Illinois town plans for slave reparations paid with sales tax from marijuana sales

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
An Illinois town has approved a measure to fund a local reparations program with proceeds from the purchase of recreational marijuana.

On Monday, Evanston aldermen voted 8-1 in favor of the proposal aimed at what officials believe will improve help the city’s black community. Local leaders eye marijuana dispensaries as an attractive source of revenue to reverse what they call the ongoing impact of institutional racist and persisting effects of slavery, according to the Chicago Tribune. “The fund will be capped at $10 million, according to city of Evanston staff reports. City estimates project the marijuana tax could generate $500,000 to $750,000 per year,” the newspaper noted.

However, Evanston officials face roadblocks in collecting adequate revenue from the plan as various suburbs have yet to approve the establishment of recreational marijuana dispensaries, despite them being scheduled to become legal in Illinois next year.

“We can implement funding to directly invest in black Evanston,” 5th Ward Alderman Robin Rue Simmons said of the measure.

The marijuana tax will be “invested in the community it unfairly policed and damaged,” Simmons added.

“This is a really special moment in the city of Evanston and also in the country,” stated Second Ward Alderman Peter Braithwaite.

The development comes as Democrats in the House and Senate have introduced resolutions to approve studies to examine reparations proposals for African Americans over slavery.

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This leads to manybqurstions....

Does this mean African-Americans who smoke weed will be funding their own slave reparations?

It must be mandatory for DemonRATS to be mind-bogglingly stupid, as well as liars.

The development comes as DemonRATS in the House and Senate have introduced resolutions to approve studies to examine reparations proposals for African Americans over slavery.

Will the Somalis in Minnesota and Maine qualify for reparations?If not, why not? How would you determine who qualifies, and who does not?

The legal challenges to a town providing “slave reparations” should keep this town’s attorneys busy for decades. And its taxpayers get to foot the bill - no one will be getting any payments besides the lawyers, as WE ALL KNOW as with what Social Security tax was in 1913 turned into the taxpayer approx.40% the WEED TAX will NEVER stay just on weed sales to pay Reparations, AND is reparations a zONE TIME SHOT. or will the taxpayer be required to pay out reparations annually...OH MY, NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT!!!!!
Evanston has about 74,000 residents, of whom about 18%, or around 13,000 are black.

If this tax generates $500,000 per year, that would be about $38 per year for each black resident.

I can’t help but wonder, what sorts of “investments in black Evanston”, the councilman was thinking of. Public housing? Midnight basketball? Gang abatement programs of some sort? A few 6 packs of Colt 45?
Evanston has about 74,000 residents, of whom about 18%, or around 13,000 are black.

If this tax generates $500,000 per year, that would be about $38 per year for each black resident.

It sounds More like $8 per white resident for guilt therapy.
So blacks who don't want to work and just sit around and smoke weed.

Will now be given reparation money so they don't need to work and can sit around all day and smoke weed.

Makes perfect sense to me. ... :rolleyes:
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Evanston has about 74,000 residents, of whom about 18%, or around 13,000 are black.

If this tax generates $500,000 per year, that would be about $38 per year for each black resident.

I can’t help but wonder, what sorts of “investments in black Evanston”, the councilman was thinking of. Public housing? Midnight basketball? Gang abatement programs of some sort? A few 6 packs of Colt 45?
The only "investment in black Evanston" the aldermen are interested in is exploiting black Evanston for votes.

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