If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it

If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it

That's probably true in my case. I imagine I won't stand for it --- I'll sit back with a beer and some munchies, cheering on my team like a spor
Once AGAIN --- there is no "majority" in the figure of 25%. Nor is there any "majority" in 46%.

Cannot be done.

I see the world of Fake News has branched out to Fake Math. Ah, the opaque bubble of self-delusion....

He beat Hillary. The only way to do that is to have a majority of active voters voting for him.

You STILL haven't seen the numbers?


What do you do, go :lalala: 24/7?

He got the majority in every state he won the electoral votes. Popular vote doesn't count in this country.
Oh, the national popular vote counts, just not toward the election of the president.

Oh really? What does it count for then?
When there is a large disparity between the electoral vote and popular vote, the presidents job becomes more difficult because there will be more people speaking out against him, more protests, and more attacks from media. Considering Trump's outrageous behavior, the opposition is all the greater. In states where Trump won by narrow margins, such as Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and New Hampshire, Republican congressmen in these states have to be very careful of support for Trump, least it comes back to haunt them in the next execution.
Only the White House is saying they were fired for a different reason. Lies come out of the White House 95% of the time.

Over and over the Trump/Pence duo have lied about Russia, Flynn, Comey, etc.

And NOBODY can seem to remember visits with the Russian Ambassador. It's like he's got a flashy thing like in Men in Black.

Uh, last time I checked the White House, i.e, Trump fired them. I would think that he would know why since he has stated the reasons many times in interviews and in writing.

Are you really that stupid or are you just practicing?

Trump and his admin have repeatedly been caught LYING about why people were fired.

1. Trump says/does something stupid.
2. Staff goes on cleanup and attempts to control damage
3. Trump goes on TV or Twitter and contradicts spin
4. Later contradicts contradiction

How is that lying? You have no facts, just innuendo. So how is any of that illegal?

Saying "there have been no contacts with Russia" and then finding out that there were multiple contacts with Russia. Saying that someone is fired on the recommendation of someone else, then saying it was all you then going back to your original lie that it was someone else. Saying you knew nothing of Flynn's activities with foreign governments when you were told repeatedly. These are all lies.

Trump is not acting like an innocent man.

The contacts with Russia that you talk about were normal. Sessions was answering the question in terms of his role with the campaign, which was true.

All of the other was bullshit!\, and the libs know it!

You post here contains halftruth after lies.
We KNOW you're brainwashed. That's why we need an investigation with a non New BS GOP special counsel. The lunatics, liars and dupes have taken over the GOP...
I f everyone watches Fox Rush etc and are good little fascisti...

And those that watch MSN, NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, etc. are almost as stupid as you.
Clever lol. They all suq in that they're a 24/7 punditocracy with no foreign offices to speak of, but Fox and especially Rush, Beck, Savage, the Moonie Times, Koch Heritage etc are bought off lying non-journalist propagandists/character assassinators, dupe. A disgrace. Our entire media though are bomb throwing, anything for ratings messes. But the 'librul" media are at least trying to be journalists and factual...

The liberal media is doing nothing but fueling the hate, they all want the riots and the protests and the violence and the left has delivered it to them.
Only on Fox!! You're talking about 60 anarchists and gangstas in the last year, superdupe...

Could you be just a little more delusional? The protests of these mask wearing commies that are showing up and being paid by Soros and his NGOs are nothing but cowardly snowflakes that don't want their faces recognized. They run in packs and unless the odds overwhelmingly in their favor? They don't attack....they are just a pack of cowardly dogs....nothing more or less. I don't have a TV but I have seen plenty of youtube videos of leftards behaving badly that are pissed that the Hildebeast wasn't able to steal the election. I have seen enough youtube videos of commie groups and La Raza joining in while waving their commie and Mexican flags. You are easily on the list of my top ten "Dumbest, Least Informed Posters" Hall Of Shame.

The only thing that you have going for you is your willingness to embarrass yourself in the hope that someone will take your fool-fueled rants seriously. You are a joke......an unfunny joke but a joke nonetheless.
Anarchists, dumbass, less than a 100 of them in Berkeley and Seattle. Soros my ass lol...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.
The American people won't stand for it?? Says who? You??


By a margin of 48% to 41%, more Americans want him impeached than those who don't.

Poll: 48 percent want Trump impeached

You can't fuck America like installing an bumbling buffoon like Trump and get away with it.

Why not? You did!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

By electing a president who took the unemployment down from 10% to 5%, nearly tripled the stock market, gave us national healthcare, kept this country from slipping into a depression despite Republicans best efforts.

The Barrypuppet did none of those things. Part-time work was defined as full employment....be it 1 hour a month or 29 hours a week. The work participation rate was at it's lowest rate since 1978. The ones that were no longer able to collect unemployment did not count in the stats. The stock market was artificially propped up the the foreign owned Fed bank's quantitative easing program of dumping cheap money of which was put on the tab of U.S citizens. Barrypuppetcare was a "gift"? HOLY shit, I don't even know where to start to show you what a tar baby that pork-filled, 2,700 pages of legisaltion was and how it was doomed to fail even with a three year head start on the theft of people's money via taxation, stealing money from Medi-Caid and Medi-Care and the billions stolen from the shareholders of Fannie and Freddie.

To sum it all up? You are absolutely CLUELESS.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

I knew you had no fucking clue what you were talking about. Thanks for confirming it.

That's based on the folks who are not in the labor force, not just the folks who have "dropped out" of the labor force.

You rightards are truly dumber than dirt.

Well HTF do you suppose it took such a nose dive, because people stayed in the workforce? Talk about dumber than dirt.
No, you flaming moron. The "not in labor force" is not just folks who "dropped out." It's the number of people, age 16 and over, who are not in the work force. There are roughly 4 million teenagers who turn 16 every year. Every one who either doesn't have a job, or is not actively looking for one, would be considered "not in the labor force" though they were never in the labor force to begin with. And you idiotically categorize people who were never in the labor force as those who "dropped out" of it


Must have been a hell of a lot of folks turning 16 during the Obama years.
Need me to do the math for ya?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

I knew you had no fucking clue what you were talking about. Thanks for confirming it.

That's based on the folks who are not in the labor force, not just the folks who have "dropped out" of the labor force.

You rightards are truly dumber than dirt.

Well HTF do you suppose it took such a nose dive, because people stayed in the workforce? Talk about dumber than dirt.
No, you flaming moron. The "not in labor force" is not just folks who "dropped out." It's the number of people, age 16 and over, who are not in the work force. There are roughly 4 million teenagers who turn 16 every year. Every one who either doesn't have a job, or is not actively looking for one, would be considered "not in the labor force" though they were never in the labor force to begin with. And you idiotically categorize people who were never in the labor force as those who "dropped out."


The only possible way for that number to be so low is if people gave up looking for work, or did drop out. If you tell the survey people you are out of work and looking for a job, that counts in the unemployment rate. If you tell them you are not working nor looking for a job, you dropped out of the labor participation force and are not considered unemployed. That's one of the reasons the unemployment rate dropped like it did, yet no economic activity to reflect that rate.
No it's not. You're just too retarded to comprehend there are multiple reasons for people to not be in the workforce -- one of which, includes people 16 and over who never held a job or looked for one. You know, what you idiotically refer to as "dropping out" of something they were never in.


A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.
The American people won't stand for it?? Says who? You??


By a margin of 48% to 41%, more Americans want him impeached than those who don't.

Poll: 48 percent want Trump impeached

You can't fuck America like installing an bumbling buffoon like Trump and get away with it.

Why not? You did!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

By electing a president who took the unemployment down from 10% to 5%, nearly tripled the stock market, gave us national healthcare, kept this country from slipping into a depression despite Republicans best efforts.

The Barrypuppet did none of those things. Part-time work was defined as full employment....be it 1 hour a month or 29 hours a week.
As always, dale, you prove to be too insane to bother with. Suffice it to say, part time remains up to 34 hours per week. Anything above that is full time, just as it's always been with the BLS...

Full- or part-time status
Full time is 35 hours or more per week; part time is 1 to 34 hours per week.

Labor Force Characteristics (CPS)

Go back to your conspiracies about green screens.


A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.

Most Trumpies are big cowards who now realize they screwed the pooch with their vote last Nov.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

I knew you had no fucking clue what you were talking about. Thanks for confirming it.

That's based on the folks who are not in the labor force, not just the folks who have "dropped out" of the labor force.

You rightards are truly dumber than dirt.

Well HTF do you suppose it took such a nose dive, because people stayed in the workforce? Talk about dumber than dirt.
No, you flaming moron. The "not in labor force" is not just folks who "dropped out." It's the number of people, age 16 and over, who are not in the work force. There are roughly 4 million teenagers who turn 16 every year. Every one who either doesn't have a job, or is not actively looking for one, would be considered "not in the labor force" though they were never in the labor force to begin with. And you idiotically categorize people who were never in the labor force as those who "dropped out."


The only possible way for that number to be so low is if people gave up looking for work, or did drop out. If you tell the survey people you are out of work and looking for a job, that counts in the unemployment rate. If you tell them you are not working nor looking for a job, you dropped out of the labor participation force and are not considered unemployed. That's one of the reasons the unemployment rate dropped like it did, yet no economic activity to reflect that rate.
No it's not. You're just too retarded to comprehend there are multiple reasons for people to not be in the workforce -- one of which, includes people 16 and over who never held a job or looked for one. You know, what you idiotically refer to as "dropping out" of something they were never in.


Which is irrelevant to the discussion. We were talking about the unemployment rate under DumBama. The unemployment rate is effected by the amount of people (of working age) not (or no longer) in the workforce. Instead of looking at the obvious, you create some kind of leftist wack job theory that 16 year olds simultaneously decided not to work. As the chart shows, there haven't been this many people out of the workforce since the Carter administration.

But nooooo, it can't be DumBama's fault. It must be 16 year olds decided not to work once he became President.
There is no evidence that anything that took place had an impact on the election. What had an impact on the election was Hillary's drunkenness that prohibited her from campaigning and making stops, the border, and her Deplorable remark. Bet you can't find one person who voted that knew what was in those emails, and even if you could, find one that said it changed their mind to vote for Trump instead of Hillary.

It's all made up. There is nothing there. Can you tell me why they locked up Rich's computer? Can you tell me why they stopped investigating the murder? Can you tell me why he was killed and nothing was stolen from him? Just a coincidence?

That's what they should be investigating.

You miss the point

Was there collusion?
if there was....it is treason

Do you agree?
If Trump traded concessions in return for help winning an election?

You don't investigate something based on what people make up in their heads. You investigate when there is some kind of evidence that something was done illegally. There is nothing.....not even a smidgen of evidence that Trump had anything to do with the Russians.

That would be similar if you lived down the street from me, and I went to the police and said I think you're a murderer. No body, no evidence, no names, just I decided that you were. Do you think the police department would send their detectives out to investigate you based on something I made up in my head?
True, but that evidence may not be known to the public. It is not uncommon for the FBI to conduct investigations without any public knowledge of any evidence of a crime. In the files on the fourth floor of the J. Edgar Hoover Building, there are records of thousands of investigation carried out in secret by the FBI. Usually if there is insufficient evidence to prosecute after the investigation completes, the bureau will close the investigation with no report to the public. Only in high profile cases, such as the Clinton email investigation does the FBI make a report public.

In high profile investigations such the Russian interference in the election and the Clinton email investigation, there are always leaks creating a media frenzy. Congressional investigations put pressure on the FBI to release information before the investigation is complete which feeds the media frenzy and produces more leaks with both real and false information.

The closest thing we will get to an accurate picture of Russian inference in the election and any Trump campaign involvement will come from the final report of FBI investigation which has now morphed into the investigation by the Special Council. One thing we can count on is that report will not please either side just as the report of the Clinton email investigation brought condemnation from both the right and left.
So if the investigation turns up nothing, I bet we see the left to continue with the accusations and treat it as if Trump is guilty and then we will see them dig up the next issue. It won't end for four to eight years. Just like what the Republicans did to Obama.

All BS, both sides participate and both claim "only the other side" does it.

It is a big joke!
And if the investigation turns up involvement by the Trump or his associates, the right will continue to see Trump as an innocent victim, politics as usually.

No kidding, there is no objectivity on either side.
There is no evidence that anything that took place had an impact on the election. What had an impact on the election was Hillary's drunkenness that prohibited her from campaigning and making stops, the border, and her Deplorable remark. Bet you can't find one person who voted that knew what was in those emails, and even if you could, find one that said it changed their mind to vote for Trump instead of Hillary.

It's all made up. There is nothing there. Can you tell me why they locked up Rich's computer? Can you tell me why they stopped investigating the murder? Can you tell me why he was killed and nothing was stolen from him? Just a coincidence?

That's what they should be investigating.

You miss the point

Was there collusion?
if there was....it is treason

Do you agree?
If Trump traded concessions in return for help winning an election?

You don't investigate something based on what people make up in their heads. You investigate when there is some kind of evidence that something was done illegally. There is nothing.....not even a smidgen of evidence that Trump had anything to do with the Russians.

That would be similar if you lived down the street from me, and I went to the police and said I think you're a murderer. No body, no evidence, no names, just I decided that you were. Do you think the police department would send their detectives out to investigate you based on something I made up in my head?
True, but that evidence may not be known to the public. It is not uncommon for the FBI to conduct investigations without any public knowledge of any evidence of a crime. In the files on the fourth floor of the J. Edgar Hoover Building, there are records of thousands of investigation carried out in secret by the FBI. Usually if there is insufficient evidence to prosecute after the investigation completes, the bureau will close the investigation with no report to the public. Only in high profile cases, such as the Clinton email investigation does the FBI make a report public.

In high profile investigations such the Russian interference in the election and the Clinton email investigation, there are always leaks creating a media frenzy. Congressional investigations put pressure on the FBI to release information before the investigation is complete which feeds the media frenzy and produces more leaks with both real and false information.

The closest thing we will get to an accurate picture of Russian inference in the election and any Trump campaign involvement will come from the final report of FBI investigation which has now morphed into the investigation by the Special Council. One thing we can count on is that report will not please either side just as the report of the Clinton email investigation brought condemnation from both the right and left.
So if the investigation turns up nothing, I bet we see the left to continue with the accusations and treat it as if Trump is guilty and then we will see them dig up the next issue. It won't end for four to eight years. Just like what the Republicans did to Obama.

All BS, both sides participate and both claim "only the other side" does it.

It is a big joke!
So when did the GOP get hacked and when did Dems fire the FBI head, and when did Dems project an imaginary world where say, the rich pay too much in taxes, "Dem laws" from years ago caused a "mild recession", corrupt Hillary and Foundation, gay Muslim Barry had 2 years of control and caused inequality lol, ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo:

You are another partisan hack, anything you post is BS, thanks for proving you are just a mindless tool of the Democrats.
And those that watch MSN, NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, etc. are almost as stupid as you.
Clever lol. They all suq in that they're a 24/7 punditocracy with no foreign offices to speak of, but Fox and especially Rush, Beck, Savage, the Moonie Times, Koch Heritage etc are bought off lying non-journalist propagandists/character assassinators, dupe. A disgrace. Our entire media though are bomb throwing, anything for ratings messes. But the 'librul" media are at least trying to be journalists and factual...

The liberal media is doing nothing but fueling the hate, they all want the riots and the protests and the violence and the left has delivered it to them.
Only on Fox!! You're talking about 60 anarchists and gangstas in the last year, superdupe...

Could you be just a little more delusional? The protests of these mask wearing commies that are showing up and being paid by Soros and his NGOs are nothing but cowardly snowflakes that don't want their faces recognized. They run in packs and unless the odds overwhelmingly in their favor? They don't attack....they are just a pack of cowardly dogs....nothing more or less. I don't have a TV but I have seen plenty of youtube videos of leftards behaving badly that are pissed that the Hildebeast wasn't able to steal the election. I have seen enough youtube videos of commie groups and La Raza joining in while waving their commie and Mexican flags. You are easily on the list of my top ten "Dumbest, Least Informed Posters" Hall Of Shame.

The only thing that you have going for you is your willingness to embarrass yourself in the hope that someone will take your fool-fueled rants seriously. You are a joke......an unfunny joke but a joke nonetheless.
Anarchists, dumbass, less than a 100 of them in Berkeley and Seattle. Soros my ass lol...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

More of your partisan BS, those riots were not anarchists, they were paid mobs that Obama did nothing to stop. Pretty sad the left resorts to such Neanderthal tactics.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

I knew you had no fucking clue what you were talking about. Thanks for confirming it.

That's based on the folks who are not in the labor force, not just the folks who have "dropped out" of the labor force.

You rightards are truly dumber than dirt.

Well HTF do you suppose it took such a nose dive, because people stayed in the workforce? Talk about dumber than dirt.
No, you flaming moron. The "not in labor force" is not just folks who "dropped out." It's the number of people, age 16 and over, who are not in the work force. There are roughly 4 million teenagers who turn 16 every year. Every one who either doesn't have a job, or is not actively looking for one, would be considered "not in the labor force" though they were never in the labor force to begin with. And you idiotically categorize people who were never in the labor force as those who "dropped out."


The only possible way for that number to be so low is if people gave up looking for work, or did drop out. If you tell the survey people you are out of work and looking for a job, that counts in the unemployment rate. If you tell them you are not working nor looking for a job, you dropped out of the labor participation force and are not considered unemployed. That's one of the reasons the unemployment rate dropped like it did, yet no economic activity to reflect that rate.
No it's not. You're just too retarded to comprehend there are multiple reasons for people to not be in the workforce -- one of which, includes people 16 and over who never held a job or looked for one. You know, what you idiotically refer to as "dropping out" of something they were never in.


Which is irrelevant to the discussion. We were talking about the unemployment rate under DumBama. The unemployment rate is effected by the amount of people (of working age) not (or no longer) in the workforce. Instead of looking at the obvious, you create some kind of leftist wack job theory that 16 year olds simultaneously decided not to work. As the chart shows, there haven't been this many people out of the workforce since the Carter administration.

But nooooo, it can't be DumBama's fault. It must be 16 year olds decided not to work once he became President.
Are you complaining about the 95 million who are not in the workforce under today's Republicans?

Why aren't they doing anything about it?

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.
The American people won't stand for it?? Says who? You??


By a margin of 48% to 41%, more Americans want him impeached than those who don't.

Poll: 48 percent want Trump impeached

You can't fuck America like installing an bumbling buffoon like Trump and get away with it.

Why not? You did!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

By electing a president who took the unemployment down from 10% to 5%, nearly tripled the stock market, gave us national healthcare, kept this country from slipping into a depression despite Republicans best efforts.

The Barrypuppet did none of those things. Part-time work was defined as full employment....be it 1 hour a month or 29 hours a week.
As always, dale, you prove to be too insane to bother with. Suffice it to say, part time remains up to 34 hours per week. Anything above that is full time, just as it's always been with the BLS...

Full- or part-time status
Full time is 35 hours or more per week; part time is 1 to 34 hours per week.

Labor Force Characteristics (CPS)

Go back to your conspiracies about green screens.


The Big Lie: 5.6% Unemployment
If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it

That's probably true in my case. I imagine I won't stand for it --- I'll sit back with a beer and some munchies, cheering on my team like a spor
He beat Hillary. The only way to do that is to have a majority of active voters voting for him.

You STILL haven't seen the numbers?


What do you do, go :lalala: 24/7?

He got the majority in every state he won the electoral votes. Popular vote doesn't count in this country.
Oh, the national popular vote counts, just not toward the election of the president.

Oh really? What does it count for then?
When there is a large disparity between the electoral vote and popular vote, the presidents job becomes more difficult because there will be more people speaking out against him, more protests, and more attacks from media. Considering Trump's outrageous behavior, the opposition is all the greater. In states where Trump won by narrow margins, such as Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and New Hampshire, Republican congressmen in these states have to be very careful of support for Trump, least it comes back to haunt them in the next execution.

I don't know where you've been living, but in the US, the media is always against a Republican President. Last measured, the media is reporting negative stories on Trump in the 90% range. Troublemakers will protest whether they are in the majority or in the 20% bracket of people against who they are protesting. They don't care, as long as they can start trouble.

So the popular vote means very little. As for representatives, they have to be careful both ways. Like the last election, Trump supporters are not as overt as liberals. They only get riled up on voting day. The RNC learned this the hard way. They've been yanking our chain for years now telling us if we give them the ability, they will carry out our wishes. When we do give them that ability, they give us excuses instead of action. So all 15 other candidates were rejected and we nominated Donald Trump because we got sick of the status quo.
Well HTF do you suppose it took such a nose dive, because people stayed in the workforce? Talk about dumber than dirt.
No, you flaming moron. The "not in labor force" is not just folks who "dropped out." It's the number of people, age 16 and over, who are not in the work force. There are roughly 4 million teenagers who turn 16 every year. Every one who either doesn't have a job, or is not actively looking for one, would be considered "not in the labor force" though they were never in the labor force to begin with. And you idiotically categorize people who were never in the labor force as those who "dropped out."


The only possible way for that number to be so low is if people gave up looking for work, or did drop out. If you tell the survey people you are out of work and looking for a job, that counts in the unemployment rate. If you tell them you are not working nor looking for a job, you dropped out of the labor participation force and are not considered unemployed. That's one of the reasons the unemployment rate dropped like it did, yet no economic activity to reflect that rate.
No it's not. You're just too retarded to comprehend there are multiple reasons for people to not be in the workforce -- one of which, includes people 16 and over who never held a job or looked for one. You know, what you idiotically refer to as "dropping out" of something they were never in.


Which is irrelevant to the discussion. We were talking about the unemployment rate under DumBama. The unemployment rate is effected by the amount of people (of working age) not (or no longer) in the workforce. Instead of looking at the obvious, you create some kind of leftist wack job theory that 16 year olds simultaneously decided not to work. As the chart shows, there haven't been this many people out of the workforce since the Carter administration.

But nooooo, it can't be DumBama's fault. It must be 16 year olds decided not to work once he became President.
Are you complaining about the 95 million who are not in the workforce under today's Republicans?

Why aren't they doing anything about it?

Trump is trying to do something about it. In 2014, it was estimated that all new jobs created during DumBama's time equaled the amount of illegals that entered this country. Stopping that will be a big help.

Lower taxes means more business will stay here, and quite possibly bring some back. So jobs are part of the answer, the other part is getting all these people off of social programs so they have to go work.

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.

Most Trumpies are big cowards who now realize they screwed the pooch with their vote last Nov.

Really? How was Trump a bad choice and why would the Hildebeast have been any better?


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