I'm researching DeSantis. Here's some of what I found

Desantis wore the uniform. That beats Trump who General Kelly called...

Former White House chief of staff tells friends that Trump ‘is the most flawed person’ he’s ever met​

General Kelly is much more flawed in so many ways. First, he's judgmental as if he is a perfect human being without sin. The guy was boring to listen to and usually was a double-talker with nothing of value to say.
Yeah, well he best get shed of the gaggle of Bushbot advisors in his orbit, and not further embarrass himself with more shit shows like yesterday's catastrophic rollout.
It's a brilliant rollout. He doesn't have to deal with buttheads like yourself. And, you saw the heads explode in the View, people like yourself without an ounce of common sense. White Supremacist Joy Baystupid says Tim Scott doesn't know what it is to be a black man in America. LOL! Like she would know? What did you think about her response?
It's a brilliant rollout. He doesn't have to deal with buttheads like yourself. And, you saw the heads explode in the View, people like yourself without an ounce of common sense. White Supremacist Joy Baystupid says Tim Scott doesn't know what it is to be a black man in America. LOL! Like she would know? What did you think about her response?

So if Oddball wanting drugs to be legal means he does them then your wanting abortion to be legal means you want one, that's sick. He's better than you smoking pot
But my question is, most flawed as compared to whom? To General Kelly? Its one guys opinion.
Trump had the presidency and lost it. All the stupid fuck had to do was "act" presidential and he would have won in 2020 even with the election interference by the hi-tech oligarchs and the FBI Gestapo covering up Hunter's laptop and even the 51 traitors calling the laptop "Russian Disinformation" Trump actually lost by 43,000 votes in AZ,GA, and WI.
He lost my wife and probably millions of other women with his 1st debate "shit show". She said "no way IO can vote for that AH". Trump can't win with his tough ruthless CEO and "bullying" style.

So I agree with General Kelly that Trump is a very flawed man. His January 6th rally was a horrible idea. His beratinhg Mike Pence was also horrible. Let Trump go back to Trump Tower or Mar-a-Lago and retire gracefully.
I'm sorry, but "serving" the federal government is not the same as serving the COUNTRY
Ron Desantis, Seal Team 4, was in Iraq.
Trump had the presidency and lost it. All the stupid fuck had to do was "act" presidential and he would have won in 2020 even with the election interference by the hi-tech oligarchs and the FBI Gestapo covering up Hunter's laptop and even the 51 traitors calling the laptop "Russian Disinformation" Trump actually lost by 43,000 votes in AZ,GA, and WI.
He lost my wife and probably millions of other women with his 1st debate "shit show". She said "no way IO can vote for that AH". Trump can't win with his tough ruthless CEO and "bullying" style.

So I agree with General Kelly that Trump is a very flawed man. His January 6th rally was a horrible idea. His beratinhg Mike Pence was also horrible. Let Trump go back to Trump Tower or Mar-a-Lago and retire gracefully.
Trump is anything but a stupid fuck and so far, the only person interested in keeping America American. If you want to believe these whiny RINOs who get butthurt when their egos are damaged, go ahead. HE gets my vote until someone else comes along who is better with a Constitutional agenda instead of a Chinese one.
It's a brilliant rollout. He doesn't have to deal with buttheads like yourself. And, you saw the heads explode in the View, people like yourself without an ounce of common sense. White Supremacist Joy Baystupid says Tim Scott doesn't know what it is to be a black man in America. LOL! Like she would know? What did you think about her response?

You have grossly mischaracterized oddball -
Trump had the presidency and lost it. All the stupid fuck had to do was "act" presidential and he would have won in 2020 even with the election interference by the hi-tech oligarchs and the FBI Gestapo covering up Hunter's laptop and even the 51 traitors calling the laptop "Russian Disinformation" Trump actually lost by 43,000 votes in AZ,GA, and WI.
He lost my wife and probably millions of other women with his 1st debate "shit show". She said "no way IO can vote for that AH". Trump can't win with his tough ruthless CEO and "bullying" style.

So I agree with General Kelly that Trump is a very flawed man. His January 6th rally was a horrible idea. His beratinhg Mike Pence was also horrible. Let Trump go back to Trump Tower or Mar-a-Lago and retire gracefully.
Trump was the best President of modern times and he lost in 2020 because the filthy ass Democrats stole the election by using the Pandemic as a cover to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots, counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts.

In a fair election Trump may not have got the popular like he lost in 2016 but he would have won a majority of the Electoral College delegates.

If there was anybody that didn't vote for him because they felt he was " not Presidential" or didn't like his Tweets then they were fools. He did a great job as President. A thousand times better than this Joe Potatohead clown.
Trump was the best President of modern times and he lost in 2020 because the filthy ass Democrats stole the election by using the Pandemic as a cover to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots, counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts.

In a fair election Trump may not have got the popular like he lost in 2016 but he would have won a majority of the Electoral College delegates.

If there was anybody that didn't vote for him because they felt he was " not Presidential" or didn't like his Tweets then they were fools. He did a great job as President. A thousand times better than this Joe Potatohead clown.

All of this
Word for word this.
Trump was the best President of modern times and he lost in 2020 because the filthy ass Democrats stole the election by using the Pandemic as a cover to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots, counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts.

In a fair election Trump may not have got the popular like he lost in 2016 but he would have won a majority of the Electoral College delegates.

If there was anybody that didn't vote for him because they felt he was " not Presidential" or didn't like his Tweets then they were fools. He did a great job as President. A thousand times better than this Joe Potatohead clown.

Just - there is no Popular Vote.

I had to skim through some of this (already known, etc) but read quite a bit of it carefully.

I'm not too familiar with the source (5-38.com) but so far, it seems they are into facts more than opinion @ least vis a vis DeS (?).

Site (emphasis mine, bracketed comments mine):

... DeSantis may be the only Republican who can defeat Trump in the 2024 GOP primary. The Florida governor is still held in high regard by Republicans... Still, he will have to knit together somewhat disparate factions by attracting Trump supporters while retaining support from Trump-skeptical Republicans...

Trump's unusual candidacy: Trump is the first former president of the modern era to seek the presidency again after leaving office... [giving] him the stature of a quasi-incumbent.

... [O]nly DeSantis is close to Trump in net favorability among the high-profile Republicans running.. expected to run for president. .. In an average of national polls since April 1, DeSantis had a favorable rating of 72 percent and an unfavorable rating of about 15 percent, putting his net favorability at +57 among Republicans. By comparison, Trump’s net favorability was at +60 [not much difference!] but nearly all Republicans had an opinion about him, whereas 87 percent, on average, had an opinion of DeSantis...
DeSantis is a piece of shit! He's a wannabe asshole with a big mouth!
It's a brilliant rollout. He doesn't have to deal with buttheads like yourself. And, you saw the heads explode in the View, people like yourself without an ounce of common sense. White Supremacist Joy Baystupid says Tim Scott doesn't know what it is to be a black man in America. LOL! Like she would know? What did you think about her response?
Being nearly 1/2 hour late, reading off a script the whole time, and being as dull as dishwater isn't "brilliant".

I really wanted to like him, and he gave me zero reason to.
Trump was the best President of modern times and he lost in 2020 because the filthy ass Democrats stole the election by using the Pandemic as a cover to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots, counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts.
In a fair election Trump may not have got the popular like he lost in 2016 but he would have won a majority of the Electoral College delegates.
If there was anybody that didn't vote for him because they felt he was " not Presidential" or didn't like his Tweets then they were fools. He did a great job as President. A thousand times better than this Joe Potatohead clown.
The first job of a president is to get re-elected.
Trump failed in 2020 because the hi-tech oligarchs and the FBI Gestapo and 51 national security traitors all put their thumbs on the scale.
If Trump would have been more presidential he would have won in spite of the election interference.
Trump lost by 43,000 votes in 3 states. Mostly because he alienated women voters.

You claim of ballot stuffing can't be proven. I agree that the total number of democrat votes cast looks very suspicious. 81m votes for Joe Biden my ass.

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