In the defense of white folks

So you're in support of people being offered promotions based solely on their race, as long as it's the black race getting the promotion.

That's racist. And you're a racist.
No. I'm saying in order to break up the good old white boys network, companies need to do a better job promoting diverse candidates. Up until now, white men have done a horrible job at this. They seem to always promote the white guys.

And it doesn't have to be a black. I pointed out earlier that white women have benefited the most from AA. So no, it doesn't have to be a black. Could be an asian, hispanic, arab, women, indian, gay.
So blacks moved into your neighborhood, the property value went down, and you think this is an example of racism not existing....? Hmmm, you just might be a moron. Lol.
People moving into neighborhoods and driving down property values isn’t necessarily linked to skin color. In the Clinton years I lived in a suburb of Palmdale CA that was mostly aerospace workers. Well to make a long story short, Clinton’s “peace dividend” cost them their jobs and houses. Many set empty until the housing bubble and people bought houses that had been worth three to four hundred thousand dollars for thirty to fifty thousand dollars on liters loans. They could barely make the mortgage payments with nothing left for repairs. The once solidly middle class neighborhood turned into a slum with broken windows and unmown lawns in less than a year. I only owed thirty grand on my house and couldn’t even get that. I had to let it go back to the bank and lose all the improvements and money I put into it. Oh and by the way, none of the people who bought houses in my neighborhood were black, they were Latinos and Whites and most of them lost the houses fairly quickly because they couldn’t afford even those small mortgages or the property taxes.
Some of that is agreeable. However cops are not the most popular to certain areas and are being handcuffed by their own local governments. Most people in shootouts with cops are not going to win if a good percentage of cops are excellent with firearms.
Most cops are barely adequate with firearms. They aren’t encouraged to spend the amount of range time most civilian shooters do. When I shot matches in college, I shot hundreds of rounds a week, and I was on the low side for competitive shooters.
Most cops are barely adequate with firearms. They aren’t encouraged to spend the amount of range time most civilian shooters do. When I shot matches in college, I shot hundreds of rounds a week, and I was on the low side for competitive shooters.
Holy cow you are right

Shooting accuracy varies based on how close an officer is to a suspect -- but data shows that they're often not accurate shots.
A 2019 study of the Dallas Police Department found that in more than 130 shootings, officers struck their targets 35% of the time. Most of their shots were misses. And a 2006 analysis, which examined a number of major metropolitan police department shootings throughout the late '80s and early '90s, found that hit rates rarely exceeded 50%. Some departments, including the New York Police Department in 1990, hit only about 23% of targets.

Then own it. And stop trying to make excuses or move the goal post. Democrats, expecially in the south were racist who supported slavery, segregation and opposed the civil rights act.
Democrats. Your party. The party you claim to be anti racist, which have passed some of THE most racist laws in our history.
I do own it. I've said repeatedly that the almost all of the lawmakers in the Confederate states voted against civil rights and that most of them were Democrat.
I think Lisa accepts that women have a role in our society. It's not to be CEO of a company. It's to be the wife of a CEO. And it's their choice. Even the ones who choose not to have kids. Sorry ladies.

See Ray? This proves my point. You and Lisa are stereotyping and putting all women into a bucket and saying the reason none of them are CEO's is because they all choose to raise a family.

That's just not true. And a lot of these women, if you pay them a VP wage, will tell their husband to quit his job. Or she can afford a nanny making that kind of money.

I've already said this before. If white men hiring managers believe all the women they interview are at some point going to put their careers on hold to raise a family, that's the bias I'm talking about. That's stereotyping. Is it true most women at some point will put their careers on hold to raise a family? Probably. But isn't that screwing the ones who won't? Isn't this bias? Isn't this stereotyping? You can't lump all women, or blacks, into one category because A LOT of women or blacks do something.

But it's okay when you do?

If a black doesn't make it to VP it's because he's black and no other reason. If a woman doesn't make it to VP it's only because she's a woman. Talk about putting people in a bucket.

We have laws against such practices and have for many years. The only thing worse for a company getting sued is getting a discriminatory reputation. Even if they win it's extremely damaging to the company not only in reputation, but loss of customers.

You on the left think that all groups of people are the same. Out of the whites, 5% go for being VP and eventually a CEO. That means blacks and women must have the same percentage. 10% of whites go into construction, so that means 10% of minorities and women go into construction as well. It doesn't work that way and never has.

Again, look at our sports teams. Are they being discriminatory against whites and Asians? No, it's just that blacks have an elevated talent for such things. Like I said, I live in a black neighborhood. In the summer all you hear are black kids walking down the sidewalk bouncing a basketball. Find me a white neighborhood like that. Sure, I played basketball as a kid, but never dreamed that I'd be in the NBA one day. It's just something I liked to do a couple times a week.

Professional golf is a great example. Talk about a white gathering. You'd be hell pressed to find minorities playing or in the audience. Is it because they are discriminatory against minorities? No, it just doesn't interest a lot of minorities.
But it's okay when you do?

If a black doesn't make it to VP it's because he's black and no other reason. If a woman doesn't make it to VP it's only because she's a woman. Talk about putting people in a bucket.

We have laws against such practices and have for many years. The only thing worse for a company getting sued is getting a discriminatory reputation. Even if they win it's extremely damaging to the company not only in reputation, but loss of customers.

You on the left think that all groups of people are the same. Out of the whites, 5% go for being VP and eventually a CEO. That means blacks and women must have the same percentage. 10% of whites go into construction, so that means 10% of minorities and women go into construction as well. It doesn't work that way and never has.

Again, look at our sports teams. Are they being discriminatory against whites and Asians? No, it's just that blacks have an elevated talent for such things. Like I said, I live in a black neighborhood. In the summer all you hear are black kids walking down the sidewalk bouncing a basketball. Find me a white neighborhood like that. Sure, I played basketball as a kid, but never dreamed that I'd be in the NBA one day. It's just something I liked to do a couple times a week.

Professional golf is a great example. Talk about a white gathering. You'd be hell pressed to find minorities playing or in the audience. Is it because they are discriminatory against minorities? No, it just doesn't interest a lot of minorities.
It's because blacks are among the poorest groups in this country and golf is not cheap. Whereas as basketball and football are.
Why TF do blacks always need help? Most of the ones I know, aren't stupid. They live the lives they were handed and don't complain about it. At least that the way it is for the older ones. Some of their kids are as worthless as a lot of white kids. Always "entitled" to things they will never have, because they're worthless.

Seriously, you're making blacks out to be "special needs" or something. Funny, the black millionaires and billionaires made it. Why can't the rest of them. Hell, they only make up 12% of the country.

Democrats have always treated blacks like the kids on the short bus, even to the point they told them blacks are too stupid to get an ID.
But it's okay when you do?

If a black doesn't make it to VP it's because he's black and no other reason. If a woman doesn't make it to VP it's only because she's a woman. Talk about putting people in a bucket.

We have laws against such practices and have for many years. The only thing worse for a company getting sued is getting a discriminatory reputation. Even if they win it's extremely damaging to the company not only in reputation, but loss of customers.

You on the left think that all groups of people are the same. Out of the whites, 5% go for being VP and eventually a CEO. That means blacks and women must have the same percentage. 10% of whites go into construction, so that means 10% of minorities and women go into construction as well. It doesn't work that way and never has.

Again, look at our sports teams. Are they being discriminatory against whites and Asians? No, it's just that blacks have an elevated talent for such things. Like I said, I live in a black neighborhood. In the summer all you hear are black kids walking down the sidewalk bouncing a basketball. Find me a white neighborhood like that. Sure, I played basketball as a kid, but never dreamed that I'd be in the NBA one day. It's just something I liked to do a couple times a week.

Professional golf is a great example. Talk about a white gathering. You'd be hell pressed to find minorities playing or in the audience. Is it because they are discriminatory against minorities? No, it just doesn't interest a lot of minorities.
I'm not saying if a black doesn't make it to VP it's always because they are black. But the numbers show there is something wrong here Ray. Way too many women, blacks, asians, hispanics in the executive boardrooms of America. In a country as diverse as ours, somethings wrong

Shareholders, the media and the general public have been pressing for change and enhanced diversity in boardrooms. There’s no doubt that the good ol’ white boys club is being dismantled, but a new report suggests there’s still a long way to go before U.S. boards can shine as an example of equality.

boards are making considerable headway in appointing more women to their ranks. The number of women who filled new board seats in 2018 grew to 40 percent, up from 18 percent ten years ago when the executive search firm started monitoring board trends. Nevertheless, according to a report by Deloitte and the Alliance for Board Diversity, the total share of women on Fortune 500 boards is still very much below the parity level, at 23 percent.

So women are actually making progress. Meanwhile, women like Lisa are dogging blacks because of AA? Wake up Lisa. What a hypocrite.

And corporate America is trying. At least in the board rooms. White old men will let minorities serve on the board but not in

There’s also been sustained progress in the appointments of African American, Hispanic and Asian/Asian-American candidates onto Fortune 500 boards over the past decade, reaching a record high in 2017. But at 23 percent representation, that’s also still quite low.

While this is still a pretty good number, bringing fresh thinking, inspirational ideas and new perspectives into boardrooms, in 2018, 53 percent of those first timers were men and 73 percent were Caucasian.

So much for progress on diversity.

There’s been a significant change,” says Gwin. “Ten years ago, diversity certainly would’ve been a topic, but now, in many cases, it’s a mandate.”

So, let’s appreciate how far we’ve come… while keeping an eye on all the opportunities left to grab. Because it’s not just about gender and ethnic diversity, it’s passport diversity, life experience diversity, age diversity… There are a lot of elements.

Democrats have always treated blacks like the kids on the short bus, even to the point they told them blacks are too stupid to get an ID.
We didn't say too stupid. We said too poor. The poor old black lady who wants to vote and is registered should not have to show you her id. Check her signature you racist. Or give her a free ID.
This ain't about history. It's about "NOW." Historically, blacks have come a long way. From slavery to freedom. That's a win win. But for the race hustlers, it's not enough. They want whites to be their slaves. They want whites to be forced to sit at the back of the bus.
And here we see straight up paranoia.

White racism has not stopped. Things are not equal. Slavery to freedom you say?

Free to be paid 80 cents on every dollar a white man makes?

Free to continue living at twice the rate of poverty?

Free to continue having twice the unemployment as whites no matter how low unemployment is?

Free to be denied loans to start busineeses?

Free to not have proper healthcare facilities in our communities?

Free to pay taxes that are used to develop white communities but not ours?

I can keep going. You are an example of an idiot.
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This is probably the most racist statement I have ever seen.

Nobody in my family ever got GI Bills or FHA loans and BOTH my parents are Vietnam vets.

So, how is it correcting inequities? I suffer from the same inequities you do.
Of course you do.

Yeah, that's the ticket.
If we said them here, you liberals would scream racism.
There are no words whites cannot say. It's just that some of the words you guys want to say to blacks are harmful to your health.
Ngr. black boy. etc etc etc
You can say them. You just have to face the consequences of that choice. Why are whites so butthurt about not being able to call blacks these things? We don't whine because we can't call whites, micks, degos, guineas, pollacks, limeys, wops, and we aren't butthurt that we can't call white women *****. It's called respect. Your white ass seems to have a problem with that.
This is probably the most racist statement I have ever seen.

Nobody in my family ever got GI Bills or FHA loans and BOTH my parents are Vietnam vets.

So, how is it correcting inequities? I suffer from the same inequities you do.
No. Your uneducated blue collar ancestors walked into a factory that their friends worked at and a white hiring manager gave them a job. And not because they were the most qualified. And at that same company, a black man walked in and applied but no one hired him because he didn't know anyone who worked there. They said it wasn't about race. They only hire people who know someone who works at the company. And you believe that? Of course you do. You're a racist white conservative Republican.

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