Immediate consequences of repealing Affordable Care Act

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Affordable Care Act Repeal Would Have Immediate Consequences

Get our your checkbooks folks cuz when the conservative judges deliver their Obama smackdown its gonna cost most of us some money.

That's okay though, right? Because all the right cares about is that President Obama gets put in his place.

I just wish the rw's could commit suicide without dragging the rest of us over the cliff with them.
Luddy.neddite should be ignored at all costs

Immediate consequences of repealing Affordable Care Act? Barry has a temper tantrum. Barry got sent to the corner for a time out.
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Yes, I'm sure repealing this unconstitutional law will result first in bankruptcy, then death, for everybody in the world, and also the French will laugh and point fingers at us. Oh the horror.

We'll go broke and then die while the world laughs at us....the standard leftist mantra. Thanks for sharing.
Affordable Care Act Repeal Would Have Immediate Consequences

Get our your checkbooks folks cuz when the conservative judges deliver their Obama smackdown its gonna cost most of us some money.

That's okay though, right? Because all the right cares about is that President Obama gets put in his place.

I just wish the rw's could commit suicide without dragging the rest of us over the cliff with them.

My insurance premiums have gone up since Obama Care came to be.....

Thanks Obama! :evil:
Affordable Care Act Repeal Would Have Immediate Consequences

Get our your checkbooks folks cuz when the conservative judges deliver their Obama smackdown its gonna cost most of us some money.

That's okay though, right? Because all the right cares about is that President Obama gets put in his place.

I just wish the rw's could commit suicide without dragging the rest of us over the cliff with them.

My insurance premiums have gone up since Obama Care came to be.....

Thanks Obama! :evil:

A lie by omission? Did your insurance premiums go down before Obamacare? Or, as to all insurance costs, go up every year for the past two decades?
Yes, I'm sure repealing this unconstitutional law will result first in bankruptcy, then death, for everybody in the world, and also the French will laugh and point fingers at us. Oh the horror.

We'll go broke and then die while the world laughs at us....the standard leftist mantra. Thanks for sharing.

Its odd that Republicans are so bent on repealing a bill that cuts trillions in wasteful spending, expanded health care access to 35millionm people, saves 35,000 lives a year, makes people healthier, and bans fraudulent/unfair insurance practices such as dropping your coverage when you get sick
Affordable Care Act Repeal Would Have Immediate Consequences

Get our your checkbooks folks cuz when the conservative judges deliver their Obama smackdown its gonna cost most of us some money.

That's okay though, right? Because all the right cares about is that President Obama gets put in his place.

I just wish the rw's could commit suicide without dragging the rest of us over the cliff with them.

My insurance premiums have gone up since Obama Care came to be.....

Thanks Obama! :evil:

I see so you're a dipshit who blames Obamacare for past insurance increases.
All analysis/evidence show that Obamacare will reduce premium costs.

HHS: Health care reform is already working - J. Lester Feder -
^New HHS report shows that in 2014 alone health care reform will cause health premiums to drop by 14-20%

CBO: Premiums Under Bronze Plan Lower Than Cost Of Individual Policies Without Reform | ThinkProgress
^2009/10 Health care reform to lowers premiums by 1,500 in a ten year window.

Ezra Klein - Massachusetts provides evidence that health-care reform lowers insurance premiums
-Evidence from Mass shows that costs will drop by 55%, though Mass has less cost controls and reductions then the ACA. Cost to drop 50% in non-group market. In the next 4 years.
You have it bas-ackward nutty luddy. If the 3,000 page mess they call the health care law takes effect it will cost you money or jail time if you refuse to participate.
Affordable Care Act Repeal Would Have Immediate Consequences

Get our your checkbooks folks cuz when the conservative judges deliver their Obama smackdown its gonna cost most of us some money.

That's okay though, right? Because all the right cares about is that President Obama gets put in his place.

I just wish the rw's could commit suicide without dragging the rest of us over the cliff with them.

My insurance premiums have gone up since Obama Care came to be.....

Thanks Obama! :evil:

A lie by omission? Did your insurance premiums go down before Obamacare? Or, as to all insurance costs, go up every year for the past two decades?

Increases in healthcare expenditures:
2003 8.6%
2004 6.9%
2005 6.5%
2006 6.7%
2007 6.1%
Compare to 10.5% in 1970 and 13% in 1980
The American Spectator : Downgrading American Medical Care

[Health-care costs rose about 8% in 2011 and are projected to rise by 8.5% in 2012. ]Paul Ryan: Where's Your Budget, Mr. President? -

Skyrocketing costs. The White House report warns that "health care costs have risen rapidly over the last two decades and are projected to rise even more rapidly in the future." The truth is that health-care spending is increasing at more moderate rates than in previous decades. Spending increased by 10% in 1970 and 13% in 1980. But over the last five years, spending increased less than 7% each year, and reached a low of 6% in 2007. It's true that premiums are increasing rapidly. But the White House report incorrectly blames health costs. The real cause is the declining share of care paid for out of pocket (down to 15% today from 33% in 1975). Auto-insurance premiums would also skyrocket if coverage suddenly included oil changes and tune-ups.
Yes, I'm sure repealing this unconstitutional law will result first in bankruptcy, then death, for everybody in the world, and also the French will laugh and point fingers at us. Oh the horror.

We'll go broke and then die while the world laughs at us....the standard leftist mantra. Thanks for sharing.

Its odd that Republicans are so bent on repealing a bill that cuts trillions in wasteful spending, expanded health care access to 35millionm people, saves 35,000 lives a year, makes people healthier, and bans fraudulent/unfair insurance practices such as dropping your coverage when you get sick

You know this because you read it. Or did some democrat tell you?
Yes, I'm sure repealing this unconstitutional law will result first in bankruptcy, then death, for everybody in the world, and also the French will laugh and point fingers at us. Oh the horror.

We'll go broke and then die while the world laughs at us....the standard leftist mantra. Thanks for sharing.

Its odd that Republicans are so bent on repealing a bill that cuts trillions in wasteful spending, expanded health care access to 35millionm people, saves 35,000 lives a year, makes people healthier, and bans fraudulent/unfair insurance practices such as dropping your coverage when you get sick

Cuts trillions in wasted spending? Seriously?
Yes, I'm sure repealing this unconstitutional law will result first in bankruptcy, then death, for everybody in the world, and also the French will laugh and point fingers at us. Oh the horror.

We'll go broke and then die while the world laughs at us....the standard leftist mantra. Thanks for sharing.

Its odd that Republicans are so bent on repealing a bill that cuts trillions in wasteful spending, expanded health care access to 35millionm people, saves 35,000 lives a year, makes people healthier, and bans fraudulent/unfair insurance practices such as dropping your coverage when you get sick

You know this because you read it. Or did some democrat tell you?

I know this because I'm not a clueless dipshit
Yes, I'm sure repealing this unconstitutional law will result first in bankruptcy, then death, for everybody in the world, and also the French will laugh and point fingers at us. Oh the horror.

We'll go broke and then die while the world laughs at us....the standard leftist mantra. Thanks for sharing.

Its odd that Republicans are so bent on repealing a bill that cuts trillions in wasteful spending, expanded health care access to 35millionm people, saves 35,000 lives a year, makes people healthier, and bans fraudulent/unfair insurance practices such as dropping your coverage when you get sick

Cuts trillions in wasted spending? Seriously?

Ezra Klein - The five most promising cost controls in the health-care bill
^ways ACA reduces costs
IMBD board
Invests in community health centers
Invests in computerized health care records, and other new technology.
Reduces drug patents by 2 years.
Requires health insurance companies to spend more money on benefits and less on profits and administration fees.
Invests in comparative effectiveness research.
Creates a completive insurance market for those without employer based health care.
Switches to a payment system that is bundled, and based on the quality of care received instead of the amount of care.
Puts a Pigovian tax on tanning booths
Requires food companies to put accurate and seeable food labels.
Administration simplification such as electronic funds transfers, and elgibitiy simplification

Of which the savings are in the trillions.

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