IN need of a new economy, my revolutionary idea.


Gold Member
Nov 17, 2012
Now that work is automatized, internetized, and outsourced to Bangladesh, we need a new economy. We did create new economies before, so we know this well. We created the 3rd part US healthcare, now 14% of US economy. Then the mortgage markets, another 30%. And of course the student loan market, the most glorious of the newest. But they all go flat, so now we need the next one. This is where my economy studies and planning skills come in. Here it is.

With nothing to do, sex is the guaranteed commodity. Currently it is pregnancy that is the commodity and the welfare and child support with it is the loan market basis. This is harmful, because this creates future criminals, and makes women fat.

In the sex commodity based loan market, the rules are the same as in payday welfare cheque lending, student loan collections, healthcare, and so on.

Every woman stops getting welfare and child support. Every man gets a pre approved loan to pay the women for sex. The women pay taxes with their income, which can be used as the 10 % federal reserve basis of underwriting further loans for the men.

This provides many obvious benefits. People will support the ideology of printing money out of nothing. The loans can be securitized and will be such high volume trade, that all current credit bubbles dwarf compared to it, so all the current loan capital markets can be well offset with this new scheme, saving all current annuities and retirement plans. And finally but not least, women will want to look good again, instead of being fat breeders.

Your take?
brilliant. you sir, are a genius.

This is religious!!! You've created a model which solves "desire is the root of all suffering".

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