If You Live in a Major US City, It’s Probably Time to Move


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

If You Live in a Major US City, It’s Probably Time to Move

20 May 2023 ~~ By Dr.. Joseph Mercola

Although this may seem to be an article focusing on Chicago, please realize Chicago is only being used as an example of the moral decay and corruption in virtually every major city in the United States. It serves as a stark warning to relocate if you are in one of these areas.
As noted by ReallyGraceful in the video above, Chicago, Illinois, ought to be “a haven of the United States.” The third largest city in the U.S., it’s filled with world-class architecture and technological advancements. It’s a center for manufacturing and transportation industries and has become a tech sector mecca.1
But rather than being the apple of America’s eye, Chicago has become known as “a center for murder, crime and corruption.” A person is shot every three hours and 41 minutes in “The Windy City.” This despite having some of the toughest gun control laws in the country.
Someone is murdered every 15 hours and 54 minutes in Chicago. According to statistics cited in the video, you’re more likely to be murdered in Chicago than die as a civilian in the Ukraine-Russia war. The violence in Chicago is primarily Black on Black, and most victims are Black men under the age of 25. How did this happen? How did Chicago become a center for crime rather than advancement?
Why are political leaders implementing policies that, obviously, will result in more rather than less crime? They’re intentionally implemented because the end result is a desired one. Chicago is not alone in this folly. Seattle, Los Angeles and many other Democrat-run cities have implemented similar policies, and the end result is the same everywhere.
We have the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) well-laid plans for the cities of the future.6,7 They want tiny self-contained vertical cities where your every move is surveilled and countryside excursions are forbidden. To get there, they must destroy the old infrastructure and rebuild according to new specifications.

Coordinated Effort to Unleash Lawlessness Across America

The key takeaway here is that the promotion of lawlessness is not restricted to Chicago. Chicago is just one example of the moral degradation that is happening in virtually every major U.S. city.
Violent criminals are released from prisons in many major cities and state prosecutors are either handing out slaps on the wrist or refusing to prosecute violent offenders altogether. That’s intentional. You don’t have to have some special Ph.D. to realize that if there’s no punishment for looting and murder, more people will loot and kill.
According to FBI data, on average, murder and manslaughter in U.S. cities with a population over 10,000 increased 26% between 2010 and 2020; rape increased by 38%, aggravated assault by 29% and car theft by 48%.
Those are averages. Some cities are far worse than others.10 To dig deeper, see CBS News’ “Murder Map,”11 the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s “Homicide Mortality by State” map,12 and/or World Population Review’s “Cities with the Most Murders 2023” map.13 It’s worth noting that 18 of the 20 cities with the highest murder rates have Democrat mayors.

Save Yourself — Move Out of the Cities

My advice? If you live in a big city — any major metropolitan area — consider moving to a smaller one, preferably in a less “woke” state where lawlessness is not openly embraced and accepted as some form of “equity” arrangement.
Your and your family’s safety, security and long-term welfare may depend on it, because it’s only going to get worse from here. We can easily predict this because the degradation we’re currently seeing is clearly intentional.

It appears many are taking the advice of Dr. Mercola and those who are not part of the crime and corruption that is destroying this nation's large cities are packing up to move. By the time the new Chicago mayor's and New York city implement their tax plans, there may not be many people remaining in that city to tax.
An excerpt from this excellent but depressing article...if I am not mistaken, all these cities are run by Democrats and have Democrats as mayors.
Things have changed in America, we now seem to be like pre-war Bosnia, with people taking sides and arming up.
And we can thank Maoist/DSA Democrats and our quisling media for that.
It must be understood that when the Culture Wars get hot and we enter into another Civil War, it won’t be between the states.
It’ll be between the urban cities and the rural flyover country areas.
When the cities are held under siege and unable to import/export fundamental goods and services, they will crumble and self-destruct in a matter of months.
Maoist/DSA Democrat-controlled States and cities are all suffering from bad financial decisions of the past and increased crime. Their solutions are added to those budget woes and implementation of policies that only serve to increase crime.
Pretty much every large city has been ruined by crime. Large cities obviously, are the heart of every state's government handouts. They attract all the problem people, and they teach people all the wrong things IMO. This is where you will be finding the vast majority of Biden's border invasion people. In not too many years, English will be a second language in these places. Sad to see what we've sat back and allowed to happen to America. It just makes me sick at my stomach.
Pretty much every large city has been ruined by crime. Large cities obviously, are the heart of every state's government handouts. They attract all the problem people, and they teach people all the wrong things IMO. This is where you will be finding the vast majority of Biden's border invasion people. In not too many years, English will be a second language in these places. Sad to see what we've sat back and allowed to happen to America. It just makes me sick at my stomach.
Occupy Main Street

Pol Pot had the right solution under the wrong perspective. We can evacuate the cities of the uncivilized creatures who don't belong in what White people built. These cities were once the high point and center of civilization.

During the Dark Ages of anarchy and mass murder, Rome's population dwindled from one million down to twenty thousand. Now the jealous unfit destroyers have occupied what they used to destroy and depopulate, before moving on to the next target.

The working class used to thrive and move up in class within the cities, not move out. Their self-appointed rulers are the ones behind this White Replacement strategy. Tyranny is threatened by the prosperity of the only freedom-loving race.

If You Live in a Major US City, It’s Probably Time to Move

20 May 2023 ~~ By Dr.. Joseph Mercola

Although this may seem to be an article focusing on Chicago, please realize Chicago is only being used as an example of the moral decay and corruption in virtually every major city in the United States. It serves as a stark warning to relocate if you are in one of these areas.
As noted by ReallyGraceful in the video above, Chicago, Illinois, ought to be “a haven of the United States.” The third largest city in the U.S., it’s filled with world-class architecture and technological advancements. It’s a center for manufacturing and transportation industries and has become a tech sector mecca.1
But rather than being the apple of America’s eye, Chicago has become known as “a center for murder, crime and corruption.” A person is shot every three hours and 41 minutes in “The Windy City.” This despite having some of the toughest gun control laws in the country.
Someone is murdered every 15 hours and 54 minutes in Chicago. According to statistics cited in the video, you’re more likely to be murdered in Chicago than die as a civilian in the Ukraine-Russia war. The violence in Chicago is primarily Black on Black, and most victims are Black men under the age of 25. How did this happen? How did Chicago become a center for crime rather than advancement?
Why are political leaders implementing policies that, obviously, will result in more rather than less crime? They’re intentionally implemented because the end result is a desired one. Chicago is not alone in this folly. Seattle, Los Angeles and many other Democrat-run cities have implemented similar policies, and the end result is the same everywhere.
We have the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) well-laid plans for the cities of the future.6,7 They want tiny self-contained vertical cities where your every move is surveilled and countryside excursions are forbidden. To get there, they must destroy the old infrastructure and rebuild according to new specifications.

Coordinated Effort to Unleash Lawlessness Across America

The key takeaway here is that the promotion of lawlessness is not restricted to Chicago. Chicago is just one example of the moral degradation that is happening in virtually every major U.S. city.
Violent criminals are released from prisons in many major cities and state prosecutors are either handing out slaps on the wrist or refusing to prosecute violent offenders altogether. That’s intentional. You don’t have to have some special Ph.D. to realize that if there’s no punishment for looting and murder, more people will loot and kill.
According to FBI data, on average, murder and manslaughter in U.S. cities with a population over 10,000 increased 26% between 2010 and 2020; rape increased by 38%, aggravated assault by 29% and car theft by 48%.
Those are averages. Some cities are far worse than others.10 To dig deeper, see CBS News’ “Murder Map,”11 the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s “Homicide Mortality by State” map,12 and/or World Population Review’s “Cities with the Most Murders 2023” map.13 It’s worth noting that 18 of the 20 cities with the highest murder rates have Democrat mayors.

Save Yourself — Move Out of the Cities

My advice? If you live in a big city — any major metropolitan area — consider moving to a smaller one, preferably in a less “woke” state where lawlessness is not openly embraced and accepted as some form of “equity” arrangement.
Your and your family’s safety, security and long-term welfare may depend on it, because it’s only going to get worse from here. We can easily predict this because the degradation we’re currently seeing is clearly intentional.

It appears many are taking the advice of Dr. Mercola and those who are not part of the crime and corruption that is destroying this nation's large cities are packing up to move. By the time the new Chicago mayor's and New York city implement their tax plans, there may not be many people remaining in that city to tax.
An excerpt from this excellent but depressing article...if I am not mistaken, all these cities are run by Democrats and have Democrats as mayors.
Things have changed in America, we now seem to be like pre-war Bosnia, with people taking sides and arming up.
And we can thank Maoist/DSA Democrats and our quisling media for that.
It must be understood that when the Culture Wars get hot and we enter into another Civil War, it won’t be between the states.
It’ll be between the urban cities and the rural flyover country areas.
When the cities are held under siege and unable to import/export fundamental goods and services, they will crumble and self-destruct in a matter of months.
Maoist/DSA Democrat-controlled States and cities are all suffering from bad financial decisions of the past and increased crime. Their solutions are added to those budget woes and implementation of policies that only serve to increase crime.
The Democrats have fucked up the once great American cities. Just like they fuck up everything.

If You Live in a Major US City, It’s Probably Time to Move

20 May 2023 ~~ By Dr.. Joseph Mercola

Although this may seem to be an article focusing on Chicago, please realize Chicago is only being used as an example of the moral decay and corruption in virtually every major city in the United States. It serves as a stark warning to relocate if you are in one of these areas.
As noted by ReallyGraceful in the video above, Chicago, Illinois, ought to be “a haven of the United States.” The third largest city in the U.S., it’s filled with world-class architecture and technological advancements. It’s a center for manufacturing and transportation industries and has become a tech sector mecca.1
But rather than being the apple of America’s eye, Chicago has become known as “a center for murder, crime and corruption.” A person is shot every three hours and 41 minutes in “The Windy City.” This despite having some of the toughest gun control laws in the country.
Someone is murdered every 15 hours and 54 minutes in Chicago. According to statistics cited in the video, you’re more likely to be murdered in Chicago than die as a civilian in the Ukraine-Russia war. The violence in Chicago is primarily Black on Black, and most victims are Black men under the age of 25. How did this happen? How did Chicago become a center for crime rather than advancement?
Why are political leaders implementing policies that, obviously, will result in more rather than less crime? They’re intentionally implemented because the end result is a desired one. Chicago is not alone in this folly. Seattle, Los Angeles and many other Democrat-run cities have implemented similar policies, and the end result is the same everywhere.
We have the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) well-laid plans for the cities of the future.6,7 They want tiny self-contained vertical cities where your every move is surveilled and countryside excursions are forbidden. To get there, they must destroy the old infrastructure and rebuild according to new specifications.

Coordinated Effort to Unleash Lawlessness Across America

The key takeaway here is that the promotion of lawlessness is not restricted to Chicago. Chicago is just one example of the moral degradation that is happening in virtually every major U.S. city.
Violent criminals are released from prisons in many major cities and state prosecutors are either handing out slaps on the wrist or refusing to prosecute violent offenders altogether. That’s intentional. You don’t have to have some special Ph.D. to realize that if there’s no punishment for looting and murder, more people will loot and kill.
According to FBI data, on average, murder and manslaughter in U.S. cities with a population over 10,000 increased 26% between 2010 and 2020; rape increased by 38%, aggravated assault by 29% and car theft by 48%.
Those are averages. Some cities are far worse than others.10 To dig deeper, see CBS News’ “Murder Map,”11 the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s “Homicide Mortality by State” map,12 and/or World Population Review’s “Cities with the Most Murders 2023” map.13 It’s worth noting that 18 of the 20 cities with the highest murder rates have Democrat mayors.

Save Yourself — Move Out of the Cities

My advice? If you live in a big city — any major metropolitan area — consider moving to a smaller one, preferably in a less “woke” state where lawlessness is not openly embraced and accepted as some form of “equity” arrangement.
Your and your family’s safety, security and long-term welfare may depend on it, because it’s only going to get worse from here. We can easily predict this because the degradation we’re currently seeing is clearly intentional.

It appears many are taking the advice of Dr. Mercola and those who are not part of the crime and corruption that is destroying this nation's large cities are packing up to move. By the time the new Chicago mayor's and New York city implement their tax plans, there may not be many people remaining in that city to tax.
An excerpt from this excellent but depressing article...if I am not mistaken, all these cities are run by Democrats and have Democrats as mayors.
Things have changed in America, we now seem to be like pre-war Bosnia, with people taking sides and arming up.
And we can thank Maoist/DSA Democrats and our quisling media for that.
It must be understood that when the Culture Wars get hot and we enter into another Civil War, it won’t be between the states.
It’ll be between the urban cities and the rural flyover country areas.
When the cities are held under siege and unable to import/export fundamental goods and services, they will crumble and self-destruct in a matter of months.
Maoist/DSA Democrat-controlled States and cities are all suffering from bad financial decisions of the past and increased crime. Their solutions are added to those budget woes and implementation of policies that only serve to increase crime.

maga eye.jpg

Dems...if you move...move to another dem city. For your safety. Same with reps. Reps move to rep country. No one does anything now, but in a world without the rule of law, things will change drastically for you. Reparations equity and justice type of thing. It will be reps taking out dems and dems taking out reps. Stick with your own tribe. No use making things worse for you. Self-balkanize for political safety.

If you live in a city with over 375 k Populace you WILL have to defend your life & Property ( Especially if you live within 50 Miles of a city with 1million + populace )
Personally, I moved from NYC over twenty years ago. The crime rate was bad enough then.
In the late 60s I saw block busting in Brooklyn and the borough burning and I moved to Queens, less than 15 years later I saw the same thing happening in Queens. Each time I've moved it seemed I couldn't get away from it.
Four years ago, I moved to the South well away from a large city. Peace and safety for a while until some yahoo decides to violate it. I live in and open carry state and people around here are implementing their right to be openly armed.
If you live in a city with over 375 k Populace you WILL have to defend your life & Property ( Especially if you live within 50 Miles of a city with 1million + populace )

Yep. I'm, 70 minutes from one dem shit hole and 2 hours from another one. BUT...it may go beyond that. I live semi-rural. Werewolf preppers are one of my biggest concerns. Around me my neighbors are a few older families. No problems or worries about them. But...they may die off, and their freaky kids / relatives would come in to take their homes and could be after me as soon as I poke my head outside.

The houses we live in are not conducive to defense. They could set up people surrounding the house to take the person out as soon as they show themselves to defend their home.

It may or may not be that bad. But do the Ukrainians talk much about werewolf preppers other than invading Russians? America is a totally different Magilla. We are a violent country and werewolf preppers and zombies are a real threat.

Oh...you don't believe in zombies? Remember Summer of Love 2020? Remember the hordes of zombies rioting, burning down the cities, pulling people out of their cars and shutting down the freeways?

rioters on freeway July 2020 SS.jpg

Right now, we are in a Mad Max world. In a collapse / implosion we will be in a Book of Eli world. In America our biggest enemy will be other Americans. Be it dems that want to implode America to the scum on either political spectrum that wants to kill and steal from others to survive.

If you saw a group of marauders suddenly take over one of your neighbor's homes, then another. Will you go to war with them on sight? Or will you wait to have your house come up next on their hit list to raid?

That is what it could be like. You could wake up one morning and suddenly find you have new neighbors. You go to introduce yourself to them and that is it for you. Americans are not set up for that type of life, at least not law-abiding Americans.

Was it like that in the depression?

Wild West? (Well, maybe with Indians.)

Sodbuster days?

Back then people were used to living rough and surviving without killing all their neighbors to steal their food.

fascist nazi.jpg

If You Live in a Major US City, It’s Probably Time to Move

20 May 2023 ~~ By Dr.. Joseph Mercola

Although this may seem to be an article focusing on Chicago, please realize Chicago is only being used as an example of the moral decay and corruption in virtually every major city in the United States. It serves as a stark warning to relocate if you are in one of these areas.
As noted by ReallyGraceful in the video above, Chicago, Illinois, ought to be “a haven of the United States.” The third largest city in the U.S., it’s filled with world-class architecture and technological advancements. It’s a center for manufacturing and transportation industries and has become a tech sector mecca.1
But rather than being the apple of America’s eye, Chicago has become known as “a center for murder, crime and corruption.” A person is shot every three hours and 41 minutes in “The Windy City.” This despite having some of the toughest gun control laws in the country.
Someone is murdered every 15 hours and 54 minutes in Chicago. According to statistics cited in the video, you’re more likely to be murdered in Chicago than die as a civilian in the Ukraine-Russia war. The violence in Chicago is primarily Black on Black, and most victims are Black men under the age of 25. How did this happen? How did Chicago become a center for crime rather than advancement?
Why are political leaders implementing policies that, obviously, will result in more rather than less crime? They’re intentionally implemented because the end result is a desired one. Chicago is not alone in this folly. Seattle, Los Angeles and many other Democrat-run cities have implemented similar policies, and the end result is the same everywhere.
We have the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) well-laid plans for the cities of the future.6,7 They want tiny self-contained vertical cities where your every move is surveilled and countryside excursions are forbidden. To get there, they must destroy the old infrastructure and rebuild according to new specifications.

Coordinated Effort to Unleash Lawlessness Across America

The key takeaway here is that the promotion of lawlessness is not restricted to Chicago. Chicago is just one example of the moral degradation that is happening in virtually every major U.S. city.
Violent criminals are released from prisons in many major cities and state prosecutors are either handing out slaps on the wrist or refusing to prosecute violent offenders altogether. That’s intentional. You don’t have to have some special Ph.D. to realize that if there’s no punishment for looting and murder, more people will loot and kill.
According to FBI data, on average, murder and manslaughter in U.S. cities with a population over 10,000 increased 26% between 2010 and 2020; rape increased by 38%, aggravated assault by 29% and car theft by 48%.
Those are averages. Some cities are far worse than others.10 To dig deeper, see CBS News’ “Murder Map,”11 the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s “Homicide Mortality by State” map,12 and/or World Population Review’s “Cities with the Most Murders 2023” map.13 It’s worth noting that 18 of the 20 cities with the highest murder rates have Democrat mayors.

Save Yourself — Move Out of the Cities

My advice? If you live in a big city — any major metropolitan area — consider moving to a smaller one, preferably in a less “woke” state where lawlessness is not openly embraced and accepted as some form of “equity” arrangement.
Your and your family’s safety, security and long-term welfare may depend on it, because it’s only going to get worse from here. We can easily predict this because the degradation we’re currently seeing is clearly intentional.

It appears many are taking the advice of Dr. Mercola and those who are not part of the crime and corruption that is destroying this nation's large cities are packing up to move. By the time the new Chicago mayor's and New York city implement their tax plans, there may not be many people remaining in that city to tax.
An excerpt from this excellent but depressing article...if I am not mistaken, all these cities are run by Democrats and have Democrats as mayors.
Things have changed in America, we now seem to be like pre-war Bosnia, with people taking sides and arming up.
And we can thank Maoist/DSA Democrats and our quisling media for that.
It must be understood that when the Culture Wars get hot and we enter into another Civil War, it won’t be between the states.
It’ll be between the urban cities and the rural flyover country areas.
When the cities are held under siege and unable to import/export fundamental goods and services, they will crumble and self-destruct in a matter of months.
Maoist/DSA Democrat-controlled States and cities are all suffering from bad financial decisions of the past and increased crime. Their solutions are added to those budget woes and implementation of policies that only serve to increase crime.
If you live in a big city and can legally carry a gun, it is my advice to start considering doing so. In a number of states you don’t even need a license to pack heat. However you know yourself best and if you suffer from an anger management problem or abuse alcohol or drugs then owning a firearm is a bad idea. If you have young children you have to also consider ways to secure your handguns.

If you are unfamiliar with handguns it might be wise to take a course and learn how to use one safely. A common mistake many people make is to carry a full sized handgun. They discover after a while that doing so is a pain in the ass so they leave your weapon behind when they go the the store to get milk. Fortunately today there are many compact handguns that are easy to conceal and very light. Such firearms are more difficult to shoot at longer ranges and often have considerable recoil. See if you can go to a range and rent different handguns to find the best one for you.

You want to practice shooting with your handgun as you should consider yourself responsible for every round you will fire in legitimate self defense if you ever have to use your weapon.

Even if you live in a rural area, bad things can happen. I live in a small town in the panhandle of Florida and I carry and so do many of the people I know. In July Floridians will be able to carry concealed without a license and you can bet a good number will start.

If You Live in a Major US City, It’s Probably Time to Move

20 May 2023 ~~ By Dr.. Joseph Mercola

Although this may seem to be an article focusing on Chicago, please realize Chicago is only being used as an example of the moral decay and corruption in virtually every major city in the United States. It serves as a stark warning to relocate if you are in one of these areas.
As noted by ReallyGraceful in the video above, Chicago, Illinois, ought to be “a haven of the United States.” The third largest city in the U.S., it’s filled with world-class architecture and technological advancements. It’s a center for manufacturing and transportation industries and has become a tech sector mecca.1
But rather than being the apple of America’s eye, Chicago has become known as “a center for murder, crime and corruption.” A person is shot every three hours and 41 minutes in “The Windy City.” This despite having some of the toughest gun control laws in the country.
Someone is murdered every 15 hours and 54 minutes in Chicago. According to statistics cited in the video, you’re more likely to be murdered in Chicago than die as a civilian in the Ukraine-Russia war. The violence in Chicago is primarily Black on Black, and most victims are Black men under the age of 25. How did this happen? How did Chicago become a center for crime rather than advancement?
Why are political leaders implementing policies that, obviously, will result in more rather than less crime? They’re intentionally implemented because the end result is a desired one. Chicago is not alone in this folly. Seattle, Los Angeles and many other Democrat-run cities have implemented similar policies, and the end result is the same everywhere.
We have the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) well-laid plans for the cities of the future.6,7 They want tiny self-contained vertical cities where your every move is surveilled and countryside excursions are forbidden. To get there, they must destroy the old infrastructure and rebuild according to new specifications.

Coordinated Effort to Unleash Lawlessness Across America

The key takeaway here is that the promotion of lawlessness is not restricted to Chicago. Chicago is just one example of the moral degradation that is happening in virtually every major U.S. city.
Violent criminals are released from prisons in many major cities and state prosecutors are either handing out slaps on the wrist or refusing to prosecute violent offenders altogether. That’s intentional. You don’t have to have some special Ph.D. to realize that if there’s no punishment for looting and murder, more people will loot and kill.
According to FBI data, on average, murder and manslaughter in U.S. cities with a population over 10,000 increased 26% between 2010 and 2020; rape increased by 38%, aggravated assault by 29% and car theft by 48%.
Those are averages. Some cities are far worse than others.10 To dig deeper, see CBS News’ “Murder Map,”11 the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s “Homicide Mortality by State” map,12 and/or World Population Review’s “Cities with the Most Murders 2023” map.13 It’s worth noting that 18 of the 20 cities with the highest murder rates have Democrat mayors.

Save Yourself — Move Out of the Cities

My advice? If you live in a big city — any major metropolitan area — consider moving to a smaller one, preferably in a less “woke” state where lawlessness is not openly embraced and accepted as some form of “equity” arrangement.
Your and your family’s safety, security and long-term welfare may depend on it, because it’s only going to get worse from here. We can easily predict this because the degradation we’re currently seeing is clearly intentional.

It appears many are taking the advice of Dr. Mercola and those who are not part of the crime and corruption that is destroying this nation's large cities are packing up to move. By the time the new Chicago mayor's and New York city implement their tax plans, there may not be many people remaining in that city to tax.
An excerpt from this excellent but depressing article...if I am not mistaken, all these cities are run by Democrats and have Democrats as mayors.
Things have changed in America, we now seem to be like pre-war Bosnia, with people taking sides and arming up.
And we can thank Maoist/DSA Democrats and our quisling media for that.
It must be understood that when the Culture Wars get hot and we enter into another Civil War, it won’t be between the states.
It’ll be between the urban cities and the rural flyover country areas.
When the cities are held under siege and unable to import/export fundamental goods and services, they will crumble and self-destruct in a matter of months.
Maoist/DSA Democrat-controlled States and cities are all suffering from bad financial decisions of the past and increased crime. Their solutions are added to those budget woes and implementation of policies that only serve to increase crime.
I knew this a long time ago.

I grew up in a shithole inner city and got the fuck out as soon as I could.

If You Live in a Major US City, It’s Probably Time to Move

20 May 2023 ~~ By Dr.. Joseph Mercola

Although this may seem to be an article focusing on Chicago, please realize Chicago is only being used as an example of the moral decay and corruption in virtually every major city in the United States. It serves as a stark warning to relocate if you are in one of these areas.
As noted by ReallyGraceful in the video above, Chicago, Illinois, ought to be “a haven of the United States.” The third largest city in the U.S., it’s filled with world-class architecture and technological advancements. It’s a center for manufacturing and transportation industries and has become a tech sector mecca.1
But rather than being the apple of America’s eye, Chicago has become known as “a center for murder, crime and corruption.” A person is shot every three hours and 41 minutes in “The Windy City.” This despite having some of the toughest gun control laws in the country.
Someone is murdered every 15 hours and 54 minutes in Chicago. According to statistics cited in the video, you’re more likely to be murdered in Chicago than die as a civilian in the Ukraine-Russia war. The violence in Chicago is primarily Black on Black, and most victims are Black men under the age of 25. How did this happen? How did Chicago become a center for crime rather than advancement?
Why are political leaders implementing policies that, obviously, will result in more rather than less crime? They’re intentionally implemented because the end result is a desired one. Chicago is not alone in this folly. Seattle, Los Angeles and many other Democrat-run cities have implemented similar policies, and the end result is the same everywhere.
We have the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) well-laid plans for the cities of the future.6,7 They want tiny self-contained vertical cities where your every move is surveilled and countryside excursions are forbidden. To get there, they must destroy the old infrastructure and rebuild according to new specifications.

Coordinated Effort to Unleash Lawlessness Across America

The key takeaway here is that the promotion of lawlessness is not restricted to Chicago. Chicago is just one example of the moral degradation that is happening in virtually every major U.S. city.
Violent criminals are released from prisons in many major cities and state prosecutors are either handing out slaps on the wrist or refusing to prosecute violent offenders altogether. That’s intentional. You don’t have to have some special Ph.D. to realize that if there’s no punishment for looting and murder, more people will loot and kill.
According to FBI data, on average, murder and manslaughter in U.S. cities with a population over 10,000 increased 26% between 2010 and 2020; rape increased by 38%, aggravated assault by 29% and car theft by 48%.
Those are averages. Some cities are far worse than others.10 To dig deeper, see CBS News’ “Murder Map,”11 the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s “Homicide Mortality by State” map,12 and/or World Population Review’s “Cities with the Most Murders 2023” map.13 It’s worth noting that 18 of the 20 cities with the highest murder rates have Democrat mayors.

Save Yourself — Move Out of the Cities

My advice? If you live in a big city — any major metropolitan area — consider moving to a smaller one, preferably in a less “woke” state where lawlessness is not openly embraced and accepted as some form of “equity” arrangement.
Your and your family’s safety, security and long-term welfare may depend on it, because it’s only going to get worse from here. We can easily predict this because the degradation we’re currently seeing is clearly intentional.

It appears many are taking the advice of Dr. Mercola and those who are not part of the crime and corruption that is destroying this nation's large cities are packing up to move. By the time the new Chicago mayor's and New York city implement their tax plans, there may not be many people remaining in that city to tax.
An excerpt from this excellent but depressing article...if I am not mistaken, all these cities are run by Democrats and have Democrats as mayors.
Things have changed in America, we now seem to be like pre-war Bosnia, with people taking sides and arming up.
And we can thank Maoist/DSA Democrats and our quisling media for that.
It must be understood that when the Culture Wars get hot and we enter into another Civil War, it won’t be between the states.
It’ll be between the urban cities and the rural flyover country areas.
When the cities are held under siege and unable to import/export fundamental goods and services, they will crumble and self-destruct in a matter of months.
Maoist/DSA Democrat-controlled States and cities are all suffering from bad financial decisions of the past and increased crime. Their solutions are added to those budget woes and implementation of policies that only serve to increase crime.
That being said, it ain’t the place that’s bad, it’s the people.
I guess fear of the big cities is the Republican fear for the day.

Pretty soon, there won't be anything new left for y'all to be scared of, chicken shits.
White liberals fear them too. They move out as well, but keep voting for the same stupid policies that ruined those once great cities.

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