Former CIA Director Brennan supports Trump - sorta


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
I think this is all true, we gotta find out who's leaking stuff and put an end to it. Plus it appears that Trump might have been right about sharing data with the Russians but wrong in how he did it. I couldn't say whether the media leaked even more sensitive info than Trump himself did, but from what I understand neither Trump nor the press leaked data about sources and methods. Don't know that for sure though.

" Brennan said Trump made a “serious mistake” when he reportedly shared sensitive intelligence with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, in an Oval Office meeting in early May. But this mistake wasn’t sharing intelligence; it was violating the protocol for doing so. “I shared intelligence with the Russians when I was the director of the CIA,” Brennan said. “But you share that through intelligence channels, and you make sure you word it in such as way as to not reveal sources and methods. President Trump didn’t do that.”

Brennan said the press coverage of Trump’s impromptu intelligence reveal was “hyperbolic” and possibly more damaging than anything Trump revealed. “The damage that was done is what was leaked in the aftermath, what was put in the media. The real damage to national security is the leaks.” He suggested, without saying so explicitly, that news accounts revealed more sensitive information than Trump did.

“The real damage to national security is the leaks,” Brennan said. “These individuals who still stay within the government and are leaking this stuff to the press need to be brought to task.”

Former CIA Director John Brennan sticks up for Trump

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