Illegal aliens sue Florida gov

Its nice to have a sense of humor as people are dying, becoming addicted and feeding their addictions by comitting more crimes in the city. Embrace your white privilege
Like you really give a shit about those people? If you did, you wouldn't lie to them like DeSantis did.
So, then the US has never, in all its 246 years had a secure border.

For most of our history we have had an open border with Mexico. The first border fences were erected in 1911 to keep Mexican cattle out the US. Most of the border in the early 20th century was marked with posts ever mile. After establishing the Border Patrol in 1926, border crossing were created and fencing was build around the crossing. It was not till 1993, that we began building a fence between the US and Mexico. And there was no nationally recognized identification card for aliens till 1940.

Throughout most of 20th century immigration policy was determined by the need for low costed labor. Since most of the border was not fenced, Mexicans just walked across the border to work on farms and returned to Mexico when the crops were in but some would stay and many are still living in the US. It was not uncommon for truck farms to send trucks to Mexico to collect workers and return them after the harvest. Of course many did not return We did not get serious about enforcing immigration laws till about 20 years ago when we started creating a border fence and hiring thousands of boarder patrol and customs enforcement agents.

So to answer your question, we have always had large numbers of migrants crossing the border, both documented and undocumented. The border is not totally secure, never has been and never will be.
You got tangled up in your own leftist words . Call an illegal what they are and you won't do it. stop with the bull shit names such as non citizens or undocumented. Call them illegals because that's what they are.
It is illegal for a person to cross the border without proper documentation but it is not illegal for that person to live in the US. If that person is found living in the US, he or she is removed from US (deported) which is a correction of immigration status. There is no punishment because there is no crime.
It is illegal for a person to cross the border without proper documentation but it is not illegal for that person to live in the US. If that person is found living in the US, he or she is removed from US (deported) which is a correction of immigration status. There is no punishment because there is no crime.
If they crossed illegally they are illegal
Liar illegals according to the laws cannot buy a gun
I agree that there are laws that ban undocumented immigrants from purchase or carrying firearms but that doesn't seem to agreement with the supreme court interpretation of the 2nd amendment.

"The Supreme Court has recognized that undocumented immigrants are “persons” under the Constitution. Therefore, under the Second Amendment’s plain language, undocumented immigrants are included in the amendment’s protection of the right to keep and bear arms."
I agree that there are laws that ban undocumented immigrants from purchase or carrying firearms but that doesn't seem to agreement with the supreme court interpretation of the 2nd amendment.

"The Supreme Court has recognized that undocumented immigrants are “persons” under the Constitution. Therefore, under the Second Amendment’s plain language, undocumented immigrants are included in the amendment’s protection of the right to keep and bear arms."
The federal law says illegals cannot buy a gun
Like you really give a shit about those people? If you did, you wouldn't lie to them like DeSantis did.

I live In the SF bay area and I do go to the city sometimes. This stuff effects the city... not just "junkies" which I guess you look down on which is why you can joke about it and then act smug on top of that.
It effects everyone and SF is just one city. The Federal government has a responsibility to its citizens, which they are not upholding right now... they tell us the border is secure, SOME of them tell us we should abolish ICE because, well its not fair to certain non- citizens. We have elected officials who are on the payroll and have a pretty good life for themselves, WHO cant even tell the difference between a citizen or a non citizen.... they really believe they have the same rights and most likely these people hold most of us in contempt because they learned this in college.

Which is why, what you see in the link is allowed to go on and it will never be mentioned by mainstream Democrats...THEY dont care. I've had a friend who OD'd in San Diego... I have people I care about and would like to have a city and place that is safe for them to travel... I care about business owners.... I dont take for granted what they do.

Who do YOU care about?
And they are illegal. dumbass, I bet you believe they would vote for people who want to create the same shit they are fleeing their country for.
Everyone in the country that is undocumented did not enter the country illegally.
And your deflection is noted. they are illegals if not documented
That is of course nonsense. A child brought into the US by parents broke no law. A migrant born in the US that has no birth certification certainly did not violate the law. Therefore if the person hasn't broke the laws they are guilty of nothing and are not "illegals".

Although crossing the border without proper documentation is a first degree misdemeanor punishable by $50 to $250 or a maximum of 6 months in jail, any criminal charge is rare due to time and cost of a trial. Therefore the cases go to immigration court which is a civil court whose purpose is determine whether the person is entitle to remain in the country. These courts are in many ways similar to family court. If the court finds the person has no right to be here, the person is deported which is not punishment since there was conviction of a crime. Deportation is correction of immigration status.

People demand we enforce the law, however enforcing the law does not fix the problem. The only way to fix the problem is to change immigration law.
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That is of course nonsense. A child brought into the US by parents broke no law. A migrant born in the US that has no birth certification certainly did not violate the law. Therefore if the person hasn't broke the laws they are guilty of nothing and are not "illegals".

Although crossing the border without proper documentation is a first degree misdemeanor punishable by $50 to $250 or a maximum of 6 months in jail, any criminal charge is rare due to time and cost of a trial. Therefore the cases go to immigration court which is a civil court whose purpose is determine whether the person is entitle to remain in the country. These courts are in many ways similar to family court. If the court finds the person has no right to be here, the person is deported which is not punishment since there was conviction of a crime. Deportation is correction of immigration status.

People demand we enforce the law, however enforcing the law does not fix the problem. The only way to fix the problem is to change immigration law.
Illegal period
Gov DeSantis need to send the bill to Venzuala for transporting immigrants.
We are fast becoming another Latino shithole country with all its problems and this does scare me.

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