Immigration, a public charge, and tax tyranny!


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
On January 25th, 2020, the United States Supreme Court upheld the Trump Administration’s “public charge” rule, allowing it to take effect. The rule, designed to protect American taxpayers from having to finance the economic needs of millions of immigrants flooding into the United States made it more difficult for them to acquire a green card and permanent residency should they use, or were found likely to use, taxpayer financed benefits such as food stamps, public housing and Medicaid, and thus becoming a “public charge”.

And why not have such a rule? As far back as our colonial period, laws were enacted to prohibit the immigration of individuals who might become a public charge. One such law forbid ”… the admission of indigent migrants. This law was followed in the 18th century by other laws prohibiting the landing of “Sick, Lame, or Otherwise Infirm Persons,” and calling for bonds that were forfeited if immigrants of questionable means became public charges.” See: Public Charge Provisions of Immigration Law: A Brief Historical Background

But now, instead of relying upon CHARITABLE GIVING, to assist foreign nationals who have flooded across our border, the Biden Administration has decided to rescind the “public charge” rule and use the force of federal taxation to directly tax American citizens, confiscate the property they have earned by the sweat of their labor, and redistribute that property for the economic needs of millions of foreign nationals who have flooded across the borders of the United States.

In regard to the use of government power in this manner, one of our forefathers summarized such an act as tyranny!

"Under a just and equal Government, every individual is entitled to protection in the enjoyment of the whole product of his labor, except such portion of it as is necessary to enable Government to protect the rest; this is given only in consideration of the protection offered. In every bounty, exclusive right, or monopoly, Government violates the stipulation on her part; for, by such a regulation, the product of one man's labor is transferred to the use and enjoyment of another. The exercise of such a right on the part of Government can be justified on no other principle, than that the whole product of the labor or every individual is the real property of Government, and may be distributed among the several parts of the community by government discretion; such a supposition would directly involve the idea, that every individual in the community is merely a slave and bondsman to Government, who, although he may labor, is not to expect protection in the product of his labor. An authority given to any Government to exercise such a principle, would lead to a complete system of tyranny." See Representative Giles, speaking before Congress February 3rd, 1792

As reported on March 11th, 2021, the Biden administration takes final step to end Trump-era 'public charge' rule

"Today, DHS closed the book on the public charge rule and is doing the same with respect to a proposed rule regarding the affidavit of support that would have placed undue burdens on American families wishing to sponsor individuals lawfully immigrating to the U.S.," Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said in a statement.”

Keep in mind as pointed out above, as far back as the 18th century there were laws on the books calling for bonds that were forfeited by sponsors “if immigrants of questionable means became public charges.”

But now, under the Biden Socialist Revolutionary Administration, the United States can be flooded with the poverty stricken populations of other countries, and American taxpaying citizens made to surrender the property they have earned by the sweat of their labor to finance the economic needs of those flooding across our border.


There is no better way to weaken, destroy and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.
14 States file suit to allow enforcement of "public charge" rule
SEE: 14 GOP-led states file long-shot bid with SCOTUS to defend Trump-era 'public charge' rule

March 30, 2021

“(CNN)Texas and 13 other Republican-led states have filed a long shot bid with the Supreme Court asking the justices to allow the states to defend a controversial Trump-era rule that makes it more difficult for immigrants to obtain legal status if they use certain public benefits, such as Medicaid, food stamps and housing vouchers.

The so-called "public charge" rule is currently blocked while the Biden administration completes a review process and decides what the new regulation will be.

Earlier this month, the Supreme Court agreed to dismiss a pending challenge to the rule at the request of the Biden administration because the government changed its position in the case after the election.”

There is something drastically wrong in the United States when its federal government can use its taxing powers to confiscate the property of American citizens [a working person’s earned wages], and redistribute said revenue to finance the economic needs of millions of foreigners who have flooded across America’s borders, when the Constitution of the United States commands the federal government to “repel invasions”, and limits federal taxes raised to promote the “general welfare” of the United States and HER citizens.


The leadership which now controls the Democrat Party, want elderly American citizens, who were forced to pay into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of foreigners who have invaded America’s borders. LINK
Who is going to pay for the $BILLIONS in economic needs when the thousands upon thousands of unaccompanied teenaged females from poverty stricken Central America, which the Biden Administration is allowing to stay, start to have anchor-babies?

Look what has been happening for years! Thousands turn into tens of thousands and then into millions!

The United States is being turned into a third world country.

There is no better way to weaken, destroy and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.
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Nikki Haley pins the tail on the donkey . . . Biden's suicidal immigration policy

See: Nikki Haley: Biden's border crisis – here are lessons he can learn from Trump's immigration example


"It took less than three months for the Biden administration to create the biggest border crisis in decades.

Illegal crossings at our southern border are on track to hit their highest level in 20 years. The number of unaccompanied children crossing the border jumped by more than 80% between February and March. Border patrol is overwhelmed and exhausted, yet every day the situation gets worse.

This crisis did not happen by accident. It is the result of bad policy decisions and a naïve approach to our southern neighbors."

I doubt the Biden Administration's decisions are, "naïve". The Democrat party leadership has a very long history in wanting to fill the country with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, mentally impaired and criminal populations of other countries, and they care not how it affects America's tax paying, hard working middle class.


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders. LINK
And, who is going to be taxed to pay for the $BILLIONS in economic needs when the thousands upon thousands of unaccompanied teenaged females from poverty stricken Central America, which the Biden Administration is allowing to stay, start to have anchor-babies?

American citizens are being turned into tax slaves to finance the economic needs of the world's poverty stricken. How is that promoting the general welfare of the United States and her citizens?
The Biden/Harris socialist healthcare plan will tax America’s productive citizens and our retired Senior citizens to provide healthcare to the 1.5 million DACA and 3.6 million Dreamers in our country ___LINK
So why is the Democrat Party Leadership not discussing having a public charge rule in respect to immigration? It is total insanity, and turning American citizens into tax slaves, to tax American citizens to pay for the economic needs of millions of foreigners seeking to live in the United States.


When it comes to healthcare and helping the needy, our socialist Democrat Party Revolutionary Leadership has no moral compass whatsoever. They refuse to make the distinction between CHARITABLE GIVING and tax tyranny to support the health care needs of millions of illegal entrants and foreign aliens who have invaded America’s borders.
The threat and consequences at our southern border gets worse as each day passes.


See Border visit illustrates reality of migrant crisis in wrenching detail
April 11, 2021
"At night, parents with young children march through the brush after crossing the Rio Grande River in the pitch black. By day, unaccompanied kids arrive at shelters, in one instance 17 of 17 testing positive for COVID-19."

Why on earth is the Biden Administration allowing this invasion to continue? There has to be an answer.


There is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.
Biden finally calls migrant surge at border a ‘crisis’ as he explains his cave on refugee cap
April 17, 2021

President Biden is finally calling the chaos at the southern border what it is — a crisis.

The startling rhetorical turnabout came Saturday in an off-the-cuff conversation with reporters in Wilmington, Del., as Biden tried to defend his Friday flip-flop on refugee admissions.

“We’re going to increase the number [of refugees allowed into the country],”

The question remains, how does allowing approximately 20 thousand of Central America's poverty stricken population to flood into the United States each month, promote the general welfare of the United States and her citizens, and especially when our constitution commands our federal government to "repel invasions"?


There is no better way to weaken, destroy and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.
In Colorado, American citizens will soon be taxed to provide public housing to the flood of poverty stricken illegal entrants in their state.

And, according to a new study United States taxpayers may be forced to fork over $23 BILLION to finance the healthcare needs of illegal entrants.

And let us not forget United States citizens were taxed billons to bail out illegal immigrants in New York City.

Of course, the devastating effects of financing the needs of the millions of illegal immigrants is nothing more than a distant ticking time bomb which is added to the United States debt, now surpassing, including its unfunded debt liability, at over $220 TRILLION.

The good news is, when the day of debt reckoning comes, thinking people will have already fled the country while our WOKE generation will pay the price for getting in bed with the Socialist Revolutionary Democrat Party Leadership which thrives on an underclass and dependent voting bloc, to keep themselves in power, just as is done in Cuba and Venezuela.


There is no better way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal populations of other countries.

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