Impeachment Trial... Questions phase

That’s the process .. helloooo mcfly

It's not. EP is invoked to the body that issues the subpoena. Either that body accepts the exemptions and redactions or they challenge them in court.

That is the process.
And schiff didn’t go through the process ,, if he did we would have gotten there

What does the courts have to do with the WH claiming EP to the House?
Doesn’t matter schiff withdrew the Subpoena

There's like 70 some subpoenas Trump is ignoring.
We are taking about Bolton, and Cupp .. schiff withdrew the subpoenas
You mean like Obama?

There's tons of precedent stating that the president must comply with congressional subpoenas as well, dope.

Name one example of where they refused to turn over anything.

Eric Holder and Obama refused to hand over any documents related to Fast and Furious
Eric Holder and Obama refused to hand over any documents related to Fast and

You're a straight up liar and an idiot for lying about something so easy to refute.

Trump Wrong About Obama Documents
"In June 2012, Obama asserted executive privilege to block the transfer of some documents requested by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Republicans on the committee recommended that Attorney General Eric Holder be cited for contempt of Congress for failing to turn over those documents. A few months earlier, Holder said the Justice Department had already turned over 6,000 documents related to the case.

A July 31, 2012, joint staff report from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and the Senate Judiciary Committee notes that its review at that time was based on “more than 10,000 pages of documents, 6,989 of them produced by the Justice Department pursuant to subpoena.”

In 2014, under a court order, the Justice Department produced nearly 65,000 pages of documents related to Operation Fast and Furious that had been sought by the oversight committee. And two years later, pursuant to a federal court order, the Justice Department handed over thousands of additional pages of documents related to the case.

So it could be said that the Obama administration initially resisted turning over many documents, but it produced some, and — after court orders — it turned over tens of thousands more."
The only reason that didn't happen with this impeachment is that the Dims refused to follow the legal process that the Republican Congress followed in the Fast and Furious investigation. Your complaint is with Adolph Schiffler and company, not Trump.

More invented non-rules.
If we allow abuse of power to become a criteria – a criteria that the Framers implicitly rejected… we weaponize impeachment and it becomes normalized

Adam doesn’t stand a chance up against Alan! He looks like a fool trying tonight! Lol
If I was a Senator I would ask this question of the Democrat filth:

Trump wrote the book "The Art of the Deal". He knows how to negotiate.

If Trump tried to pressure the Ukrainians into investigating Hunter Biden then why wasn't it done and how come the Ukrainians still got their money?
Well he wanted to.....but didn't.
But that doesn't mean he isn't guilty.

When a Democrat commits a's just messy bookkeeping....and must be ignored cuz they only have good intentions.....but when Trump asks if something is possible...he might as well have done it cuz thinking about it is the same as doing it when it's Trump.....or any other Republican that gets in their way.
Certain committees already have independent subpoena authority. They have for some time. Certainly those subpoenas issued after the impeachment resolution are not "invalid".

LOL impeachment requires a full vote of the HOUSE fact and backed up by all previous impeachments. It's not our fault House Dems are stupid.

They had a full vote of the House to open impeachment.
After the subpoenas were issued, moron. That makes them invalid.
So those subpoenas weren't part of the impeachment proceedings then. Right?

How about those issued after the vote?
In reality, they were part of the impeachment inquiry. Failing to have a vote on it was just one of the many abuses Adolph Schiffler is guitly of.

You really don't get how dumb that argument is. Do you?

You're arguing, like Trump's attorneys, that the subpoenas were invalid because there was no vote to open impeachment while simultauneously arguing that the investigation was part of the impeachment process that was not yet opened.


You dopes deserve to get lied to.
You mean like Obama?

There's tons of precedent stating that the president must comply with congressional subpoenas as well, dope.

Name one example of where they refused to turn over anything.

Eric Holder and Obama refused to hand over any documents related to Fast and Furious
Eric Holder and Obama refused to hand over any documents related to Fast and

You're a straight up liar and an idiot for lying about something so easy to refute.

Trump Wrong About Obama Documents
"In June 2012, Obama asserted executive privilege to block the transfer of some documents requested by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Republicans on the committee recommended that Attorney General Eric Holder be cited for contempt of Congress for failing to turn over those documents. A few months earlier, Holder said the Justice Department had already turned over 6,000 documents related to the case.

A July 31, 2012, joint staff report from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and the Senate Judiciary Committee notes that its review at that time was based on “more than 10,000 pages of documents, 6,989 of them produced by the Justice Department pursuant to subpoena.”

In 2014, under a court order, the Justice Department produced nearly 65,000 pages of documents related to Operation Fast and Furious that had been sought by the oversight committee. And two years later, pursuant to a federal court order, the Justice Department handed over thousands of additional pages of documents related to the case.

So it could be said that the Obama administration initially resisted turning over many documents, but it produced some, and — after court orders — it turned over tens of thousands more."
Subpoena fight over operation Fast and Furious documents finally settled Note the date of 2019. ;)
Obama admin spent $36M on lawsuits to keep info secret

That's how EP is supposed to work.

What did your boys find?
You mean like Obama?

Name one example of where they refused to turn over anything.

Eric Holder and Obama refused to hand over any documents related to Fast and Furious
Eric Holder and Obama refused to hand over any documents related to Fast and

You're a straight up liar and an idiot for lying about something so easy to refute.

Trump Wrong About Obama Documents
"In June 2012, Obama asserted executive privilege to block the transfer of some documents requested by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Republicans on the committee recommended that Attorney General Eric Holder be cited for contempt of Congress for failing to turn over those documents. A few months earlier, Holder said the Justice Department had already turned over 6,000 documents related to the case.

A July 31, 2012, joint staff report from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and the Senate Judiciary Committee notes that its review at that time was based on “more than 10,000 pages of documents, 6,989 of them produced by the Justice Department pursuant to subpoena.”

In 2014, under a court order, the Justice Department produced nearly 65,000 pages of documents related to Operation Fast and Furious that had been sought by the oversight committee. And two years later, pursuant to a federal court order, the Justice Department handed over thousands of additional pages of documents related to the case.

So it could be said that the Obama administration initially resisted turning over many documents, but it produced some, and — after court orders — it turned over tens of thousands more."
Subpoena fight over operation Fast and Furious documents finally settled Note the date of 2019. ;)
Obama admin spent $36M on lawsuits to keep info secret

That's how EP is supposed to work.

What did your boys find?
Honey, that had nothing to do with any declaration of ep.
Not all of them in one fell swoop. That has never been done. The authority of congress to issue subpoenas is well established.
If they are all invalid they can all be challenged on that basis.
If they are all invalid they can all be challenged on that basis.

Hmm...."If" is the operative word. Certainly those issued after the passage of the House resolution could not be covered by that excuse. Right?
The “if” is for a court to decide, but your House Clowns were too scared to go to court.


No. The court does not need to decide what is patently false. Obviously those were not "invalid". Again, no other president has ignored every subpoena and tried to use such specious arguments to do so.

Obviously those were not "invalid".


Do I take the OPINION of an alt-left, single digit IQ hack on some low rent messageboard...............or wait for the ruling of the courts.............

It's a coin toss...................:banana:

You could use your own brain if that's an option for you.

If subpoenas issued before the vote were invalid then those issued after the vote obviously would have met the standard set previously and therefore would be valid. No?
If they are all invalid they can all be challenged on that basis.
If they are all invalid they can all be challenged on that basis.

Hmm...."If" is the operative word. Certainly those issued after the passage of the House resolution could not be covered by that excuse. Right?
The “if” is for a court to decide, but your House Clowns were too scared to go to court.


No. The court does not need to decide what is patently false. Obviously those were not "invalid". Again, no other president has ignored every subpoena and tried to use such specious arguments to do so.

Obviously those were not "invalid".


Do I take the OPINION of an alt-left, single digit IQ hack on some low rent messageboard...............or wait for the ruling of the courts.............

It's a coin toss...................:banana:

You could use your own brain if that's an option for you.

If subpoenas issued before the vote were invalid then those issued after the vote obviously would have met the standard set previously and therefore would be valid. No?
Name one example of where they refused to turn over anything.

Eric Holder and Obama refused to hand over any documents related to Fast and Furious
Eric Holder and Obama refused to hand over any documents related to Fast and

You're a straight up liar and an idiot for lying about something so easy to refute.

Trump Wrong About Obama Documents
"In June 2012, Obama asserted executive privilege to block the transfer of some documents requested by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. Republicans on the committee recommended that Attorney General Eric Holder be cited for contempt of Congress for failing to turn over those documents. A few months earlier, Holder said the Justice Department had already turned over 6,000 documents related to the case.

A July 31, 2012, joint staff report from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and the Senate Judiciary Committee notes that its review at that time was based on “more than 10,000 pages of documents, 6,989 of them produced by the Justice Department pursuant to subpoena.”

In 2014, under a court order, the Justice Department produced nearly 65,000 pages of documents related to Operation Fast and Furious that had been sought by the oversight committee. And two years later, pursuant to a federal court order, the Justice Department handed over thousands of additional pages of documents related to the case.

So it could be said that the Obama administration initially resisted turning over many documents, but it produced some, and — after court orders — it turned over tens of thousands more."
Subpoena fight over operation Fast and Furious documents finally settled Note the date of 2019. ;)
Obama admin spent $36M on lawsuits to keep info secret

That's how EP is supposed to work.

What did your boys find?
Honey, that had nothing to do with any declaration of ep.

You're right. It's Trump's DOJ.
I wonder why they didn't drop the case and just release them.
Name one example of where they refused to turn over anything.
Fast and Furious

Try again. 70,000 documents were released.
Years after they were first subpoenaed and after numerous court battles.
Many released up front. Only those claimed under EP needed to be challenged. That's how it's supposed to work.
2 years.That's about right.
Mcgahn's case is going on a year.
Trump has not released anything and has not invoked EP. That's his play though. Run the clock.
That was Obama's plan, too, to hold on to t he documents until the public lost interest in fast and furious.

They got 70,000+ documents.
What did they find?
Mr. Cippilone, take Schiff up on his offer. Let the Chief Justice decide on the relevancy of each witness. Seems fair to me.
Name one example of where they refused to turn over anything.
Fast and Furious

Try again. 70,000 documents were released.
Years after they were first subpoenaed and after numerous court battles.
Many released up front. Only those claimed under EP needed to be challenged. That's how it's supposed to work.
2 years.That's about right.
Mcgahn's case is going on a year.
Trump has not released anything and has not invoked EP. That's his play though. Run the clock.
No, you failed to read the second link-
The government acknowledged when challenged that it had been wrong to initially refuse to turn over all or parts of records in more than one-third of such cases, the highest rate in at least six years.

In courtrooms, the number of lawsuits filed by news organizations under the Freedom of Information Act surged during the past four years, led by the New York Times, Center for Public Integrity and The Associated Press, according to a litigation study by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University. The AP on Monday settled its 2015 lawsuit against the State Department for files about Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state, at AP’s request, and received $150,546 from the department to cover part of its legal fees.

The AP has pending lawsuits against the FBI for records about its decision to impersonate an AP journalist during a criminal investigation and about who helped the FBI hack into a mass shooting suspect’s iPhone and how much the government paid to do it.

Of the $36.2 million in legal costs fighting such lawsuits last year, the Justice Department accounted for $12 million, the Homeland Security Department for $6.3 million and the Pentagon for $4.8 million. The three departments accounted for more than half the government’s total records requests last year.
Obama admin spent $36M on lawsuits to keep info secret

What's your point?

Trump has released nothing and has not invoked EP.
Fast and Furious

Try again. 70,000 documents were released.
Years after they were first subpoenaed and after numerous court battles.
Many released up front. Only those claimed under EP needed to be challenged. That's how it's supposed to work.
2 years.That's about right.
Mcgahn's case is going on a year.
Trump has not released anything and has not invoked EP. That's his play though. Run the clock.
No, you failed to read the second link-
The government acknowledged when challenged that it had been wrong to initially refuse to turn over all or parts of records in more than one-third of such cases, the highest rate in at least six years.

In courtrooms, the number of lawsuits filed by news organizations under the Freedom of Information Act surged during the past four years, led by the New York Times, Center for Public Integrity and The Associated Press, according to a litigation study by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University. The AP on Monday settled its 2015 lawsuit against the State Department for files about Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state, at AP’s request, and received $150,546 from the department to cover part of its legal fees.

The AP has pending lawsuits against the FBI for records about its decision to impersonate an AP journalist during a criminal investigation and about who helped the FBI hack into a mass shooting suspect’s iPhone and how much the government paid to do it.

Of the $36.2 million in legal costs fighting such lawsuits last year, the Justice Department accounted for $12 million, the Homeland Security Department for $6.3 million and the Pentagon for $4.8 million. The three departments accounted for more than half the government’s total records requests last year.
Obama admin spent $36M on lawsuits to keep info secret

What's your point?

Trump has released nothing and has not invoked EP.
You stated the Obama administration used ep. No, they did not. On fast and furious he did but not the other cases.
It's not. EP is invoked to the body that issues the subpoena. Either that body accepts the exemptions and redactions or they challenge them in court.

That is the process.
And schiff didn’t go through the process ,, if he did we would have gotten there

What does the courts have to do with the WH claiming EP to the House?
Doesn’t matter schiff withdrew the Subpoena

There's like 70 some subpoenas Trump is ignoring.
We are taking about Bolton, and Cupp .. schiff withdrew the subpoenas

No WE (you and me) are not. I'm talking about all of the subpoenas they are ignoring.
And schiff didn’t go through the process ,, if he did we would have gotten there

What does the courts have to do with the WH claiming EP to the House?
Doesn’t matter schiff withdrew the Subpoena

There's like 70 some subpoenas Trump is ignoring.
We are taking about Bolton, and Cupp .. schiff withdrew the subpoenas

No WE (you and me) are not. I'm talking about all of the subpoenas they are ignoring.
Let’s stick to Bolton since you lost you want to move on lol NOPE
Try again. 70,000 documents were released.
Years after they were first subpoenaed and after numerous court battles.
Many released up front. Only those claimed under EP needed to be challenged. That's how it's supposed to work.
2 years.That's about right.
Mcgahn's case is going on a year.
Trump has not released anything and has not invoked EP. That's his play though. Run the clock.
No, you failed to read the second link-
The government acknowledged when challenged that it had been wrong to initially refuse to turn over all or parts of records in more than one-third of such cases, the highest rate in at least six years.

In courtrooms, the number of lawsuits filed by news organizations under the Freedom of Information Act surged during the past four years, led by the New York Times, Center for Public Integrity and The Associated Press, according to a litigation study by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University. The AP on Monday settled its 2015 lawsuit against the State Department for files about Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state, at AP’s request, and received $150,546 from the department to cover part of its legal fees.

The AP has pending lawsuits against the FBI for records about its decision to impersonate an AP journalist during a criminal investigation and about who helped the FBI hack into a mass shooting suspect’s iPhone and how much the government paid to do it.

Of the $36.2 million in legal costs fighting such lawsuits last year, the Justice Department accounted for $12 million, the Homeland Security Department for $6.3 million and the Pentagon for $4.8 million. The three departments accounted for more than half the government’s total records requests last year.
Obama admin spent $36M on lawsuits to keep info secret

What's your point?

Trump has released nothing and has not invoked EP.
You stated the Obama administration used ep. No, they did not. On fast and furious he did but not the other cases.

Post where the Obama admin simply ignored congressional subpoenas.

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