If You're White, Get Out Of The Circle (video)


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hmm just a bunch of people hung up on race, well they sure love themselves dont they? I think they need a permit to gather like that in a public place and exclude others right?

I dont get what that was all about but it looked like a bunch of very unhappy people, sucks to be them, Hahaha
I wouldn't want to stand in 'the circle', any more than I would like to stand in Oprah's 'The Secret' cult, or join the church of scientology.
So. what if you were standing somewhere you wanted and a group of people told you to leave because of your skin color?
I wouldn't want to stand in 'the circle', any more than I would like to stand in Oprah's 'The Secret' cult, or join the church of scientology.
So. what if you were standing somewhere you wanted and a group of people told you to leave because of your skin color?
"If you hate white people, go live in Zimbabwe, its such a paradise there" or some variation of.
So, haven't see much if any left-leaning members posting in this thread.

These liberal racists...in a public place....began yelling "Stop filming!!!"

Wow. Just no words. They want cameras....just not on them.
Does anyone think this latest brouhaha crap like the vid is going to push whites to push back by joining KKK and other "racist" organizations? After all, they have the black panthers. They are the ones doing to shoving and rioting and bullshit to keep the hate alive. One can only bend so much before flat out breaking.

Black Miss America
White Men Can't Jump and other assorted movies
etc etc etc

If caucasians did HALF of the crap being done now, all hell would be breaking loose. Oh. Wait. It is breaking loose but it's been changed in favor of looting, thuggery, bottle throwing, murders, rioting, etc. and anyone that tries to fight back...well. We all know what happens then. The name calling. The accusations of racism. The MONEY being paid out. Yadda yadda.

Don't forget "White Girls"

Blacks in whiteface.

These liberal racists...in a public place....began yelling "Stop filming!!!"

Wow. Just no words. They want cameras....just not on them.

You can bet if it was a prayer meeting in a public place, there would be people complaining if they didnt have a permit. And cameras would be no problem, but a group of people telling others to " step outside the circle" because they want to have a color sit in. WTF

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