In Politics and Society: Is it Intolerant to be Intolerant of Intolerance?

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Well you heard wrong. I'm not going to repost all those links from way back when. You can do your own research if you think all they did was ask A&E to disavoiw the statements. This had nothing to do with A&E in the first place.

Phil Robertson was never fired???????? Do you watch no television? Do you read nothing? No newspapers? No magazines? No internet news? How can you say that he was never fired? It is true that A&E used the word "suspended", without pay. They unsuspended him only after the rest of the Robertson family refused to go on without him and also in the wake of millions of viewers expressing their views.

And now Jesse Jackson and his Rainbow Coalition have gotten involved and are demanding that Jackson and GLAAD meet with Cracker Barrel and A&E. Presumably they aren't going to take it lying down that both Cracker Barrel and A&E bowed to public opinion and reinstated Phil Robertson.
Jesse Jackson, GLAAD demand meeting with A&E, Cracker Barrel over Phil Robertson - Spokane Conservative |

They suspended him. They put him on hiatus. They didn't fire him.

Don't ask how I can say it. Those are words, words have meaning, and neither of those words mean "fired."

More than one source I have linked has said they put him on permanent hiatus. You of course are free to interpret that any way you wish. I interpret that as fired. But whether temporary or permanent it deprived him of his position--PHYSICALLY removed him from a show he enjoyed doing--are you paying attention to that Stat as I have now said it maybe 30 times on this thread?--and cost him at least a portion of his livelihood. And they weren't content to stop there but they were researching those firms that he does promotional spots for and were or at least were planning to go after them to get them to dump Phil too. They weren't content with expressing their displeasure at something he said. They were out to destroy him. And that, in my opinion, is wrong. It is the worst form of intolerance and it is hateful.

It should be acceptable to no freedom loving person anwhere.

A disturbing thing is how difficult it has been for anybody on the left in this thread to criticize GLAAD for anything. One or two said they shouldn't have tried to get Phil fired, but none of you are willing to see what GLAAD did as evil. I have been called every name in the book, have been characterized with every insulting and crude adjective in their limited vocabularies, and am obviously a terrible person in most leftist opinions, and they have dragged other eeeeeeeevul organizations into the discussion again and again, but not one word of real criticism for GLAAD.

Speaks volumes that almost all of those on the left really do approve of what GLAAD did and think is was just hunky dory don't you think. It isn't okay to go after one of theirs or criticize one of theirs. That is bigotry or some sort of phobia. But anybody on the right side of the ledger is fair game. Speaks volumes.

OMG, and you want to interpret that as "physical" harm? Jeebus, you have got to be kidding.

The man is LOADED with money, being put on hiatus did not even scratch his big toenail!!

What is funny as fuck is the fact that you are engaging in the form of exaggeration that the Right often accuses the Left of. This is just plain old rich!!

So, let's just make sure we go this all straight:

A super rich dude who claims to be a Christian gives an interview for a mag where he hates all over gays, claims that because what he read in the bible, they should be put to death, equates them with bestiality and all sort of nonsense, and of course, this is his 1st amendment right.

But when the logical blowback comes, it is all intolerance? In spite of the fact that Christian groups use this kind of boycott technique all the time? In spite of the fact that you yourself said that you vote with your pocketbook? But if Lefties do it, it is intolerance?

That deserves a mighty:


And then, you say that because a super-rich dude, preying on the fears and bigotry of a lot of poor people, is encountering physical harm because he went on hiatus?

That deserves two:



Congratulations on destroying your own argument. The next time you cry "wolf" I will just yawn and go on. Hillaryous!!!!

And what technique did I just use with you?



"Physically removed him."

That's what happens when security tries to remove you, and you fight back. That is being physically removed. Otherwise, you are just being escorted. Further, I don't believe either happened. He was likely just told he was grounded, and don't bother coming back to the set at this point in time.

You party-pooper, you. Where is your New Years spirit, bdboop?!?! By claiming he has been "physically" removed, then it looks more like Mr. Super-Rich Ducky-Duck Dude has been oh so hurt by those evil, evil libs.

Damn, this RWNJ stuff is really gonna redefine the word "butthurt". Really.

In fact, I will lay GOOD MONEY on the table right now and bet that Mr. Ducky Duck was coached to say EXACTLY what he said, for his coach knew there would be a blowback, which would result in some sort of bruhaha and at the end of his day, the ultra-right-wingie will love him even more. You watch, at the end of all of this, Mr. Ducky Duck will probably end up making more money than ever before, all because of those evil libs..

(snicker, snicker)
Now it just looks like you are melting.

Go on and throw a number at me.

Well, there I did it. I bombarded her with facts and then she went all Godwin. The fact that a Nazi showed up on the thread right about now to support her cause should really be enough to make her throw up, I would hope.

Or did I hope wrong? :eek::eek::eek:

You hoped wrong.

Well - I'm in your shoes. I had to see with my own eyes what people were bitching about when it comes to debating with FF. And yes. I am disappointed.

The funny part is, up to this one point, I was mostly in agreement with the basic tenets of what she started with at the beginning of this thread.

I really do believe with all my heart that Mr. Ducky Duck can say anything he wants to say. That's his thing. But then he should be adult enough to realize that if a blowback comes, he earned it. End of story.

But as I wrote, I am pretty sure that this was all just a ploy to earn him more money at the end of the day, when all is said and done. The guy is super rich, he is surrounded by advisors, esp. financial advisors.

Hmmm, I wonder if the dude tithes... I mean, I wonder if he actually puts his mouth where his money is... hmmm....
Well you heard wrong. I'm not going to repost all those links from way back when. You can do your own research if you think all they did was ask A&E to disavoiw the statements. This had nothing to do with A&E in the first place.

Phil Robertson was never fired???????? Do you watch no television? Do you read nothing? No newspapers? No magazines? No internet news? How can you say that he was never fired? It is true that A&E used the word "suspended", without pay. They unsuspended him only after the rest of the Robertson family refused to go on without him and also in the wake of millions of viewers expressing their views.

And now Jesse Jackson and his Rainbow Coalition have gotten involved and are demanding that Jackson and GLAAD meet with Cracker Barrel and A&E. Presumably they aren't going to take it lying down that both Cracker Barrel and A&E bowed to public opinion and reinstated Phil Robertson.
Jesse Jackson, GLAAD demand meeting with A&E, Cracker Barrel over Phil Robertson - Spokane Conservative |

They suspended him. They put him on hiatus. They didn't fire him.

Don't ask how I can say it. Those are words, words have meaning, and neither of those words mean "fired."

More than one source I have linked has said they put him on permanent hiatus. You of course are free to interpret that any way you wish. I interpret that as fired. But whether temporary or permanent it deprived him of his position--PHYSICALLY removed him from a show he enjoyed doing--are you paying attention to that Stat as I have now said it maybe 30 times on this thread?--and cost him at least a portion of his livelihood. And they weren't content to stop there but they were researching those firms that he does promotional spots for and were or at least were planning to go after them to get them to dump Phil too. They weren't content with expressing their displeasure at something he said. They were out to destroy him. And that, in my opinion, is wrong. It is the worst form of intolerance and it is hateful.

It should be acceptable to no freedom loving person anwhere.

A disturbing thing is how difficult it has been for anybody on the left in this thread to criticize GLAAD for anything. One or two said they shouldn't have tried to get Phil fired, but none of you are willing to see what GLAAD did as evil. I have been called every name in the book, have been characterized with every insulting and crude adjective in their limited vocabularies, and am obviously a terrible person in most leftist opinions, and they have dragged other eeeeeeeevul organizations into the discussion again and again, but not one word of real criticism for GLAAD.

Speaks volumes that almost all of those on the left really do approve of what GLAAD did and think is was just hunky dory don't you think. It isn't okay to go after one of theirs or criticize one of theirs. That is bigotry or some sort of phobia. But anybody on the right side of the ledger is fair game. Speaks volumes.

What you would like for us to criticize? Do you have a specific wish? Or is this just a "Mommy, mommy, they have been making fun of the red blobs, make them make fun of the blue blobs, too, or I am gonna screeeeam!!" moment?

If there is something very specific about GLAAD you want to bring up and I think it is worthy of criticism, I will gladly do that.

But I am not going to criticize GLAAD for doing the same thing that right-wing Christian organizations have been doing steadily since Jerry Fallwell's "Moral Majority" piggybacked it's way onto the Ronald Reagan bandwagon. Boycotting is as American as Apple Pie.
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Right on CUE...


I wish they were fascists. They aren't, but still, it would be a marked improvement.

Why, but of course you do.

It will be interesting to see how much Conservatives welcome you to this thread today...
I care not about the opinions of political dinosaurs, Republicans are a dead horse and anyone that believes in the false two party dichotomy is worthless. All awake "conservatives" become nationalists anyways. Been there done that. I used to be a Neo-Con, a Paleo-Con, a Libertarian, hell I used to a be a leftist when I was young but I woke up.
Oh, I will make sure to come back tomorrow and give some input that anti-semitic comment.

America is a White Christian nation, it was founded for our people and our posterity.

No. Wrong. But thanks for playing and make sure to take the nazi stench with you when you go.

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

It's in the preamble of the Constitution my semitic friend.

And in our first immigration laws. See the Naturalization Act of 1790.

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen"

It wasn't founded for your people. You have Israel for that.
It is, for want of a better term to describe it, an intolerance of intolerance.

When that Phi Robertson crap hit the news I was actually joking with my wife that righties would whine about how people were so intolerant of intolerance. I was only kidding guys! Yet its REAL! And this isn't the first I've seen of it.

Right wingers are in fact preoccupied with defending bigots. Its pretty much the sole purpose of the party these days - defending bigotry. Any time a racist, a bigot, a homophobe, a misogynist - is attacked in any way by anyone - the right wing will be their to defend them.

You guys are seriously fucked in the head! I like it though - keep whining and moaning every time a bigot or a homophobe is spoken ill of - its sure to win you the election in 2016!
I certainly have not been singing their praises on this thread and in the J C Penney/Ellen Degeneres matter, I rated them every bit as hateful and wrong as GLAAD.

As for those other matters, I have not researched them and don't know WHY the boycotts were organized or carried out. If they were for tnothing more than the beliefs or opinions of people, an organized boycott is not something I will ever defend. If they were for bad ACTS, then they might be justifiable. So you'll need to be more specific if you wish for me to comment on something more than the JC Penney/Degeneres bruhaha.

Let's remember that there's nothing wrong with a boycott per se. It's the actions beyond that boycott where intolerance raises its ugly head.

Yep. There's nothing wrong with voting with one's pocketbook. I do that all the time and I'm not about to fault anybody else for that. There is a LOT wrong with intention and purposefully trying to harm somebody physically and/or materially for no offense other than being who and what they are. I just wonder how many share my opinion about that and how many of those will be right of center versus left of center? I mean if we were taking a legitimate poll, how would it shake out?

That might give us a clue as to how close to totalitarianism we are in this country.

Since you never specify the actions you object to, how do you expect anyone to know what you're talking about.

Say, in one coherent and specific sentence, what GLAAD did that you find so evil.
Well you heard wrong. I'm not going to repost all those links from way back when. You can do your own research if you think all they did was ask A&E to disavoiw the statements. This had nothing to do with A&E in the first place.

Phil Robertson was never fired???????? Do you watch no television? Do you read nothing? No newspapers? No magazines? No internet news? How can you say that he was never fired? It is true that A&E used the word "suspended", without pay. They unsuspended him only after the rest of the Robertson family refused to go on without him and also in the wake of millions of viewers expressing their views.

And now Jesse Jackson and his Rainbow Coalition have gotten involved and are demanding that Jackson and GLAAD meet with Cracker Barrel and A&E. Presumably they aren't going to take it lying down that both Cracker Barrel and A&E bowed to public opinion and reinstated Phil Robertson.
Jesse Jackson, GLAAD demand meeting with A&E, Cracker Barrel over Phil Robertson - Spokane Conservative |

They suspended him. They put him on hiatus. They didn't fire him.

Don't ask how I can say it. Those are words, words have meaning, and neither of those words mean "fired."

More than one source I have linked has said they put him on permanent hiatus. You of course are free to interpret that any way you wish. I interpret that as fired. But whether temporary or permanent it deprived him of his position--PHYSICALLY removed him from a show he enjoyed doing--are you paying attention to that Stat as I have now said it maybe 30 times on this thread?--and cost him at least a portion of his livelihood. And they weren't content to stop there but they were researching those firms that he does promotional spots for and were or at least were planning to go after them to get them to dump Phil too. They weren't content with expressing their displeasure at something he said. They were out to destroy him. And that, in my opinion, is wrong. It is the worst form of intolerance and it is hateful.

It should be acceptable to no freedom loving person anwhere.

A disturbing thing is how difficult it has been for anybody on the left in this thread to criticize GLAAD for anything. One or two said they shouldn't have tried to get Phil fired, but none of you are willing to see what GLAAD did as evil. I have been called every name in the book, have been characterized with every insulting and crude adjective in their limited vocabularies, and am obviously a terrible person in most leftist opinions, and they have dragged other eeeeeeeevul organizations into the discussion again and again, but not one word of real criticism for GLAAD.

Speaks volumes that almost all of those on the left really do approve of what GLAAD did and think is was just hunky dory don't you think. It isn't okay to go after one of theirs or criticize one of theirs. That is bigotry or some sort of phobia. But anybody on the right side of the ledger is fair game. Speaks volumes.

Maybe if you'd stop refusing to tell us what GLAAD did specifically it might help.

I think the problem might be that you either have no idea what GLAAD did, or, you've discovered that GLAAD really didn't do anything inappropriate and now you can't admit you were wrong.
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