Impeachment is not why Democrats will lose


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

And it won’t just be the popularity of President Trump and his achievements.

It’s all that weird stuff they’re proposing that no sane American will ever accept.

Negation of the 2d Amendment and confiscation of guns.

A ban on hate speech and Beto’s call to tax churches

Reparations for slavery.

Dividing our nation on the pigment of the skin.

Elimination of private health insurance in favor of government health care.

And, to top it off, the call to allow all illegal aliens stay, ending deportation.

The press covers the horse race of polls and primaries spiced with what are laughingly called debates. The media ignore the policy debate.

But voters listen. Ideas matter. They are voting for an American president. They expect him to be American.

More @ Don Surber: Impeachment is not why Democrats will lose

Sen. Warren Say She’s Open To “Suspending All Deportations” If Elected! @ Watch Sen. Warren Say She's Open To "Suspending All Deportations" If Elected!

And it won’t just be the popularity of President Trump and his achievements.

It’s all that weird stuff they’re proposing that no sane American will ever accept.

Negation of the 2d Amendment and confiscation of guns.

A ban on hate speech and Beto’s call to tax churches

Reparations for slavery.

Dividing our nation on the pigment of the skin.

Elimination of private health insurance in favor of government health care.

And, to top it off, the call to allow all illegal aliens stay, ending deportation.

The press covers the horse race of polls and primaries spiced with what are laughingly called debates. The media ignore the policy debate.

But voters listen. Ideas matter. They are voting for an American president. They expect him to be American.

More @ Don Surber: Impeachment is not why Democrats will lose

Sen. Warren Say She’s Open To “Suspending All Deportations” If Elected! @ Watch Sen. Warren Say She's Open To "Suspending All Deportations" If Elected!
Amen knife. It's hard to imagine how radical Ds have become in the last couple years. They have totally abandoned the worker and taxpayer. Trump's winning really threw them off but their reaction is not going to sit well with Americans especially after we add open borders, abolishing ICE, sanctuary cities, unlimited homeless tent cities, free education and debt forgiveness to your list. If they just look at this, there won't be a sane American that will vote for any Democrat. Democrats are like one of those drug resistant bugs that have to be dealt with severely.
What you're seeing from the dem party is what they've been after for DECADES. They've just REVEALED themselves lately because evidently, they feel they need to, to win against President Trump. I think they actually believe, in their world, that the majority of Americans are just as RADICAL as they are.

I don't think so. Trump is going to win again but by an even bigger margin this time. But will the dems learn anything from it? No. They apparently didn't learn the first time either. Their agenda was REJECTED when Trump was elected, but instead of moderating away from radical leftist ideas, the left went even MORE RADICAL. It's as though their brain works in REVERSE.

Democrats are the party of trash.
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And it won’t just be the popularity of President Trump and his achievements.

It’s all that weird stuff they’re proposing that no sane American will ever accept.

Trump is trailing every last one of his Democratic rivals.. some by double digits.

This is BEFORE he gets impeached and the bottom falls out of the economy next year.

So get used to all those weird ideas like gays and minorities having all the rights you have.
What you're seeing from the dem party is what they've been after for DECADES. They've just REVEALED themselves lately because evidently, they feel they need to, to win against President Trump. I think they actually believe, in their world, that the majority of Americans are just as RADICAL as they are.

Agreed. They have become emboldened to show who they are.
It is equally hard for most Venezuelans to believe how fast their nation fell to a dictator.

Another problem is there is an underlying, better organized effort to undermine not only the US Constitution, but traditional western civilization. The extensive availability of pornography over the Internet was an early warning sign of the corruptive force facing youth. Nothing was done.
By gaining virtual control over the Entertainment industry, the Social Media industry, and the Education system those behind these efforts have successfully implanted their ideology into the minds of a significant segment of America's youth.

Millenials are the first significant group of younger Americans to embrace many of these radical proposals. They've the first generation to fully believe that their success in life depends not on their pursuit of higher education and hard work, but rather on the number of Instagram, Facebook or YouTube followers they have.

But back to the premise that the Dems are "in trouble".....
Let's look at the 2016 election cycle where the race was not a landslide for either candidate but a fairly tight race. That election cycle was evidence of the success of those looking to transform America. They have been very successful in transforming Western European countries already.

Let's also look at Trumps picks for Supreme Court. Kavanaugh and Gorsuch. Already, both have a history of leaning towards Leftist ideology rather than along Constitutional lines. Both have clearly supported reductions in 2nd amendment rights as well as supporting big government, Establishment values. yet the majority on the Right fail to actually analyze many of the underpinnings of the Trump administration and instead, cling to the Trump bandwagon too often based only on his rhetoric. Even NBC saw it.
Trump goes full establishment with Supreme Court pick

We also need to look at the diminishing numbers of "the old guard". Those people less affected by social media and the leftist entertainment industry. That generation is now dying off, leaving a more saturated population of Millenials.

Regardless of the outcome of the next Presidential election, the trend is unsettling and America is far from 'out of the woods'. In fact, clearly the long term trend is towards becoming entirely lost in the forest of Leftist radicalism permanently. America today would already be unrecognizable to the Founding Fathers.

And it won’t just be the popularity of President Trump and his achievements.

It’s all that weird stuff they’re proposing that no sane American will ever accept.

Negation of the 2d Amendment and confiscation of guns.

A ban on hate speech and Beto’s call to tax churches

Reparations for slavery.

Dividing our nation on the pigment of the skin.

Elimination of private health insurance in favor of government health care.

And, to top it off, the call to allow all illegal aliens stay, ending deportation.

The press covers the horse race of polls and primaries spiced with what are laughingly called debates. The media ignore the policy debate.

But voters listen. Ideas matter. They are voting for an American president. They expect him to be American.

More @ Don Surber: Impeachment is not why Democrats will lose

Sen. Warren Say She’s Open To “Suspending All Deportations” If Elected! @ Watch Sen. Warren Say She's Open To "Suspending All Deportations" If Elected!
IOW, their reach exceeds their grasp.
Trump is trailing every last one of his Democratic rivals.. some by double digits.

How did that turn out? Whoopsie... they were WRONG... and you didn't learn JACK SHIT.

Ya know... if you give a shit sandwich to most people and tell them it's peanut butter, after they take a bite, they won't let you hand them another shit sandwich and tell them it's peanut butter, THEY LEARN.

Apparently you DON'T. You'll just keep eating that SHIT SANDWICH.

You are a TRUE MORON.

How did that turn out? Whoopsie... they were WRONG... and you didn't learn JACK SHIT.

You work on a logical fallacy. The kind of lax thinking that Hillary had it in the bag meant people didn't pay enough attention to the EC.

That's simply not going to happen again.

By now, the Rust Belt Rednecks are realizing that the Coal and Factory jobs aren't coming back... you know, in case you missed the KY election.

Meanwhile, in Florida, newly enfranchised ex-convicts and displaced Puerto Ricans will probably flip that state.

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