If You Own A Phone


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
IPhone or Android......You will be fed leftist 'news' 24 / 7. The leftist indoctrination is on-going. Don't fall for it. Watch FOX News (mostly left but good op eds), OAN, The Right Scoop, PJ Media, etc. Don't let them tell you what to access and what to think.
IPhone or Android......You will be fed leftist 'news' 24 / 7. The leftist indoctrination is on-going. Don't fall for it. Watch FOX News (mostly left but good op eds), OAN, The Right Scoop, PJ Media, etc. Don't let them tell you what to access and what to think.
The self awareness is staggering in this one...not to mention his phone illiteracy.
IPhone or Android......You will be fed leftist 'news' 24 / 7. The leftist indoctrination is on-going. Don't fall for it. Watch FOX News (mostly left but good op eds), OAN, The Right Scoop, PJ Media, etc. Don't let them tell you what to access and what to think.

Conservatives are far more likely to know when someone is lying to them. Liberals on the other hand, are like mushrooms.
IPhone or Android......You will be fed leftist 'news' 24 / 7. The leftist indoctrination is on-going. Don't fall for it. Watch FOX News (mostly left but good op eds), OAN, The Right Scoop, PJ Media, etc. Don't let them tell you what to access and what to think.
I don't and won't own one, I know how to get places without GPS.
Yep. The smart left elitists are spending all our time trying to control right wing Bubbas. Oh wait… it’s the right wing controlling Bubba. You’re looking the wrong way. The right is pointing at your left and picking your pocket from the right.
Yep. The smart left elitists are spending all our time trying to control right wing Bubbas. Oh wait… it’s the right wing controlling Bubba. You’re looking the wrong way. The right is pointing at your left and picking your pocket from the right.

You’re the one being controlled.

Ready for your booster shot yet?
IPhone or Android......You will be fed leftist 'news' 24 / 7. The leftist indoctrination is on-going. Don't fall for it. Watch FOX News (mostly left but good op eds), OAN, The Right Scoop, PJ Media, etc. Don't let them tell you what to access and what to think.
LMAO @ fox news being "mostly left".

tenor (6).gif
I've got most all spam numbers blocked. Most numbers in my contact list are the only ones to get thru........unless its a brand new number that has never come thru before.

And if need be, it's easy enough to block text numbers and email addresses too.

I use my phone for basic needs. I don't live my life thru my phone.

My phone is a tool that *I* use........I am not my phones tool!!!
I've got most all spam numbers blocked. Most numbers in my contact list are the only ones to get thru........unless its a brand new number that has never come thru before.

And if need be, it's easy enough to block text numbers and email addresses too.

I use my phone for basic needs. I don't live my life thru my phone.

My phone is a tool that *I* use........I am not my phones tool!!!
I had to laugh. An acquaintance was super dependent on hers. I moved about 65 miles away, and after about 8 or 10 trips to see me, she still couldn't find my home without GPS. If this technology fails, imagine how the zombies will react!
IPhone or Android......You will be fed leftist 'news' 24 / 7. The leftist indoctrination is on-going. Don't fall for it. Watch FOX News (mostly left but good op eds), OAN, The Right Scoop, PJ Media, etc. Don't let them tell you what to access and what to think.
I use my phone for phone calls, texts, photos, Waze and, occasionally, looking up something on the web.

I never read the news on my phone...
IPhone or Android......You will be fed leftist 'news' 24 / 7. The leftist indoctrination is on-going. Don't fall for it. Watch FOX News (mostly left but good op eds), OAN, The Right Scoop, PJ Media, etc. Don't let them tell you what to access and what to think.
You speak lies!

My phone knows and and speaks only the truth!

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You’re the one being controlled.

Ready for your booster shot yet?
You’re a moron. You get your Hepatitis shot in your first 12 hours of life?

You’re being handled by the right wing. They have you wrapped around their finger. You’re focused on culture shit and defying science while they get you to support tax breaks and corporate welfare for the wealthy. It’s like you have no idea.
IPhone or Android......You will be fed leftist 'news' 24 / 7. The leftist indoctrination is on-going. Don't fall for it. Watch FOX News (mostly left but good op eds), OAN, The Right Scoop, PJ Media, etc. Don't let them tell you what to access and what to think.

Welll, duh!

Propaganda 24/7
Yep. The smart left elitists are spending all our time trying to control right wing Bubbas. Oh wait… it’s the right wing controlling Bubba. You’re looking the wrong way. The right is pointing at your left and picking your pocket from the right.
No, the Democrat-left-elitists own the MSM and they are using it to keep people like you un-informed and stupid so you vote for their Marxist policies. The only ones picking Americans pockets are the Democrats with their progressive, tax and spend policies that they sell to sheeple like you.
No, the Democrat-left-elitists own the MSM and they are using it to keep people like you un-informed and stupid so you vote for their Marxist policies. The only ones picking Americans pockets are the Democrats with their progressive, tax and spend policies that they sell to sheeple like you.
First you couldnt define Marxist with a dictionary. Second, you are likely well under the $400k tax threshold that would be affected. I’m well over. Why do you care about a slightly bigger tax burden for me? Did you know I defer 1/3 of my income every year that I’ll recognize eventually when I retire at a much lower tax rate? Who is the sheeple? You supporting me is the sheep. Say “bah” bitch.
First you couldnt define Marxist with a dictionary. Second, you are likely well under the $400k tax threshold that would be affected. I’m well over. Why do you care about a slightly bigger tax burden for me? Did you know I defer 1/3 of my income every year that I’ll recognize eventually when I retire at a much lower tax rate? Who is the sheeple? You supporting me is the sheep. Say “bah” bitch.
Marxists are collectivists and always thrive on the misery of others. The Democrat Party has been infiltrated by them. They create misery then blame that misery that they created on the "rich" or the "right" or "racists" or.....you name it....

I care that you should not suffer excessive taxation. Did you forget about King George? Over taxation causes a rise in prices and eventually inflation on EVERYONE in a FREE economy not controlled by Marxist manipulators who have already gained a foothold into your economic system.

Your deferments are nothing more than central government give-aways that you support with your Marxist philosophy. In a FREE economy, you would not have to defer income or be punished for making 400K.
IPhone or Android......You will be fed leftist 'news' 24 / 7. The leftist indoctrination is on-going. Don't fall for it. Watch FOX News (mostly left but good op eds), OAN, The Right Scoop, PJ Media, etc. Don't let them tell you what to access and what to think.
Only if you download the app or alerts.
IPhone or Android......You will be fed leftist 'news' 24 / 7. The leftist indoctrination is on-going. Don't fall for it. Watch FOX News (mostly left but good op eds), OAN, The Right Scoop, PJ Media, etc. Don't let them tell you what to access and what to think.
I'm supposed to let you tell me what to access and what to think? Riiiiiiight.....
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