If you are critical of Tucker Carlson talking to Putin, listen to this Russian and how she feels

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
Democrats will claim Tucker is under the spell of his master, but the facts are that, of course Putin is a master of propaganda, all of us know that, but do you think the Russians believe him? According to this actual Russia, of course they do not. They know Putin invaded. They believe he is wrong. Hear it for yourself and feel free to comment. Tucker Carlson no doubt knows he was lied to by Putin. Journalists must listen to liars. Like they listen to Biden propagandize all of us.
Democrats will claim Tucker is under the spell of his master, but the facts are that, of course Putin is a master of propaganda, all of us know that, but do you think the Russians believe him? According to this actual Russia, of course they do not. They know Putin invaded. They believe he is wrong. Hear it for yourself and feel free to comment. Tucker Carlson no doubt knows he was lied to by Putin. Journalists must listen to liars. Like they listen to Biden propagandize all of us.

Did you watch Tuckers pathetic interview? Did you hear Putin rag on him afterwards for being so soft?

How embarrassing.

I’m sure there are plenty of Russians that see through Putins charade. Don't see what you think that proves
Did you watch Tuckers pathetic interview? Did you hear Putin rag on him afterwards for being so soft?

How embarrassing.

I’m sure there are plenty of Russians that see through Putins charade. Don't see what you think that proves
Why don't you criticise any Democrats?
Why don't you criticise any Democrats?
I do. Think Biden is too old for the job and should t be the nominee. Never was a fan of Kamala and don’t like her in the VP spot. Dem party as a whole is full of hot air and partisan games. I’d like to see a smart third party candidate or candidates come to the surface.

Now can we get back to the topic?

Me criticizing Dems doesn’t have anything to do with anything
Slade3200 said:
Did you watch Tuckers pathetic interview? Did you hear Putin rag on him afterwards for being so soft?

How embarrassing.

I’m sure there are plenty of Russians that see through Putins charade. Don't see what you think that proves
Do you think she was not also critical? Why are you not discussing her and why are you bringing up Tucker?
Democrats will claim Tucker is under the spell of his master, but the facts are that, of course Putin is a master of propaganda, all of us know that, but do you think the Russians believe him? According to this actual Russia, of course they do not. They know Putin invaded. They believe he is wrong. Hear it for yourself and feel free to comment. Tucker Carlson no doubt knows he was lied to by Putin. Journalists must listen to liars. Like they listen to Biden propagandize all of us.

NATO invaded Ukraine ....Putin responded.
NATO invaded Ukraine ....Putin responded.
Maybe you never read the NATO charter, but I have read it. NATO by that document can't invade. Who was troubling Putin to ??force him to invade Ukraine? I got pissed at Clinton for bombing Yugoslavia and blaming it on NATO. Clinton lied.
Putin is very popular in Russia.
The people know the the western nations have wanted to neuter Russia and break it up for decades.
After the fall of the Berlin wall and the Soviet Union became a footnote in the history books.
Promises were made to Russia that NATO wouldn't expand.
Which turned out to be a blatant lie.
Putin drew the line and said there would be dire consequences if Ukraine became a member of NATO.
Publicly the West assured Putin that Ukraine wouldn't be allowed to join NATO.
But behind the scenes there were plans headed up by senior members of the White House to allow Ukraine to join NATO within the next two years.
Putin was left with no choice but to act to protect his country and its people.
Putin is very popular in Russia.
The people know the the western nations have wanted to neuter Russia and break it up for decades.
After the fall of the Berlin wall and the Soviet Union became a footnote in the history books.
Promises were made to Russia that NATO wouldn't expand.
Which turned out to be a blatant lie.
Putin drew the line and said there would be consequences if Ukraine became a member of NATO.
Publicly the west assured Putin that Ukraine wouldn't be allowed to join NATO.
But behind the scenes there were plans headed up by senior members of the White House to allow Ukraine to join NATO within the next two years.
Putin was left with no choice but to act to protect his country and its people.
What you claim would in a weak way defend Putin. But Ukraine is not in NATO. Russia has no say so over NATO.
Putin is very popular in Russia.
The people know the the western nations have wanted to neuter Russia and break it up for decades.
After the fall of the Berlin wall and the Soviet Union became a footnote in the history books.
Promises were made to Russia that NATO wouldn't expand.
Which turned out to be a blatant lie.
Putin drew the line and said there would be dire consequences if Ukraine became a member of NATO.
Publicly the West assured Putin that Ukraine wouldn't be allowed to join NATO.
But behind the scenes there were plans headed up by senior members of the White House to allow Ukraine to join NATO within the next two years.
Putin was left with no choice but to act to protect his country and its people.

Protect Russia from Ukraine? Are you kidding?
Putin is very popular in Russia.
The people know the the western nations have wanted to neuter Russia and break it up for decades.
After the fall of the Berlin wall and the Soviet Union became a footnote in the history books.
Promises were made to Russia that NATO wouldn't expand.
Which turned out to be a blatant lie.
Putin drew the line and said there would be dire consequences if Ukraine became a member of NATO.
Publicly the West assured Putin that Ukraine wouldn't be allowed to join NATO.
But behind the scenes there were plans headed up by senior members of the White House to allow Ukraine to join NATO within the next two years.
Putin was left with no choice but to act to protect his country and its people.

Ukraine can begin to expose its economy to more foreign competition and investment and truly live up to its potential only if it cracks down on corruption and encourages domestic competition.
Why in the world would you spend time being critical of Tucker Carlson when the freaking Country is going down the tubes? Yeah it's true that Putin was a high ranking KGB agent and the KGB's skill in propaganda plays American liberals like a violin and makes the CIA look like amateurs.
Why in the world would you spend time being critical of Tucker Carlson when the freaking Country is going down the tubes? Yeah it's true that Putin was a high ranking KGB agent and the KGB's skill in propaganda plays American liberals like a violin and makes the CIA look like amateurs.
It also sends a dozen coffins a year home to the CIA....has been for the last 40 years

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