Imagine if Obama had boycotted his haters....oh the hell!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Donald Duck will not, I repeat, will not be disrespected by being asked tough questions....Imagine Obama pulling some shit like this and running like a little bitch, like Trump always do, imagine all the shit this brother has gone through with the racist white media beating him up since he took office, especially them fucks at Fake red necks would be all over his black ass. Yet Duck Fuck is heralded as a effin hero....Once again, you white people, you working class hero's, you tax paying hero's...yaws some crazy hypocritical lunatics. Obama got hell for drawing big crowds, he was seen as a entertainer, a rock star....everybody on the right was hating him for it...Donald Fuck, a real entertainer, a wanna be rock star, its all so wonderful and now okay???? And this coward, this sissy of a man, is suppose to kick Russia's ass, force 10 million illegals out the country, stand up to China and get our jobs back and in case someone says something he doesn't like...we're expecting him to do what? Boycott? Uh, run to the nearest exist? The guys a joke and fellow vets....just like them bible toting fools on the right, STOP LETTING THESE RIGHT WINGED BASTARDS USE YOU. LOOK AT THEIR VOTING RECORDS.....UP UNTIL OBAMA FORCED THEIR HANDS, THEY WERE CUTTING SHIT LEFT AND RIGHT ON YOUR SUCKERS!!
Just Imagine if Obama had boycotted his haters... oh the hell!!
Just imagine if you did not let the color of your skin totally dictate how you think and what your morals and conscience are made of?

Then you might have a civil, moral point of view one might consider.
Hey everybody! Tigerred's back. And she brought along the same old schick.
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Donald Duck will not, I repeat, will not be disrespected by being asked tough questions....Imagine Obama pulling some shit like this and running like a little bitch, like Trump always do, imagine all the shit this brother has gone through with the racist white media beating him up since he took office, especially them fucks at Fake red necks would be all over his black ass. Yet Duck Fuck is heralded as a effin hero....Once again, you white people, you working class hero's, you tax paying hero's...yaws some crazy hypocritical lunatics. Obama got hell for drawing big crowds, he was seen as a entertainer, a rock star....everybody on the right was hating him for it...Donald Fuck, a real entertainer, a wanna be rock star, its all so wonderful and now okay???? And this coward, this sissy of a man, is suppose to kick Russia's ass, force 10 million illegals out the country, stand up to China and get our jobs back and in case someone says something he doesn't like...we're expecting him to do what? Boycott? Uh, run to the nearest exist? The guys a joke and fellow vets....just like them bible toting fools on the right, STOP LETTING THESE RIGHT WINGED BASTARDS USE YOU. LOOK AT THEIR VOTING RECORDS.....UP UNTIL OBAMA FORCED THEIR HANDS, THEY WERE CUTTING SHIT LEFT AND RIGHT ON YOUR SUCKERS!!

You really are a tribute to evolution, aren't you? Profanity with every other word. What an absolute throwback to the barbarians of old.

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