Illegals In Mexico Begin Hunger Stike - 'We Are Fighting For 'OUR RIGHTS'?!

We should not have this problem on our borders.

They should be going to an upgraded Ellis Island for processing.
------------------------------------ they shouldn't be PROCESSED for any reason DPalos .
Why not? Congress is delegated the power to provide for the general welfare, and make laws that actually solve our problems concerning immigration and naturalization.
Go back and put a reasonable CAP on all immigration, do away with ANY WELFARE and only people with SPONSORS that take financial responsibility for these immigrants should even be considered. Do away with anchor babies and the ridiculous idea that if you are born in this country you are a citizen, diplomats have children here and are NOT citizens.
-------------------------------------- REASONABLE Cap . what is Reasonable eh ?? I say stop ALL immigration , why does the USA need more people when USA population is 320 million counted people Purge ?? [i never get an answer ]
How about as one immigrant dies, he opens up a slot for another from his country of origin....a concession to our suicidal left!
-------------------------------------------- WHY , --- Purge .
We should not have this problem on our borders.

They should be going to an upgraded Ellis Island for processing.
Why, has Ellis Island been upgraded with gas chambers?
don't believe in natural rights? why should we take the right wing seriously in abortion threads.
Natural right for what? Not to come here, there's no such thing.
we have to process them. seeking refuge is a natural right.
----------------------------------------- only if that pretend 'right' is recognized DPalos .
We should not have this problem on our borders.

They should be going to an upgraded Ellis Island for processing.
Why, has Ellis Island been upgraded with gas chambers?
don't believe in natural rights? why should we take the right wing seriously in abortion threads.
Natural right for what? Not to come here, there's no such thing.
we have to process them. seeking refuge is a natural right.
----------------------------------------- only if that pretend 'right' is recognized DPalos .
Congress is delegated the power to provide for the general welfare, and make laws that actually solve our problems concerning immigration and naturalization.
We should not have this problem on our borders.

They should be going to an upgraded Ellis Island for processing.
Why, has Ellis Island been upgraded with gas chambers?
don't believe in natural rights? why should we take the right wing seriously in abortion threads.
Natural right for what? Not to come here, there's no such thing.
we have to process them. seeking refuge is a natural right.
They have asylum, in Messiko.
The Mexican facility has 6000 illegals packed into a space meant for 1000.
Ellis Island could process around ten thousand per day according to some accounts. We should not have this "humanitarian" issue when our Statue of Liberty is on Ellis Island.
We don't have a humanitarian issue.

Mexico does.

Mexico opened the door to them, let Mexico deal with the problems they created.
Why is our military on the border?

Free trade and less regulation!
Why isn't our military on our own border and not in some other country we don't give a fuck about?
We should not have this problem on our borders.

They should be going to an upgraded Ellis Island for processing.
Why, has Ellis Island been upgraded with gas chambers?
don't believe in natural rights? why should we take the right wing seriously in abortion threads.
Natural right for what? Not to come here, there's no such thing.
we have to process them. seeking refuge is a natural right.
They have asylum, in Messiko.
why are they on our border?
The Mexican facility has 6000 illegals packed into a space meant for 1000.
Ellis Island could process around ten thousand per day according to some accounts. We should not have this "humanitarian" issue when our Statue of Liberty is on Ellis Island.
We don't have a humanitarian issue.

Mexico does.

Mexico opened the door to them, let Mexico deal with the problems they created.
Why is our military on the border?

Free trade and less regulation!
Why isn't our military on our own border and not in some other country we don't give a fuck about?
The right wing eschews capitalism whenever they can resort to their socialism on a national basis.
Why, has Ellis Island been upgraded with gas chambers?
don't believe in natural rights? why should we take the right wing seriously in abortion threads.
Natural right for what? Not to come here, there's no such thing.
we have to process them. seeking refuge is a natural right.
They have asylum, in Messiko.
why are they on our border?
Messiko smells like someone crapped out 10,000 tacos?
We should be upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure and generating revenue from foreign nationals in a market friendly manner.
can't generate what they ain't got.
some do; those could be creating a market and the Poor could move up locally.
Fuck Ellis Island, just sell Visa's to the highest bidder. 1 million per year.
All persons are Tourists unless they apply for naturalization or asylum.
No more Beans for the Beanies???????

Oh noes, how long will that last, before the Taco-Panic attacks, begin?
let's upgrade Ellis Island and increase the minimum wage; the right wing complains there are not enough white people in our republic.

The U.S.A is supposed to be a Pan-Europa, not a Pan-Frijole.

Especially, when they come illegally, that simply shouldn't be tolerated.
Our federal Constitution was designed to be gender and race neutral from Inception.

Ellis Island could process thousands per day.

The Founding Fathers only wanted Free Whites of good character to become U.S Citizens, this is according to the Naturalization Act of 1790.

Now, explain why Illegal Brown hordes, should be allowed in, judging those facts,eh?

Because they are worthless ?
We should be upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure and generating revenue from foreign nationals in a market friendly manner.
Upgrading? Like in that old movie where the whole NYC was one big prison and they had to rescue the president's downed helicopter from it? What was the title?
We should be upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure and generating revenue from foreign nationals in a market friendly manner.
Upgrading? Like in that old movie where the whole NYC was one big prison and they had to rescue the president's downed helicopter from it? What was the title?
more like actually solving our dilemma in a market friendly manner simply Because we have a Commerce Clause.
We should be upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure and generating revenue from foreign nationals in a market friendly manner.
Upgrading? Like in that old movie where the whole NYC was one big prison and they had to rescue the president's downed helicopter from it? What was the title?
more like actually solving our dilemma in a market friendly manner simply Because we have a Commerce Clause.
But that assumes that we have a market. That is not true. Even in the gaming industry, the top three are already cornering it. National economies are controlled by third party payers and insider corporations, therefore markets are only transitionary artifacts. And the age of transitions is now consolidating into internet based automation. Market models are history.

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