"...If You Wrong Us Shall We Not Revenge?"


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Yup, Shakespeare.

There seems to be some view on the Left that, having proven the hoax just that, now Obama, Hillary, et al, should just carry on.

No way. Either You Were Suckered….
…or you’re a corrupt lying Democrat weasel pretending to believe the Collusion Hoax.

“'Lock them up'? Trump's attention turns to his enemies list Analysis: At the president's first rally since the attorney general announced he wouldn't be prosecuted, Trump went on offense against Democrats and the media.” 'Lock them up'? Trump's attention turns to his enemies list

And here’s why Trump is correct:

The top level of the FBI was in the tank for Hillary….and if you don’t mind that….you should be ashamed of yourself.

Of course I can prove it…..from the FBI side.

1.There are rules, regulations, statutes and laws…..but Leftists don’t feel they have to follow them…..they have a higher calling.

. “…Clinton was instructed on her first day on the job that all such materials must be maintained n a government-approved and secure location. Her home was not.
Clinton didn’t just keep classified documents in an unauthorized place but she willingly gave them to people she knew did not have the security clearance to receive them, in violation of the law.”
Jarrett, "The Russia Hoax."

Bear in mind that none of the individuals Hillary used in setting up the illegal server was cleared to see classified or sensitive unclassified material. That would be Justin Cooper and Bryan Pagliano who were responsible for installation, operation, and maintenance.

“State Dept. posts Huma Abedin emails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop”
State Dept. posts Huma Abedin emails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop - CNNPolitics

2. Did you know that the FBI has rules it must follow, too…..and didn’t in the harassment of Trump and his campaign?

“The Attorney General’s Guidelines For Domestic FBI Operations,” https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/ag/legacy/2008/10/03/guidelines.pdf

First requirement is “ a particular crime or threatened crime;”(page 16), meaning that they cannot open an investigation until and unless they can identify a crime.
“… substantial factual predication is required for full investigations (page 18).

Wishing for a Hillary victory is hardly “an articulable factual basis for the investigation…” (page 22).

There must be a claim of reliable intelligence information…..enter the dossier.

Wishing and hoping are valid for the desired bicycle at Christmas, not for a coup designed to reverse the election of an American President.
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"Something wicked this way comes . . . " (Macbeth, Shakespeare)

May as well ad de facto dictatorship of partisan radical Left judges to the list of enemies of our state. Without them the radical Left's culture war would have gained little legally binding traction over the last six decades. The American People want nothing to do with such genocidal rulings as Roe v. Wade, and yet the judiciary dictatorship forces us to live with it . . . to have debates about insane, morally relativistic issues which ought never be discussed or considered. Evil gains hold when it exploits our system and is transformed from a malevolent act no one would consider as common or moral into the actual law. No one wants to break the law, right? So evil reigns legally where common sense, decency and pro-human civilization once stood tall.
"Something wicked this way comes . . . " (Macbeth, Shakespeare)

May as well ad de facto dictatorship of partisan radical Left judges to the list of enemies of our state. Without them the radical Left's culture war would have gained little legally binding traction over the last six decades. The American People want nothing to do with such genocidal rulings as Roe v. Wade, and yet the judiciary dictatorship forces us to live with it . . . to have debates about insane, morally relativistic issues which ought never be discussed or considered. Evil gains hold when it exploits our system and is transformed from a malevolent act no one would consider as common or moral into the actual law. No one wants to break the law, right? So evil reigns legally where common sense, decency and pro-human civilization once stood tall.

Interesting view.....
Have you read Talmon, who posits that we live in a pretend democracy....

1. The latest variation of totalitarianism is neither religious, nor even political: it is cultural. “Totalitarian democracy” is a term made famous by J. L. Talmon to refer to a system of government in which lawfully elected representatives maintain the integrity of a nation state whose citizens, while granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of the government.

a. Cultural totalitarianism is rule by the individual freed from all external authority or constraints, morality fully privatized with Judeo-Christian traditions under attack.

b. Moral and cultural relativism are predominant; no lifestyle is better than any other.

c. Paradoxically, relativist doctrine becomes absolutely unassailable: it brooks no challenges or deviations.
There must be a claim of reliable intelligence information…..

3. Was there such????


“No official intel used to start FBI probe into Trump campaign-Russia collusion: Rep. Nunes”

…Nunes said Sunday his review of FBI and Justice Department “electronic communication” documents shows no intelligence was used to begin the investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election.

…no intelligence that passed through the Five Eyes channels to our government. And that’s why we had to see that original communication.”

The California Republican said he is now investigating the State Department due to signs of “major irregularities,” in an effort to figure out how information about former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos – who reportedly met with a foreign policy expert and Cambridge professor with connections to the CIA and Britain’s MI6 in London in 2016 – was obtained by the FBI.” No official intel used to start FBI probe into Trump campaign-Russia collusion: Rep. Nunes

Soooo……the only reason the FBI jumped to surveillance of Trump….

“…long-time Clinton associates – including Sidney Blumenthal – were “actively” giving information to the State Department, which “was somehow making its way to the FBI.”

4. “The Attorney General’s Guidelines For Domestic FBI Operations,” https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/ag/legacy/2008/10/03/guidelines.pdf
First requirement is “ a particular crime or threatened crime;”(page 16), meaning that they cannot open an investigation until and unless they can identify a crime.
Soooo…..what is the crime that Trump et al committed, such that it allowed the FBI to begin surveillance of Americans???


Well, there was ‘collusion’….but not between Russia and Trump.

Collusion bombshell: DNC lawyers met with FBI on Russia allegations before surveillance warrant

Congressional investigators have confirmed that a top FBI official met with Democratic Party lawyers to talk about allegations of Donald Trump-Russia collusion weeks before the 2016 election, and before the bureau secured a search warrant targeting Trump’s campaign.

Former FBI general counsel James Baker met during the 2016 season with at least one attorney from Perkins Coie, the Democratic National Committee’s private law firm.

That’s the firm used by the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaign to secretly pay research firmFusion GPS and Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence operative, to compile a dossier of uncorroborated raw intelligence alleging Trump and Moscow were colluding to hijack the presidential election.”
Collusion bombshell: DNC lawyers met with FBI on Russia allegations before surveillance warrant

5. Not only is there no evidence that Russia swayed the election ….but there is clear and historic evidence that it isn’t possible.
The Soviets had reason to fear Reagan, who they believed would actually attack Russia. They perceived a need to block his election.

And they tried everything they could….and worked feverishly to defeat Reagan…..with Democrat aid, BTW.....
And they learned that no foreign government can sway our elections.

Vasili Mitrokhin worked for 30 years in the foreign intelligence archives of the KGB. In 1972 he was made responsible for moving the entire archives to new headquarters in Moscow. But Mitrokhin spent over a decade making notes and transcripts of these classified files. In 1992, British Secret Intelligence Service exfiltrated the defector, and his presence in the west remained secret until the publication of this book.

His book:
‘The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archives, the History of the KGB,” by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin.
I highly recommend it.


Mitrokhin outlines the full-court press that the Soviet power structure used to prevent a Reagan presidency….with, of course the joyful aid of such Democrat luminaries as Ted Kennedy.
“…chairman of the KGB….all foreign intelligence officers….active measures to ensure Reagan’s defeat….”
Mitrokhin, Op. Cit., p. 243

The result?

“Reagan won a forty-nine state landslide. The entire Soviet government, working hand-in-hand with [the Democrat hierarchy] and America’s most influential newspaper, couldn’t put a dent a US election…”
Coulter, “Resistance Is Futile,”p. 44-45

Only a complete imbecile would believe the Democrat fairy tale about Russia controlling our election.

Still imagine 'the Russians engineered Trump's win'????????????
"Something wicked this way comes . . . " (Macbeth, Shakespeare)

May as well ad de facto dictatorship of partisan radical Left judges to the list of enemies of our state. Without them the radical Left's culture war would have gained little legally binding traction over the last six decades. The American People want nothing to do with such genocidal rulings as Roe v. Wade, and yet the judiciary dictatorship forces us to live with it . . . to have debates about insane, morally relativistic issues which ought never be discussed or considered. Evil gains hold when it exploits our system and is transformed from a malevolent act no one would consider as common or moral into the actual law. No one wants to break the law, right? So evil reigns legally where common sense, decency and pro-human civilization once stood tall.
Genocide is not voluntary to oneself.
Almost as bad as when the bankers tried to throw out FDR with a 500,000 manned militia and set up a fascist dictatorship.
6. The very way the Trump collusion tale was released should have given it away as simply an attack on a candidate the FBI, the Deep State, abhorred.

“If police believe bank robbers were hoping for inside help on a heist, they don’t hold a press conference to smear the bank manager with their suspicions about “collusion.” They go about the quiet police work of building a conspiracy case. Unless and until they find concrete evidence and are ready to file formal charges, they keep their big mouths shut.
After all this time and effort, Democrats are unable to show that Trump and his minions did anything wrong, …

Purely for political gain, officials of the prior administration and Democrats on Capitol Hill are publicizing an investigation that should never be public. It may be called a “counterintelligence investigation,” but the objective is to undermine Trump, not Russia.

… committees of Congress should convene hearings on collusion between the Clinton Foundation and Russia, focusing especially on payments by Russian interests to Bill Clinton and to the foundation, and actions taken by then–secretary of state Hillary Clinton that benefited Russia (including approval of the sale to a Kremlin-tied energy company of major U.S. uranium assets). The committees should compare and contrast the concrete evidence of Clinton Foundation collusion with Russia versus unproved suspicions of Trump campaign collusion with Russia.” “Trump Russia Collusion” & John Brennan’s Testimony: How to Fight Politicized Narrative | National Review

And Hussein Obama was behind the lies about Trump and Russia…

7. "...the media can be equally accused of ignoring the implications of the known facts. It should be a serious concern that the Obama administration used secret counterintelligence powers to target officials in the campaign of the opposing party. That is a practice we have widely criticized in other countries from Turkey to Russia to Iran."
After year of investigation, Trump can rightly claim some vindication

Remember this revelation about the lying sack of offal????

Here is the interview with Hussein swearing….lying about….the investigation:

WALLACE: Mr. President, when you say what you’ve just said, when Josh Earnest said, as he did -- your spokesman -- in January, the information from the Justice Department is she’s not a target, some people I think are worried whether or not -- the decision whether or not, how to handle the case, will be made on political grounds, not legal grounds.

Can you guarantee to the American people, can you direct the Justice Department to say, "Hillary Clinton will be treated -- as the evidence goes, she will not be in any way protected."

OBAMA: I can guarantee that. And I can guarantee that, not because I give Attorney General Lynch a directive, that is institutionally how we have always operated.

I do not talk to the Attorney General about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line, and always have maintained it, previous president.

WALLACE: So, just to button this up --

OBAMA: I guarantee it.


OBAMA: I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department, or the FBI, not just in this case, but in any case.

WALLACE: And she will be --

OBAMA: Full stop. Period.

WALLACE: And she will be treated no different --

OBAMA: Guaranteed. Full stop. Nobody gets treated differently when it comes to the Justice Department,because nobody is above the law.

WALLACE: Even if she ends up as the Democratic nominee?

OBAMA: How many times do I have to say it, Chris? Guaranteed.

Exclusive: President Barack Obama on 'Fox News Sunday'

Lying scum....defended to this day by others of the same character.

And remember, if you like your doctor......

Now this comes to light:

"Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe
There are new texts allegedly showing that the Obama White House, the CIA, the FBI, and top Democrats colluded at the outset of the Russia probe.

...coordination between former President Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, then-Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid, and CIA Director John Brennan —which they say would “contradict” the Obama administration’s public stance about its hand in the process."

Uh Oh: New Texts Suggest Obama WH, CIA, FBI, And Harry Reid Colluded At Outset Of Russia Probe

"Clapper: Obama Ordered The Intelligence Assessment That Resulted In Mueller Investigation"

You may recall the email that Susan Rice wrote….to herself…..to cover Obama’s rear end.

“The email — which apparently memorializes a meeting with former President Obama, former FBI Director James Comey and former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates — was revealed earlier this month by Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).

The meeting touched on whether the Obama administration should withhold certain information about the FBI investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election from the Trump administration

Grassley and Graham have raised questions about why Rice would send herself "such an unusual email purporting to document a conversation involving President Obama and his interactions with the FBI regarding the Trump/Russia investigation." Susan Rice attorney denies message she sent herself on Trump's inauguration was 'unusual'

The email, by a documented liar for Obama, is an attempt to soften what Obama knew would become public knowledge: that he got his troops together to produce the Russia Spygate Fiasco.

“Collusion bombshell: DNC lawyers met with FBI on Russia allegations before surveillance warrant

Congressional investigators have confirmed that a top FBI official met with Democratic Party lawyers to talk about allegations of Donald Trump-Russia collusion weeks before the 2016 election, and before the bureau secured a search warrant targeting Trump’s campaign.

Former FBI general counsel James Baker met during the 2016 season with at least one attorney from Perkins Coie, the Democratic National Committee’s private law firm.

That’s the firm used by the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaign to secretly pay research firmFusion GPS and Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence operative, to compile a dossier of uncorroborated raw intelligence alleging Trump and Moscow were colluding to hijack the presidential election.”
Collusion bombshell: DNC lawyers met with FBI on Russia allegations before surveillance warrant

I want Obama in an orange jump suit!!!!!

"Something wicked this way comes . . . " (Macbeth, Shakespeare)

May as well ad de facto dictatorship of partisan radical Left judges to the list of enemies of our state. Without them the radical Left's culture war would have gained little legally binding traction over the last six decades. The American People want nothing to do with such genocidal rulings as Roe v. Wade, and yet the judiciary dictatorship forces us to live with it . . . to have debates about insane, morally relativistic issues which ought never be discussed or considered. Evil gains hold when it exploits our system and is transformed from a malevolent act no one would consider as common or moral into the actual law. No one wants to break the law, right? So evil reigns legally where common sense, decency and pro-human civilization once stood tall.
Genocide is not voluntary to oneself.
The advancing surveillance system will end up not being voluntary. We are monitored at more and more places in both public and private areas. Even shopping places have plain clothes people in the inside and even outside parking lots. It is so obvious and sad. Three times at the same place just on the outside parking lot a plain clothes individual walked by my vehicle looked at the license and kept walking after I loaded my groceries. While inside someone stays near you at the check out line if suspicious. You are guilty until proven innocent. People who have been caught up in this or harrassed no full well what is going on. The greatest vengeance will be those involved will have their families caught up at some point. There won't be any sympathy. Evil is here. And it is spreading as we will gladly do the things that cause it.
"Something wicked this way comes . . . " (Macbeth, Shakespeare)

May as well ad de facto dictatorship of partisan radical Left judges to the list of enemies of our state. Without them the radical Left's culture war would have gained little legally binding traction over the last six decades. The American People want nothing to do with such genocidal rulings as Roe v. Wade, and yet the judiciary dictatorship forces us to live with it . . . to have debates about insane, morally relativistic issues which ought never be discussed or considered. Evil gains hold when it exploits our system and is transformed from a malevolent act no one would consider as common or moral into the actual law. No one wants to break the law, right? So evil reigns legally where common sense, decency and pro-human civilization once stood tall.
Genocide is not voluntary to oneself.
The advancing surveillance system will end up not being voluntary. We are monitored at more and more places in both public and private areas. Even shopping places have plain clothes people in the inside and even outside parking lots. It is so obvious and sad. Three times at the same place just on the outside parking lot a plain clothes individual walked by my vehicle looked at the license and kept walking after I loaded my groceries. While inside someone stays near you at the check out line if suspicious. You are guilty until proven innocent. People who have been caught up in this or harrassed no full well what is going on. The greatest vengeance will be those involved will have their families caught up at some point. There won't be any sympathy. Evil is here. And it is spreading as we will gladly do the things that cause it.
Lol,that's a load...But there are many cell phone heros in the US.

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