Illinois gun ban shot down!!


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
SPRINGFIELD - In a huge win for gun-rights groups, a divided federal appeals court in Chicago Tuesday tossed the state's ban on carrying concealed weapons and gave Illinois' Legislature 180 days to craft a law legalizing concealed carry.

"The debate is over. We won. And there will be a statewide carry law in 2013," said Todd Vandermyde, a lobbyist for the National Rifle Association.

Appeals court overturns Illinois concealed carry law in gun rights victory - Sun-Times Politics


From my cold dead hands!!

SPRINGFIELD - In a huge win for gun-rights groups, a divided federal appeals court in Chicago Tuesday tossed the state's ban on carrying concealed weapons and gave Illinois' Legislature 180 days to craft a law legalizing concealed carry.

"The debate is over. We won. And there will be a statewide carry law in 2013," said Todd Vandermyde, a lobbyist for the National Rifle Association.

Appeals court overturns Illinois concealed carry law in gun rights victory - Sun-Times Politics


From my cold dead hands!!


I read that earlier today. Great news indeed!
Yah sure, let's all carry around bondaliers of ammo and M-60's.

Well except concealed carry is about hand guns and all. Further fully automatic weapons like the m-60 are licensed by the Federal Government and illegal in 13 States. You see since 1934 fully automatic weapons are controlled by the Federal Government and are not considered currently as protected by the second amendment.
Yah sure, let's all carry around bondaliers of ammo and M-60's.

Yeah, you libs are completely untrained so need to spray and pray. Us conservatives on the other hand are trained and competent in the use of arms.
"Illinois had to provide us with more than merely a rational basis for believing that its uniquely sweeping ban is justified by an increase in public safety. It has failed to meet this burden," Posner wrote.

"The Supreme Court's interpretation of the Second Amendment therefore compels us to reverse the decisions in the two cases before us and remand them to their respective district courts for the entry of declarations of unconstitutionality and permanent injunctions," he continued.
It would seem the court perceived the prohibition of legal concealed carry as a de facto ban, at odds with Heller.

The court was also correct in ruling the ban un-Constitutional, as it manifests a presumption of guilt with regard to those who wish to carry – the desire to carry a gun, regardless its context, does not make one a potential criminal, nor justify impeding due process.
We now have a bunch of really whacked out people thinking that without a gun, you ain't a man. So a dumbassed father mishandles his gun, and kills his 7 year old son. And two day later, a fellow shoots up Macy's with an assault rifle. Merry Christmas from the NRA.
We now have a bunch of really whacked out people thinking that without a gun, you ain't a man. So a dumbassed father mishandles his gun, and kills his 7 year old son. And two day later, a fellow shoots up Macy's with an assault rifle. Merry Christmas from the NRA.

Yeah, because the NRA made it happen.

Fucking douche.
No, fucking douche on you people that have put the guns on a pedestal and armed the crazies with weopons that were designed for one purpose only, killing other people.

And the NRA has been a key factor making assault weopons available to the crazies.
We now have a bunch of really whacked out people thinking that without a gun, you ain't a man. So a dumbassed father mishandles his gun, and kills his 7 year old son. And two day later, a fellow shoots up Macy's with an assault rifle. Merry Christmas from the NRA.

Well if the fucking idiots you elected would follow the constitution, the NRA wouldn't be necessary.
We now have a bunch of really whacked out people thinking that without a gun, you ain't a man. So a dumbassed father mishandles his gun, and kills his 7 year old son. And two day later, a fellow shoots up Macy's with an assault rifle. Merry Christmas from the NRA.

NRA? Hyperbole rules your tiny little mind that's for sure. The father was an idiot and payed the ultimate price for his idiocy, the shooter is probably either a whacked out asshole going after his girlfriend and whoever else got in the way, or a flaming liberal pissed off at the recent Court rulings.
We now have a bunch of really whacked out people thinking that without a gun, you ain't a man. So a dumbassed father mishandles his gun, and kills his 7 year old son. And two day later, a fellow shoots up Macy's with an assault rifle. Merry Christmas from the NRA.

List of defensive gun use incidents - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Detroit, MI An 81 year old man from Detroit was woke to the sounds of a brick shattering his glass door. He reached for his .22 Pistol and fired at the intruder three times. The intruder fled the scene. The 81 year old was unharmed.

Milwaukee, WI Clemon Ferguson and Jeremy Pierce knocked on the locked door of Milwaukee hair salon "Hair Fantasies", and were let in by a customer. One of the men drew a gun and pointed it at the customer in the salon. The customer knocked the suspects arm away, and a shot was fired. The customer then drew his own gun, shooting both men. Ferguson died at the scene, and Pierce was
wounded. Pierce later went to the police claiming he was shot when someone tried to mug him, but later admited that story was false. Pierce is charged with Felony murder due to the death of Ferguson, the customer will not be charged in the shooting. || [2]

Longview, WA A woman was walking with her 6 year old son near Lake Sacajawea, when a man approached them and began masturbating in front of them, while encouraging the woman and child to watch. The woman brandished her handgun, causing the man to run away.

Orlando, FL Three armed men broke into a home near UCF, the homeowner confronted the men pulling out his own weapon and shooting one of the invaders several times. The two other men escaped through a second story window.

Bryan County, OK The 12 year old Kendra StClair was at home alone, when an unknown man (later identified as 32 year old Stacey Jones) rang the doorbell. The girl did not answer, and the Jones went to the back door of the home and kicked in the door. The girl called her mother, Debra StClair, who told her to get the family gun, hide in a closet, and call 911. The girl was on the phone with 911 as Jones went through the house, and when he began to open the closet, the girl shot him through the closet door. Jones ran away from the house and was found by the police and taken to the hospital. He was later charged with 1st Degree Burglary. Jones had previously been arrested for kidnapping an 18 year old mentally disabled girl.

Roxy thinks all of these people should have been victimized by criminals.

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