If WW3 starts, will the draft come back?

Why do you assume they would align with the US?

Maybe because they are becoming a key US ally in the region?

That in 2016 India and the US signed a Logistics Exchange Agreement, and agreed to support each other in the event either one was invaded?

What do you think they would side with China or Russia? In case you did not know, India and China have been having off and on border clashes for decades. And while they have had close relations with the Soviets and Russia. they have been increasingly been pulling back from that in recent years. Especially in the last two, as several military projects they had been building for India are now pretty much on permanent hold. Like the seven Nilgiri class and four Talwar class frigates that Russia was building for India. They are sitting in various forms of completion, and work has pretty much stopped on all of them because of the International sanctions against Russia. Major components of all eleven ships (like engines) were coming from various countries including Ukraine, Germany, and the US. And needless to say, those parts are not going to be arriving in Russia any time soon.

India has been trying to steer a middle course, but they also realize that if they get into a conflict ay any time in the near future they might be screwed. So much of their equipment is now Soviet-Russian made, and there are serious worries in the country about replacement parts and upgrades in the future. A problem their two largest potential adversaries do not have as Pakistan gets most of their equipment from the US, France, and China. And China primarily makes their own equipment, even if it is of Soviet design.
Did you even know India is seriously considering changing its name?

Well, both yes and no.

Internally, India is known as "Bharat", but it has in their constitution that they are known as both Bharat and India. So in reality, that is no real different than Deutschland, Nippon-koku, or many other nations that have one word for their country they use internally, but the world most commonly uses another one.

But since February of last year, India has been increasingly reaching out to the US and other nations as they are seeing their own security put at risk by the actions of Russia.
I hear that our US military doesn't currently have enough staffing to fight a conventional war. So, if WW3 starts, does that mean we will need to bring back the draft? I have a grandson who is draft age, so this concerns me.
Get him a 3 %r tattoo and a trump bumper sticker ...they won't take him but the fbi might follow him around
It is my impression that the draft is still there, waiting to be employed if necessary. It would probably be used if only to provide the appearance of urgency and universal participation. It is unlikely draftees would ever make it to any "front".
but Venezuela would align with Iran.


Venezuela, with their whopping $4.6 million dollar military budget. To put that in perspective, that is about 10% of the budget for the Ohio National Guard.

Their military has been even more of a joke the last several years than it had been before. I still laugh when I remember a few years ago when they lost one of their patrol boats because they tried to order a cruise ship in International waters to follow them to their base. And when the ship refused to comply, they rammed it. The end result being minimal superficial damage to the cruise ship, and the Venezuelan patrol boat sank.

If that was to happen and I was Iran, I would be begging Venezuela to not side with me and to join the nations fighting against them. Going to war with the Venezuelan military on your side would be like going to war with the Three Stooges on your side.
I hear that our US military doesn't currently have enough staffing to fight a conventional war. So, if WW3 starts, does that mean we will need to bring back the draft? I have a grandson who is draft age, so this concerns me.
If WWIII starts with tactical nuclear weapons and things get out of hand there will be no draft. Not enough young men will be alive and it will be impossible to contact, transport and supply enough to make a difference.

Maybe because they are becoming a key US ally in the region?

That in 2016 India and the US signed a Logistics Exchange Agreement, and agreed to support each other in the event either one was invaded?

What do you think they would side with China or Russia? In case you did not know, India and China have been having off and on border clashes for decades. And while they have had close relations with the Soviets and Russia. they have been increasingly been pulling back from that in recent years. Especially in the last two, as several military projects they had been building for India are now pretty much on permanent hold. Like the seven Nilgiri class and four Talwar class frigates that Russia was building for India. They are sitting in various forms of completion, and work has pretty much stopped on all of them because of the International sanctions against Russia. Major components of all eleven ships (like engines) were coming from various countries including Ukraine, Germany, and the US. And needless to say, those parts are not going to be arriving in Russia any time soon.

India has been trying to steer a middle course, but they also realize that if they get into a conflict ay any time in the near future they might be screwed. So much of their equipment is now Soviet-Russian made, and there are serious worries in the country about replacement parts and upgrades in the future. A problem their two largest potential adversaries do not have as Pakistan gets most of their equipment from the US, France, and China. And China primarily makes their own equipment, even if it is of Soviet design.
They are also bought a shit ton of Russian oil. India is going to do what's best for India. (as they should). That might mean aligning with the US in this hypothetical war but it's certainly not a forgone conclusion. Which is my point,. Every person making some prediction about the next WW is 100% talking out of their ass as there are far too many unknowns about said war to make any real conclusions. I guess we can add you to that list.

Venezuela, with their whopping $4.6 million dollar military budget. To put that in perspective, that is about 10% of the budget for the Ohio National Guard.

Their military has been even more of a joke the last several years than it had been before. I still laugh when I remember a few years ago when they lost one of their patrol boats because they tried to order a cruise ship in International waters to follow them to their base. And when the ship refused to comply, they rammed it. The end result being minimal superficial damage to the cruise ship, and the Venezuelan patrol boat sank.

If that was to happen and I was Iran, I would be begging Venezuela to not side with me and to join the nations fighting against them. Going to war with the Venezuelan military on your side would be like going to war with the Three Stooges on your side.

Yeah but they have a shit ton of oil which makes them important and thus something we would have to deal with one way or another. The same with Brazil. Even if they align with the US their lack of military power almost makes them more of a problem. We couldn't allow their resources to be taken and we definitely wouldn't want who ever it is we are fighting to establish a beachhead in SA.
1.4 million on active duty means zilch if you can get them to the battle. They would be great against Pakistan or China because they can walk! India is more closely allied with the US as their Prime Minister was in Washington a few months back. Did you even know India is seriously considering changing its name? You seem to be the one that cannot read the tea leaves.
My point was that I don't know with any amount of certainty where countries like India would come down. We don't even know the circumstances by which this hypothetical war was started so how could we? And neither do you. You're making a bunch of assumptions with no basis to do so. If India decided to side with China, Russia and Iran that takes a lot of pressure off of those countries. If they side with the US and Europe, they are essentially surrounded (China to the NE, Russia and the stans to the N, Pakistan and Iran to the NW) with no one to really help defend them. That would have to play into their decision. It would allow the Indians to over run their historical enemies the Pakistanis. I highly doubt Russia, China or Iran would care. Once that happens the 2.8 million troops they can bring to bear means a lot in the European theater. It would allow countries like Russia to bring everything to the European front. Their south and east are secure. Iran could push through Iraq and Syria all the way to the Med with India's help for the promise of cheap oil and gas. India is a developing resource hungry nation. Why should they want to promulgate the US/European hegemony in the world?

Venezuela, with their whopping $4.6 million dollar military budget. To put that in perspective, that is about 10% of the budget for the Ohio National Guard.

Their military has been even more of a joke the last several years than it had been before. I still laugh when I remember a few years ago when they lost one of their patrol boats because they tried to order a cruise ship in International waters to follow them to their base. And when the ship refused to comply, they rammed it. The end result being minimal superficial damage to the cruise ship, and the Venezuelan patrol boat sank.

If that was to happen and I was Iran, I would be begging Venezuela to not side with me and to join the nations fighting against them. Going to war with the Venezuelan military on your side would be like going to war with the Three Stooges on your side.

Shroom, I think you missed the gist of the conversation. He asked who Venezuela would align with in a world war. I think you can see my point. They were claiming that there would not be a real world war unless every country participated, which is total BS.
My point was that I don't know with any amount of certainty where countries like India would come down. We don't even know the circumstances by which this hypothetical war was started so how could we? And neither do you. You're making a bunch of assumptions with no basis to do so. If India decided to side with China, Russia and Iran that takes a lot of pressure off of those countries. If they side with the US and Europe, they are essentially surrounded (China to the NE, Russia and the stans to the N, Pakistan and Iran to the NW) with no one to really help defend them. That would have to play into their decision. It would allow the Indians to over run their historical enemies the Pakistanis. I highly doubt Russia, China or Iran would care. Once that happens the 2.8 million troops they can bring to bear means a lot in the European theater. It would allow countries like Russia to bring everything to the European front. Their south and east are secure. Iran could push through Iraq and Syria all the way to the Med with India's help for the promise of cheap oil and gas. India is a developing resource hungry nation. Why should they want to promulgate the US/European hegemony in the world?
You really should write comedy. It is apparent you have no sense of the world's political alliances, how they came to be, and are changing. India despises China and often fights border skirmishes with them in the east. For a very long time, they aligned with the USSR because we supported Pakistan until we found out they were backstabbing us at every opportunity. India has a extremely large geographical advantage much like ancient Rome had. The mountains to the north limits the employment of ground trips in almost any situation. Also, did you forget India has nuclear weapons also?
They were claiming that there would not be a real world war unless every country participated, which is total BS.

Of course it is. Quite a lot of major nations simply sat out both World Wars.

Spain in WWII being one of the biggest ones. As was Sweden, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. Almost all of Central and South America sat that war out also.

And I would not be so sure on Brazil. They are in a key position and could largely cut off transit between the North and South Atlantic. I still remember when the UK and Argentina had their tiff a few decades ago, and a lot of people had legitimate concerns on what might have happened if Brazil had decided to get involved and side with Argentina.

And a lot of their fleet is actually pretty modern.
If they side with the US and Europe, they are essentially surrounded (China to the NE, Russia and the stans to the N, Pakistan and Iran to the NW) with no one to really help defend them.

Uhhh, you really need a map, that is obvious.


And no, they do not share a border with Iran. That is two freaking nations over, on the other side of both Pakistan and Afghanistan. And neither of those two nations is "northwest", both are due west of India

And stans to the North"? Uhhh, the only thing really to the north of India is China.

It is obvious that geography is not your strong suit, is it?

Now, do I need to overlay that simple political map with a topographical map, to show how the majority of India is actually largely safe from invasion?
Uhhh, you really need a map, that is obvious.


And no, they do not share a border with Iran. That is two freaking nations over, on the other side of both Pakistan and Afghanistan. And neither of those two nations is "northwest", both are due west of India

I never said they shared a border with Iran.
And stans to the North"? Uhhh, the only thing really to the north of India is China.

It is obvious that geography is not your strong suit, is it?

Now, do I need to overlay that simple political map with a topographical map, to show how the majority of India is actually largely safe from invasion?
Talk about needing a map


Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran are all NW of India. I know I've actually been there.

And the stans are N of India. Some a little west. Again, spent large portions of my adult life in the area so Im pretty aware of the geography.
And the stans are N of India.

Other than Pakistan and Afghanistan, none of them border India. And are you even aware that is among the most impassable terrain on the planet? India could put little old ladies with frying pans in there and hold off an attacking army.

So what exactly is the threat from there?

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