Democratic Spin is Now 'Trump Wants Revenge,' Not Accountability for J6 Lies Like Cassidy Hutchinson's: 'Trump Grabbed Limo Steering Wheel' on J6

Still being the same disgusting pathological liars that lost them the election in the first place. Rule Number One: never come clean, always double down then double down again. So now the spin is Trump looking for "revenge" by coming after Liz Cheney and J6 committee. No mention of exposing the bald, 100% provable lies. Like when Cassidy Hutchinson was put up by Liz Cheney to lie to the J6 committee that Trump grabbed for the limo steering wheel on J6. Refuted not only by the Secret Service agent she allegedly "heard" this from but the agent who was the actual driver of the limo. If this doesn't call for people to be cross examined, under oath, on a witness stand, then nothing does.

A rather pointless lie, what was the purpose? Other than to make Trump look like a nut, which they try to do a hundred other ways that are not so easily exposed. Can it be these are the kind of people who lie just for the fun of it? Putting on shows for each other to see who can do it the best? Thinking they will never be exposed, never pay a price. They are just too precious and special for that. This is the deep rot of the Swamp on full display, like a bug infested log split open, stinking and black.

House GOP report debunks ex-Trump aide Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony on ex-prez trying to wrangle SUV to Jan. 6 panel

"Hutchinson, who at the time was an aide to former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, testified to the select committee that she was told Trump had shouted: “I’m the f—ing president! Take me up to the Capitol now!” before he tried to grab the steering wheel from the driver in a desperate effort to join his supporters marching towards the Capitol.

Loudermilk’s report notes that Hutchinson’s testimony was “directly refuted” by White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations Anthony Ornato – the man who according to Hutchinson, told her the anecdote – and the Secret Service agent driving the SUV.

“Ornato testified that the first time he had ever heard the story Hutchinson claims Ornato told her on January 6, was during Hutchinson’s public testimony,” the oversight subcommittee report states.

“Hutchinson’s testimony was also contradicted by the [Secret Service] agent who was with President Trump on January 6,” the subcommittee found, which notes that “Hutchinson’s accusation came up only after the Secret Service agent’s attorney proactively brought up the subject” to select committee investigators.

Hutchinson’s testimony was debunked by several witnesses, including the driver of the Secret Service SUV.
“The driver testified that he specifically refuted the version of events as recounted by Hutchinson,” according to the report. “The driver of the SUV testified that he ‘did not see him reach [redacted]. [President Trump] never grabbed the steering wheel. I didn’t see him, you know, lunge to try to get into the front seat at all.’”

The select committee “hid the driver’s full testimony and only favorably mentioned his testimony in its Final Report, it did not release the full transcript,” Loudermilk’s committee determined. "

trumples are expert at creating counter narratives to obfuscate things Donnie, or in this case a surrogate for Donnie, has done. In this instance Cassidy Hutchinson was approached by a trumple............

New details of Jan. 6 panel’s mystery messages emerge

Former Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson told the committee she was contacted by an intermediary for Mark Meadows, according to a person familiar with her final deposition.

New details of Jan. 6 panel's mystery messages emerge

Former Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson told the committee she was contacted by an intermediary for Mark Meadows, according to a person familiar with her final deposition.

.......who did not want her to tell everything she knew because of how damaging it was to the orange enemy of the state.

"Hutchinson told the committee at the time that, on the eve of her earlier March 7 deposition, an intermediary for former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows contacted her to say that her former boss valued her loyalty."

So here comes a member of the Repub House Crazies, Rep. Loudermilk, to the rescue. Deciding the best way to protect Dear Leader is to make an allegation against public enemy #1, Liz Cheney. In furtherance of what trumples set out to do from the time the Jan. 6 committee began its work, discredit everything about the committee.

Why are they working so hard on it? Because the evidence against trump the committee revealed was devastating.
So here comes a member of the Repub House Crazies, Rep. Loudermilk, to the rescue. Deciding the best way to protect Dear Leader is to make an allegation against public enemy #1, Liz Cheney. In furtherance of what trumples set out to do from the time the Jan. 6 committee began its work, discredit everything about the committee
Not hard to do when the whole charade was totally biased from the get go.

Why are they working so hard on it? Because the evidence against trump the committee revealed was devastating.
So devastating that Cheney and Johnson destroyed evidence and now are going under the desk for possible pardons.....:auiqs.jpg:
Still being the same disgusting pathological liars that lost them the election in the first place. Rule Number One: never come clean, always double down then double down again. So now the spin is Trump looking for "revenge" by coming after Liz Cheney and J6 committee. No mention of exposing the bald, 100% provable lies. Like when Cassidy Hutchinson was put up by Liz Cheney to lie to the J6 committee that Trump grabbed for the limo steering wheel on J6. Refuted not only by the Secret Service agent she allegedly "heard" this from but the agent who was the actual driver of the limo. If this doesn't call for people to be cross examined, under oath, on a witness stand, then nothing does.

A rather pointless lie, what was the purpose? Other than to make Trump look like a nut, which they try to do a hundred other ways that are not so easily exposed. Can it be these are the kind of people who lie just for the fun of it? Putting on shows for each other to see who can do it the best? Thinking they will never be exposed, never pay a price. They are just too precious and special for that. This is the deep rot of the Swamp on full display, like a bug infested log split open, stinking and black.

House GOP report debunks ex-Trump aide Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony on ex-prez trying to wrangle SUV to Jan. 6 panel

"Hutchinson, who at the time was an aide to former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, testified to the select committee that she was told Trump had shouted: “I’m the f—ing president! Take me up to the Capitol now!” before he tried to grab the steering wheel from the driver in a desperate effort to join his supporters marching towards the Capitol.

Loudermilk’s report notes that Hutchinson’s testimony was “directly refuted” by White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations Anthony Ornato – the man who according to Hutchinson, told her the anecdote – and the Secret Service agent driving the SUV.

“Ornato testified that the first time he had ever heard the story Hutchinson claims Ornato told her on January 6, was during Hutchinson’s public testimony,” the oversight subcommittee report states.

“Hutchinson’s testimony was also contradicted by the [Secret Service] agent who was with President Trump on January 6,” the subcommittee found, which notes that “Hutchinson’s accusation came up only after the Secret Service agent’s attorney proactively brought up the subject” to select committee investigators.

Hutchinson’s testimony was debunked by several witnesses, including the driver of the Secret Service SUV.
“The driver testified that he specifically refuted the version of events as recounted by Hutchinson,” according to the report. “The driver of the SUV testified that he ‘did not see him reach [redacted]. [President Trump] never grabbed the steering wheel. I didn’t see him, you know, lunge to try to get into the front seat at all.’”

The select committee “hid the driver’s full testimony and only favorably mentioned his testimony in its Final Report, it did not release the full transcript,” Loudermilk’s committee determined. "

What they think is worthless now; they wasted what little credibility they ever had with Hillary's campaigns and Obama's criminal use of Federal agencies to spy on Trump and fabricate fake evidence for subpoenas and colluding with foreign agents to interfere in elections..

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