I'm researching DeSantis. Here's some of what I found

I think Dems have shifted gears on DeSantis. It seems at first they were giving him tacit support because they wanted a fight between him and Trump. But now I think their plan is to get Trump nominated, and then take him down with legal attacks. That might get Trump out of the picture, but it will incite his followers all the more. So much for Democrat strategery.
If Trump would have been more presidential he would have won in spite of the election interference.
That is bullshit.

He lost because the Democrats used the Pandemic to create fraudulent votes in Democrat controlled swing districts, depriving Trump of the Electoral College delegates.

It was fixed from the beginning. It will be fixed next year.
Desantis wore the uniform. That beats Trump who General Kelly called...

Former White House chief of staff tells friends that Trump ‘is the most flawed person’ he’s ever met​

Dems should pray Desantis doesn't get the nomination because if Desantis makes it into the White House he's going to seriously F the Dems up. Christian, military experience as JAG officer and lawyer. Doesn't fear the fake news or Dems or their woke BS.

Desantis is the Dem's worst nightmare.
That is bullshit.

He lost because the Democrats used the Pandemic to create fraudulent votes in Democrat controlled swing districts, depriving Trump of the Electoral College delegates.

It was fixed from the beginning. It will be fixed next year.
I agree except

how do we know it will be fixed next election?
Dems should pray Desantis doesn't get the nomination because if Desantis makes it into the White House he's going to seriously F the Dems up. Christian, military experience as JAG officer and lawyer. Doesn't fear the fake news or Dems or their woke BS.

Desantis is the Dem's worst nightmare.
tend to agree.. wondering why Trump signed off on that omnibus bill he supposedly hated.. I guess to beef up the military.. but I don't know... can't say I'm an expert on that topic so who knows?

also I don't like how he criticizes DeS tax ideas and why he makes a big deal out of the retirement age being moved to 70

People live to be 95 more today than ever. If someone has health problems, an exception could be made.. and retirement should not be mandatory IMO at any age as long as the person can do the work
General Kelly is much more flawed in so many ways. First, he's judgmental as if he is a perfect human being without sin. The guy was boring to listen to and usually was a double-talker with nothing of value to say.
you bring up the interesting point of how.. usually those who hate Trump and work like the devil to get rid of him are more flawed than he is or appears to be, mostly bc they don't seem to ever look in the damn mirror... always looking outward, never inward.. vis a vis human flaws or so called flaws
That is bullshit.
He lost because the Democrats used the Pandemic to create fraudulent votes in Democrat controlled swing districts, depriving Trump of the Electoral College delegates.
It was fixed from the beginning. It will be fixed next year.
True. The good news is that the democrats could get a billion fraudulent votes in blue states and it doesn't matter. The red and purple states should only have legal votes. Trump only lost in 2020 by 43,000 votes in AZ, GA, and WI. Trump didn't help himself by being so crass and crude. I still say that if Trump would have "acted" more presidential he would have won easily.
I hope 2024 won't have the FBI and oligarch (Zuckerbucks, Twitter, etc.) interference that 2020 had.
I agree except

how do we know it will be fixed next election?
The Democrats have the infrastructure in place. Besides, who is going to challenge them? Nobody did in 2020,

The Media gave them a pass.

Congress was too chickenshit to even order an audit.

The Courts passed on any ruling because Roberts feared more Negro riots.

The Democrats pulled the same damn shit in the 2022 Congressional midterms and got away with it in least four states.
tend to agree.. wondering why Trump signed off on that omnibus bill he supposedly hated.. I guess to beef up the military.. but I don't know... can't say I'm an expert on that topic so who knows?

also I don't like how he criticizes DeS tax ideas and why he makes a big deal out of the retirement age being moved to 70

People live to be 95 more today than ever. If someone has health problems, an exception could be made.. and retirement should not be mandatory IMO at any age as long as the person can do the work
Oh FFS, nobody who's 70 can stand all day on the factory floor working a job these office chair warmers need to get that through their thick skulls. Plus we paid for the SS benefits, it's not our fault ASSHOLES in Congress stole our f'ing SS money and wasted it on other crap. So enough about raising the retirement age to 70, F that!
True. The good news is that the democrats could get a billion fraudulent votes in blue states and it doesn't matter. The red and purple states should only have legal votes. Trump only lost in 2020 by 43,000 votes in AZ, GA, and WI. Trump didn't help himself by being so crass and crude. I still say that if Trump would have "acted" more presidential he would have won easily.
I hope 2024 won't have the FBI and oligarch (Zuckerbucks, Twitter, etc.) interference that 2020 had.
so you haven't seen the evidence for massive vote fraud 2020?

I have. For some time I was following that story in the news almost to the exclusion of all else..

it was very "interesting" and no way in Hell was there no massive fraud
Dems should pray Desantis doesn't get the nomination because if Desantis makes it into the White House he's going to seriously F the Dems up. Christian, military experience as JAG officer and lawyer. Doesn't fear the fake news or Dems or their woke BS.

Desantis is the Dem's worst nightmare.
I WARNED you Dem sheeple about this in 2016. Trump would take a wrecking ball to the Dem's propaganda, PC and fake news. THEN a professional politician would follow Trump and seriously beat you senseless.
Oh FFS, nobody who's 70 can stand all day on the factory floor working a job these office chair warmers need to get that through their thick skulls. Plus we paid for the SS benefits, it's not our fault ASSHOLES in Congress stole our f'ing SS money and wasted it on other crap. So enough about raising the retirement age to 70, F that!
Well, I would put it at 67 or 68 myself... and again retirement should NOT be mandatory. If someone wants to work, he or she should be allowed to do so, assuming we don't have.. I dunno... a Diane Feinstein problem... or a bidum situation...

People in Congress definitely need to retire at 65! Some WAY sooner
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The Democrats have the infrastructure in place. Besides, who is going to challenge them? Nobody did in 2020,

The Media gave them a pass.

Congress was too chickenshit to even order an audit.

The Courts passed on any ruling because Roberts feared more Negro riots.

The Democrats pulled the same damn shit in the 2022 Congressional midterms and got away with it in least four states.

I followed the vote fraud story of 2020 but not so much the 2022 elections. I say you are correct, though...

Nothing ticks me off more than the thought of how the Courts... as you say "passed on ruling" although I don't think they were (scotus) merely afraid of "the negro" but all the insane protesters regardless of race/color.

The media..

sheez.. I'm so disgusted w/ CNN and co. I don't even want to talk about their sorry asses.

ditto scotus, save Clarence Thomas and maybe a couple others who did want to deal w/ that issue but were outnumbered.
Well, I would put it at 67 or 68 myself... and again retirement should NOT be mandatory. If someone wants to work, he or she should be allowed to do so.
We already have that, it's 67 and 68 for some and voluntary to delay taking SS until 70. Do not be fooled by these assholes in Congress, their only goal is to cheat people out of the SS benefits they were forced to purchase. Raising the retirement age hoping most will die off before they can collect a dime of THEIR money then congress keeps every last dime of the SS contributions. If SS were a private system all the leaders would be in prison.
We already have that, it's 67 and 68 for some and voluntary to delay taking SS until 70. Do not be fooled by these assholes in Congress, their only goal is to cheat people out of the SS benefits they were forced to purchase. Raising the retirement age hoping most will die off before they can collect a dime of THEIR money then congress keeps every last dime of the SS contributions. If SS were a private system all the leaders would be in prison.
I agree. They should not have been allowed to steal the SS money. I don't know how they managed to do that.. but they get away with a lot of really sicko bizarre stuff... TERM LIMITS!

This is actually something I am interested in RE DeSantis... I mean, I don't know where he's at exactly on this retirement age thing. I agree with most of the policy he wants... but I haven't had much time to investigate as much as I'd like.. but I'll find the time..
tend to agree.. wondering why Trump signed off on that omnibus bill he supposedly hated.. I guess to beef up the military.. but I don't know... can't say I'm an expert on that topic so who knows?

also I don't like how he criticizes DeS tax ideas and why he makes a big deal out of the retirement age being moved to 70

People live to be 95 more today than ever. If someone has health problems, an exception could be made.. and retirement should not be mandatory IMO at any age as long as the person can do the work


#1 Average Life Expectancy in the US is 77 not 95.

#2 Raising the retirement age is a cut in benefits either through (a) dying before you draw anything or (b) drawing for fewer years. Any way you slice-n-dice it raising the retirement age is intended to cut benefits.

#3 For those of us over 50 out retirement from SS has ALREADY been cut 3 times, how many more cuts are to come?
  1. Raising the retirement age from 65 to 67, which is a cut (see #2 above).
  2. Paying income tax over a very low threshold on 50% of SS benefits. Done in the early 80's. A cut since you have to pay back in taxes part of your benefits.
  3. Paying income tax over a very slightly higher, but still low threshold on 85% of SS benefits. Done in the early 90's. A cut since you have to pay back even more in taxes part of your benefits.
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View attachment 788725

#1 Average Life Expectancy in the US is 77 not 95.

#2 Raising the retirement age is a cut in benefits either through (a) dieing before you draw anything or (b) drawing for fewer years. Any way you slice-n-dice it raising the retirement age is intended to cut benefits.

#3 For those of us over 50 out retirement from SS has ALREADY been cut 3 times, how many more cuts are to come?
  1. Raising the retirement age from 65 to 67, which is a cut (see #2 above).
  2. Paying income tax over a very low threshold on 50% of SS benefits. Done in the early 80's. A cut since you have to pay back in taxes part of your benefits.
  3. Paying income tax over a very slightly higher, but still low threshold on 85% of SS benefits. Done in the early 90's. A cut since you have to pay back even more in taxes part of your benefits.

I will have to read your post tomorrow, as I have something fairly urgent to deal with

but it is spelled Dying, not dieing..

Skip down to his military awards. General Kelly is the real deal. 100% American hero.

As I begin to really realize how corrupt our government is, I am less impressed with military service.
Yes, we are good at baby killing and marching in a straight line.
Does being good at it make it honorable?

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