Ignore the Lies: Stephen Bannon is a Mainstream Conservative


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
The magot left has nothing to hang their hats on but personal attacks on patriots....seems being Anti-American has no ethics or morals, much like the left in USMB!

Canada Free Press ^ | 11/14/16 | Matthew Vadum

Favoring unrestricted illegal immigration, porous borders, government-mandated racial discrimination, and urging the assassination of police officers as these left-wingers do, is profoundly un-American

It didn’t work in the election cycle and it won’t work now.

The election of Donald Trump as president of the United States is proof that the “racist” smear no longer carries the sting it used to in American politics.

For promising to get tough on illegal immigration and making demonstrably true observations about the criminal scum invading the nation from the south, Trump was pilloried as a bigot
Good grief, the lies they are spreading about Bannon are just jaw dropping unreal. But that's all they have left. Lies and name calling.
I love it when they cry so much... It reminds me of my wonderful father and I can see him standing there and saying... The more you cry, the less you pee...

The one lie about Bannon being an anti Semite has had me laughing my ass off all day. The left wing loons obviously don't know Andrew Breitbart was a Jew. Bannon was his friend and advisor.

The Senior editor at large of Breitbart News is an Orthodox Jew. :) And Steve Bannon helped launch Breitbart News Jerusalem with Breitbart News CEO Larry Solov .

Guess the religion! :lol:

For an anti Semite he sure hangs with a lot of Jews. Too funny!

Lying scumbuckets should have done their homework.

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