Impeachment Confirms That Wooing The "Workingclass White Voter" Is A Waste Of Time For Democrats


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The data (thus far) is indisputable. For some reason (and its not hard to guess what that reason is), working class whites are standing by Trump, despite everything that’s come down the road to reveal his character and nature. Whether it’s rape and assault allegations, looting the Treasury to engorge himself and his family, selling us out to the Russians, starting a pointless trade war with China, stabbing our allies in the back and dishonoring our military, or just tearing families apart and putting children into cages, there is nothing--nothing—that will change the minds of any significant percentage of those those sad-ass white men and women you see baying like rabid wolves at his rallies.

Hillary Clinton called them “deplorables.” What they’ve shown themselves to be is worse than that—they have proved themselves to be blithely, even happily indifferent-- or worse, hostile-- to American institutions, norms, and the rule of law. That is the very definition of someone who is simply UnAmerican. And nothing is going to change their votes come November, 2020.

Impeachment confirms it: Wooing the 'working class white voter' is a waste of time for Democrats
The data (thus far) is indisputable. For some reason (and its not hard to guess what that reason is), working class whites are standing by Trump, despite everything that’s come down the road to reveal his character and nature. Whether it’s rape and assault allegations, looting the Treasury to engorge himself and his family, selling us out to the Russians, starting a pointless trade war with China, stabbing our allies in the back and dishonoring our military, or just tearing families apart and putting children into cages, there is nothing--nothing—that will change the minds of any significant percentage of those those sad-ass white men and women you see baying like rabid wolves at his rallies.

Hillary Clinton called them “deplorables.” What they’ve shown themselves to be is worse than that—they have proved themselves to be blithely, even happily indifferent-- or worse, hostile-- to American institutions, norms, and the rule of law. That is the very definition of someone who is simply UnAmerican. And nothing is going to change their votes come November, 2020.

Impeachment confirms it: Wooing the 'working class white voter' is a waste of time for Democrats
Yeah, blame the workers-coming from people who never did a good day's work in their life.
I am unfamiliar with the poster who styles itself as "skews13," but I have to wonder whether it is a real person who actually believes that garbage. Could anyone actually be that stupid, and yet have the mental horsepower to type that post above? Hardly.

I believe the word is, "Troll."
Got to love it most of the people in America are working class.
The crazy left wants to do away with the rich and semi rich.
That leaves only the broke and unemployed.
So now the Daily Kos hates most of the U.S. and you along with them.
The data (thus far) is indisputable. For some reason (and its not hard to guess what that reason is), working class whites are standing by Trump, despite everything that’s come down the road to reveal his character and nature. Whether it’s rape and assault allegations, looting the Treasury to engorge himself and his family, selling us out to the Russians, starting a pointless trade war with China, stabbing our allies in the back and dishonoring our military, or just tearing families apart and putting children into cages, there is nothing--nothing—that will change the minds of any significant percentage of those those sad-ass white men and women you see baying like rabid wolves at his rallies.

Hillary Clinton called them “deplorables.” What they’ve shown themselves to be is worse than that—they have proved themselves to be blithely, even happily indifferent-- or worse, hostile-- to American institutions, norms, and the rule of law. That is the very definition of someone who is simply UnAmerican. And nothing is going to change their votes come November, 2020.

Impeachment confirms it: Wooing the 'working class white voter' is a waste of time for Democrats
As if Democrats gave a shit about the working class. LoL. They stopped representing the American working class over 40 years ago.
I am unfamiliar with the poster who styles itself as "skews13," but I have to wonder whether it is a real person who actually believes that garbage. Could anyone actually be that stupid, and yet have the mental horsepower to type that post above? Hardly.

I believe the word is, "Troll."
--------------------------------------- trying to think of who it was , maybe 'jebito bush' that figured that White voters were not worth the time and energy to try to get in his Camp . Might be someone else , maybe 'juan mcstain' but this type of thinking was PreTrump 'DCS .
The data (thus far) is indisputable. For some reason (and its not hard to guess what that reason is), working class whites are standing by Trump, despite everything that’s come down the road to reveal his character and nature. Whether it’s rape and assault allegations, looting the Treasury to engorge himself and his family, selling us out to the Russians, starting a pointless trade war with China, stabbing our allies in the back and dishonoring our military, or just tearing families apart and putting children into cages, there is nothing--nothing—that will change the minds of any significant percentage of those those sad-ass white men and women you see baying like rabid wolves at his rallies.

Hillary Clinton called them “deplorables.” What they’ve shown themselves to be is worse than that—they have proved themselves to be blithely, even happily indifferent-- or worse, hostile-- to American institutions, norms, and the rule of law. That is the very definition of someone who is simply UnAmerican. And nothing is going to change their votes come November, 2020.

Impeachment confirms it: Wooing the 'working class white voter' is a waste of time for Democrats

My guess is they support him because he actually listens to them, and to the best of his ability try's to do what they want.
The data (thus far) is indisputable. For some reason (and its not hard to guess what that reason is),

It is kind of hard. What is your guess?

working class whites are standing by Trump, despite everything that’s come down the road to reveal his character and nature. Whether it’s rape and assault allegations,

I'm trying to get a handle on what kind of people evince the level of naked hatred for Trump that you do. The first insight is Trump-haters are the kind of people who believe that mere allegations "reveal [someone's] character and nature".

looting the Treasury to engorge himself and his family,

Trump-haters are the type of people who make wild-eyed accusations out of thin air.

selling us out to the Russians,

Trump-haters are the type of people who, despite a wasteful and malicious two-year investigation turning up nothing about Trump and collusion, are so envenomed with seething hatred they refuse to accept the fact their little pet prosecutor got nothing.

starting a pointless trade war with China,

Trump-haters are the type of people who understand nothing about trade policy and are ignorant of the facts on the ground.

stabbing our allies in the back and dishonoring our military,

Trump-haters are the type of people who disagree with the majority of actual military personnel who support Trump and who agree with him that not involving the military on behalf of Israel actually DOES honor the military, it's personnel, and the country for which they fight.

or just tearing families apart and putting children into cages,

Trump-haters are the type of people who believe Americans do not have the right to decide who may and who may not join our national family, and under what conditions, who believe foreigners, as long as they have managed to procure a child somewhere, should have the right to ignore the laws we have made for ourselves, who describe housing as "cages" when it suits their sinister political goals,

there is nothing--nothing—that will change the minds of any significant percentage of those those sad-ass white men and women you see baying like rabid wolves at his rallies.

Your juvenile rant certainly won't, racist.

But go ahead, Shlomo, keep pushing race war.

Hillary Clinton called them “deplorables.” What they’ve shown themselves to be is worse than that—they have proved themselves to be blithely, even happily indifferent-- or worse, hostile-- to American institutions, norms, and the rule of law. That is the very definition of someone who is simply UnAmerican. And nothing is going to change their votes come November, 2020.

Impeachment confirms it: Wooing the 'working class white voter' is a waste of time for Democrats
That link is claiming no blue collar whites support Democrats anymore?

So if that's true the only Democrat support is rich liberals, women, homos, girls with dicks, a bunch of blacks and 20 million illegal rapist killer Mexicans..

Lol what a party..

#TheLargerIssue Keeping it 100% REAL.

Should Pres. Trump be RECALLED or IMPEACHED for failing to loudly address DOMESTIC TERRORISM & potentially life scarring Generational CHILD ABUSE, as well as Intra-Racial Discrimination & HATE?

I look fwd to learning your opinion.

Donald Trump IMPEACH_3.jpg _BLANK DEMOCRAT Survival, Kanye West Candace Owens, Vicki Dillard, Mechee X.png

A 'black female conservative' speaks about OBAMA admiring liberals threatening VIOLENCE toward citizens peacefully sharing their thoughts, concerns & opinions about social issues affecting black or American citizens of African descent. :sad:

The OP article also points out that college-educated whites are abandoning Trump. That is, educated people reject Trumpism/Stalinism, unless they're corruptly skimming money off of it.

Well, duh. Just look at this thread, and every thread. Only the low-IQ crowd here still defends Trump. As expected. Anyone with intelligence has abandoned the Trump cult, leaving only those of llmited intelligence behind.
#TheLargerIssue Keeping it 100% REAL.

Should Pres. Trump be RECALLED or IMPEACHED for failing to loudly address DOMESTIC TERRORISM & potentially life scarring Generational CHILD ABUSE, as well as Intra-Racial Discrimination & HATE?

I look fwd to learning your opinion.

View attachment 286411 View attachment 286413

A 'black female conservative' speaks about OBAMA admiring liberals threatening VIOLENCE toward citizens peacefully sharing their thoughts, concerns & opinions about social issues affecting black or American citizens of African descent. :sad:


No, none of this is his fault. The media stirred the flames of racism and he has tried to help inner city kids by keeping out illegals who syphon off their benefits and welfare money. Domestic terrorism has seen a rise against Jews, Hispanics, blacks, and whites-EVERYBODY. And the terrorists are white, black(Smollett), Hispanic, Muslim, all but Jews.
The OP article also points out that college-educated whites are abandoning Trump. That is, educated people reject Trumpism/Stalinism, unless they're corruptly skimming money off of it.

Well, duh. Just look at this thread, and every thread. Only the low-IQ crowd here still defends Trump. As expected. Anyone with intelligence has abandoned the Trump cult, leaving only those of llmited intelligence behind.
I defend Trump in the face of unfair accusations and I had a high IQ at one time. But I don't believe a person's worth should be set by their IQ-something the Democrats can't understand.
The data (thus far) is indisputable. For some reason (and its not hard to guess what that reason is), working class whites are standing by Trump, despite everything that’s come down the road to reveal his character and nature. Whether it’s rape and assault allegations, looting the Treasury to engorge himself and his family, selling us out to the Russians, starting a pointless trade war with China, stabbing our allies in the back and dishonoring our military, or just tearing families apart and putting children into cages, there is nothing--nothing—that will change the minds of any significant percentage of those those sad-ass white men and women you see baying like rabid wolves at his rallies.

Hillary Clinton called them “deplorables.” What they’ve shown themselves to be is worse than that—they have proved themselves to be blithely, even happily indifferent-- or worse, hostile-- to American institutions, norms, and the rule of law. That is the very definition of someone who is simply UnAmerican. And nothing is going to change their votes come November, 2020.

Impeachment confirms it: Wooing the 'working class white voter' is a waste of time for Democrats

They are called PATRIOTS and support Trump because he is a PATRIOT also. They don't swallow the Democrat cum with delight as some ignorant cucks do.
No Democrat has won the White Male vote since LBJ. No Democrat will win the White Male vote in at least the next 20 years. So much for White Male "Privilege."

While there are intelligent, insightful "Blacks," as a group they are - and they vote like - idiots. Same for women. Same for all voters between 18-21.

I'm glad I'm in the late stages of my life; won't have to worry about what comes next. It won't be pretty.
The data (thus far) is indisputable. For some reason (and its not hard to guess what that reason is), working class whites are standing by Trump, despite everything that’s come down the road to reveal his character and nature. Whether it’s rape and assault allegations, looting the Treasury to engorge himself and his family, selling us out to the Russians, starting a pointless trade war with China, stabbing our allies in the back and dishonoring our military, or just tearing families apart and putting children into cages, there is nothing--nothing—that will change the minds of any significant percentage of those those sad-ass white men and women you see baying like rabid wolves at his rallies.

Hillary Clinton called them “deplorables.” What they’ve shown themselves to be is worse than that—they have proved themselves to be blithely, even happily indifferent-- or worse, hostile-- to American institutions, norms, and the rule of law. That is the very definition of someone who is simply UnAmerican. And nothing is going to change their votes come November, 2020.

Impeachment confirms it: Wooing the 'working class white voter' is a waste of time for Democrats

Maybe if the D's gave up on this "impeachment" crapola and started proposing serious solutions to the serious problem, they would gain more traction with Honky workers?

If they insist of "impeachment " and calling Honkies names, the Daily Kos is right, it is a waste of time. They should probably be discussing how they will be punishing America's "crackers" and "peckerheads"
Any middle class worker would be an idiot to vote Democratic. The liberals have completely turned on the American worker
The data (thus far) is indisputable. For some reason (and its not hard to guess what that reason is), working class whites are standing by Trump, despite everything that’s come down the road to reveal his character and nature. Whether it’s rape and assault allegations, looting the Treasury to engorge himself and his family, selling us out to the Russians, starting a pointless trade war with China, stabbing our allies in the back and dishonoring our military, or just tearing families apart and putting children into cages, there is nothing--nothing—that will change the minds of any significant percentage of those those sad-ass white men and women you see baying like rabid wolves at his rallies.

Hillary Clinton called them “deplorables.” What they’ve shown themselves to be is worse than that—they have proved themselves to be blithely, even happily indifferent-- or worse, hostile-- to American institutions, norms, and the rule of law. That is the very definition of someone who is simply UnAmerican. And nothing is going to change their votes come November, 2020.

Impeachment confirms it: Wooing the 'working class white voter' is a waste of time for Democrats

Maybe if the D's gave up on this "impeachment" crapola and started proposing serious solutions to the serious problem, they would gain more traction with Honky workers?

If they insist of "impeachment " and calling Honkies names, the Daily Kos is right, it is a waste of time. They should probably be discussing how they will be punishing America's "crackers" and "peckerheads"
Fix healthcare and immigration(the fair way for American citizens), and Dems will win the election.
The OP article also points out that college-educated whites are abandoning Trump. That is, educated people reject Trumpism/Stalinism, unless they're corruptly skimming money off of it.

Well, duh. Just look at this thread, and every thread. Only the low-IQ crowd here still defends Trump. As expected. Anyone with intelligence has abandoned the Trump cult, leaving only those of llmited intelligence behind.

Yea, I’m sure the party of negroes and Latinos on welfare or in prison are high up on the IQ rankings.

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