I'm not really what you'd call a Trump supporter, but I am curious about something.

Being POTUS that means you probably shouldn't be seen to play a game before the first body is in the ground. Before Trump it was an accepted fact that the president must at least put of the pretense of being the national daddy, comforting,understanding and mora.It seems to me that people accept from Trump a standard that previously wasn't accepted before.

So he should do a better job of pretending to be deeply hurt over the loss of people he didn't know? Nobody likes to see shootings in the news, but I know I wasn't deeply hurt over it if I'm being honest with myself. It's part of life; this shit happens sometimes. If I didn't weep and mourn these people I don't really expect the president to. Of all the things I could criticize Trump for, not being as good of an actor as previous presidents is the least concerning.
Yes he should. I supervise people myself and pretending I care about their personal problems,make it possible for me to ask that little bit extra from them when I need it. It might be stupid and even dishonest, but it's simply smart practice. Even when your an asshole it pays to not come right out and say it. Showing empathy, however bereft of actual personally caring is part of being a leader.

Just because he isn't sobbing like Obama would doesn't mean he doesn't have empathy. There is really NOTHING you can say to people at a time like that to make them feel any better. It's a tragedy and most people recognize that fact and everyone who has a child can sympathize with the families about their losses, but that doesn't mean that it makes them automatically "right" about wanting yet MORE gun control laws that, as of this point, have done NOTHING to stop mass killings from happening, obviously.
The only thing that would make these families feel any better is you could bring their kids back to life at this point. And they are not thinking clearly at this point either. They are still in shock.
Yes he should. I supervise people myself and pretending I care about their personal problems,make it possible for me to ask that little bit extra from them when I need it. It might be stupid and even dishonest, but it's simply smart practice. Even when your an asshole it pays to not come right out and say it. Showing empathy, however bereft of actual personally caring is part of being a leader.

I guess I never expected people to be mad at Trump for not being more skilled at being fake. Also if it's fake it's not real empathy. Empathy is when you legitimately experience part of the pain other people are going through.
Empathy is the ability to imagine someone else's pain. It doesn't mean you actually feel it. If a friend of you loses his cat, do you mourn it's passing? I suspect you don't, but you will be probably capable of imagining his pain. That's empathy. And I'm sorry that's exactly what Trump lacks, even worse he isn't even capable of faking it. For the President of the United States, or anyone in a leadership position for that matter, that's a huge handicap. I agree, that compared to Trump's many other characteristics and actions it's a small thing, but nevertheless it's an obvious fault.
Being POTUS that means you probably shouldn't be seen to play a game before the first body is in the ground. Before Trump it was an accepted fact that the president must at least put of the pretense of being the national daddy, comforting,understanding and mora.It seems to me that people accept from Trump a standard that previously wasn't accepted before.

So he should do a better job of pretending to be deeply hurt over the loss of people he didn't know? Nobody likes to see shootings in the news, but I know I wasn't deeply hurt over it if I'm being honest with myself. It's part of life; this shit happens sometimes. If I didn't weep and mourn these people I don't really expect the president to. Of all the things I could criticize Trump for, not being as good of an actor as previous presidents is the least concerning.
Yes he should. I supervise people myself and pretending I care about their personal problems,make it possible for me to ask that little bit extra from them when I need it. It might be stupid and even dishonest, but it's simply smart practice. Even when your an asshole it pays to not come right out and say it. Showing empathy, however bereft of actual personally caring is part of being a leader.

Just because he isn't sobbing like Obama would doesn't mean he doesn't have empathy. There is really NOTHING you can say to people at a time like that to make them feel any better. It's a tragedy and most people recognize that fact and everyone who has a child can sympathize with the families about their losses, but that doesn't mean that it makes them automatically "right" about wanting yet MORE gun control laws that, as of this point, have done NOTHING to stop mass killings from happening, obviously.
The gun control issue is a different matter loose from this OP I think. I'm happy to debate it with you, start a thread and I will. But here the subject is empathy, or lack thereof. I disagree that there is nothing you can say. People look for meaning when this happens, saying I will look at measures we can take to prevent it from happening would be a start. Not go on holiday AGAIN would be a start. Not saying it's the fault of the Russia probe the FBI didn't prevent it would probably be good. Not going on a twitter tantrum with everybody 2 days after it happened would be looked on favorable and yes not going golfing would help. Especially considering HIS people said he wouldn't play golf out of respect for the victims. It was his communicating team that tied his golfing to respecting the victims. Trump says he is skipping golf to honor the Florida shooting victims: report
Empathy is the ability to imagine someone else's pain. It doesn't mean you actually feel it. If a friend of you loses his cat, do you mourn it's passing? I suspect you don't, but you will be probably capable of imagining his pain. That's empathy. And I'm sorry that's exactly what Trump lacks, even worse he isn't even capable of faking it. For the President of the United States, or anyone in a leadership position for that matter, that's a huge handicap. I agree, that compared to Trump's many other characteristics and actions it's a small thing, but nevertheless it's an obvious fault.

There's emotional empathy and cognitive empathy. You're referring to the latter; I was referring to the former. I guess elaboration would have been useful.
Empathy is the ability to imagine someone else's pain. It doesn't mean you actually feel it. If a friend of you loses his cat, do you mourn it's passing? I suspect you don't, but you will be probably capable of imagining his pain. That's empathy. And I'm sorry that's exactly what Trump lacks, even worse he isn't even capable of faking it. For the President of the United States, or anyone in a leadership position for that matter, that's a huge handicap. I agree, that compared to Trump's many other characteristics and actions it's a small thing, but nevertheless it's an obvious fault.

There's emotional empathy and cognitive empathy. You're referring to the latter; I was referring to the former. I guess elaboration would have been useful.
Well Trump's actions show a lack of either. That's the reason he's drawing criticism. Trump chose to seek this office. So when he shows that he lacks a critical ability going with that office he will be called out for it. I understand that you find it less important. I can respect that. I just think you're wrong, for the reasons stated before.
Empathy is the ability to imagine someone else's pain. It doesn't mean you actually feel it. If a friend of you loses his cat, do you mourn it's passing? I suspect you don't, but you will be probably capable of imagining his pain. That's empathy. And I'm sorry that's exactly what Trump lacks, even worse he isn't even capable of faking it. For the President of the United States, or anyone in a leadership position for that matter, that's a huge handicap. I agree, that compared to Trump's many other characteristics and actions it's a small thing, but nevertheless it's an obvious fault.

There's emotional empathy and cognitive empathy. You're referring to the latter; I was referring to the former. I guess elaboration would have been useful.
Well Trump's actions show a lack of either. That's the reason he's drawing criticism. Trump chose to seek this office. So when he shows that he lacks a critical ability going with that office he will be called out for it. I understand that you find it less important. I can respect that. I just think you're wrong, for the reasons stated before.
I think you feel that way only because it's Trump.

He showed up at the hospital and even that was open to criticism.

So you folks aren't really being honest, are you.
Not really, but at least you got something half right. Most of the leftists here wouldn't admit to their hypocrisy.

Pretty sure Obama added far more debt to accomplish nothing productive or meaningful, rather than the right not caring about debt. Unless, of course, you mean the Republican politicians, who, for the most part, haven't cared about debt for decades in the first place.

Obama added a lower percentage to the debt than did Bush II. When Bush II was adding to the debt nobody on the right complain about debt and everyone on the left whined like they are now. For 8 years the right whined like babies about the debt when Obama was president and now they are silent as church mice when Trump keeps up the debt tradition.

Party come before country for a good 70% of our country thus things like debt only matter when the wrong person is sitting in the White House
4 Trillion to 8 trillion. However, I don't like either of them, and they both added FAR too much, our Republicans are just leftist lite. A lot of America's problems can be attributed to the Establishment shills.

You're not wrong, there.
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Anyone else on this board remember how conservatives lost their shit when Obama was on vacation and Germany had a terrorist attack?

The conservatives were bitching about Obama being on vacation and thought he should go back to the White House.

Now? Our own citizens get killed, Trump doesn't appear to care, and all the conservatives are giving him a pass.

Wow. My how things have changed.
Because he's the fucking president.

Or is the bar for president now so low that we prefer he shows no leadership ability and does nothing? At this point, maybe that is the way it should go. Just stay on the golf course, President Trump .

Halting your normal routines for an arbitrary amount of time after a tragedy is a sign of powerful leadership? That's retarded.

What do you consider his normal routines? Tweeting stupid shit about himself? Golfing? Trash talking people?

I don't really care what Trump does or says anymore. I don't really pay attention to him. But the way he immediately used the shooting to attack the FBI is just pathetic.

He was attacking the FBI because they were derelict in their duties.They knew about Cruz but did nothing.
I see Donald getting a lot of criticism for continuing his normal routines after the shooting. I'm curious, did all of you halt your lives and behaviors to mourn the victims of the shooting for some arbitrary amount of time, or did you just carry on as always?
He could have shown some empathy, some sympathy, some character had he not tied the FBI failure to his own legal woes. But the qualities of empathy, sympathy and character are not in Donald Trump. No, those qualities were pushed out of his heart by conceit, egotism and narcissism.

He did. You simply ignored it or too stupid to read it.
Anyone else on this board remember how conservatives lost their shit when Obama was on vacation and Germany had a terrorist attack?

The conservatives were bitching about Obama being on vacation and thought he should go back to the White House.

Now? Our own citizens get killed, Trump doesn't appear to care, and all the conservatives are giving him a pass.

Wow. My how things have changed.

Nope. Don't recall that at all.
I see Donald getting a lot of criticism for continuing his normal routines after the shooting. I'm curious, did all of you halt your lives and behaviors to mourn the victims of the shooting for some arbitrary amount of time, or did you just carry on as always?
He could have shown some empathy, some sympathy, some character had he not tied the FBI failure to his own legal woes. But the qualities of empathy, sympathy and character are not in Donald Trump. No, those qualities were pushed out of his heart by conceit, egotism and narcissism.

He did. You simply ignored it or too stupid to read it.
While he was teeing off at Mar a Lago, just a few miles down the road there were funerals taking place. Trump never even said the word 'gun' I his TelePrompTer address. His true feelings were revealed in his unfortunate twitter posts where he conflated his legal woes with the FBI tip line blunder.
Yeah, because he doesn’t want to send someone to the moon again, and then to mars, either, does he...

President Trump Directs NASA to Return to the Moon, Then Aim for Mars

Trump could discover a form of clean limitless power and the left would still bitch and complain. Decades from now future generations of liberals will still be hating Trump.
Drumpf doesnt believe in science so I doubt he could discover anything of use.
I see Donald getting a lot of criticism for continuing his normal routines after the shooting. I'm curious, did all of you halt your lives and behaviors to mourn the victims of the shooting for some arbitrary amount of time, or did you just carry on as always?
He could have shown some empathy, some sympathy, some character had he not tied the FBI failure to his own legal woes. But the qualities of empathy, sympathy and character are not in Donald Trump. No, those qualities were pushed out of his heart by conceit, egotism and narcissism.

He did. You simply ignored it or too stupid to read it.
While he was teeing off at Mar a Lago, just a few miles down the road there were funerals taking place. Trump never even said the word 'gun' I his TelePrompTer address. His true feelings were revealed in his unfortunate twitter posts where he conflated his legal woes with the FBI tip line blunder.

So the gun was to blame?

That's why you and others like you have no clue.

Semper dumbass!
I see Donald getting a lot of criticism for continuing his normal routines after the shooting. I'm curious, did all of you halt your lives and behaviors to mourn the victims of the shooting for some arbitrary amount of time, or did you just carry on as always?
He could have shown some empathy, some sympathy, some character had he not tied the FBI failure to his own legal woes. But the qualities of empathy, sympathy and character are not in Donald Trump. No, those qualities were pushed out of his heart by conceit, egotism and narcissism.

He did. You simply ignored it or too stupid to read it.
While he was teeing off at Mar a Lago, just a few miles down the road there were funerals taking place. Trump never even said the word 'gun' I his TelePrompTer address. His true feelings were revealed in his unfortunate twitter posts where he conflated his legal woes with the FBI tip line blunder.

So the gun was to blame?

That's why you and others like you have no clue.

Semper dumbass!
The killer did not use a knife nor a hammer nor his fists nor an automobile.

Repeat after me, "He used a gun!"

And it's not necessary to sign your posts my dear semipermanent dumbass. I might suggest you try a more positive, uplifting moniker. There's no need to put yourself down. Your posts do that adequately.
Because he's the fucking president.

Or is the bar for president now so low that we prefer he shows no leadership ability and does nothing? At this point, maybe that is the way it should go. Just stay on the golf course, President Trump .

Halting your normal routines for an arbitrary amount of time after a tragedy is a sign of powerful leadership? That's retarded.

What do you consider his normal routines? Tweeting stupid shit about himself? Golfing? Trash talking people?

I don't really care what Trump does or says anymore. I don't really pay attention to him. But the way he immediately used the shooting to attack the FBI is just pathetic.

He was attacking the FBI because they were derelict in their duties.They knew about Cruz but did nothing.

Then why did he say that Cruz slipped through the cracks because of the Russia investigation? Doesn't Trump realize that there are lots of FBI agents out there and not all of them are working on the same thing? Blaming the Russia investigation for the FBI letting Cruz slip through the cracks is beyond stupid.
Because he's the fucking president.

Or is the bar for president now so low that we prefer he shows no leadership ability and does nothing? At this point, maybe that is the way it should go. Just stay on the golf course, President Trump .

Halting your normal routines for an arbitrary amount of time after a tragedy is a sign of powerful leadership? That's retarded.

What do you consider his normal routines? Tweeting stupid shit about himself? Golfing? Trash talking people?

I don't really care what Trump does or says anymore. I don't really pay attention to him. But the way he immediately used the shooting to attack the FBI is just pathetic.

He was attacking the FBI because they were derelict in their duties.They knew about Cruz but did nothing.
What did Russia have to do with Cruz? Why did the Drumpfster make it about him?

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