If you find a bag of Money and Keep it are you a "Thief"?

Have you ever found money? Did you return it everytime?


I am rather saddened by the fact you could not anticipate similar responses. The world is not quite as bad as you think it is.

You're saddened? You need to get out more. Of course I thought some would say yes and some would say no...because oh sad one, those are the only 2 choices. Run along and dont play with the razors today.
Face it. You are a dishonest individual. Shame on you.

Yes an open ended question is as dishonest as it gets. Hopefully your sadness is increased.
Oh please. Don't play games. You'd keep the money and not feel anything bad about it.

In your world you can make everyone the bad guy.
Brother was teaching school and some kids found a wallet on the way home from school and turned it in....the next week on the school's announcements, the Principal called the kids up and congratulated them and stated he was sure any other student would do the same. My brother said that he could hear the laughter throughout the campus and one of his own students was laughing the loudest and calling the boys fools for turning the wallet in.

Two weeks later, that same kid lost his wallet during recess and was appalled and complained that no one turned it in.


Karma is bullshit.

To answer the OP's question: only if you get caught.
Yes you see if it is not yours you do not have the right to take it.

Have you ever found money? Did you return it everytime?

I've found wallets with the ID in them a couple of times, and returned them to the owners. They were quite thankful. Conversely, someone found mr. boe's wallet once, and sent it to us via mail. We were quite relieved.

That's happened to me too, and that's how it should work.

But in this case were there any identifying marks on the satchel that would direct the finder where to go with it? The story doesn't say. If not, for all the finder knows it could have been abandoned by a drug merchant on the run, or anything.

A satchel in good shape sitting on the side of the road, even totally empty, might be a useful find.
I wonder if the bank employee is looking for a job today.
bank teller might be but the loss of 100 at the count out from the shift could have landed them in jail.


So, the ATM pickup guy leaves a bag of money on the side of the road. Some other guys pick up the bag and it looks like they didnt know what was in it to begin with.

Does that technically make you a thief? Even the news guy asked the police "Was a crime committed?"

If you find a car open with the car keys in it- and drive off with it- does that technically make you a car thief?

We're not talking about cars...keep up

Feel free to point out the legal or moral distinctions between property that is cash and property that is a car when it comes to theft versus 'finders keepers'?

Ok, Can you drive a small amount of car? Can you find a small amount of money?

Now if you need an explanation further than that then my answer is No Bitch
so, you have never seen a Prius or a Smart Car?
If I were to find that kind of money and I had no idea who it belonged to, I would give it to the police.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Now I have found a five dollar bill in the parking lot of the store two times and because I didn't know who it belonged to either time, I kept it both times and when I find money like that, I do try to do some good with it at least.


So, the ATM pickup guy leaves a bag of money on the side of the road. Some other guys pick up the bag and it looks like they didnt know what was in it to begin with.

Does that technically make you a thief? Even the news guy asked the police "Was a crime committed?"

Fuck no. You're one lucky bastard and I'm jealous as hell. LOL
Yes you see if it is not yours you do not have the right to take it.

Have you ever found money? Did you return it everytime?

Most states have a standard of reasonableness. If you find a 5 bill...it's reasonable that the owner will never be found.

You find a bag of 150,000? Somebody is looking for that.

You find a police handgun on the ground? You find a bag full of diamonds next to a jewelry shop? Call police.

Petite Larceny can technically be charged if "a reasonable person" knows the item is likely being sought by the owner, and location of the owner is possible or likely by police.

People don't report they lost 10 bucks. They report they lost 150000.


So, the ATM pickup guy leaves a bag of money on the side of the road. Some other guys pick up the bag and it looks like they didnt know what was in it to begin with.

Does that technically make you a thief? Even the news guy asked the police "Was a crime committed?"

How sad for you that you even have to ask this question.


So, the ATM pickup guy leaves a bag of money on the side of the road. Some other guys pick up the bag and it looks like they didnt know what was in it to begin with.

Does that technically make you a thief? Even the news guy asked the police "Was a crime committed?"

How sad for you that you even have to ask this question.

You're sad a lot.....Erectile Dysfunction got ya down?
This story sucks: I was thinking somebody just stumbled upon a nondescript bag full of cash and was arrested for taking it. To which I would say: "Bullshit! That bag is finders keepers!"
But, no: This bag would have obviously belonged to a business and therefore should have been returned. I would hope the ATM company would have given a reward for its return, but, you can't just take the cash and think everything is just fine. Does it really constitute theft? I think so. If I leave my keys in my car, that may look like an invitation to take it, but it's still my car and no one has a right to touch it without my permission. This cash was not left there by the owner for the purpose of someone's enrichment, it still belonged to the owner.
If there is an obvious way to return it ie wallet, or something like this. Most definitely .

finding something small in an odd place with absolutely no way to find "owner" ...then its an unexpected gift.

I am rather saddened by the fact you could not anticipate similar responses. The world is not quite as bad as you think it is.

You're saddened? You need to get out more. Of course I thought some would say yes and some would say no...because oh sad one, those are the only 2 choices. Run along and dont play with the razors today.
Face it. You are a dishonest individual. Shame on you.

Yes an open ended question is as dishonest as it gets. Hopefully your sadness is increased.
Oh please. Don't play games. You'd keep the money and not feel anything bad about it.

In your world you can make everyone the bad guy.
If one is dishonest, they ARE the bad guy.
You didn't earn it. It's not yours. You don't keep it.
Civilized people follow this path
I was at Walmart today and the total for my stuff was $94 and some change. I gave the illegal hired to do the cashiers job a $100 dollar bill.The illegal gave me back $36 and some change. I thanked her and told her how happy I was that Wally World has such liberal hiring policies.

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