Immigration reform


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
a) do you turn a fan on to push gas out
b) spray with an air freshener
c) call fire department and then gas department

So then with immigration reform....

Do we FIRST pass a bill to give people under age 5 permanent citizenship?
Do we deport people first.
OR do we completely shut off any points of illegal entry.. i.e. turn the gas off!

Which should be done first?
We have a lot of illegals because our immigration quota system is completely whacked. We do not match the demand with the right supply. Our immigration system totally violates market principles.

Immigrants are our lifeblood. They are not job stealers.
Unemployment rate in January 2007: 4.6 percent.

We had virtual full employment then with the same number of, if not more, illegal immigrants we have now. Therefore, illegals are not stealing jobs. They are doing jobs Americans won't do.

It's called migrant work for a reason. You have to move around a lot. All over a large geographical region. An American is not going to get leave their tract house, climb into their Ford Focus, and go to a migratory job.

I don't know if any of you noticed, but there is an entirely different reason for the unemployment rate being higher today than it was in January 2007. There was this big global event which occurred in the last year of the Bush Administration. Maybe you heard about it. It was in all the papers and on all the blogs.

The GOP is seriously fucking up by painting immigrants as job stealers and leeches FIRST.
Turn it up full volume, stick a roll of newspaper in the toaster and head off to the grocery store.*

*Make sure your insurance covers everything.
open the windows and doors, turn off the electric power and call 911 or the urgent service.
a) do you turn a fan on to push gas out
b) spray with an air freshener
c) call fire department and then gas department

So then with immigration reform....

Do we FIRST pass a bill to give people under age 5 permanent citizenship?
Do we deport people first.
OR do we completely shut off any points of illegal entry.. i.e. turn the gas off!

Which should be done first?

Nah. Light a match and call your insurance company on your cell out in the driveway. Then when the fire is going good, call the fire department.

Or, if you smell bad gas, see if it was the dog.

What a fun analogy.
“About 40 percent of our Ph.D. scientists and engineers were born in another country,” Orrenius writes. “People tend to focus on illegal or low-skilled immigration when discussing immigrants and often do not recognize the tremendous contribution of high-skilled immigrants.”

Dallas Federal Reserve

A new study, released last week, throws new information into the debate over foreign workers who arrive in the U.S. on such specialty visas.

The report, based on telephone surveys with 2,054 companies and projections by researchers at the University of California at Berkeley and Duke University, says about 25 percent of the technology and engineering companies launched in the U.S. in the past decade had at least one foreign-born founder.

Immigrants Become Founding Fathers

These immigrant founders tended to be highly educated—96 percent held bachelor’s degrees and 74 percent held graduate or postgraduate degrees, with 75 percent of these degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics-related fields. The vast majority of these company founders didn’t come to the United States as entrepreneurs 52 percent came to study, 40 percent came to work, and 5.5 percent came for family reasons. Only 1.6 percent came to start companies in America.

Even though these founders immigrated for other purposes initially, they typically started their companies just 13.25 years after arriving in the United States. And, rather than settling in well-established immigrant gateways, such as New York or Los Angeles, they moved to a diverse group of tech centers across the country and helped fuel their growth.

While 23 percent of the nation's cooks and 20 percent of its janitors were immigrants in 2000, 27 percent of new computer-software engineers were also immigrants, according to a recent Migration Policy Institute study.

Indeed, the more technically educated the group, the more likely immigrants are to be overrepresented in it. While the foreign born make up 15 percent of the overall workforce, according to the 2000 census, they constitute approximately 17 percent of those with a bachelor's degree in science and engineering occupations, 29 percent of those with a master's degree, and 39 percent of those with a doctoral degree.

As US nears milestone, a rising mix of immigrants -

"[T]he more technically educated the group, the more likely immigrants are to be overrepresented in it."
In the face of the facts I have provided, the GOP needs to adopt an entirely different attitude.

Instead of saying, "How can we rid ourselves of these diseased and ugly beasts?", the GOP needs to be saying, "How can we improve our immigration system to improve conditions for these desperately needed entrepreneurs?"

Instead of comparing them to a smelly gas leak (there's some Christmas spirit!), it is far past time to change your perception.

Immigrants are our lifeblood.
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Unemployment rate in January 2007: 4.6 percent.

We had virtual full employment then with the same number of, if not more, illegal immigrants we have now. Therefore, illegals are not stealing jobs. They are doing jobs Americans won't do.

It's called migrant work for a reason. You have to move around a lot. All over a large geographical region. An American is not going to get leave their tract house, climb into their Ford Focus, and go to a migratory job.

I don't know if any of you noticed, but there is an entirely different reason for the unemployment rate being higher today than it was in January 2007. There was this big global event which occurred in the last year of the Bush Administration. Maybe you heard about it. It was in all the papers and on all the blogs.

The GOP is seriously fucking up by painting immigrants as job stealers and leeches FIRST.


it is the leftard union agenda that immigrants are stealing jobs.

The jobs are not being created and the population grows - THAT is the reason for the misery, not immigration.

And the jobs are not being created because economy is not growing strangled by government overregulation and overtaxation, obamacare being the glaring example ( and partially the reason for stagnation).
a) do you turn a fan on to push gas out
b) spray with an air freshener
c) call fire department and then gas department

So then with immigration reform....

Do we FIRST pass a bill to give people under age 5 permanent citizenship?
Do we deport people first.
OR do we completely shut off any points of illegal entry.. i.e. turn the gas off!

Which should be done first?

This analogy is extraordinarily flawed.

Uncontrolled, 'loose' gas serves no purpose is nothing but extremely dangerous (so you should get rid of it immediately), whereas immigrants are human beings who play a vital role in our economy.
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You all don't want illegals working in the USA?

All you got to do is make every employer VERIFY that whoever is being hired is here legally and able to work legally.

NO way to get hired, no reason to come here illegally.

Is this rocket science?

And if a company gets caught hiring illegals. Big big penalties. Jail time for repeat offenders, both sides.

There is a reason illegals come here. And it ain't the weather. It is because they know someone who knows someone that will give them a job. Even if they are illegal.
So then with immigration reform....

Do we FIRST pass a bill to give people under age 5 permanent citizenship?
Do we deport people first.
OR do we completely shut off any points of illegal entry.. i.e. turn the gas off!

Which should be done first?

1. we put the immigration reform on the very far back burner - there is no reason to reform something which is perfectly working - current immigration system is working perfectly, but some parts can be enforced more

2. enhance real ecomnomy stimulation - FINALLY - cut the overregulation, cut taxes, repeal obamacare, repeal dodd-frank and reinstate glass -steagall.

3. when the economy is finally in full steam, when the unemployment drops to 5% again - THEN can the foreign worker program can be discussed to provide the legal path to PERMANENT RESIDENCY, but never to the citizenship for those who are in the country illegally.
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We have a lot of illegals because our immigration quota system is completely whacked. We do not match the demand with the right supply. Our immigration system totally violates market principles.

Immigrants are our lifeblood. They are not job stealers.

So rather then make sure our borders are totally secured AND the e-verify system completely functional what would you do first?
a) do you turn a fan on to push gas out
b) spray with an air freshener
c) call fire department and then gas department

So then with immigration reform....

Do we FIRST pass a bill to give people under age 5 permanent citizenship?
Do we deport people first.
OR do we completely shut off any points of illegal entry.. i.e. turn the gas off!

Which should be done first?

This analogy is extraordinarily flawed.

Uncontrolled, 'loose' gas serves no purpose is nothing but extremely dangerous (so you should get rid of it immediately), whereas immigrants are human beings who play a vital role in our economy.

Damn that sounds serious. Better call a doctor.
You all don't want illegals working in the USA?

All you got to do is make every employer VERIFY that whoever is being hired is here legally and able to work legally.

NO way to get hired, no reason to come here illegally.

Is this rocket science?

And if a company gets caught hiring illegals. Big big penalties. Jail time for repeat offenders, both sides.

There is a reason illegals come here. And it ain't the weather. It is because they know someone who knows someone that will give them a job. Even if they are illegal.

stop the BS already.

illegals are working mostly in the areas were their status is not verifiable - those are the service jobs and small business enterprise.

you want to strangle small business more?

of course you do - you are a leftard, you want to wipe out the middle class altogether and make everybody equal in misery and government dependency.
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a) do you turn a fan on to push gas out
b) spray with an air freshener
c) call fire department and then gas department

So then with immigration reform....

Do we FIRST pass a bill to give people under age 5 permanent citizenship?
Do we deport people first.
OR do we completely shut off any points of illegal entry.. i.e. turn the gas off!

Which should be done first?

This analogy is extraordinarily flawed.

Uncontrolled, 'loose' gas serves no purpose is nothing but extremely dangerous (so you should get rid of it immediately), whereas immigrants are human beings who play a vital role in our economy.

What vital role?
To me "vital" means "necessary for life".
Jobs Americans Won?t Do? A Detailed Look at Immigrant Employment by Occupation | Center for Immigration Studies

This "pro-immigration" site seems to disagree with you..

"The data presented here make clear that the often-made argument that immigrants only take jobs Americans don’t want is simply wrong.
To talk about the labor market as if there were jobs done entirely or almost entirely by immigrants is not helpful to understanding the potential impact of immigration on American workers.
It gives the false impression that the job market is segmented between jobs that are done almost exclusively by immigrants and jobs that are exclusively native.
This is clearly not the case."
So then with immigration reform....

Do we FIRST pass a bill to give people under age 5 permanent citizenship?
Do we deport people first.
OR do we completely shut off any points of illegal entry.. i.e. turn the gas off!

Which should be done first?

1. we put the immigration reform on the very far back burner - there is no reason to reform something which is perfectly working - current immigration system is working perfectly, but some parts can be enforced more

2. enhance real ecomnomy stimulation - FINALLY - cut the overregulation, cut taxes, repeal obamacare, repeal dodd-frank and reinstate glass -steagall.

3. when the economy is finally in full steam, when the unemployment drops to 5% again - THEN can the foreign worker program can be discussed to provide the legal path to PERMANENT RESIDENCY, but never to the citizenship for those who are in the country illegally.

LMAO. The working poor already get back more in refund than they pay in Federal taxes.
And that costs the treasury a lot of money. And Rethugs bitch about it all the time.

And here you are wanting to give away even MORE money. Bull shit. Or is it just the ultra wealthy that need this new tax cut. You know. The people that can already buy a zillion of what ever they want to buy. And they need more tax cuts? Bullshit.

So that means I guess it is the middle that needs more tax cuts. Well OK then. How much.

How low you wanna go for the middle class.

And how big you want the deficit to become?
a) do you turn a fan on to push gas out
b) spray with an air freshener
c) call fire department and then gas department

So then with immigration reform....

Do we FIRST pass a bill to give people under age 5 permanent citizenship?
Do we deport people first.
OR do we completely shut off any points of illegal entry.. i.e. turn the gas off!

Which should be done first?

This analogy is extraordinarily flawed.

Uncontrolled, 'loose' gas serves no purpose is nothing but extremely dangerous (so you should get rid of it immediately), whereas immigrants are human beings who play a vital role in our economy.

What vital role?To me "vital" means "necessary for life".
Jobs Americans Won?t Do? A Detailed Look at Immigrant Employment by Occupation | Center for Immigration Studies

This "pro-immigration" site seems to disagree with you..

"The data presented here make clear that the often-made argument that immigrants only take jobs Americans don’t want is simply wrong.
To talk about the labor market as if there were jobs done entirely or almost entirely by immigrants is not helpful to understanding the potential impact of immigration on American workers.
It gives the false impression that the job market is segmented between jobs that are done almost exclusively by immigrants and jobs that are exclusively native.
This is clearly not the case."

I, for one, consider cutting my lawn, cleaning my house and my pool to be vital. And I don't see any native born Americans willing to do those jobs.
Only immigrants.

I don't care what their immigration sattus is - I want them to legalize and they are working hard to have money for the process ( yes, it is possile by the current law).
The guy who is cleaning my pool started from 0 - and now has booming small business employing aout 10 people. Do I want him to stay and prosper? Of course, I do.

they did not steal anybody's jobs. They fit in the niche left vacant by Americans.
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So then with immigration reform....

Do we FIRST pass a bill to give people under age 5 permanent citizenship?
Do we deport people first.
OR do we completely shut off any points of illegal entry.. i.e. turn the gas off!

Which should be done first?

1. we put the immigration reform on the very far back burner - there is no reason to reform something which is perfectly working - current immigration system is working perfectly, but some parts can be enforced more

2. enhance real ecomnomy stimulation - FINALLY - cut the overregulation, cut taxes, repeal obamacare, repeal dodd-frank and reinstate glass -steagall.

3. when the economy is finally in full steam, when the unemployment drops to 5% again - THEN can the foreign worker program can be discussed to provide the legal path to PERMANENT RESIDENCY, but never to the citizenship for those who are in the country illegally.

LMAO. The working poor already get back more in refund than they pay in Federal taxes.
And that costs the treasury a lot of money. And Rethugs bitch about it all the time.

And here you are wanting to give away even MORE money. Bull shit. Or is it just the ultra wealthy that need this new tax cut. You know. The people that can already buy a zillion of what ever they want to buy. And they need more tax cuts? Bullshit.

So that means I guess it is the middle that needs more tax cuts. Well OK then. How much.

How low you wanna go for the middle class.

And how big you want the deficit to become?

your stupid leftard agenda of keynesian "stimulation" the economy and redistributing the wealth has been around for the last 5 years and only made things exponentially WORSE.


I do, however, understand, that making the economy better and making middle class stronger is NOT the goal of this or any other leftard administration, so it won't happen until they are pushed out from power.

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