In a World of Real Evil, the Left Fights Fake Evil


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
It’s sad that the left spends so much time trying to destroy America and traditional American values when there is so much real evil in the world...
The problem, however, is that people want to feel morally good about themselves, and no one wants this more than the left. It has written the proverbial book on moral self-esteem. Therefore, it does not merely believe that it is morally superior to all others; it knows it is.
The unearned arrogance is fine. The real tragedy lies in that they attack weakness while cowering to where the real danger exists...
But to feel good about yourself, you have to fight against something bad. Since the left doesn’t fight real evil (that would take moral courage in addition to moral clarity), it has to fight lesser evils or made-up evils.
In a World of Real Evil, the Left Fights Fake Evil
Everybody's favorite moral busybody, Dennis Prager.

Hey, you kn ow what's immoral. We are the richest country in the world and children still go to bed hungry at night or can't see a doctor, and our biggest debate is how much of a tax break are we going to give to Billionaires this time.

You know, like Jesus would do.
Everybody's favorite moral busybody, Dennis Prager.

Hey, you kn ow what's immoral. We are the richest country in the world and children still go to bed hungry at night or can't see a doctor, and our biggest debate is how much of a tax break are we going to give to Billionaires this time.

You know, like Jesus would do.

I think that if children go to bed hungry at night in this country, it is because their worthless single parent has spent the welfare check on beer, crack or cigarettes.

The hungry children meme is either for the above reason, or is a lie constantly thrown out by half-wit Bolsheviks like yourself, who are probably looking for your own govmint on the 3rd of November.

Morbid obesity is the issue as to these worthless parents who aren't taking care of their own children even though the Federal Government is paying them to do so.

You've got almost 100,000 posts on just this board alone. Get a job.

It’s sad that the left spends so much time trying to destroy America and traditional American values when there is so much real evil in the world...
The problem, however, is that people want to feel morally good about themselves, and no one wants this more than the left. It has written the proverbial book on moral self-esteem. Therefore, it does not merely believe that it is morally superior to all others; it knows it is.
The unearned arrogance is fine. The real tragedy lies in that they attack weakness while cowering to where the real danger exists...
But to feel good about yourself, you have to fight against something bad. Since the left doesn’t fight real evil (that would take moral courage in addition to moral clarity), it has to fight lesser evils or made-up evils.
In a World of Real Evil, the Left Fights Fake Evil

The left, the democrats, are real evil.
I think that if children go to bed hungry at night in this country, it is because their worthless single parent has spent the welfare check on beer, crack or cigarettes.

The hungry children meme is either for the above reason, or is a lie constantly thrown out by half-wit Bolsheviks like yourself, who are probably looking for your own govmint on the 3rd of November.

You've got almost 100,000 posts on just this board. Get a job.

I have a job. Thanks for asking. Probably going to make more this year than you will.

But, um, yeah, Hunger in America is a thing.

The Return of American Hunger

And yet, when it comes to the number of Americans who go hungry, it’s almost like the recovery never happened. The U.S. Department of Agriculture defines food security as "access by all people at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life,” and in 2006, the year before the housing market stumbled, the USDA estimated that fewer than 10.9 percent of American households were food insecure. By 2009, that figure had spiked to 14.7 percent. And now? As of 2014, the most recent year on record, 14 percent of all American households are not food secure. That’s approximately 17.4 million homes across the United States, populated with more than 48 million hungry people. By the time the USDA reports its 2016 figures in September 2017, new food-stamp restrictions could make that number higher.
I think that if children go to bed hungry at night in this country, it is because their worthless single parent has spent the welfare check on beer, crack or cigarettes.

The hungry children meme is either for the above reason, or is a lie constantly thrown out by half-wit Bolsheviks like yourself, who are probably looking for your own govmint on the 3rd of November.

You've got almost 100,000 posts on just this board. Get a job.

I have a job. Thanks for asking. Probably going to make more this year than you will.

But, um, yeah, Hunger in America is a thing.

The Return of American Hunger

And yet, when it comes to the number of Americans who go hungry, it’s almost like the recovery never happened. The U.S. Department of Agriculture defines food security as "access by all people at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life,” and in 2006, the year before the housing market stumbled, the USDA estimated that fewer than 10.9 percent of American households were food insecure. By 2009, that figure had spiked to 14.7 percent. And now? As of 2014, the most recent year on record, 14 percent of all American households are not food secure. That’s approximately 17.4 million homes across the United States, populated with more than 48 million hungry people. By the time the USDA reports its 2016 figures in September 2017, new food-stamp restrictions could make that number higher.

I'd like a big mac, fries, and an ice tea.

Since you have a job....
Thread summary:

Some Trumpflakes don't like it when liberals point out their fundamentally evil mindset. Thus, they make threads like this crying at us, in the hopes we'll take pity on them and stop.

That's not how it works. If Trumpflakes are crying, that's good. It shows we're reaching them, that they're beginning to understand how unacceptable their behavior is. Normal people respond best to positive treatment, but Trumpflakes aren't normal. We've tried positive treatment with them, but Trumpflakes see that as weakness and respond with abuse and violence. Trumpflakes only respond to negative reinforcement, so that's what we have to dish out to them.
It’s sad that the left spends so much time trying to destroy America and traditional American values when there is so much real evil in the world...
The problem, however, is that people want to feel morally good about themselves, and no one wants this more than the left. It has written the proverbial book on moral self-esteem. Therefore, it does not merely believe that it is morally superior to all others; it knows it is.
The unearned arrogance is fine. The real tragedy lies in that they attack weakness while cowering to where the real danger exists...
But to feel good about yourself, you have to fight against something bad. Since the left doesn’t fight real evil (that would take moral courage in addition to moral clarity), it has to fight lesser evils or made-up evils.
In a World of Real Evil, the Left Fights Fake Evil
We fight arrogant fascist assholes like you, we very well know where the danger lies.
The left doesn't fight either real evil or fake evil. The left fights to stay viable and if it means trashing every tradition Americans love and jeopardizing American security for a couple of votes so be it. Leftie tactics used to work fine when the only information available to Americans was filtered through Cronkite or Dan Rather but the radical left and the DNC doesn't seem to be able to cope with the "information age". Democrats are still using the tired old 60's and 70's playbook and they can't seem to come to grips with the fact that they lost both houses of Congress, the Presidency, most Governors and more than 3,000 state and local elections in the last six years. Their solution....scream at the sky..on the anniversary of Trump's victory last year. How freaking embarrassing and pathetic.
The left doesn't fight either real evil or fake evil. The left fights to stay viable and if it means trashing every tradition Americans love and jeopardizing American security for a couple of votes so be it. Leftie tactics used to work fine when the only information available to Americans was filtered through Cronkite or Dan Rather but the radical left and the DNC doesn't seem to be able to cope with the "information age". Democrats are still using the tired old 60's and 70's playbook and they can't seem to come to grips with the fact that they lost both houses of Congress, the Presidency, most Governors and more than 3,000 state and local elections in the last six years. Their solution....scream at the sky..on the anniversary of Trump's victory last year. How freaking embarrassing and pathetic.

Agree with the above...except that this bunch of Bolsheviks in the Democratic Party and their Pravda outlets in New York, wouldn't tolerate most 1960's and 1970's Democrats--they would be called White Nationalist, Racists, Bigots etc.

They were way too conservative for today's Democratic Party.

Democrats back then were pulling for Kennedy and America during the Bay of Pigs Fiasco. Democrats today would be pulling for Castro and Cuba.
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Thread summary:

Some Trumpflakes don't like it when liberals point out their fundamentally evil mindset. Thus, they make threads like this crying at us, in the hopes we'll take pity on them and stop.

That's not how it works. If Trumpflakes are crying, that's good. It shows we're reaching them, that they're beginning to understand how unacceptable their behavior is. Normal people respond best to positive treatment, but Trumpflakes aren't normal. We've tried positive treatment with them, but Trumpflakes see that as weakness and respond with abuse and violence. Trumpflakes only respond to negative reinforcement, so that's what we have to dish out to them.

Where are these "liberals?" Standing behind you Stalinsts?
'd like a big mac, fries, and an ice tea.

Since you have a job....

I'm sure that's the highest thing you could aspire to, but you can't keep those jobs if you keep yelling obscenities at the customers.

The best you can do is repeat my lines?

You are a dumb one, Comrade Stalin.

The most insidious evil at this point is ISIS, the close and beloved allies of the democrats.
Everybody's favorite moral busybody, Dennis Prager.

Hey, you kn ow what's immoral. We are the richest country in the world and children still go to bed hungry at night or can't see a doctor, and our biggest debate is how much of a tax break are we going to give to Billionaires this time.

You know, like Jesus would do.

Actually, USA.INC and composite "gubermint" owns the wealth. The serfs in this country only get the leftovers, Joe Blow. Composite "gubermint" takes in more from their investments than they ever do through taxation. You ought to learn how to read a CAFR. Every city, town, county and state is a subsidiary of USA.INC whose corporate headquarters are located in the District of Columbia.
The best you can do is repeat my lines?

You are a dumb one, Comrade Stalin.

Um, no, mine was actually clever... considering you couldn't hold down a job at a fast food place.

The most insidious evil at this point is ISIS, the close and beloved allies of the democrats.

Oh, please. Look, I know that they show you a scary brown person and you shit yourself, but let's get real. They took over a bunch of sand.

Actually, USA.INC and composite "gubermint" owns the wealth. The serfs in this country only get the leftovers, Joe Blow. Composite "gubermint" takes in more from their investments than they ever do through taxation. You ought to learn how to read a CAFR. Every city, town, county and state is a subsidiary of USA.INC whose corporate headquarters are located in the District of Columbia.

Okay, I know you think the LIzard People at the Federal Reserve are out to get you, but you need to get over it, buddy.
The best you can do is repeat my lines?

You are a dumb one, Comrade Stalin.

Um, no, mine was actually clever... considering you couldn't hold down a job at a fast food place.

The most insidious evil at this point is ISIS, the close and beloved allies of the democrats.

Oh, please. Look, I know that they show you a scary brown person and you shit yourself, but let's get real. They took over a bunch of sand.

Actually, USA.INC and composite "gubermint" owns the wealth. The serfs in this country only get the leftovers, Joe Blow. Composite "gubermint" takes in more from their investments than they ever do through taxation. You ought to learn how to read a CAFR. Every city, town, county and state is a subsidiary of USA.INC whose corporate headquarters are located in the District of Columbia.

Okay, I know you think the LIzard People at the Federal Reserve are out to get you, but you need to get over it, buddy.

I know more than you,, infinitely more? You are the idiot that believes that the confiscation of FRNs from others will alleviate the suffering of those without while touting the "democrat" party line of allowing illegals to come over the border and take advantage of welfare services whose resources have already been stretched spare me your lame soliloquy of nothingness....
Everybody's favorite moral busybody, Dennis Prager.

Hey, you kn ow what's immoral. We are the richest country in the world and children still go to bed hungry at night or can't see a doctor, and our biggest debate is how much of a tax break are we going to give to Billionaires this time.

You know, like Jesus would do.

Sorry, the greatest volume of goodwill per capita comes from the reddest most conservative rural 'hater' regions you can identify on your election map
Everybody's favorite moral busybody, Dennis Prager.

Hey, you kn ow what's immoral. We are the richest country in the world and children still go to bed hungry at night or can't see a doctor, and our biggest debate is how much of a tax break are we going to give to Billionaires this time.

You know, like Jesus would do.
Unfortunately for you your claim just isn't true.
I know more than you,, infinitely more?

Yeah, but all the stuff you "know' is crazy shit and indicates paranoia.

Hey, so if you are such a threat to the Lizardmen/Bilderbergers/Bohemian Grove/Trilateralist conspiracy, why haven't they taken you out yet?

You are the idiot that believes that the confiscation of FRNs from others will alleviate the suffering of those without while touting the "democrat" party line of allowing illegals to come over the border and take advantage of welfare services whose resources have already been stretched thin.....

Guy, there's a whole lot of problems iwth that babble.

First, the reason we have "illegals" is because rich white people are hiring them to do jobs Americans won't do.

Second, we don't spend all that much on welfare as a percentage of GDP to start with. We spend at all levels of government less than 4% of GDP on poverty alleviation. The resources aren't being "stretched thin", they just aren't being allocated.

Sorry, the greatest volume of goodwill per capita comes from the reddest most conservative rural 'hater' regions you can identify on your election map

Which means all of nothing. I kind of don't care that the pittance people spend on charity happens because we have wealth inequality in this country to start with.

It is absurd that children go to bed hungry at night in the richest country in the world. It plain old shouldn't happen.

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