans.....
He can't. Nor can he answer how did the south go from strongly democrat to now being strongly republican Because he will deny that the Southern Strategy was real.
I don't know if I've ever met a bigger hypocrite in my life. Perhaps YOU should learn something about the cases before you comment.

Kyle Rittenhouse claimed his former lawyers, Lin Wood and John Pierce, prolonged his jail time and gave him bad advice.

The 18-year-old, who on Friday was acquitted of all charges in the shooting of three men during political unrest last summer in Kenosha, Wisconsin, told Fox News host Tucker Carlson they raised over $1 million by Sept. 5, 2020, and could have filed to get him released on bail by the middle of that month.

Instead, Rittenhouse said he spent nearly three months behind bars.

Perhaps you need to shut the fuck up rather than spewing the bullshit you keep spewing. Seriously. You just suggested it was reverse racism that kept Kyle in jail? Wow! How fucking little you know huh?
Why was his bail set at two million, when the black man who jumped bail on running over his girl friend and a bunch of other crimes had a five thousand buck bail?
Fauny is still peddling his fables.

Democrats tend by and large to view blacks as their own property. Electorally. Democrats have to isnwierd ass plantation mentality in that regard. Democrats imagine blacks as a monolithic group and when anyone shows any conservative inclinations like being willing to have a more open mind than the liberal Democrats care for, they promptly try to brand the offenders as “Toms.”

Yeah yeah. The South was the South. Slave states. Got it. Check. But those not so good old boys fought the civil war to keep slavery and they didn’t change their stripes just because they lost the war:

It is an historical FACT that

the 14th Amendment was passed with 94% Republican support and the 15th Amendment was passed with 100% Republican support.​

In 2019 a voting right bill was passed with just 1 republican voting for it. In 2021 every republican in the senate voted against it.

But keep telling us what republicans did in 1860.
No idiot, I got the reality that your racist ass could not accept that a black man was president. Nobody has challenged any republican presidents standing as an American citizen.

You're a dumb ass and you're out of your league here. Stay on your level. Talk to yours truly and Correll, they are as dumb as you are.

Trust me, you are far below our level. Anybody that makes calling an ex-President a name means they objected to a Mulatto President is anybody's guess how you could draw such a line. With you leftists, you make shit up people never said. But again, without lying and hypocrisy, a leftist has no agrument.
Why was his bail set at two million, when the black man who jumped bail on running over his girl friend and a bunch of other crimes had a five thousand buck bail?
I don't think the black guy jumped bail. And unlike Rittenhouse, he will be going to prison. The judge will allow the victims of his crime to be called victims too.
Trust me, you are far below our level. Anybody that makes calling an ex-President a name means they objected to a Mulatto President is anybody's guess how you could draw such a line. With you leftists, you make shit up people never said. But again, without lying and hypocrisy, a leftist has no agrument.
No Ray, I am above your stupidity. I drew the line because it is what racists have been shown to do. So now Obama is mulatto, but if he's on a wanted poster, he is black.

Tell me Ray, what do you think about Jussie Smollette?
He can't. Nor can he answer how did the south go from strongly democrat to now being strongly republican Because he will deny that the Southern Strategy was real.
All one has to do to determine which ideology has the most racists is look at this forum where the vast majority of racist posts emanate from the right.
All one has to do to determine which ideology has the most racists is look at this forum where the vast majority of racist posts emanate from the right.
They love it when I say racist shit but what they don't tell us is that they don't necessarily disagree with the shit I'm saying.
Why was his bail set at two million, when the black man who jumped bail on running over his girl friend and a bunch of other crimes had a five thousand buck bail?
Did you see the story of Robert Durst? They set his bail higher than they would most because they knew he could pay $500,000 bail.

All I know is Kyle doesn't complain about the high bail. He complains that his attorneys left him in jail to raise money to get him out, but then left him in and kept the money. Probably good to make him seem more like a victim sitting in jail to be honest. If he was out walking around giving interviews, he could have hurt his case.
i dont have a daughter but i do have a niece who has a black friend whom she had a son with other neice is married to a Mexican..... i dont have problems with minorities bobo.....
Because you don't have a daughter. If you did, and she had a "black friend" whom she had a bastard with, I'm sure you'd be proud.
Because you don't have a daughter. If you did, and she had a "black friend" whom she had a bastard with, I'm sure you'd be proud.
bobo i have black blood in the family line on the Sicilian side because of the grandmothers 2 brothers were so dark she told me they hung with the was called blackie........i have been mistaken for a Mexican by many a Mexican,in the summer,especially here in Vegas,i can get pretty dark....if i would have no problems marrying a black woman why would i care if my daughter would? i said bobo i dont have problems with minorities ....apparently you do.....
bobo i have black blood in the family line on the Sicilian side because of the grandmothers 2 brothers were so dark she told me they hung with the was called blackie........i have been mistaken for a Mexican by many a Mexican,in the summer,especially here in Vegas,i can get pretty dark....if i would have no problems marrying a black woman why would i care if my daughter would? i said bobo i dont have problems with minorities ....apparently you do.....
I would have no problem marrying a black woman either. But I would have a problem if my daughter dating a black guy. Big difference.

It's like the story I told about Larry David. He was a champion for the gay community, but was still happy for his friend when he told him his daughter was no longer a lesbian.

You're just not being honest.

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