In a STUNNER of a Vote - GOP Votes Against Lowering Gas Prices/Price Gouging

We just voted to crackdown on price gouging at gas stations and every single republican voted no.

The Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act would give the President the power to issue an Energy Emergency Declaration that would make it unlawful to increase gasoline and home energy fuel prices in an excessive or exploitative manner.

A bill to help against Price Gouging and corporations cutting the "little guy" by messing with oil and gas prices in the country was voted "Nay" by every House GOP member.

These are the same folks who go to any camera they can find and complain about gas prices. Thoughts?

EDIT: Full Bill (thanks to Kosh)

Price controls don't work, you economically illiterate balloon head.
There was a "windfall" tax bill in the 1970's under President Carter too and just like today when the oil companies are getting a LOT of $$$ are also at the time because the crude oil PRICE by the barrel is very high the real cause of high oil profits which both times were caused by the government who created the shortage of oil and gasoline in the first place.

Democrats have no clue on this one.
Where is your evidence that this legislation would have helped anybody and that it's nothing more than window dressing? There is gouging and then there are simply higher prices due to market forces. The Democratic Party never seems to understand the difference between the two.

Yep, gas futures are actually down about $0.20 from a couple of days ago. Will they keep going down, I doubt it.


We just voted to crackdown on price gouging at gas stations and every single republican voted no.

The Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act would give the President the power to issue an Energy Emergency Declaration that would make it unlawful to increase gasoline and home energy fuel prices in an excessive or exploitative manner.

A bill to help against Price Gouging and corporations cutting the "little guy" by messing with oil and gas prices in the country was voted "Nay" by every House GOP member.

These are the same folks who go to any camera they can find and complain about gas prices. Thoughts?

EDIT: Full Bill (thanks to Kosh)

With all due respects...what was proposed was Price Controls. I suggest you do a little background check on why those don't work and what happened when they were imposed before.

We just voted to crackdown on price gouging at gas stations and every single republican voted no.

The Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act would give the President the power to issue an Energy Emergency Declaration that would make it unlawful to increase gasoline and home energy fuel prices in an excessive or exploitative manner.

A bill to help against Price Gouging and corporations cutting the "little guy" by messing with oil and gas prices in the country was voted "Nay" by every House GOP member.

These are the same folks who go to any camera they can find and complain about gas prices. Thoughts?

EDIT: Full Bill (thanks to Kosh)

Gas stations aren't the cause of high gas prices. Anyone with half a brain knows that.

And anyone who actually knows how gas stations work, friend of mine owns 3, knows that stations make little money off of gas. Gas stations keep prices low and competitive because what they really make their money on is soft drinks, bags of ice, potato chips, hot dogs, and assorted junk they sell. The gas is just a way to get people to stop in.

Besides, when in the past 10 years haven't you heard people talking about who has the lowest gas prices in your town or city? Whoever has the lowest is where everyone goes and buys snacks or cigarettes also.

The only reason some small stations have noticeably cheaper gas is because its low octane gas with no detergents to clean fuel injectors and so on in it. It's bottom of the barell quality gas I wouldn't even put in my lawn mower.

We just voted to crackdown on price gouging at gas stations and every single republican voted no.

The Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act would give the President the power to issue an Energy Emergency Declaration that would make it unlawful to increase gasoline and home energy fuel prices in an excessive or exploitative manner.

A bill to help against Price Gouging and corporations cutting the "little guy" by messing with oil and gas prices in the country was voted "Nay" by every House GOP member.

These are the same folks who go to any camera they can find and complain about gas prices. Thoughts?

EDIT: Full Bill (thanks to Kosh)

Dems are playing dirty games. Putting things in bills they know will cause Reps to reject them. They aren't interested in any bipartisan effort to help price gouging--- or anything else for that matter. This is all a game to them.
Well Todd--- we ARE talking about the administration that told us a week ago that they COULDN'T use emergency powers to combat the babyfood crisis, then admitted they've known about it since January and did nothing about it, to 5 days later INVOKING the emergency powers act to get the baby food made post haste!

Amazing what democrats can get done when an election is coming up soon.

There's plenty available in Europe, but the FDA won't allow it to be imported.

There's plenty available in Europe, but the FDA won't allow it to be imported.

Just like Joe cancels the Alaska drilling and XL pipeline, then turn to Nicolás Maduro Moros, a guy who makes Putin look like a piker to buy oil from Venezuela in his battle against Russia just so long as Americans don't get any of the work or money.

We just voted to crackdown on price gouging at gas stations and every single republican voted no.

The Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act would give the President the power to issue an Energy Emergency Declaration that would make it unlawful to increase gasoline and home energy fuel prices in an excessive or exploitative manner.

A bill to help against Price Gouging and corporations cutting the "little guy" by messing with oil and gas prices in the country was voted "Nay" by every House GOP member.

These are the same folks who go to any camera they can find and complain about gas prices. Thoughts?

EDIT: Full Bill (thanks to Kosh)

Here’s a thought: Since they failed to show a single example of price gouging this bill is just empty grandstanding designed to rile up the crayon eating Dimtard base.

It worked on you, Crayon muncher.

We just voted to crackdown on price gouging at gas stations and every single republican voted no.

The Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act would give the President the power to issue an Energy Emergency Declaration that would make it unlawful to increase gasoline and home energy fuel prices in an excessive or exploitative manner.

A bill to help against Price Gouging and corporations cutting the "little guy" by messing with oil and gas prices in the country was voted "Nay" by every House GOP member.

These are the same folks who go to any camera they can find and complain about gas prices. Thoughts?

EDIT: Full Bill (thanks to Kosh)


We just voted to crackdown on price gouging at gas stations and every single republican voted no.

The Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act would give the President the power to issue an Energy Emergency Declaration that would make it unlawful to increase gasoline and home energy fuel prices in an excessive or exploitative manner.

A bill to help against Price Gouging and corporations cutting the "little guy" by messing with oil and gas prices in the country was voted "Nay" by every House GOP member.

These are the same folks who go to any camera they can find and complain about gas prices. Thoughts?

EDIT: Full Bill (thanks to Kosh)

4 dems also voted no.
Another pathetic SHOW VOTE by Democrats desperate to blame others for Biden's disastrous nation-destroying, American-punishing policies that has gas prices inching closer to $5.00 a gallon.

Biden depleted US oil reserves in an attempt to lower high prices at the pump.
- It failed

Biden, who vowed 'the buck stops here', and Democrats have blamed Putin for tge end of American energy production and energy independence.
- It was debunked.

Biden and Democrats tried to blame 'big oil' holding back oil and for manipulation in order to get big profits...
- It was debunked.

Now Biden and Drmocrats are trying to blame Americans, accusing THEM of price gouging / manipulation and held this show vote to get Republicans to go along with it, thereby seemingly going along with the latest lie that high gas prices are AMERICAN CITIZENS' fault.

Democrats actually think people are stupid,that they forgot before Biden was elected Green Energy Dems vowed to eliminate fossil fuel use, to outlaw the internal combustion engine, and would raise the cost of fuel to the point Americans would switch to electric cars.

Democrats actually think Ameticans are so stupid they would forget Buttigieg told Americans if they could not afford $4.50 a gallon gas to go out and buy a $60,000 electric car...while Biden's inflation has already effectivelygiventhem a pay cut.

Lower Gas Prices?

Americans aren't stupid. They know you don't wage a war against US energy production, don't eliminate US energy independence, don't buy oil from this nation's enemies as Biden has done. And you don't lower gas prices - or fool anyone - with bullshit SHOW VOTES intended to point blame for Biden's exploding gas prices on Republicans.

Pathetic gimmicks and blaming anyone and everyone but Biden and his failed policies and actions won't lower gas prices.especially...

And BLAMING OTHERS, not solving the problem and lowering gas prices & restoring US energy independence, is all Democrats care about because they certainly not realistically trying to solve the problem ... as their SHOW VOTE proves.

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