Illegal aliens take jobs, lower wages


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

From Americans of all ages and is a death blow to the Americans dream. And I oppose any form of legalization. Americans teens use to do the fast food jobs, lawn job and stocking shelves in Wal Mart, etc and bus boy and girls in restaurants, as did Americans seniors but those jobs has been taken by illegal aliens who work two of them. Americans who are working to stay above the water is paying for American born children of illegal aliens healthcare, education, and food stamps. I don’t understand how any American can support legalization of 11 million illegal aliens and chain migration of family members who will take more jobs because they are willing to work for less.

Unemployment among blacks it the major cause of crime and incarcerations and breakdown of the American family unit. Shame on Obama and black leaders for supporting immigration reform.
Its funny that you guys say this, but as a teenager myself i have met MANY teenagers [white] that have worked in fast food jobs and have quit one or 2 weeks after starting. why ? because they cant handle it. they don't know how to get to work. Why? because now a days the parents hand out everything to they're children. Its not how it used to be when children knew the value of money. it is a dog eats dog world. If a employer simply sees a hard working person. they will hire them. Not on their race, but on how hard working they look. sorry, NOT sorry.
That and with the FED printing money with QE (oo) a sure frie way to collapse the economy and bring in martial law.

They didn't build the FEMA Camps for nothing.....

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