In re January 6, 2021

Rye Catcher

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2019
"Attorneys for former President Donald Trump argued Wednesday that the pursuit of his White House records by a congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol could have long-lasting, harmful effects on the presidency.

"The [committee’s] clear disdain for President Trump is leading them to a course of action that will result in permanent damage to the institution of the presidency," Trump's attorneys wrote in a brief filed in federal court.

"In reality, their success would gut the protections afforded presidential communications of any just and uniform standard. An incumbent president would always be able to condemn the actions of a former president from a rival party and permit confidentiality to be broken to further political ends,” they wrote."

Is this a valid argument?

"Attorneys for former President Donald Trump argued Wednesday that the pursuit of his White House records by a congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol could have long-lasting, harmful effects on the presidency.

"The [committee’s] clear disdain for President Trump is leading them to a course of action that will result in permanent damage to the institution of the presidency," Trump's attorneys wrote in a brief filed in federal court.

"In reality, their success would gut the protections afforded presidential communications of any just and uniform standard. An incumbent president would always be able to condemn the actions of a former president from a rival party and permit confidentiality to be broken to further political ends,” they wrote."

Is this a valid argument?

No, but it's the best they can do. Not doing it would allow a lame duck President to get away with quite a bit. Like, say, instigating and planning an insurrection.

I would definitely say it's a better argument than "we're not gonna help the commies in their phony investigation", though. At least his people know this is serious.
"Attorneys for former President Donald Trump argued Wednesday that the pursuit of his White House records by a congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol could have long-lasting, harmful effects on the presidency.

"The [committee’s] clear disdain for President Trump is leading them to a course of action that will result in permanent damage to the institution of the presidency," Trump's attorneys wrote in a brief filed in federal court.

"In reality, their success would gut the protections afforded presidential communications of any just and uniform standard. An incumbent president would always be able to condemn the actions of a former president from a rival party and permit confidentiality to be broken to further political ends,” they wrote."

Is this a valid argument?

Nothing that incompetent fuckup Drumphf is involved with is valid.
"Attorneys for former President Donald Trump argued Wednesday that the pursuit of his White House records by a congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol could have long-lasting, harmful effects on the presidency.

"The [committee’s] clear disdain for President Trump is leading them to a course of action that will result in permanent damage to the institution of the presidency," Trump's attorneys wrote in a brief filed in federal court.

"In reality, their success would gut the protections afforded presidential communications of any just and uniform standard. An incumbent president would always be able to condemn the actions of a former president from a rival party and permit confidentiality to be broken to further political ends,” they wrote."

Is this a valid argument?

Looks like they are claiming that Trump is above the law
No, but it's the best they can do. Not doing it would allow a lame duck President to get away with quite a bit. Like, say, instigating and planning an insurrection.

I would definitely say it's a better argument than "we're not gonna help the commies in their phony investigation", though.
You're not going to find anything incriminating. It just looks like the left trying to go through Trump's laundry in an attempt to create more scandals. It's kind of desperate. You people should probably move on.
You're not going to find anything incriminating. It just looks like the left trying to go through Trump's laundry in an attempt to create more scandals. It's kind of desperate. You people should probably move on.

Then why fight so hard to keep it out from the public?

Who did Trump talk to during the riot?
What was his response?
What guidance did he give?

He was the freaking President, America should know
"Attorneys for former President Donald Trump argued Wednesday that the pursuit of his White House records by a congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol could have long-lasting, harmful effects on the presidency.

"The [committee’s] clear disdain for President Trump is leading them to a course of action that will result in permanent damage to the institution of the presidency," Trump's attorneys wrote in a brief filed in federal court.

"In reality, their success would gut the protections afforded presidential communications of any just and uniform standard. An incumbent president would always be able to condemn the actions of a former president from a rival party and permit confidentiality to be broken to further political ends,” they wrote."

Is this a valid argument?

No, this is not a reasonable argument for a number of reasons:

  1. "Executive Privilege" is not an absolute power, although Trump has consistently refused to release ANY document or witness to oversight, claiming that it is. Trump has lost every one of his prior court cases on this claim.
  2. Of particular note, the Supreme Court ordered Richard Nixon to turn over his recorded conversations with advisors around the issue of Watergate on the grounds that Executive Privilege did not extend to illegal activities by a President while in office. This would definitely apply to this case.
  3. Last but not least, after he took office, Donald Trump released ALL of the emails and memos from members of the Obama Administration around the subject of investigating the origins of the Russia Investigation purely for political purposes. So Trump is trying to prevent Biden from doing the same thing he did, while falsely claiming it will harm future Presidents it Biden is allowed to do it.
  4. President Obama didn't raise "executive privilege" when Trump released his emails either to investigators, or to the public.
  5. This argument says that if the President of the United States is breaking the law, his successor could expose him. One would think that this would be a good thing.
Then why fight so hard to keep it out from the public?

Who did Trump talk to during the riot?
What was his response?
What guidance did he give?

He was the freaking President, America should know
In his position I would try to keep you obsessed people from getting more information too, incriminating or not. This isn't about justice for the left. It's about revenge. They just want anything they can use to attack Trump.
You're not going to find anything incriminating. It just looks like the left trying to go through Trump's laundry in an attempt to create more scandals. It's kind of desperate. You people should probably move on.

Are you really this gullible? Trump started planning January 6th the moment the election was called for Biden. His appointments to the Pentagon 3 days later are proof positive of that. All three played key roles in keeping the National Guard sitting on buses at their base for 5 hours.

It's when he pardoned all of his criminal buddies so he could get the band all back together again - Flynn, Bannon, Stone. All of the people who want Trump to form a fascist authoritarian government in the USA, and end democracy as you know it.

If that's not what they were doing, their documents should prove they weren't trying to seize power, shouldn't they?

Please be aware that Kash Patel, on of the Three Amigos at the Pentagon, is fully cooperating with the Committee.
Then why fight so hard to keep it out from the public?

Who did Trump talk to during the riot?
What was his response?
What guidance did he give?

He was the freaking President, America should know

We asked that for 8 years of Obambi.
No, but it's the best they can do. Not doing it would allow a lame duck President to get away with quite a bit. Like, say, instigating and planning an insurrection.
I think that already happened when obama was president
In his position I would try to keep you obsessed people from getting more information too, incriminating or not. This isn't about justice for the left. It's about revenge. They just want anything they can use to attack Trump.

No it's not about revenge. Revenge is Donald Trump trying to prosecute members of the FBI who investigated HIM. This is to make sure, nobody gets this close to seizing power ever gain.

This is about a twice impeached, 7 times bankrupt, criminal conman who managed to get himself elected President of the United States of America, and refuses to give up power. Every business deal Trump has ever done has ended with the property owners firing his ass for incompetence, and Trump suing them into the ground and refusing to leave the property until every last appeal has been lost, and the sheriff comes and evicts him. Then the residents cheer and drink champagne as his name is taken off the building.

This is just Donald Trump playing out his usual loser scenario but this time, he's trying to take down your entire nation in the process.
"Attorneys for former President Donald Trump argued Wednesday that the pursuit of his White House records by a congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol could have long-lasting, harmful effects on the presidency.

"The [committee’s] clear disdain for President Trump is leading them to a course of action that will result in permanent damage to the institution of the presidency," Trump's attorneys wrote in a brief filed in federal court.

"In reality, their success would gut the protections afforded presidential communications of any just and uniform standard. An incumbent president would always be able to condemn the actions of a former president from a rival party and permit confidentiality to be broken to further political ends,” they wrote."

Is this a valid argument?

Good point! Release all Obama records related to him handing Iranian terrorists billions in hard cash in the middle of the night without Congressional approval, his involvement in the IRS illegally denying 401c status to conservative groups, and his involvement in the Russia hoax.
Are you really this gullible? Trump started planning January 6th the moment the election was called for Biden. His appointments to the Pentagon 3 days later are proof positive of that. All three played key roles in keeping the National Guard sitting on buses at their base for 5 hours.

It's when he pardoned all of his criminal buddies so he could get the band all back together again - Flynn, Bannon, Stone. All of the people who want Trump to form a fascist authoritarian government in the USA, and end democracy as you know it.

If that's not what they were doing, their documents should prove they weren't trying to seize power, shouldn't they?

Please be aware that Kash Patel, on of the Three Amigos at the Pentagon, is fully cooperating with the Committee.
Good luck with that. Maybe it's not actually a complete waste of time like I suspect it is. I just think the Democrats should focus less on Trump and more on bringing forth candidates that don't suck.
No, but it's the best they can do. Not doing it would allow a lame duck President to get away with quite a bit. Like, say, instigating and planning an insurrection.

I would definitely say it's a better argument than "we're not gonna help the commies in their phony investigation", though. At least his people know this is serious.
Hilarious you Leftards really think a few dozen unarmed protesters can topple the US government.
"Attorneys for former President Donald Trump argued Wednesday that the pursuit of his White House records by a congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol could have long-lasting, harmful effects on the presidency.

"The [committee’s] clear disdain for President Trump is leading them to a course of action that will result in permanent damage to the institution of the presidency," Trump's attorneys wrote in a brief filed in federal court.

"In reality, their success would gut the protections afforded presidential communications of any just and uniform standard. An incumbent president would always be able to condemn the actions of a former president from a rival party and permit confidentiality to be broken to further political ends,” they wrote."

Is this a valid argument?

Is this a valid argument?


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No it's not about revenge. Revenge is Donald Trump trying to prosecute members of the FBI who investigated HIM. This is to make sure, nobody gets this close to seizing power ever gain.

This is about a twice impeached, 7 times bankrupt, criminal conman who managed to get himself elected President of the United States of America, and refuses to give up power. Every business deal Trump has ever done has ended with the property owners firing his ass for incompetence, and Trump suing them into the ground and refusing to leave the property until every last appeal has been lost, and the sheriff comes and evicts him. Then the residents cheer and drink champagne as his name is taken off the building.

This is just Donald Trump playing out his usual loser scenario but this time, he's trying to take down your entire nation in the process.
You underestimate this country if you think we actually came close to being taken over by a reality TV star.

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