If you're watching 60 Minutes and not shedding a tear

You're inhuman.
My heads in the tv eh? Is that better or worse than yours being in the sand or up your own egotistical ass?

Inquiring minds want to know....
We post Fox News
They post any other outlet

90% of this board attacks the messenger and ignores the content. I know MSNBC is in the bag for the left. I also know that a good chunk of their reporting is based in reality despite their spin. I suspect the left knows as much of Fox. But based on our nanananabooboo tactics the topics of importance are ignored for the sake of towing the partisan line.
All of them are CFR shills.
We post Fox News
They post any other outlet

90% of this board attacks the messenger and ignores the content. I know MSNBC is in the bag for the left. I also know that a good chunk of their reporting is based in reality despite their spin. I suspect the left knows as much of Fox. But based on our nanananabooboo tactics the topics of importance are ignored for the sake of towing the partisan line.
All of them are CFR shills.
I watch all of them. I also check when I doubt the validity of something. The internet is the real cesspool of misinformation
The humanitarian disaster of this generation is taking place right under our eyes. Why under our eyes? Because we're so obsessed with playing partisan games and placing blame that we don't even notice it.

I would not think the reason is as you say or that simple.

The reasons humanitarian disasters like this are happening in our time (this is hardly the first) is because Islam is an impossible animal to please. Especially when both sides are Islam, there is never a good end, in fact, there is never an end at all.

Secondly, the USA nor Western Europe have the will to try and stop this. All they can sense is if they get involved it will really solve nothing except prevent "some deaths" but then they are in it for the long haul and who knows how many more deaths that will encompass?

Thirdly, the other powerful nations, Russia and China, could not care less about deaths to nations at war. They have always delighted in this kind of horrific stuff, anything that may give them even the smallest global advantage is worth the human cost.

Fourth, rich gulf states like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, U.A.E. are doing NOTHING to help! They will not even take in refugees. And the West allows them to get away with this.
We have prolonged the Syrian agony with no intention of exercising the overwhelming force necessary to end it. The US has no intention of going to outright war with Russia and that's what it will take.

Get out. Let Assad and Russia win. All we are doing is keeping this going.
We post Fox News
They post any other outlet

90% of this board attacks the messenger and ignores the content. I know MSNBC is in the bag for the left. I also know that a good chunk of their reporting is based in reality despite their spin. I suspect the left knows as much of Fox. But based on our nanananabooboo tactics the topics of importance are ignored for the sake of towing the partisan line.

Didn't you say 'we're done here'?
The humanitarian disaster of this generation is taking place right under our eyes. Why under our eyes? Because we're so obsessed with playing partisan games and placing blame that we don't even notice it.

I would not think the reason is as you say or that simple.

The reasons humanitarian disasters like this are happening in our time (this is hardly the first) is because Islam is an impossible animal to please. Especially when both sides are Islam, there is never a good end, in fact, there is never an end at all.

Secondly, the USA nor Western Europe have the will to try and stop this. All they can sense is if they get involved it will really solve nothing except prevent "some deaths" but then they are in it for the long haul and who knows how many more deaths that will encompass?

Thirdly, the other powerful nations, Russia and China, could not care less about deaths to nations at war. They have always delighted in this kind of horrific stuff, anything that may give them even the smallest global advantage is worth the human cost.

Fourth, rich gulf states like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, U.A.E. are doing NOTHING to help! They will not even take in refugees. And the West allows them to get away with this.

Oh bloody hell I don't believe for one minute that soldiers be they Syrian or Russian are delighting in this war to retake Syria from terrorists.

And a big freaking FYI: those Gulf States, in particular Qatar and Syria and Turkey started all this bullshit along with the CIA's help to overthrow Assad and give Syria to the Muslim Brotherhood. There has never been an Arab Spring or a civil war. It's been Assad vs terrorists.

It's disgusting.
Obama's legacy = Humanitarian crisis in Syria.

Maybe the Nobel Committee can repossess his prize?

LWNJ's still worship this pile of shit.....
We post Fox News
They post any other outlet

90% of this board attacks the messenger and ignores the content. I know MSNBC is in the bag for the left. I also know that a good chunk of their reporting is based in reality despite their spin. I suspect the left knows as much of Fox. But based on our nanananabooboo tactics the topics of importance are ignored for the sake of towing the partisan line.
All of them are CFR shills.
I watch all of them. I also check when I doubt the validity of something. The internet is the real cesspool of misinformation

And CBS is a paragon of truth?

We post Fox News
They post any other outlet

90% of this board attacks the messenger and ignores the content. I know MSNBC is in the bag for the left. I also know that a good chunk of their reporting is based in reality despite their spin. I suspect the left knows as much of Fox. But based on our nanananabooboo tactics the topics of importance are ignored for the sake of towing the partisan line.
All of them are CFR shills.
I watch all of them. I also check when I doubt the validity of something. The internet is the real cesspool of misinformation

And CBS is a paragon of truth?

This thread is not about CBS. Do you have anything on topic to contribute?
You're inhuman.
I don't watch fake news....

What are they lying about this evening?
Why are you responding then jackass?

Why are you posting sh** OPs that we don't know what you're talking about?
The title of the op IS VERY CLEAR. If you're still confused, WATCH 60 MINUTES

Check your sh** on what VERY CLEAR means. You were watching a TV show. If I made a thread saying this Simpson is funny, I'd list a joke or some sh**. Check the fact that you're a lazy p.o.s.
We post Fox News
They post any other outlet

90% of this board attacks the messenger and ignores the content. I know MSNBC is in the bag for the left. I also know that a good chunk of their reporting is based in reality despite their spin. I suspect the left knows as much of Fox. But based on our nanananabooboo tactics the topics of importance are ignored for the sake of towing the partisan line.

Didn't you say 'we're done here'?
I told her we were done long after that post. Do you have a point to make or do you just enjoy being the court jester?
The humanitarian disaster of this generation is taking place right under our eyes. Why under our eyes? Because we're so obsessed with playing partisan games and placing blame that we don't even notice it.

I would not think the reason is as you say or that simple.

The reasons humanitarian disasters like this are happening in our time (this is hardly the first) is because Islam is an impossible animal to please. Especially when both sides are Islam, there is never a good end, in fact, there is never an end at all.

Secondly, the USA nor Western Europe have the will to try and stop this. All they can sense is if they get involved it will really solve nothing except prevent "some deaths" but then they are in it for the long haul and who knows how many more deaths that will encompass?

Thirdly, the other powerful nations, Russia and China, could not care less about deaths to nations at war. They have always delighted in this kind of horrific stuff, anything that may give them even the smallest global advantage is worth the human cost.

Fourth, rich gulf states like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, U.A.E. are doing NOTHING to help! They will not even take in refugees. And the West allows them to get away with this.

Oh bloody hell I don't believe for one minute that soldiers be they Syrian or Russian are delighting in this war to retake Syria from terrorists.

And a big freaking FYI: those Gulf States, in particular Qatar and Syria and Turkey started all this bullshit along with the CIA's help to overthrow Assad and give Syria to the Muslim Brotherhood. There has never been an Arab Spring or a civil war. It's been Assad vs terrorists.

It's disgusting.

Well I will grant you none of this is black and white. But I never implied any Syrians delighted in the deaths. ISIS is another animal altogether.

But as for Russia, my comment was speaking to the nature of the atheistic ruthless government in general, and I do not see their involvement in Syria to be any exception. Communist Russia has fomented or started wars since the 50’s. They arm rebels opposing corrupt governments in third world nations and provide arms and resources to cause insurrections and get the people on their side. And the sides they support always turn out to be the most ruthless. (Eastern Europe, N.Vietnam, Camodia, Laos, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Grenada, Cuba, Angola, Mozambique, et al.) Count the dead. Communism is an evil entity that does not value human life.

And Arab revolts and wars did not start with this Syrian one. Russians have been supplying many Arab states with arms and favors as long as I can remember. Ask Israel.
Last edited:
You're inhuman.
I don't watch fake news....

What are they lying about this evening?
Why are you responding then jackass?

Why are you posting sh** OPs that we don't know what you're talking about?
The title of the op IS VERY CLEAR. If you're still confused, WATCH 60 MINUTES

Check your sh** on what VERY CLEAR means. You were watching a TV show. If I made a thread saying this Simpson is funny, I'd list a joke or some sh**. Check the fact that you're a lazy p.o.s.
My heads in the tv eh? Is that better or worse than yours being in the sand or up your own egotistical ass?

Inquiring minds want to know....

I don't let the political, cultural or financial elites do my thinking for me. Apparently you do. You already admitted that they emotionally manipulated you.

I suggest READING a mother fucking book, so you know what the hell is going on.

Start with this one. . .


Then this one, you will need to check it out at your library or buy it;

Manufacturing Consent - Wikipedia

Also, a good article to understand media dominated by establishment journalism that is funded and controlled by the government/corporate cartel would be any critical analysis of the CFR.

Council on Foreign Relations: Syrian Rebels Need Al-Qaeda Now
Council on Foreign Relations: Syrian Rebels Need Al-Qaeda Now - The Anti-Media

The U.S. government began targeting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his government, using the exact same tactics the CIA used in Libya to topple Gaddafi.

Free Syrian Army (FSA) commander Jamal Maarouf has admitted that his fighters conduct joint operations with Al-Nusra frequently, the official Al-Qaeda branch in Syria. In June 2013 Colonel Abdel Basset Al-Tawil, commander of the FSA’s Northern Front, expressed his desire to see Syria ruled by sharia law. In 2012, Reuters reported that the FSA’s command was dominated by Islamic extremists. The New York Times reported that the majority of the weapons Washington was sending into Syria ended up in the hands of jihadists.

In May 2014, PBS interviewed Syrian rebels who were trained by the U.S. in Qatar.

“They trained us to ambush regime or enemy vehicles and cut off the road,” said the fighter, who is identified only as “Hussein.” “They also trained us on how to attack a vehicle, raid it, retrieve information or weapons and munitions, and how to finish off soldiers still alive after an ambush.”

Executing captured soldiers? Sounds a lot like ISIS, doesn’t it? That’s because this is a “terror tactic“.

In June 2014, Al-Nusra merged with ISIS at the border between Iraq and Syria.

As recent as June 26th, 2014, Obama proposed another $500 million dollars to train and equip the Syrian rebels. In other words, the FSA is working with Al-Nusra, Al-Nusra is working with ISIS, and the U.S. has been sending money and weapons to the FSA. For two years the U.S. has adopted this strategy (and still do) while they had known most of these weapons were ending up in the hands of Al-Qaeda-linked militants.

June 2014 was when ISIS obtained international celebrity by crossing over the Syria border into Iraq. In the process of capturing Mosul and Baiji, ISIS obtained entire truckloads of humvees, artillery, tanks, and helicopters.

George W. Bush used out in the open military aggression to “make the world safe for democracy“. Barack Obama uses covert tactics through the CIA. What else would you expect considering Zbigniew Brzezinski was Obama’s mentor?

Why would Obama fund and arm Islamic extremists in Syria to attack them later?

Why did the CIA put Saddam Hussein in power in 1963?

Why would the U.S. arm and fund Islamic extremists in Afghanistan and Pakistan in 1979, including Osama bin Laden?

Now are you beginning to see how the Islamic State can be useful for United States foreign policy? Even Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney recently stated on the corporate media, “We helped build ISIS.”

Problem, reaction, solution… The U.S. and ISIS share common ground. Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki has already resigned as both sides desired, but Assad is the main target.



Brian Williams, Scott Pelley, and Diane Sawyer: the three stooges
Brian Williams, Scott Pelley, and Diane Sawyer: the three stooges

And Scott Pelley is Scott Pelley, the hospital doctor you’d least like to show up at your bedside. He might tell you you need an amputation just because he’s having a bad day.

“Who do we need for the most important anchor’s job in the world?”

“How about Pelley? He’s utterly convinced the lies we feed into the propaganda machine are the last word.. He’s sold. He couldn’t look outside the box if we drilled holes in it and let him see a mountain of gold bars and 50,000 naked bureaucrats running down Broadway at high fucking noon.”

The Big Three strut their stuff on the evening news, executing well-oiled, high-priced transitions from one completely false/basically deceptive story to another completely false/basically deceptive story.

Recall the often-quoted George Burns pearl? “In acting, sincerity is everything. If you can fake that, you’ve got it made.” But suppose the sincerity isn’t faked? Then, the schmuck becomes king.

My late friend and colleague, hypnotherapist Jack True, described the television-news audience: “Mind control is accepting what you know to be false. You do it because you think the only other alternative is a vacuum: you either buy the news or you’re left with nothing.”
