Illeagal immigration, you just don’t get it.


VIP Member
Jan 20, 2011
I hear over and over about send us your poor, your homeless, etc…. But those days were different. Those days we did not have any welfare systems to be overwhelmed. If we go back to the days where there was no welfare and where everyone could come but you have to make your own way, then more power to them and all those that want to come. But that is the point times are different. People coming into this country cost this country a great deal. We did not have to feed and house those that came back then as they had to feed and house themselves. We did not have to educate them as they were responsible for their own education. We did not have to police them and provide them health care. So you really can’t compare then to now. If you want to go back to the days where we didn’t provide all these services, then by all means let them all in. But as long as each new person coming across that border is a burden on the already financially strapped system then we can’t afford to take them in period.
Things do change, awareness of issues and problems evolve with the times. Blind acceptance of immigrants is out of touch with reality. Right now, Mexican drug smugglers cynically using past laws and Latin American kids as a pawns to divert attention away from their efforts to smuggle drugs/humans on up in here. Some of us are aware of that. Let's do SOMETHNG besides provide lip service, stop enabling the true villains from exploiting this situation.
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We hear from less Christian values that its the poor fault. When are those that blame society and/or the government going to take responsibility? If changing the tax structure "redistributes wealth" then when are the dumb masses who have worked to make others more monies going to complain? Social welfare for corporations are great for other people, not you. By making more than 250.000 annually, we have increased our income so much, we are the ones with the money, not the government (tax payers).

In the 1980's I was pointing toward the economists (like Heilbroner) who educated both Democrats and Republicans that "we have to sacrifice." The best way I could make money is to cut jobs and send monies overseas. That means, unfortunately, the American Market could not meet those that wanted to buy my stuff cheaper. I just follow the American way. What is wrong with making money? Keep blaming the government, that helps me focus on more important things, like not having it snoop into my business. I sell information. The SNOW den is just part of a social experiment to help us run our corporations smoother. If you don't conform, I could fire you. That I like. I use clinical lab equipment that the government no longer has enough to keep up with me. PRS (post reinforcement stimulus) lab results detect what kind of emotive hooks the dumb masses fall for. I can tell you that the temperature on mars is the same as the earth, and some people buy it.

Even more, if you don't like my commercials, I don't care. It can irritate you like crazy, as long as it gets the market's attention. You'd be surprised at the "bursts" (anticipatory anxiety waves) results help us decide which type will enjoy the bs. Its all bs. But it don't make a difference as long as I keep making my money. I'm worth more than millions and I only used my brain, some hard work, lots of luck and figured out how to "contingency plan." So if you don't like the way we do things, why don't you leave the country and go to another market? Right or wrong, making money is more important than your life.
I thank the Lord I have so much money and time. I could now spend some of my money and think more. Is immigration an economical issue? How does this affect the economy? If this is really free market, let that solve that sector. Don't let the government snoop, except for those criminals that break into our property.
I hear over and over about send us your poor, your homeless, etc…. But those days were different. Those days we did not have any welfare systems to be overwhelmed. If we go back to the days where there was no welfare and where everyone could come but you have to make your own way, then more power to them and all those that want to come. But that is the point times are different. People coming into this country cost this country a great deal. We did not have to feed and house those that came back then as they had to feed and house themselves. We did not have to educate them as they were responsible for their own education. We did not have to police them and provide them health care. So you really can’t compare then to now. If you want to go back to the days where we didn’t provide all these services, then by all means let them all in. But as long as each new person coming across that border is a burden on the already financially strapped system then we can’t afford to take them in period.

This is a comprehensively ignorant and hateful post.

No one is advocating an 'open border' policy, and it's idiocy to suggest otherwise.
Which Party believes this? Democrats or Republicans? Who dares say, wait? Why did they come? Why should the Declaration of Independence be followed in the "textual interpretation" as Scalia suggests? Don't try to twist it into something it does not say. History is just a bunch of swarms and herds. "The spirit of man is no better than the spirit of a beast" (Ecc 3:18)

Ants are like people. People will always argue and fight. The Emperor Marcus Aurelius saw this and advised that one should accept their lot. Hopefully Biden those won't pledge allegiance and render to Caesar and gamble like the Roman Empire and bring the United States in that direction. But, of course, everyone thinks they are right and the center of creation. Perhaps they should listen to the Republicans who instruct that man (just like any other beast in the biosphere) is an insignificant influence on nature and climate, and the real center is the Natures Law and the God of Nature who has dominion over man. That is the reasoning why there is simply nothing you could do about it, you have no responsibility in any significant climate change, and all you can do is sell before you run and hide after giving buying property. What's wrong with making money?
Blame society and/or the government, its not your fault. You are insignificant at its all their fault. Cheer, rant fight for resources. Make money, follow the type of Lord that gains you the world, if you wish.

The Declaration of Independence means that we are not founded on a Christian sect or Jewish God, but a more encompassing God, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.

Just so one knows, the "HE" means anyone who is or thinks they are "king" enough to stand up for principles other than this declaration.

If you believe in Paul (Ayan) Ryan, raise your hands. You agree that "altruism is evil" and that its contradictory, the "Golden Rule" (Charity) is not something the government should do. You must admit that you are to blame, not the government. The government depends on us paying our fair share. I've paid mine, served for this country and find younger less knowlegeable stand up for things they thought were true.

An example is the argument against the President that we succeeded because of our teachers, coaches, etc. That is what makes an American he stated. Then like someone making a touch down, pounding the chest proclaiming to the audience and team, "That is an insult, I got here by myself."

OK, I guess they don't realize the double think, probably not old enough to realize Big Brother's 1984 nor that Ronald Reagan made the same famous "What makes an American Speech." Guess can convince some of the dumb masses that the same temperature on mars is the same on earth. That the hurry up and bomb, drilling don't help the sun push the evaporation around. I'm glad I'm in the private information business and you guys want to cripple the government so they won't snoop. Snow den is just a way to survey. Check how we use PRS (Post Reinforcement Stimulus), "bursts" (anticipatory anxiety) brain waves beyond what the government could afford and snoop. Thank you, thank you. Division is like the tail of a snake
bringing down the head in a way to show the world what its people think of the body. By the losers undermining the winners, instead of waiting their turn, the division created confusion and adversion to just how powerful the American people are. Dumb masses. Now when you want help from the southern or northern borders or tell the Napoleons of the world how stupid their leader is, they sense the vulnerability and that provides more confidence. Whether or not it is true that a President lies, I'd hate to be next to those that don't do their job in times of war. I'd rather live next to a sincere Muslim (not to be confused with islamic infidel fanatics hijacking their incomprehensible invisible Holy Spirit with their intolerance) than next to a screwball who talks Christianity but acts similar to those who tried to trick my Lord, Jesus.
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If immigration is as you claim an economic issue, why not let unregulated free market solve the problem? The government can't get enough money to help Texas. Or are you demanding the same thing as the founding fathers condemned in the Declaration of Independence? Now that this herd in history has their turn, all they could do is like any other beast and that is no different than before, it's just a different pack of beings who also think they are the center of creation.
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Rennie I feel as though you have gone completely off topic and ruined any chance this person had to start a productive conversation/debate. It seems from this end that you are an educated person but you like to bask in your own glory. The kind of person who preys on unsuspecting people in an attempt to make them feel inferior to you as result of some permanent insecurity you have. The kind of person that walks into a room of English speaking Americans and proceeds to speak French. Even though he's aware that none of these people speak French and knows he's perfectly capable of speaking English. That guy. Or lady.

We hear from less Christian values that its the poor fault. When are those that blame society and/or the government going to take responsibility? If changing the tax structure "redistributes wealth" then when are the dumb masses who have worked to make others more monies going to complain? Social welfare for corporations are great for other people, not you. By making more than 250.000 annually, we have increased our income so much, we are the ones with the money, not the government (tax payers).

In the 1980's I was pointing toward the economists (like Heilbroner) who educated both Democrats and Republicans that "we have to sacrifice." The best way I could make money is to cut jobs and send monies overseas. That means, unfortunately, the American Market could not meet those that wanted to buy my stuff cheaper. I just follow the American way. What is wrong with making money? Keep blaming the government, that helps me focus on more important things, like not having it snoop into my business. I sell information. The SNOW den is just part of a social experiment to help us run our corporations smoother. If you don't conform, I could fire you. That I like. I use clinical lab equipment that the government no longer has enough to keep up with me. PRS (post reinforcement stimulus) lab results detect what kind of emotive hooks the dumb masses fall for. I can tell you that the temperature on mars is the same as the earth, and some people buy it.

Even more, if you don't like my commercials, I don't care. It can irritate you like crazy, as long as it gets the market's attention. You'd be surprised at the "bursts" (anticipatory anxiety waves) results help us decide which type will enjoy the bs. Its all bs. But it don't make a difference as long as I keep making my money. I'm worth more than millions and I only used my brain, some hard work, lots of luck and figured out how to "contingency plan." So if you don't like the way we do things, why don't you leave the country and go to another market? Right or wrong, making money is more important than your life.

you forgot to mention the people who helped you get there and the workers that made your busuness what it is today. Typical. "I did it all by myself"?
I thank the Lord I have so much money and time. I could now spend some of my money and think more. Is immigration an economical issue? How does this affect the economy? If this is really free market, let that solve that sector. Don't let the government snoop, except for those criminals that break into our property.

I am more worried about ppl like you who's only allegiance is to money.
I hear over and over about send us your poor, your homeless, etc…. But those days were different. Those days we did not have any welfare systems to be overwhelmed. If we go back to the days where there was no welfare and where everyone could come but you have to make your own way, then more power to them and all those that want to come. But that is the point times are different. People coming into this country cost this country a great deal. We did not have to feed and house those that came back then as they had to feed and house themselves. We did not have to educate them as they were responsible for their own education. We did not have to police them and provide them health care. So you really can’t compare then to now. If you want to go back to the days where we didn’t provide all these services, then by all means let them all in. But as long as each new person coming across that border is a burden on the already financially strapped system then we can’t afford to take them in period.

This is a comprehensively ignorant and hateful post.

No one is advocating an 'open border' policy, and it's idiocy to suggest otherwise.

Really?! Show me where she's wrong.
Rennie I feel as though you have gone completely off topic and ruined any chance this person had to start a productive conversation/debate. It seems from this end that you are an educated person but you like to bask in your own glory. The kind of person who preys on unsuspecting people in an attempt to make them feel inferior to you as result of some permanent insecurity you have. The kind of person that walks into a room of English speaking Americans and proceeds to speak French. Even though he's aware that none of these people speak French and knows he's perfectly capable of speaking English. That guy. Or lady.


Thank you.

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